
Cursed Bond:Astrological Academia

Reverse Harem Supernatural Intrigue Introducing “Cursed Bond” a spellbinding tale of supernatural allure and fated mates! Prepare to be captivated as you delve into a world where sacred mated bonds are tainted by a haunting curse. Imagine a love that could have been the stuff of legends, stolen away by the hands of fate and replaced with a heart-wrenching challenge. In this enthralling journey, the Goddess herself presents you with a mystical quest, promising to shatter the curse that has plagued your existence. But here’s the catch-to break the curse, you must risk losing the love of not just one, but four extraordinary mates. Will you be brave enough to face this daunting choice? I Cursed Bond,” passion and destiny collide, forging an unbreakable connection between you and your fated mates. Explore a world where the supernatural reigns supreme, where bonds are tested, and where love’s power transcends all boundaries. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions as you navigate the intricate web of secrets, betrayal, and sacrifice. With its vividly depicted characters, sizzling chemistry, and spine-tingling plot twists, “Cursed Bond” is a must-read for fans of paranormal romance. Lose yourself in a world where love knows no bounds, where the strength of a curse is met with the resilience of true love. Will you seize the chance to break the curse and embrace the love of a lifetime? The answer awaits withing the pages of “Cursed Bond.”

Amy_Sams_3398 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 2


I took a deep breath as I slowly made my way back to my room, my feet walking on auto-pilot while my head was preoccupied with thoughts of Indigo.  She was so different from other girls I had met; she wasn't interested in my royal status, instead preferring to talk about her skills in fitness and combat.  Her beauty had initially caught my attention, her hair so dark it seemed to have a blue hue, her eyes with the ability to look into my soul.  All at once flattering and frustrating. 


Why did she have to be so different? Why couldn't she be like all the other girls, only seeing me for what I am and never for who I am?  It would make things much easier if she were like that.  I could treat her as a pawn, as a means for release like other girls.  But no, she had to be unique, intriguing, and complicated. 


And then it was more than her beauty that drew me in.  Indigo was fiercely independent, and there was something so refreshingly liberating about her that I wanted to be around her more.  She seemed to have no interest in my title or wealth, and  I couldn't help but admire her for that.  For the first time in what felt like forever, I met someone who hadn't been attracted to me for the wrong reasons. 


I couldn't help but feel frustrated as I reached my room.  Why did I have to be so drawn to her?  She cast a spell on me,  making me crave her presence and attention.  I knew it was dangerous to pursue her, but my werewolf and lion had other plans. 


I knew there was a connection between us, but I wasn't sure if it was friendship or something more.  I was convinced that Indigo felt something, too, and I was anxious to find out what it was.  She looked at me and talked to me like I was just another person and not a prince. All spoke volumes to me.


And that kiss.  It was like fireworks exploding in my mouth.  I couldn't resist the temptation to taste her.  My beasts need to see if she tastes as good as she smells.  And let me tell you, she did not disappoint.  It was like our lops were hade for each other, and for that moment, nothing else in the world mattered.  I knew then that I had to make her mine, no matter what it took. 


  Despite my best efforts, I know there is no way I can make her mine.  It's a harsh reality that I must accept, but it also makes me feel powerless and frustrated.  The more I think about it, the more my mind struggles to come up with a solution, but it's like trying to solve an unsolvable puzzle. 


The thought of her being out of my reach angers the beasts within me as they growl and pace in the subconscious.  It's a constant reminder of the limitation and a feeling I can't shake off.  The frustration builds up, giving me a throbbing headache that lingers even after the thoughts have subsided.  It's a troubling situation, and I constantly find myself wishing for a way out, but the reality remains unchanged. 


As I enter the dorm, I am immediately drawn to the intricate carvings on the walls and pillars.  Every detail exudes the grandeur and majesty of our mythical heritage.  The flickering torches cast a warm glow, but on electric now. Illuminating the room and highlighting the magical energy that permeates the air.  I am reminded of the stories my parents used to tell me about our kind and the battles fought to protect our existence.  At this moment, I feel honored and proud to share this world with my brothers and Indigo. 


As I walk further into the dorm, I am greeted by the familiar faces of my brothers.  Asher's fiery presence, Cedar's stoic strength, and River's piercing gaze remind me of the power we possess as mythical creatures.  I am proud to stand among them, knowing we will always protect each other and our kind.  The room is alive with the energy of our spirits, and I am also thankful for the bond we share as brothers in friendship.  Together, we will continue to hold up the majesty of our heritage and protect our kingdom. 


"Hey man, where are you coming from at this hour?"  River teased as I walked into our common area early in the morning.  He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, clearly implying that I have been out with a girl. 


