
Cursed Bond:Astrological Academia

Reverse Harem Supernatural Intrigue Introducing “Cursed Bond” a spellbinding tale of supernatural allure and fated mates! Prepare to be captivated as you delve into a world where sacred mated bonds are tainted by a haunting curse. Imagine a love that could have been the stuff of legends, stolen away by the hands of fate and replaced with a heart-wrenching challenge. In this enthralling journey, the Goddess herself presents you with a mystical quest, promising to shatter the curse that has plagued your existence. But here’s the catch-to break the curse, you must risk losing the love of not just one, but four extraordinary mates. Will you be brave enough to face this daunting choice? I Cursed Bond,” passion and destiny collide, forging an unbreakable connection between you and your fated mates. Explore a world where the supernatural reigns supreme, where bonds are tested, and where love’s power transcends all boundaries. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions as you navigate the intricate web of secrets, betrayal, and sacrifice. With its vividly depicted characters, sizzling chemistry, and spine-tingling plot twists, “Cursed Bond” is a must-read for fans of paranormal romance. Lose yourself in a world where love knows no bounds, where the strength of a curse is met with the resilience of true love. Will you seize the chance to break the curse and embrace the love of a lifetime? The answer awaits withing the pages of “Cursed Bond.”

Amy_Sams_3398 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 1


I have to admit. It is pretty cool to have my Siren Spirit animal.  I had waited for that moment since I learned about my supernatural abilities.  Who wouldn't want to have a mystical creature as their companion? 

But that excitement turned to fear when I was attacked on my way home from school.  I didn't even know what was happening at first, but then I felt an immense power building inside me, and before I knew it, a massive storm was brewing above me.  It was honestly pretty scary but also kind of exhilarating.  I never knew I had such power inside me, or it could have been a fluke.  But it scared off the boys I had gone to school with, so I'll take the credit.


When my family found out about my supposed "second spirit animal," they were convinced I needed to attend this fancy school for the Supernatural.  It was a little weird that I had a witch as my second spirit when it had never happened before. Come on… witches inherit their gifts early, not just something bestowed upon you by some magical force. 

Anyway, my aunt insisted I give the school a shot for at least six months.  So we packed up my bags and headed to the airport. I swear, checking in luggage is such a pain.  But we finally reached security, where my aunt had to leave me.  She gave me a big hug and told me to be careful, all the usual stuff like, 'call when you land,' call when you get to the school,' blah, blah, blah.  I lighten the mode by singing her that old John Denver song about leaving on a jet plane. I must admit my siren voice sounded a little cracked and broken from all the emotions, but what can you do?

As I make my way to my gate, I can feel the excitement inside me.  I pop in my earbuds and grab my syllabus for Astrological Academia, eager to see what the next new months have in store for me.  I quickly scan the list of classes I'll be taking while there- Astrological Compatibility, The Zodiac Spellbook, and Cosmic Science-but my mind keeps drifting toward the combat and survival training.  Who wouldn't want to learn how to kick some serious ass while mastering the art of astrology?

As I continue down the concourse, I can't help but wonder if the academy has a kick-ass gym.  If I'm learning to defend myself and survive in the wild, I better be in tip-top shape.  I'm about to embark on an incredible journey and can't wait.  But shit, I got ahead of myself.  I should explain who I am. 

Hey there, I'm Indigo Journey, and I'm just your average eighteen-year-old supernatural living in Dallas, Texas.  Well, not precisely average-you would have to see my hair.  It's so black it looks blue in specific lighting.  Hence the name Indigo.

I have been living with my aunt and uncle ever since my parents passed away by accident.  It's been challenging, but they've been my rock.  And despite the circumstances, I'm grateful to have them in my life. It has its perks- great food, excellent sports teams, and the infamous Texas heat- not my sarcasm.  It's home. 

Growing up, I always felt like my looks were a double-edged sword.  On the one hand, receiving compliments and attention from others was excellent.  But on the other hand, it often made me feel self-conscious and like I was judged solely on my appearance. 

Black hair and light eyes made me stand out in a crowd. And while I appreciate the occasional compliment, sometimes I just want to blend in and not be the center of attention.  It can be exhausting constantly feeling like people are staring at you or trying to get your attention.  So, I've learned to embrace my unique features and appreciate when I can fly under the radar.

