
Cursed Bond:Astrological Academia

Reverse Harem Supernatural Intrigue Introducing “Cursed Bond” a spellbinding tale of supernatural allure and fated mates! Prepare to be captivated as you delve into a world where sacred mated bonds are tainted by a haunting curse. Imagine a love that could have been the stuff of legends, stolen away by the hands of fate and replaced with a heart-wrenching challenge. In this enthralling journey, the Goddess herself presents you with a mystical quest, promising to shatter the curse that has plagued your existence. But here’s the catch-to break the curse, you must risk losing the love of not just one, but four extraordinary mates. Will you be brave enough to face this daunting choice? I Cursed Bond,” passion and destiny collide, forging an unbreakable connection between you and your fated mates. Explore a world where the supernatural reigns supreme, where bonds are tested, and where love’s power transcends all boundaries. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions as you navigate the intricate web of secrets, betrayal, and sacrifice. With its vividly depicted characters, sizzling chemistry, and spine-tingling plot twists, “Cursed Bond” is a must-read for fans of paranormal romance. Lose yourself in a world where love knows no bounds, where the strength of a curse is met with the resilience of true love. Will you seize the chance to break the curse and embrace the love of a lifetime? The answer awaits withing the pages of “Cursed Bond.”

Amy_Sams_3398 · Fantasy
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12 Chs


One hundred years ago:


King Magnus stood in the den of the Oracle, a small, meticulously kept chamber draped in dark cloth and filled with a heavy, palpable silence. Fragrant incense clung eagerly to the walls, clinging to the still air like a living thing. Despite his status as a ruler, he felt small and insignificant in the presence of the Oracle, known to possess otherworldly wisdom and foresight. He had come seeking an answer to a question plaguing him for weeks, a truth he could not determine his own. 


King Magnus sat nervously before the oracle, his mind racing with a question about his kingdom's future. He had heard tales of her ability to see behind the veil of time and was desperate for any insight she could offer. His people looked to him for guidance, and she feared making a misstep that could lead to their downfall.


He spoke aloud, his voice wavering slightly:  "How long will my rule continue in the kingdom?"  His words hung suspended in the air, the syllables a physical presence that seemed to be for an answer. 


The oracle studied King Magnus from across the table, her gaze steady and unwavering. When it finally came, her voice was low and resonant: a deep, mysterious hum that seemed to vibrate in the air around them.


"Thue future is always uncertain, Your Majesty. But I see a strong line of rulers continuing in the coming generation. "However," she intoned, "a time will come when the mate bond supersedes your rule. A time when the reign will change all you have done. Be sure your pride is not the downfall of your reign."


As the oracle's voice filled the chamber, Magnus, on every word, his heart pounding in his chest. Her words reverberated through the room long after she had finished speaking. Magnus stared at her in shock, his mind racing to comprehend this unexpected answer. He thanked her before turning to leave, his mind spinning with the implications of the Oracle's prophecy. 


He thunders from his throne, the force of his voice shaking the walls and echoing through the chamber. Sybill drops to her knees before him, bowing low and trembling, anticipating what he might ask.


"Your Highness," she croaks,  "Pleasure to serve. How can I be of assistance?" 


Magnus' lips pull tight across his face as he fixes her with a cold gaze. "I need a way to block mate bonds and erase them from history. Can this be done?" 


King Magnus sat on his throne, looking down on Sybil, his expression grave. The weight of responsibility as the kingdom's ruler felt heavier than ever. 


Magnus could not help but feel a sense of dread creeping at him as he waited for her response; the thought of erasing a bond as strong as the mate bond was unsettling. But he knew the consequences of leaving them unchecked would mean the downfall of his rule. 


Sybil had always been a loyal subject to the king, but she could not help feeling unease whenever she was in his presence. His power was immense, and the consequences of displeasing him were severe. Nevertheless, she knew that her duty was to serve him to the best of her ability, even if it meant doing something so grievous as erasing mate bonds. He is the king, so he must have a valid reason for such a request. 


Sybil swallows hard, debating whether it is wise to question her king, before meekly replying, "Yes, Your Highness, I will see to it right away."  She casts a timid glance up at him before retreating quickly, hoping the power of the mate bonds is not something to be trifled with. 


As she hurried from the throne room, Sybil's mind was consumed with thoughts of the king's command. She knew that fulfilling it would require a great deal of time and effort, but she also knew failure was not an option. She could only hope that her actions would satisfy the king while not negatively affecting the king and the kingdom. Sybil had always known that serving the king was a heavy responsibility, but she never imagined how daunting it could be. 


King Magnus paced in his throne room after Sybil left, his mind running through the Oracle's words, erasing mate bonds. That was no small task he was not entirely sure could be done. But if it needed to be done, he would do it–for the good of the kingdom and his lineage. 


King Magnus had always been a responsible ruler, putting his people's and kingdom's needs above his desires. However, the idea of erasing mate bonds weighed heavily on his heart. He knew how important a bond was to those who shared it, and the thought of taking it away from them made him uneasy. But he also knew if there was a threat to his lineage's rule, he had to act decisively, even if it meant deciding this. 