"The gym,"  I reply nonchalantly.  "I saw the new girl with the blue hair there." 


"Oh really," Asher chimed in after putting down his phone.  "And what was the blue-haired beauty doing at the gym?"


"She was kickboxing with one of the body bags,"  I told them with a grin.  "She's got some serious moves."


"Oh shit, no wonder her body is so sexy, beautiful and fit!" exclaims Cedar admiringly.


River and Asher exchange amused glances.  "Looks like somebody has a crush," River teased. 


I rolled my eyes, needing to get them off this trail.  "I just think she's interesting.  Plus, she's pretty badass.  You should see her in action." 


"Sounds like a challenge," Cedar said, standing up.  "We need to check out this blue-haired beauty for ourselves." 


I laugh.  "You guys are being ridiculous. Besides, she's not at the gym any longer.  And before you go all crazy.  I just walked her back to her dorm As I should have since it was late and dark.  But she'll be in combat training tomorrow.' 


"Combat training should be a blast then, with our Prince leading the charge," Asher grins wickedly as he contemplates the newcomers' potential for destruction. We'd always warned each other that destruction could come in the form of a woman, and there was no shortage of them vying for our attention.  But Indigo seemed different from the rest. 


  "I don't think she was paying attention to who I am, and I doubt she will even consider who any of you are. She acted like she had known me for years.  We gave each other some advice on the body bag- she's really knowledgeable.  It seems like she won't need much training as a newcomer; she might move up quickly." I tell them. 


As I reflect on my encounter with Indigo, I can't help but feel a sense of admiration for her knowledge and skills. She was experienced and confident in her abilities, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as she effortlessly shared tips and advice. 


Despite her apparent expertise, I was struck by her being down-to-earth and approachable.  She didn't seem to care about titles or status but was genuinely interested in connecting with others and sharing her knowledge.  I think she will be a great addition to our team, and I look forward to seeing what she brings to the table.


"Dude, you already got it bad, but remember all the female newcomers we get to manhandle on the mats tomorrow,"  River says suggestively. He only thinks with his dick, but he's not entirely wrong. 


The four of us laugh, understanding the implications of being the ones to 'handle' the females in the combat arts.  I, however, am intrigued by Indigo-not just her looks, but how she seemed to think and act differently than most other girls. 


Asher breaks away from the conversation first, returning to his phone while River and Cedar exchange curious glances.  It's obvious they both have noticed my interest in Indigo, yet neither of them asks me anything further.  I decide to head to bed-I can still smell her scent of crisp fall morning and lavender, reminding me of our encounter. 


As a member of the royal family, I am well aware of the allure our status and fame can hold for some people.  It's not uncommon for women to pursue a relationship with a royal family member in hopes of gaining publicity or power.  However, Indigo caught my attention and didn't seem motivated by those same desires. 

She had a confident demeanor that exuded authenticity and a genuine interest in getting to know me as a person, not just as a prince.  It was refreshing to encounter someone who wasn't solely focused on the glitz and glamor of my title but was intrigued by my values and beliefs.  I was captivated by her intelligence and how she spoke about her passions with such enthusiasm.  It was clear that she was someone who wanted to make a difference in the world, and that was something that I deeply respected.


My thoughts drift toward the upcoming training session as I lay in bed. Usually,  I dreaded the early morning wake-up calls and the grueling session awaited me.  The women were constantly throwing themselves at us.  Not a saint, but seriously, these girls have no morals, but something was different this time. Was it Indigo? I wonder if she was a master in hand-to-hand combat.  What other training has she had? 




As I rise from bed, I know my day will be filled with rigorous training and demanding tasks.  I quickly dress in my combat gear and go to the common area where my fellow brothers are waiting.  We exchange nods and brief greetings as we go to the canteen for breakfast.  Food is necessary to fuel our bodies to endure the intense physical activity that awaits.


After our meal, we make our way to the training ground, where we will begin our routine of combat practice.  As third-year recruits, we are responsible for training and mentoring the first years. We take this role seriously, knowing they may be fighting alongside us on the front lines someday.  We push them to their limits, constantly reminding them that their training could mean the difference between life and death.  It's a grueling process but preparing them for what's to come is necessary. 


As we approach the combat grounds, the anticipation is palpable.  It's like waiting for your crush to text you back, only instead of a text, we're about to engage in some severe ass-kicking.  And there she is, Indigo, looking like a hot badass warrior princess with her tight braid and toned muscles. 