As I board the plane, I settle in my seat and fasten my seatbelt. I always get a little nervous when I fly. I distract myself by downloading books on my tablet to read.  I glance out the window as the plane ascends, and slowly, the ground gets smaller and smaller until it's just a blur of greens and browns. 

The flight attendant checks on me and offers me a blanket and pillow for the long trip ahead.  I take them gratefully and lay my head back against the seat, trying to sleep until we reach our destination. 

But sleep doesn't come quickly.  Instead, my mind wanders, imagining all the new experiences and people I'll meet.  I wonder about the food, the weather, and the classes. The unknown is both exhilarating and nerve-wracking, but I'm ready for whatever comes my way as the plane continues its trek across the sky. I feel alive with possibility and ready for whatever awaits me across the pond. 

Hours pass as I drift in and out of consciousness, oddly enough dreaming about attending this supernatural school that is taking me away from home.  Some things seem too good to be accurate, but this could be precisely what I need: a chance to learn about all things supernatural and find a place where I truly belong. 

Finally, after an eternity, we begin our descent into another world. -one of the ancient magickal secrets held deep within its walls.  As we pull up to the airport, my heart is pounding in anticipation of all that awaits me, both good and bad.  There's no turning back now-this is it!

As I step off the plane, the heat hits us like a brick wall. The UK is sweltering like Texas this time of year.  I'm glad I wore a tank top and shorts. 

I make my way through the airport,  feeling a sense of excitement mixed with nervousness.  This a new place with new people and new experiences around every corner. I may love it here and decide to make this home, or I could hate it and count down the days to returning home.  It's all part of growing up, leaving home for the first time, and seeing what the world offers. 

  I'm met by a driver in a black van who takes my bags.  Then he informs me my bags will be taken to my room.  The driver is friendly and chatty; I can tell he's used to dealing with nervous new students like me.  Astrological Academia, I hope you are ready too, cause here I come. 

As I stepped out of the van, I was taken aback by the grandeur of the building before me.  It was unlike any school I had ever seen, with its towering turrets and stone walls that seemeved to stretch on for miles. The banner hanging out front, welcoming first years, only added to the mystical aura surrounding the place, it was like welcoming you to a midevial tournament. 

I thanked the driver before maing my way up the wide front step, my herat racing with excitement and nerves.  The heady wooden doors creaked as I pushed them open, and I stepped inside to find myself in a cavernous entry hall. 

The inside of the academy is grand and intimidating all at once, with tall stone walls and chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings.  As soon as I enter, one of the staff members greets me warmly and directs me to the office where I can get my room assignment and anything else I need. Bring on the textbooks and professors-i'm ready to take on the world. 

I make my way to the office, and I'm greeted by a friendly older lady who hands me my room assignment, a key, a map, and a handbook for the school.  I graciously thank her and head to find my room. 

I walk through the hallways of the school, taking in the sights and sounds around me.  Students rush past me, trying to make it to their next class on time, while teachers chat with each other in the halls.  The walls were lined with surits of armor and tapestries depicting ancient battles, and the floor was made of polished stone that gleamed i nteh sunglight streaming throught the stained glass windows.  The air was cool and musty, with a faint scnet of old books and wood polish. . 

The dorm rooms are located to one side of the building, opposite the classrooms.  I make my way to my assigned dorm.  The room is cozy with a common room, a kitchen, and two bedrooms.  The common room was furnished with a large, comfortable sofe, a couple of armchairs, and a coffee table.  It also had a TV mounted on the wall, a bookshelf filled with textbooks and a small study area wit ha desk and a chair.  The walls were painete a soft shade of binge and large windows let in plenty of natural light. 

The kitchen was small but functional, witha a refrigerator, a stone and a mocrowaxe, as well as a small dining table with four chairs. There were a few vabintes above the sink and some shelves for storing dishes and utensils.  The appliances were all modern and in good condition, making it easy for the students cook meals, if they didn't want ot used the canteen. 

The two bedrooms were located at opposite ends ofthe dorm room, providing privachy for the students.  Each bedroom has a full size bed, a desk and a chair as well as a closet for storing clothes and other personal items.  Each had an ensuite with the necessities.

After settling into my new dorm room, I couldn't wait to explore the campus and all it offered.  Armed with a map, I set foot to see what I could discover.  My first stop was the gym, conveniently located and accessible thanks to the large "Fitness Center" sign.  As I approached, I heard music blaring inside, and I felt my excitement grow. 

