
Cursed and Blessed In a DC Universe.

He couldn't win in life.Every time he found happiness it was simply torn away. Nothing went right .Betrayal sorrow and debt were all the had. He was destined to die miserable.And when he opened his eyes 3 demons stood before him . What will they offer ? What will he give? And why are they so clingy???? Authors Note. I own none of this it is all a fan fiction and as such don't expect cannon stuff or proper timeline & placement because kids multi verse theory. There will be comedy harem ,violence ,sex,****,and gore. Also the mc will be Strong but not OP.Anyone who dislike harsh reality situations or seeing there favorite hero's corrupted don't read.This is my first time writing so I will accept help from helpfull criticism but if you don't like it vote it down and leave cause I don't care about your negativity.Also cover is temporary I do not own it.

Vindrathix · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


Warning the next few chapters contains elements that are not suited for the sensitive people. Contains scene of ****, sex ,violence,drugs, and abuse.

End of warning.

[Brackets are Wrath's talking thoughts]

(Parenthesis are Darkness Talking thoughts)

The Following chapters will have multiple POV as noted with{}


{Crystal POV}

How did I end up here?

The last thing I remember before this place is being held by those men as they prepared to dirty me in front of my brother.

Just thinking about it pisses me off.


I calm myself down and think about everything that's happened in my life.

I was born Crystal Zhang. From what I have gathered from my mother she had me at fifteen after a college guy knocked her up. That led to her parents disowning her and kicking her to the street .

All I know about my father is that he took care of her for about two years .

Eventually in his perversion he started having my mother sleep with his friends before he finally got bored and kicked us both out on the street .

At seventeen with a two year old and no education my mother did the only thing she could at the time and began selling her body.

At first it wasn't bad, I don't remember much of that time but after a year she started to become more bitter towards me.

Eventually she wound up working for a pimp named Daniel.

He wasn't too bad but he constantly tried to get my mother to offer me in a package deal, which she refused at the time, a fact she would constantly remind me about in later years.

When I was around six a turf war broke out on the street between a major crime family and the local small time gangs.

Daniel was shot and killed in an apparent drive by and suddenly my mother had no protection.

She still worked her corner though, we needed food and there was rent to pay but this led to her being raped by a couple of guys for a whole night.

However she just kept working the next day eventually finding out she was pregnant later on.

At the time, I was alone most days or playing with some of the other kids in the building. I had to grow up fast as more and more my mother seemed to not care if I ate and had started lashing out at me with a belt.

The war for turf finally came to an end around the time I was seven. At the same time Mom had my little brother.

Of all my memories that is the one I remember the most after she had him he was given to me to hold. I remember how fragile he looked and how I just wanted to protect him.

A few months later the Calabreses family finally got around to controlling everything on our street. Our mother had been picked up and put into one of their brothels that we would live in for the next eight years.

At the time she left most of the care of Wrath to me. Honestly I wasn't able to do it by myself but luckily some of the girls on the floor would help between 'customers'.

In particular one girl who was about 17 helped the most. Her name was Joaquina, she was a petite dark skinned girl with larger breast. Her father had sold her off to the Calabreses family to pay for gambling debts.

She would often talk about how she had to take care of her younger siblings. She showed me how to care for my brother and even bought him diapers and formula .

The one strange thing at the time though was he didn't really cry or fuss. He was a quiet child and Joaquina often said he may be daft or dumb. But I would never let that bother me he was my only little brother.

Several months later the Calabreses made a deal with the Penitente Cartel to start funneling drugs though their operations. That was when Gareth took over the brothel. His first priority was getting all the working girls hooked on the drugs.

At first there were quite a few hold outs including Joaquina, but Gareth soon took them upstairs for 'training'. I remember when Joaquina was brought back from her 'training ' I could barely recognize her. She had bruises all over her body and had lost quite a bit of weight. Her eyes seemed lifeless and the needle marks on her arm stood out.

