
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

Arasaka Tower.

Michiko had just finished a meeting and arrived at her private executive office via elevator.

She had chosen a style for her office that starkly contrasted with her traditional Japanese heritage.

The entire office was luxurious and imposing, with silver-gray metallic hues dominating the space, showcasing neo-Americanism.

As she walked towards her office, her two secretaries briefed her on her schedule for the day.

Suddenly, she received a communication request from Kyoto.

Yorinobu Arasaka?

Michiko gestured for her secretaries to wait outside and, after confirmation via a scan, entered her office alone.

She walked straight to her smart desk and accepted Yorinobu Arasaka's call.

A male hologram appeared on the desk, the silver-gray surface reflecting a subtle blue light.

Yorinobu Arasaka, wearing black sunglasses with round lenses, asked with a serious tone, "Why did such a major incident occur in Night City? The Militech has gone too far, don't you think? Are you planning to just let this slide?"

Seeing her uncle Yorinobu Arasaka calling so soon to question her, Michiko knew someone on the board must have tipped him off.

As the rightful heir to the company, Yorinobu Arasaka had the authority and duty to inquire about major company affairs.

However, she knew her uncle always created chaos and was very strong-willed about Militech.

He had eagerly seized upon this mess to intensify issues with the Militech division.

Although she was keen on easing the tensions between the two powerhouses, as a member of the Arasaka family, it was impossible to openly tolerate provocations from the Militech sector and had to react strategically.

"Uncle, we have no evidence that directly implicates the Militech division," she explained.

"Besides, the mission's target was an experimental product developed by Militech; their retrieval of the cyberware is Logical."

"Fortunately, our counterintelligence department has acquired the cyberware data; there was indeed a significant accident, but you could say the mission was borderline successful."

Yorinobu Arasaka's expression remained stern, clearly not convinced by Michiko's explanation and pressed further, "What do you mean 'no direct evidence'?"

"Would the Maelstrom gang dare to fire without Militech support?"

"Three entire special forces teams dead—such grave consequences cannot be overlooked by Arasaka! We must retaliate against the Militech!"

Michiko was somewhat speechless.

She had thought that Yorinobu Arasaka's return to the company signaled he had finally come to his senses.

But she was mistaken.

Even though she entertained thoughts of mediating between the two factions for her benefit.

In reality, from any perspective, Arasaka Corporation should not escalate the conflict or compete on a larger scale with Militech.

Michiko knew she couldn't persuade Yorinobu Arasaka and could only stall, "I'll think about the countermeasures and give you a satisfactory response."

Seeing her concession, Yorinobu Arasaka's tone softened slightly, "The Militech is growing too powerful, with no chance of reconciliation. I hope you realize the truth sooner rather than later."

After Yorinobu Arasaka ended the communication, Michiko felt somewhat helpless and sighed.

Suddenly, she thought of someone.


Tang Yu stepped out of the director's office.

He had just had a couple of sips of strong whiskey and felt slightly tipsy.

As he walked, he subconsciously touched his forehead, feeling a bit feverish.

Passing through the office area, many of his counterintelligence department colleagues stood up from their desks, smiling at Tang Yu.

It started with a blonde beauty, who flashed a faint smile and stood up to lead the applause.The applause started from a few places and spread to the entire office area; the counter-intelligence department staff stood up and clapped spontaneously. 

Tang Yu stopped halfway to his destination when he was surrounded by a thunderous applause. 

Looking up, he saw department colleagues smiling at him, celebrating for him. Today, the board had made a decision, 

and Tang Yu was known for his temper in the department. 

He figured that the softened impression his colleagues had of him might be due to the mission he had recently undertaken at the border. In the past, not even a promotion or a department-wide bonus would have resulted in such applause. 

Subordinates happily clapping for a promoted superior was as likely as the sun rising from the west. 

In Night City, it wouldn't be surprising if company employees wished their direct superiors would be hit by a car the moment they stepped outside, die from a virus that affected their cyberware, or suffer a fatal rejection to their implants. 

Whether they were being hypocritical or trying to ingratiate themselves, Tang Yu didn't care; he simply raised his hand to signal everyone to get back to work. 

Taking on a dual deputy director role and receiving an extra bonus, stepping on the neighboring department - this was nothing significant for Tang Yu. 

People returned to their seats and, once Tang Yu was back in his office, they immediately began to whisper and discuss among themselves. 

"Deputy Director Tang really made a great contribution this time. As the deputy of two departments, Special Operations better not think of bossing us around anymore." 

"Yeah, because of their power and high-ranking leadership positions, Special Operations thinks they can bully the Counter-Intelligence Department. How many shameful things they've done in secret – each one spot on upon investigation." 

"Right, with the extra six bonuses we got this time, what do you plan to spend it on?" 

"I just saw a promotion for a new silicon breast implant on the 'Tube-in' show the other day, produced by Moore Technology. The dear departed insisted I get it, so I had no choice..." 

Tang Yu returned to his office. 

He settled into his office chair and picked up the cup of cold boiled water from the table. It had cooled down enough to drink comfortably. 

Taking a sip of the water, moistening his throat. The order appointing him to his new position had not yet been generated; once his position info was entered into the system, he would pay Special Operations a visit. 

Special Operations department was going to prepare a deputy director's office specifically for him, but where he chose to work was his decision. 

During the board meeting, Michiko suddenly proposed to appoint him as the deputy director of both departments. 

Such generous trust was indeed unexpected. 

Tang Yu was suspicious of Michiko's intentions. 

Being a dual deputy director seemed like a 'trust position' on the surface, but it was actually putting him on the hot seat. 

Special Operations had always had conflicts with Counter-Intelligence, and the heads of the two departments were like fire and water. 

The official line was to have Tang Yu mediate and ease the tension between them, but the subtext was to have him clean up the two departments' messes. 

As for being valued by Michiko and having a bright future ahead with Arasaka, that was all just a figure of speech; he was just being used as a tool. 

Now, he was walking a tightrope between two critical departments, dancing delicately as if on eggshells. 

The audience below might applaud, but the clown on stage was merely putting on a show. 

If performed well, applause and cheers would follow; if botched, it would be bullets and grenades. 

"I've never held deputy director roles in two departments in my previous life." 

"This being my first time, I really lack experience." 

"It seems the butterfly effect has already begun..." 

Tang Yu felt a toothache coming on, uncertain where the next storm would hit. 

"Fortunately, I still have some aces up my sleeve." 

Arasaka family members like Yorinobu, Hanako, even Saburo. 

And outside the Blackwall, Alt Cunningham coveting the Orrery, and Mr. Blue Eyes watching the world of humanity. 

Knowing their secrets means holding power; but in the end, borrowed power is unreliable. 

Who's manipulating whom still depends on how the game unfolds. 

As Tang Yu pondered, two Arasaka bodyguards outside requested a meeting.