Stepping inside, I was greeted by weights clanging and people chatting.  The gym was bustling with activity. I quickly showed my student ID to explore more of the center.  In addition to the standard weights and cardio equipment, there was a pool and a martial arts area.  I found my spot!

The canteen is the next stop on my to-do list; as expected, it's bustling with activity.  The long lines outside are a testament to its popularity among the students.  As you step inside, you'll be met with the most tantalizing aroma of freshly cooked food. The canteen offers a variety of meal options to cater to all tastes, including burgers, wraps, salads, and more. 

There is also an impressive collection of desserts that can satisfy any sweet tooth craving. This is why the gym is so fantastic.  You have to have a place to work off these calories. 

I head back to my room, now understanding the school's layout better.  I can't help but notice how many more students are milling about now.  And let me tell you, these aren't your average, run-of-the-mill students.  These guys are chiseled from marble or something. I mean, seriously, what do they feed them?  Small children for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?  I bet it's the heart of their enemies.

I reach the top of the first set of stairs, glance up, and lock eyes with four of these Adonis-like figures, their well-defined chests stretching the limits of their black academy t-shirts.  I can feel my exhaustion fading as I realize this school might be more interesting than I initially thought. Bring on the muscles and hot guys. I'm ready for this!

A petite redhead leans in, her voice hushed and breathless.  My eyes fixed on the group of guys. They must be important if she stops to talk to me while I stare at them. "The one with the long dark hair is Dane. She whispered as if sharing a juicy secret.  "He's King Magnus' son.  And the other three?  They are his best friends.  The three destined to serve in his court."

As if they hear her words, all four smirk, and my heart sinks to the pit of my stomach.  I know I've been caught gawking at the crowned prince, and my attempts to keep a low profile are toast. I can't help but curse myself under my breath-" Fuckity, fuckity, fuck, fuck-abort mission!"  How could I be so stupid? Of course, it's the UK, and the prince would attend school here.  I get caught string at the future King and his court on my first day- not exactly how I planned my first day. 

Oh crap, I'm supposed to bow or curtsey or some shit.  Suddenly, I feel like I'm in a medieval movie, and I'm the clumsy protagonist who doesn't know how to bow correctly.  I turn to the young woman beside me, hoping she can guide me. 

She whispers to me, "You must bow your head.  It shows respect,"

Well, thank you, Captain Obvious. But how low do I have to bow?  Do I need to touch my forehead to the ground?  Should I recite some ancient verse while I'm at it?  I'm starting to feel like a clueless tourist in a foreign land. Oh wait, I am a clueless tourist in a foreign land.  But instead of asking for directions, I'm asking for the proper way to bow to a royal.  Oh, the joys of being a commoner. 

I take her advice and bow my head before we move on. She introduces herself as 'London'. We chat for a bit as we make our way to our dorms. I can't help but feel a little intimidated by her cool demeanor.  She may be petite, but her aura screams, "I own this campus."  But as we chat, I realize she's down-to-earth and friendly.  Maybe I can pick up a few style tips from her while I'm here. 

"So, how do you like it so far?" she asks as we walk up the stairs.

"Oh, love it!  It's exciting to learn from some of the world's greatest minds and be surrounded by such amazing scenery."  I reply cheerfully. 

We arrive at her room, and she turns to face me with a smile.  "Well, this is where I leave you, but make sure you come down for dinner tonight if you can!  We can introduce you to everyone else then!"

I walk through the common area of my assigned wing and chuckle at the thoughts in my head. It's like I'm in a magical world.  The walls are adorned with dragons and unicorn paintings, and students walk around with Mythical spirits inside them.  It's like Hogwarts but with a Zodiac twist. 

But as I open the door to my room, I realize the magical world may have its downsides.  A girl is sitting on my bed, her legs crossed and a mischievous twinkle in her eye.  I can feel my defenses rising as I step back, wondering who she is and what she is doing in my room.  Is she a witch?  A thief?  Really?  A thief sitting crossed-legged on my bed, what is she meditating about? What to steel?  My brain malfunctions are shit. 

I was relieved and laughed when she introduced herself as Salem, and she would be sharing this dorm with me,  her room next door to mine. We sat and talked about how we ended up at the academy.  And before I knew it, an hour had flown by!  We chatted about everything under the sun, from boys to our favorite ice cream flavors (mini is cookies and cream, obviously).