She wears a sports bra and shorts like yesterday but without makeup, and her hair is tied in a tight braid.  This hairstyle is the hallmark of an experienced fighter, as ponytails can become a weakness to use against you in battle.  Even with no makeup, she looks lovely.  The four of us remain there like silly shits, gawking at her pert ass as she stretches.


River's eyes burn with a feral intensity as he growls, "Fuck I want to get her down on the mat."  He aggressively steps towards her, not caring that she can hear every word. 


With a fierce determination, she stands and looks him in the eyes, warning, "You're assuming you have what it takes to get your hands on me.  You assume wrong." 


A sneer curls the corner of his mouth as he growls out, "Challenge accepted, gorgeous."


Indigo's expressionless face barely changes, her shoulders still and stiff.  Is she so unbothered by us that even compliments are shrugged off without a second thought?  As if the admiration of her beauty means nothing to her.


As River and Indigo face-off, the tension in the air is palpable.  It's like watching a lion and gazelle staring each other down, except they are both predators in this case.  The intensity of their gazes could set the room ablaze, and it's clear that neither of them is backing down any time soon. 


But what's even more intense than their stare-down is the chemistry between them.  It's like a spark waiting to ignite a wildfire.  And who knows what could happen if they give in to their primal instincts?  All we know is that it will be one hell of a ride. Buckle up, folks. 


I detest the arrival of my fellow students, and a sense of unease comes over my beasts. The mere thought of Indigo being in their vicinity sends a wave of possessiveness through me. I cannot help but wonder why they appear unperturbed by River's possessive behavior.  However, I have pressing matters to attend to and must set aside these thoughts for now. 


The other students arrive individually, their eyes darting between us and Indigo with unspoken judgment.  I can feel the whispers of gossip coating the air like a thick fog;  they will talk about her and us until there's nothing to debate.  As if nothing was said, Indigo remains as still as a statue, boasting an aura of confidence that further fuels the gossip-but I hope she is strong enough to remain unaffected. 


Once everyone was settled and ready, I decided to take the lead.  "All right. Let's begin with some hand-to-hand combat,"  I started.  "We'll go around the combat arena to evaluate each of you and see your level." 


Everyone paired up, some with their roommates, others with strangers. I saw Indigo partner up with a petite redhead from the corner of my eye.  Now, with everyone partnered up, it would be easier to watch her more closely, with it being obvious.  I signal for everyone to begin. 


With purposeful strides, I navigate to the opposite end of the arena, leaving Cedar to keep watch over Indigo.  Moments later, I am summoned by Cedar's gesture, and upon turning, I behold the sight of Indigo rigorously honing the skills of the redhead. 


"What do we have going on here?"  I ask as I approach the girls.


The redhead bobs a bow and introduces herself, saying Indigo is more experienced than her, so they're working together on her technique.'


"And what's your name, recruit?"  I ask.


"London, Your Highness," she replies respectfully.


"London, may I ask you to step away from the mat momentarily?"  I request. 


"Of course, Your Highness," London replies, stepping off the mat and giving him her full attention.


I flash a malicious grin at Indigo as she stands on the mat, my eyes flickering with anticipation.


Let's see if you're worth all the hype,"  I tease, looking over my shoulder at Cedar, who takes his place on the other side of the mat.


Indigo nods curtly and assumes her fighting stance, flexing her fingers.  The air around them crackles with tension as they circle each other with predatory grace, waiting for the slightest opening to strike. 


The silence is deafening as they close in on each other like a pair of hunters stalking their prey until it finally shatters with the sound of bones crushing against flesh.  Indigo lands a solid kick to Cedar's ribs, causing him to stumble back, but he quickly regains his footing. 


Finally, in a flurry of movement, Cedar threw the first punches and kicks, each missing its target.  Quick like a cat, Indigo dodged it and used his forward momentum to grab his arm and flip him onto the mat below her. 


She positioned herself atop his chest, restraining his arms with her thighs and immobilizing him.  The spectators were captivated by Indigo's impressive prowess, marveling at her remarkable agility and lightning-fast reflexes.  However, now that Cedar knew her abilities, he would not be caught off guard so easily. 


Cedar grunted and mustered his strength to throw her off balance. However, his attempt proved futile as she had anticipated his move and adjusted her stance accordingly.  She increased her pressure on him, displaying a fierce determination.  Her attention, however, was diverted to her shifting.  During this brief moment of distraction, Cedar freed one of his arms and aimed a blow at her ribs to break free from her grip.  Yet, she quickly retaliated by using her unoccupied hand to push against his neck, impeding his breath.  Their intense struggle persisted, but neither emerged as a clear winner.  They both ended up physically exhausted but proud of their efforts, nonetheless. 


