
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

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191 Chs

Chapter 59

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Outside Tang Yu's office door, two Arasaka private bodyguards were requesting a meeting. They sported traditional samurai topknots and were dressed in Arasaka security's black uniforms, with red cybernetic neck implants designed to enhance the neural blood vessel connections between brain and body. Their appearance drew much attention; passing employees cast curious glances, scanning to discover their identities—Michiko's personal bodyguards. Interest among the onlookers grew stronger.

The twenty-millimeter-thick alloy gate slid open slowly. One of the Arasaka bodyguards stepped into the office while his partner continued to stand guard at the door. Tang Yu remained seated at his desk, holding a glass of cool water. The bodyguard walked up to the desk, bowed slightly, and got straight to the point.

"Good day, Mr. Tang," the bodyguard said, "Miss Michiko requests your presence at the boardroom immediately. Please come with us."

As Michiko's personal bodyguard, his position was not insignificant. His presence to personally invite Tang Yu signified the importance Michiko placed on this meeting. Tang Yu was surprised by Michiko's quick action. The board meeting had just ended, and it was Michiko herself who had proposed the promotion.

A simple private meeting could have been arranged with a phone call from a secretary; there was no need for such a grand gesture. To send two personal bodyguards to invite him publicly to her office made the intention to win him over all too obvious. Tang Yu had no prior dealings with Michiko and was certainly not a loyalist to the 'dove faction' of the Arasaka Corporation. Following this private meeting, regardless of Tang Yu's acceptance, he would be labeled as part of the 'dove faction'.

Getting involved in the Arasaka family feud too early was not part of his plan. "Oh, Michiko, you do work fast," Tang Yu thought, feeling somewhat vexed by the situation, yet finding it inescapable. However, seeing the Arasaka bodyguard's posture gave him a somewhat amused perspective on the entrenched corporate dog culture, where direct demands were made without courtesies.

"You may wait outside," Tang Yu said evenly.

The Arasaka bodyguard hesitated for a moment, noticing Tang Yu still sitting with his glass of water, showing no intention of getting up. Annoyed, he reminded, "Please, Mr. Tang, do not keep Miss Michiko waiting."

After speaking, he turned and left the office to wait outside. "Using Michiko to pressure me?" Tang Yu shook his head helplessly. He didn't think much of those who relied on others' power. He decided to linger in his office alone for a moment, given the abruptness of the invitation, needing time to contemplate.

"I can't be the only one on the hot seat; I need someone else to share the spotlight," Tang Yu concluded. He decided to touch base with Jenkins first, planning to make his way there. Visiting Michiko directly, bypassing his superiors, would only solidify suspicions of his affiliation with the 'dove faction', hard to dispel later on. By pushing Jenkins into the limelight, he could comfortably watch from the shadows.

Workplace gossip traveled fast, and any scandalous rumor could catch Saburo's attention, which wouldn't be ideal. The alloy gate opened once again. Tang Yu headed straight for the Director's office, ignoring the two Arasaka bodyguards at the entrance. Having clarified his thoughts, he decided to meet with Jenkins first. The two bodyguards hurriedly followed Tang Yu, noting his direction away from the communal elevator and Michiko's location; their expressions turned anxious, and they quickened their pace."Mr. Tang, Miss Michiko is still waiting for you in the office. Please hurry over now," the two bodyguards bowed and flanked Tang Yu on either side, each extending a hand in a 'please' gesture.

Tang Yu, seeing the two deliberately surrounding him, urging him to meet with Michiko, stopped in his tracks and gave them a cold look.

"What is it?"

The two bodyguards also stopped, bowed, and continued to explain.

"Miss Michiko is already waiting for you in the office. Everything else should come afterward. Meeting with Miss Michiko is of utmost importance."

Their manners were respectful, but they exuded the arrogance typical of the Arasaka contingent.

Tang Yu was no longer polite, replying with an icy tone.

"I need to discuss the briefing details with Mr. Jenkins, which is exactly what Miss Michiko is concerned about."

"Will the two of you go and explain it to her if she asks?"

Caught off guard by the sudden question, the two bodyguards were speechless, looking at each other in bewilderment.

They had only received instructions from Miss Michiko to invite Tang Yu to the office and had no idea about the specifics of the matter.

If what Tang Yu said was true.

Indeed, they should communicate with the superiors before meeting Miss Michiko to avoid being clueless.

The two Arasaka bodyguards were in a dilemma, standing still, unsure of what to do.

If Tang Yu was late, they would be the ones scolded.

If they forced Tang Yu to go now, and there were issues with the report, they would still be the ones scolded.

The standoff between Tang Yu and the two Arasaka private bodyguards was noticed by all the Counterintelligence Department colleagues present.

Everyone was curious, but no one dared to interject.

Although they sat at their desks, their attention was fixed on Tang Yu from the corners of their eyes.

This matter involved higher levels in Arasaka; one wrong word could lead to disaster.

However, they keenly observed that Tang Yu seemed quite displeased with the behavior of the two bodyguards.

So they whispered among themselves.

"That's Arasaka's director's personal bodyguards, and our deputy dares..."

"Are you new to knowing the deputy chief's temperament? He even dares to offend the director openly."

"Still, those two bodyguards are overbearing, flaunting the director's authority here. Are they doing it on purpose?"

"It seems the relationship between the deputy chief and that lady isn't what rumors say..."

"That's right, if he were truly subservient, he probably would have hurried over already..."

"Shh... We can't spread rumors like that!"

At that moment.

The two bodyguards stood still as if turned to stone.

Tang Yu walked past them straight into Jenkins' office.

Jenkins had a big smile on his face, on a call with someone else. When he saw Tang Yu come in, he had to excuse himself: "Alright, that's it for now, I have some urgent matters here, I'll contact you later."

Jenkins hurriedly ended the call and turned to Tang Yu with a smile, asking, "Did you bring me some good news?"

Tang Yu, seeing his unceasing smile, confirmed that Jenkins was indeed getting carried away.

Having just crushed his greatest rival, he couldn't help feeling a strong sense of triumph.

Tang Yu did not burst his bubble but honestly stated, "Director Michiko just sent two personal bodyguards to my office to invite me to see her. I came to let you know, to see what this might be about."

Jenkins stroked his chin, pondering.

"The board meeting has just ended, and the appointment orders haven't been issued yet. She's immediately inviting you to see her."

"Isn't she a bit too impatient?"

Jenkins looked at Tang Yu seriously.

Tang Yu: "???"