Before parting ways, Salem gave me some cryptic advice I'll never forget: "Always follow your heart,  no matter what anyone else tells you."  And honestly, I couldn't agree more.  After all, who wants to live a life that's not true to themselves?  Not me, that's for sure!

With Salem gone, I finally have time to rest after an eventful first day with thoughts of new friends, classes, and adventures ahead. I drift off into a deep sleep. Maybe I'll find my compatible partner among one of these sexy guys I've encountered. 

I wake an hour before I need to be refreshed and ready to go to dinner. I head to the bathroom, ready to transform into a glamorous version of myself.  After changing into my favorite outfit, I stand in front of the mirror, admiring my reflection.  The tight jeans accentuate my curves, while the ankle boots add some edge to my look.  I spritz on my signature scent and apply a light touch of makeup to enhance my features.  As I slip on my lethal jacket, I feel like a badass, ready to take on the night. With a smile, I leave the room, eager to see what the evening has in store. 

The academy hallway is bustling with students as they head to dinner. Students rush left and right; some chat excitedly, while others look stressed.  But amidst all the chaos, I spot Londin waxing at me from the back of the canteen. 

I hurry over, dodging people and chairs like a ninja, and finally reach London's table.  We exchange a quick high-five, and I plop onto the chair beside her.  The smell of food wafts over us, making my stomach growl in anticipation.  It's like a feat here, and I can't wait to dig in and enjoy dinner. 

The anticipation in the room was palpable as the chancellor ascended the podium.  The talking died down, and all eyes were fixed on him, waiting eagerly for what he had to say.  And boy, did he deliver! 

With a flourish, he announced a slew of upcoming events that excited everyone.  There was something for everyone, from riveting conferences to thought-provoking lectures and even a good old-fashioned festival.  And if that wasn't enough, he dropped a bombshell of a meet and greet in the ballroom.  Where attendees could mingle and network with their peers.  It was like Christmas had come early for the students and faculty of the academy. 

London looks at me with pleading eyes, and I nod.  I've wanted to explore more of this Academy since my arrival, and an informal social gathering may be just what I need to get acquainted with some of the other students. Who am I kidding? I'd instead go to the gym. 

With a smirk,  I've been itching to hear more history on this place, and a mixer is a good place as any.  Otherwise, I would return to my room and change to hit the gym. I'd much rather pump some iron at the gym than engage in small talk with strangers. 

Maybe there's a chance I'll meet some incredible people and make some new friends.  Or at least get some insider information on the classes.  Either way, it's time to wear my socializing hat and see what this academy offers.  Who knows, maybe I'll surprise myself and enjoy it. 

As we enter the ballroom, it is like stepping into a scene from a fairy tale.  The room is alive with the sound of laughter and chatter while the soft melody of the music fills the air.  I can't help but feel a little giddy with excitement as we make our way to our table. 

London and Salem are already deeply conversing with a couple of guys, making me feel like the third wheel.  But as I glance across the room, I notice the Prince and his court of friends watching me with interest.  They seemed intently interested, and it was making me a little uncomfortable.  I played the jet lag card and excused myself. 


I, for one, am not about to let the night put me to bed.  Nope, not yet.  So, I'm throwing on my workout gear, strapping on my earbuds, and hedging the gym.  And let me tell you, it's a lot better than counting sheep. 

I plan on taking a scenic two-mile loop to get there, where I can run and groove to my favorite tunes.  After a little warm-up, I'm off, pounding the pavement and feeling alive.  Who needs sleep when you can break a sweat and get those endorphins pumping?  Bring on the night, baby, because I'm ready for it.

My mind wanders to thoughts of my family back home. What are they doing without me? After a few minutes, I shake off these thoughts and refocus on the run.  My feet pound against the pavement as I pick up the pace, determined to push myself.  Sweat is dripping down my face as I approach the gym entrance.  Taking one last deep breath, I make my way inside.

I walked into the gym, ready to get my sweat on and release some pent-up frustration.  As I scanned the room, I realized I was the only one there.  Perfect, I thought—no one to judge the girl who likes boxing or stare at my body in my workout attire. I reached for an empty body bag, pushing aside a few others and wondering how many people had punched them before me. 