Indigo stepped off him with a grin as she held out a hand to help him; she received a nod as he accepted it gratefully.  I admired them- both had admirable l skills today, yet they remained level-headed throughout the match, showing true sportsmanship in each other's presence.


A thought suddenly occurred to me: Indigo requires a more challenging curriculum than the standard combat classes can offer her. She must undergo the training provided to hone her skills. My brothers and I have set up special categories for those committed to mastering combat training.  The types are intense and full of challenges, but the rewards far outweigh any difficulty I encounter. It just so happens that it's only my brothers and me, but now Indigo is getting an invite.


"Indigo," I say with a smile, "You have shown great skill here today; you are ready for more challenges."  She looks at me curiously as I continue, "Would you like to join our advanced training classes?  We will make sure you are pushed to your limits every time."


She looks hesitant before looking at Cedar, who gives her a nod, then she turns back to me with a giant smile and says, "Yes, I want to join!"


I return her smile with my own before clapping my hands together excitedly.  "Excellent!  We start tomorrow morning  at sunrise;  be there in time if you want the most out of this opportunity!" 


Then, the gossip begins.


"Impressive, you're already being moved to the advanced class on your first day.  Did you sleep with one or all of them?" a blonde girl spits, hands on her hips and tapping a foot. 


As I ponder how to defuse the situation, Indigo takes it upon herself to respond. 


"You want to be on my level?  Climb bitch!"  she confidently declares while crossing her arms. 


"What did you just say to me?  Do you know who I am?  You need to check your attitude."  the snobby girl says


"I don't have an attitude problem.  You have a problem with my attitude, and that's not my problem."  Indigo retorts as quickly and fiercely as she fights. 


The girl's shock was palpable.  She stood there, her mouth a gape and eyes wide as she struggled to process what had just happened.  Indigo, on the other hand, remained calm and collected.  She had seen this kind of reaction before and knew how to handle it. 


"Don't fucking bark if you can't fucking bite."  she snarls. 


I don't have time to wait for the situation to de-escalate.  I take a few steps forward and raise my voice to ensure everyone can hear me.


  "That's enough,"  I say firmly.  "Everyone goes back to your mats and begins sparring again.  The show is over."


The room is silent as everyone stares at me, surprised by my sudden interjection.  But I don't let it faze me; instead, I repeat myself with even more authority before turning my gaze away from the blonde girl and back onto Indigo, who looks relieved now that the situation has been defused. 


Indigo, my brothers, and I smile before they turn away and head back to their mats.  As I watch them go, I can't help but feel proud of how Indigo handled herself in this situation. She certainly knows how to stand up for herself. 


As the class continues, I can't help but feel a sense of pride and responsibility.  As a member of the royal family, I have a duty to uphold our kingdom's values and lead by example.  It's why I take my studies seriously and always strive to improve myself.  I hope my actions today have shown my classmates that they can count on me in times of disorder. 


However, this responsibility also comes with a weight that can be difficult to bear.  The expectations placed upon me are high, and the consequences of failure are severe.  I feel the crown's weight on my shoulders and sometimes wonder if I'm genuinely ready for the role that awaits me.  But I know that I must keep pushing forward, learning and growing, and doing everything I can to be the best leader. 


The rest of the lesson proceeded without incident.  I couldn't focus away from Indigo and Asher, who had taken over sparring with her even though she displayed impressive skill in her moves. Eventually, their match ended.  And before I knew what was happening, Indigo stepped forward.


"We Can't leave yet," she informs us.  I shift my attention to her. 


"Didn't someone here accept my challenge?"  she recalls River's provocation from earlier.


I urge the rest of the students to return to their dorms, and after a few tries, they finally evacuate the arena. 


River rubs his hands together, "Oh darling, I am going to rock your world."  He grins impishly as he stands in the middle of the arena.  Indigo quickly glances at me and then back at River.


Before we can stop him, River has already removed his shirt and is stretching his arms and legs in preparation for his fight.  I was worried, but Indigo seemed confident even though River was a formidable opponent. 


Cedar steps up and clasps his arm around Indigo's shoulders before whispering in her ear reassuringly, "You can do this."  He then steps away from Indigo and takes her place next to me, nodding towards River with a mischievous smile on her face.

I take a deep breath before shouting out loud, "Begin!"  Both fighters circle each other cautiously, assessing their opponent's strengths and weaknesses.  After a few minutes of tense silence, River lunges forward with an elegant punch that sends Inigo side-stepping backward away from River.


However, Indigo quickly regains her composure and manages to dodge most of his attacks as they continue their battle across the arena.  From time to time, she delivers powerful counterstrikes that push him back, but never enough for him to consider giving up on this fight.


