
Episode 1

(The episode opens with football field, where Victor and the winning team are playing a game together)

(Victor: an African American high school boy enters the locker room, when the coach who has red hair, wearing a white shirt with red stripes, brown shorts, and white shoes comes)

Victor: What's up, coach?

The coach: Guess, who's got offered a scholarship

Victor: No way! (Holds the paper) Are you serious, coach?

(The coach nodded)

(Victor smiles)

(The screen switches to an African American girl who has long hair, wearing a green shirt with long sleeves, skirt, and white shoes named Kanisha cheering with other girls)

Victor (takes Kanisha): Excuse me ladies

Kanisha: What's up

(Victor stops by the bleachers)

Victor: I got a football scholarship

Kanisha (looks amazed): No way!

Victor: Yeah

Kanisha: Congratulations, I knew (gives Victor a thumbs up) you could do it

(The cheerleaders are talking among each other)

One cheerleader with blonde hair: Are you sure, they aren't a couple?

Another cheerleader: Nope

(They see Kanisha being hugged by Victor)

(The screen switches to a mysterious person in the dark flip a switch)

(A cheerleader sees something falling)

(Something lands on Kanisha and Victor)

(Episode ends with the cheerleaders running into the school)