With my music blasting, I started to let loose on the bay, throwing punches and kicks with all my might.  That's when something hard stopped me mid-flow.  I looked up, ready to give whoever interrupted me a piece of my mind, and saw the crown prince standing there.  Yes, you read that right-the freaking crown prince standing there, looking down at me. I forgot all my manners and yanked out my earbuds with a, "What the hell, man?" 

I knew I had messed up when the words left my mouth.  I was standing before the prince, and I just yelled at him like a crazy person.  My heart was racing, and I could feel my face turning red with embarrassment.  I stuttered and apologized, hoping I wouldn't be beheaded for yelling at the prince. 

Much to my surprise and relief, the prince chuckled and waved a dismissive hand.  "No need to apologize,"  He said with a grin.  "I've been yelled at by much worse than you."  I couldn't help but smile at his easygoing attitude and felt a weight lift off my shoulders. Maybe this encounter wouldn't be as disastrous as I had feared. 

He offers his hand to shake mine, and I take it, feeling a slight tingle.  Surprisedly, I look up at him and grin, "I'm Dane Magnus." 

"Indigo Journey," I reply.  "Okay, should I bow or something?  I'm not sure what protocol is here?"  I ask nervously.

He only smiles wider, looking amused, and shakes his head. "No need to that."  He answers with a casual tone.  Then, changing the subject, he asks me about my workout routine, and we start chatting about fitness and martial arts while taking turns trying each other's moves on the bags.

As we continued talking, I enjoyed his company more and more.  He was charming, witty, and surprisingly down-to-earth for a royal family member.  P couldn't believe my muck that I had managed to snag a few minutes of his time, and I made a mental note never to judge someone based on their title again.  Who knows, maybe I'll end up yelling at a king next!

Before long, we've been there for hours without even noticing it, but finally, Dane notices the time and apologizes for taking up so much of my time. I wave him off as we head out of the gym. 

Dane insists on walking me to my dorm, and the gesture makes me feel like a VIP.  It's refreshing to encounter a gentleman in a world where chivalry seems to have died.  While we walk, I can't help but notice his tone muscles and how they ripple with each step.  Okay, focus, girl!  Don't het his good looks distract you from the fact that he is a genuinely lovely guy?  I mean, with a great personality who needs long dark hair, steel blue eyes, and muscles that scream 'lick me.'

As we approach my door, I turn to thank Dane for his company.  But before I can even utter a word, he pulls me close and plants a kiss that sends shivers down my spine.  It was like fireworks exploding in my heart, and I couldn't help but melt in his arms. 

Dane's kiss was more than just a physical reaction. It's a soulful connection.  It felt like we were two puzzle pieces that finally fit together perfectly.  I couldn't believe how much emotion and passion he conveyed in that one moment.  As we pulled away, I was left breathless and wanting more.  Dane has just shown me that kissing can be more than a gesture. It can be a life-changing experience.

"Damn it, why do you drive me so crazy?"  Dane rumbles, letting his inner wolf take control of his gaze.  The feral intensity in his eyes intensifies with every second he looks at me.  "Your scent and flavor are like a drug to me.  I can't get enough.  So fucking addictive?"

I wink, a devilish smile on my face. "Feel free to grab me and kiss me whenever you want.  I'm all yours." 

Dane's eyes glint with mischief as he steps closer to me.  He murmurs darkly, "That mouth of yours will get you in trouble one day, sweetheart."

I laugh, brushing my thumb over his lips, "Oh, I promise it will be worth it." Who am I, and when did I become the hussy full of want and need?

His voice drips with raw intensity as he steps closer, "Tell me to go, or else I'm taking you to your room and fucking you senseless."

I feel weak in his presence, frozen in place with an undeniable fear that paralyzes me.  A million silent warnings sound in my head, reminding me of the consequences if someone were to discover our indiscretions. With a sudden bust of clarity, I take a step back. 

My mouth moves before I can stop it, "I'm sure the Prince has some princess somewhere who would not appreciate us together." 

His gaze hardens, and his jaw tightens like steel before he finally nods in agreement.  He takes a few steps back and looks at me for one long moment before speaking in a low, velvety voice, "No, there's no princess, but you're right….I need to act more responsibly. I enjoyed our time and hope to see you again."  With that said, he turns on his heel and striders away, leaving me in shock.