Both fighters are bound to tire at this rate until Indigo delivers the deciding blow by pinning River down and ending the match in her favor!  Everyone cheers loudly at the outcome as they watch River grip her hips. 


"Gorgeous, I will lose to you anytime if it means it ends with you straddling me."  River smiles up at her. I'd give up on you any day if it means I have you on top of me."  River grins up at her. 


Indigo rolls her eyes and climbs off River, offering her hand to help him up just as she did Cedar.  He takes her hand, but once he stands, he pulls her close and breathes in her scent,  "Dang, you sell great, like a fresh autumn morning and lilacs," he says.


"Yeah, right-I'm sure all that sparring left me smelling like swamp ass,"  She replies with a laugh.


We all chuckle at her comment but notice we're slowly closing in on her.  In no time, we have her surrounded by our circle of bodies.


"What's this? And an Indigo sandwich?  She jokes, eyeing us skeptically. 


Cedar responded, "Oh yeah, I'm starving." 


River agreed he was hungry as Cedar said, "I could go for a snack."


"Me too," I replied.  But my mind drifted off to how we were all so drawn to the same girl and how her scent seemed so similar.


Indigo steps away from the group and shakes her head, "No way, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this.  "We all pause momentarily, unsure how to respond before River takes a step forward.  He explains that we were joking around and that none of us meant anything by it, but he can tell she isn't convinced. 


I can tell by the look in her eyes that she's still feeling uneasy, so I step up to try and lighten the mood.  "You know what they say about food being the way to someone's heart…so why don't we all get something to eat?" 


Everyone seems to agree, and soon enough, we find ourselves walking back to the building. As we walk alongside each other, we talk about the sparring today.  We commend Indig on her training and discuss hobbies, family, and dreams.  It was amazing how quickly and easily she fit into our group. 


"Could I take a shower before we eat?" Indigo inquired, and the group unanimously agreed to the plan.  Undoubtedly, the guys were imagining her in the shower, just like me.  We left her in her room while we all got ready for lunch and then met up with her to escort her to our meal. 


Cedar asked, "Why do we all scent the same aromas on her?" 


River answered, "I'm not sure, but I was aroused while we sparred."


"Me too,"  Asher added, "But only three of us can be compatible with her.  Why are you so drawn to her?"


"I don't know," I say, shrugging.  "All I know is my beasts are convinced she's meant to be ours."


"Could it be that she doesn't know her actual birthday?" Asher suggested.  "But that would mean she couldn't be compatible with any of us…and my beast is on the same page as yours, Dane."


The other two nodded in agreement.  "Okay," I said, moving forward with our plan, "let's shower and grab lunch with Indigo and then discuss this further."


We all headed our separate ways to shower, and I couldn't help but ponder the situation that had arisen.  My brother's attraction to her made sense; they were compatible.  But for me, it did not add up.  She was not compatible with me. So why was my beast so drawn to her?


As the water cascaded over me, my thoughts continued to race.  Was it possible that my beast was mistaken? It could be a passing phase, a temporary attraction. Or perhaps there was something about the I couldn't see yet. 


I shook my head, trying to clear my mind of these thoughts.  It was confusing and frustrating, and I no longer want to dwell on it. My beasts grumble at that thought, not liking that I want to push her away from us.  I bargain with my beasts that we will observe her more closely. Maybe then we could understand the reason behind our desire for her. 


Walking into the common area, I'm freshened up and ready to go.  My brothers are prepared to meet up with Indigo for some grub.  After our sparring session, we're starving and ready to chow down. 


We are approaching Indigo's room, and the anticipation builds like a pressure cooker about to burst.  We know she will look stunning, but we were not expecting this level of hotness.  The ripped jeans, the tank top, and thigh-high boots make her look ready to conquer the world. And we, mere mortals, can't help but stare in awe.


Get ready to be mesmerized because Indigo is a showstopper!  She's the kind of girl who makes you forget all your worries and reevaluate your choices in life (in a good way, of course).  With her stunning looks and irresistible charm, she's like a modern-day Medusa but with a much sexier vibe.  You won't be able to resist her magnetic pull, and who cares about the consequences when you've got a goddess in front of you?  We're willing to face the wrath of jealous girls, boys, and disapproving parents to be near her.  Indigo is worth it all, and we're ready to take on any challenge to back in her radiance. 


Listen up, folks! Our beloved Indigo may not know it yet, but she's one of us.  And we're not about to let her slip away that easily.  We've got a plan to win her heart, and one of my brothers will step up as her perfect match.  That way, our little secret stays safe from the eyes of the king.  Indigo Journey, you belong to us, 'our girl'.