Magnus exhaled slowly, contemplating the consequences of such an act. He knew mate bonds were sacred. They were more than a physical attraction between two individuals; they were symbols of strength, unity, and love. To erase them would weaken the entire kingdom, including the king himself. 


As he continued his inner turmoil, his mind continuing to race with possibilities and consequences, he could not help but feel a sense of loneliness. He had always been known as a king. He would have to sacrifice and put his duty to his kingdom first. But now, as he faced the possibility of erasing mate bonds, he could not help but wonder if he would ever find someone who understood the weight of his responsibilities and the sacrifices he had to make. 


In the King's mind, allowing supernatural beings to choose their mates was a significant and groundbreaking change. For centuries, fate had dictated whom they would spend eternity with, and while it had worked out for many, there were also instances where the match was unsuitable. This shift towards allowing individuals to choose their partners would undoubtedly have a long-lasting effect on society. 


Magnus thought his decision recognized a need for change and was commendable. It demonstrated his willingness to evolve and adapt to his people's changing needs, a vital trait for any leader. This decision could lead to happier and more fulfilling relationships among supernatural beings, contributing to a more harmonious society. Such progressive thinking is crucial for the growth and progress of Supernatural, and it is heartening to witness it in the highest echelons of power. 


Meanwhile, in the oracle's den:


The Oracle observed King Mangus' expression, which was troubled and pensive. She could sense that he was deeply affected by her words and was reacting instead of carefully weighing his options. She heaved as she watched him summon the witch, knowing that his decision would have far-reaching consequences. 


The Oracle could see the situation fraught with danger, and she knew that the king's choice could determine the kingdom's fate. She hopes he would choose wisely and carefully consider the potential repercussions of his decision. As she watched the witch approach, she felt that sense of foreboding, knowing that the path ahead was already chosen and would be filled with destruction. 

She knew Magnus would not heed her warning, and his pride would be what befalls his future. She knew blocking mate bonds was not the answer to his problem and erasing them from history would anger the Goddess who created them. She could already feel the subtle shift in the kingdom's energy: a growing tension between the King and the Goddess. 


The issue of the mate bonds weighed heavily on her mind. She knew the solution was not to block them simply, for it went against the essence of their existence. Mate bands were a sacred bond created by the Goddess herself; to tamper with them was to invite her wrath. The growing tension between the King and the Goddess was palpable. She knew it was only a matter of time before it escalated and exploded, sending the kingdom into turmoil. 


But alas, such was the fate of those who sought out oracles:  they asked only what pertained to the theme and rarely thought to ask what should be done to prevent the tragedy from occurring in the first place. With a heavy heart, the Oracle blocked the King from her vision and hoped that what came could fix what he would erase. 


Present Day: King Magnus' most outstanding achievement.


Astrological Academia stood tall and proud, nestled in the heart of the United Kingdom. Its grand gates welcomed all eager to learn the ancient art of astrology and hone their supernatural abilities. The sight of the school's towering spires and its bell ringing across the land filled the hearts of those who witnessed it with awe and wonder. 


Within the walls of Astrological Academia, the most incredible minds of astrology and combat came together to share their knowledge and train the next generation of leaders. The halls echoed with the footsteps of students determined to master their powers and use them for the greater good of the kingdom. Here, the bond between humans and spirit animals was celebrated, and those with more than one spirit animal were hailed as heroes. Astrological Academia was a place of magic and mystery, where dreams became a reality, and the impossible became possible. 


At the venerable halls of Astrological Academia, the journey of knowledge commences at the age of eighteen and beyond. Amongst the distinguished scholars who grace the institution with their presence, many are the progeny of the esteemed Alpha class, who have elected to bestow upon their offspring the gift of advanced instruction. With the hallowed confines of the classrooms, pupils are immersed in many erudite subjects, ranging from the intricacies of astrology to the arcane art of energy manipulation. 


Students were deemed imperative to engage in combat training by attending martial arts classes and sparring sessions as part of their regular curriculum. Such sessions provided a secure space for the students to hone their abilities and test their mettle. 


Furthermore, many clubs and associations were available to the students, ranging from artistic endeavors to athletic pursuits. These activities fostered camaraderie amongst peers and bolstered their collaborative prowess while being a source of great amusement. 


But more than anything else, Astrological Academia was a place where individuals could come together and learn about themselves and each other; it was a place where friendships were forged and bonds deepened bonds that would last a lifetime no matter the path life decided to take them down. 


The hallowed halls of the Astrological Academia are a remarkable sight. As one enters, they are immediately transported to a realm of knowledge and wisdom that is timeless and boundless. The walls are adorned with tapestries depicting the movement of the stars and the constellations that have guided humanity for centuries. The majestic ceiling is reminiscent of a starry night, with the moon's current phase shining brightly. Each day, it transforms to match the moon's and planets' phases, a true testament to astrology's awe-inspiring power. 


It is a place of wonder and discovery, where the universe's secrets are unveiled to those who seek them. Here, pupils are not merely taught but initiated into a new way of seeing and being in the world. They are encouraged to embrace the mysteries of the cosmos and the natural world, explore the depths of their souls, and unearth the hidden treasures within.