
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

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191 Chs

Chapter 60

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Time is of the essence.

Tang Yu didn't sit down to talk.

"Now's not the time for jokes."

"Director Michiko is still upstairs waiting. I came ahead to give you a heads-up," Jenkins said naturally, not seeing anything wrong with his remarks, and continued to analyze seriously.

"Everyone knows you were promoted by me, so winning you over is no different than winning me over,"

"But the crux of the matter is that it's still not clear which way the wind is blowing."

"Getting on the boat too early could lead to capsizing."

Tang Yu knew Jenkins was not bold enough to make a direct judgment; the implication was that it was too early to side with Michiko.

Besides, Michiko's boat seemed pretty small, especially in comparison to the other two heirs of the Arasaka family; her strength was clearly lesser.

Even though little Michiko is now in charge of the Arasaka tower in Night City with significant authority.

Once Yorinobu Arasaka arrives in Night City, her scepter of power will inevitably be handed over.

Left without oars, one can only drift with the waves and leave it to fate.

The Arasaka family's internal strife virtually decides the company's future; taking sides rashly before the dust settles on the power struggle is extremely foolish.

Tang Yu understood Jenkins' little scheme.

The counterintelligence department might be no match for the special action team, but its advantage lay in its lack of clear factional allegiance.

As long as they maintained neutrality, they could play to any wind and remain the last one standing victorious.

But Tang Yu was acutely aware that if he didn't pick a side early, when the real storm hit, there'd be no coattails to grab onto.

As expected.

Yorinobu Arasaka's visit to Night City next year would officially mark the beginning of a major Arasaka father-and-son power struggle.

During the big purge, various forces would seize the opportunity to eliminate dissenters.

Abernathy would not miss the chance of the purge to take out Jenkins, the Counterintelligence Department's arch-enemy.

Tang Yu's intent was not to discuss the situation with Jenkins but merely to go through the motions.

"Indeed, it's too early to buy a ticket and board the ship. I know what to say now. If there's nothing else, I'll go meet them," Tang Yu knew what Jenkins implied and was satisfied to see him nod approvingly.

"Go ahead and meet with the director, and if there's any new information, communicate it promptly."

"Oh, right."

"The surprise I've prepared for you should arrive by tomorrow."

"There were some issues with the Night Corp; I've already confirmed it will be a little later."

Night Corp?

The more Tang Yu heard, the less reliable it sounded, but there were more pressing matters, so he headed straight for the public elevator.


The elevator arrived.

After exiting the elevator, Tang Yu underwent a full-body security scan supervised by two Arasaka private bodyguards, ensuring he carried no dangerous items.

A uniformed female secretary approached to guide Tang Yu.

"Good day, Mr. Tang, this way, please."

Tang Yu nodded slightly and continued forward, with the two private bodyguards following behind.

The entire office floor was carpeted with silvery-gray fine velvet, muffling any footsteps.

The decor and layout contrasted with the austere black of Arasaka Tower, showing no sign of cherry blossom or Japanese style.

Led by the uniformed female secretary, Tang Yu arrived at a huge mechanical gate.

After another round of blue light scanning and identity verification, the mechanical gate slowly slid open.

As the gate opened, a ripple-like light screen shielded the view beyond like a mist, obscuring the interior and making it difficult to see clearly.

The uniformed female secretary gestured for him to enter: "Mr. Tang, please come in, Director Michiko is already inside waiting for you."Upon seeing the female secretary and the bodyguard standing outside the gate, with no intention of entering, Tang Yu felt somewhat surprised.

However, upon further thought, it made sense; some matters weren't meant for outsiders to hear.

Tang Yu proceeded alone, approaching the holographic screen.

As he entered, the mechanical gate behind him automatically closed, and the holographic screen in front faded away.

Only then could Tang Yu clearly see the interior of the office. His first impression was of its spaciousness—it was nearly half the size of a football field.

A 180-degree panorama of floor-to-ceiling screens almost completely revealed Night City, without any obstruction.

Sunlight filtered through the floor-to-ceiling screens, brightening the office in a warm glow.

In such a vast workspace, there was only a single desk and an office chair.

Their owner, Michiko, was standing alone by the window, her blue hair tied back high, defiant and carefree.

She was clad in a military uniform dress with a leopard print, shimmering in gold.

With her back to Tang Yu, facing the window, she appeared to be admiring the view or lost in thought.

Through her silhouette, Tang Yu could clearly see the well-maintained metallic line patterns implanted in her nape.

"Still well-maintained…"

After a brief silence, he cleared his throat twice, signaling his arrival.

Michiko then spoke, her voice echoing slightly in the spacious office.

"I often stand here, looking at the opposing Militech Tower, contemplating one question."

Tang Yu silently waited for Michiko to continue.

"These two towering giants stand so close to each other; does it not suggest that there is no room for a buffer?"

"It's like two fierce tigers trapped within the same boundary, snarling and clawing at each other until one falls."

"Is that when it all ends?"

Tang Yu sensed an underlying message in Michiko's roundabout way of talking and felt somewhat helpless.

Although Michiko was educated in the new American style, every pore in her body exuded the unique pride of the Arasaka family.

A single mountain indeed cannot harbor two tigers unless one is male and the other female.

Tang Yu understood Michiko's probing; she was trying to gauge his stance on Militech.

"It depends on who the masters of these two tigers are."

"If they are two wild tigers, the outcome will undoubtedly be a mutual downfall."

Tang Yu spoke obliquely, never stating his position directly.

However, he implied that what mattered most was who held the power.

If Arasaka and Militech continued unrestricted, they would both suffer, which was common sense to anyone.

Michiko seemed touched by the response and turned leisurely to face Tang Yu, her tone calm and unreadable.

"Today marks the resurgence of the struggle between the two tigers."

"Six years ago, Arasaka protected Night City from destruction in the Metal Wars."

"Even after rebuilding the Arasaka Tower on the ruins, Arasaka has yet to emerge from the shadow of that defeat and regain its former glory."

"Our opponent, on the other hand, is constantly evolving, growing into a behemoth."

Tang Yu thought back to the past.

The 4th Corporate War.

August of 2023.

Johnny Silverhand formed the Atlantis team and detonated a nuke at Arasaka Tower in Night City.

In this miniature nuclear blast, the CEO of Arasaka, Kei Arasaka—Michiko's biological father—perished with the tower.

Arasaka, affected by multiple factors, was defeated and forced to surrender, suffering great damage.

Over fifty years since the 4th Corporate War, Arasaka Corporation is still overshadowed by its past.