When I asked if she was ok she just stared at me blankly before she broke down crying clinging to me and wrath who I was carrying.

I don't know why but she then sat there describing what had happened. She was tied to a bed and raped by men non stop for hours. After she stopped struggling they began dosing her with the drugs and started raping her till she came down from her high again . This continued for a week before she was deemed ready and brought back down.

She cried for an hour almost before a customer walked in .

Two months later my only friend in that hell died. They simply tossed her body into the ally after she overdosed.

By this time my mother was well into the drugs and my only escape was school.

During this time I was forced to leave my brother with various girls on the floor and most the time he would be shifted between them as they worked.

This continued until for 6 years.

During which time Jack taught me self-defense after one of the customers tried to get handsy with me.

He showed me how to hurt them and even gave me a small black knife that I quickly became attached too. He showed me how to survive.

All the while I took care of my dear little brother. He couldn't seem to talk and never expressed any real emotion but I kept talking to him and he slowly became the one point of happiness in my life.

School wasn't much of an escape as most the kids knew I was the daughter of a whore and I was looked down upon by most the students.

Finally Wrath started school at six so we were both gone most the day. He didn't seem to talk still but the teachers didn't seem to care as they just ignored him.

It was two months after that he came back with a black eye. I was worried about him but he couldn't tell me what had happened. It was then I realized I had to do more to protect him but I was only thirteen at the time. In the end I started doing things the way everyone else seemed to be doing them. I started by blackmailing two of my teachers. One of them was stealing cash from the school using excuses such as field trips and school necessities as the reason. Meanwhile she was down the street from us gambling it all away and losing badly. The other was having an affair with a younger woman but would have been screwed if his wife found out. So after properly investigating them and collecting evidence I got an easy pass for those two classes for the rest of year allowing me to skip out and find out who touched my little brother.

It didn't take long to find the little bastards. I saw them beating my brother on the playground. I wanted to rush over and kill them then and there, but I knew I had to be patient. I slowly figured out who they were and were they lived.

At the same time I started doing some small smuggling jobs for Jack for some cash. Mostly it was delivering drugs or money to people who may be under surveillance by the cops. And hey who would suspect a thirteen year old girl to be carrying five grand worth of cash or drugs.

It wasn't much but I had made a plan to get me and my brother out of this hell . I would lie, cheat, steal, and kill to get that .

And after a couple of months and meticulous planning I finally made my move against the boys in question.

I had found out that they liked to head over to an old warehouse that was no longer used to play after school. So I waited for them. There were three in total and although the others had simply just watched that was more than enough reason to do what I did.

In the end two of them died quickly but the last one I made suffer. He cried and begged for his parents which I couldn't understand after all my parents never did much for me.

I shoved the bodies into small duffle bags after some 'size alterations'. I took them home and dumped the bodies in one of the barrels kept in the chemical storage behind the building. It only took two trips and I had arranged for Jack to pick Wrath up for me.

After that life continued on with the exception of me starting to get up earlier to make runs for Jack before I had to get Wrath ready for school. Jack wasn't a saint but he treated us better than most but he would remind me sometimes his first loyalty was to the family .

Still he helped me find the people I would need to know to escape this hell and after a year I had hidden away about two thousand dollars .

Although a five hundred was from Gareth . I had found out that one of the girls was going to make an attempt to escape. After talking to Jack he took me to Gareth's room .

I will never forget what I saw up there. The moment I walked in I saw large amount of cash being sorted by various guys and girls while a nude man hung from chains on a wall nearby.

Gareth sat in a chair getting a blow job from a nude guy with a chain and collar while watching TV. After I explained what I knew he smiled at me and handed me the money for my information. They waited for the girl to try her escape and quickly caught her .

After gathering most the girls not working Gareth began beating the girl. He snapped her wrist and ankles first, then broke her arms, and then proceeded to beat her to death while she begged him to stop. After an hour she was dead ending with various objects shoved inside her body and blood oozing from every hole. No more of the girls tried escaping again afterwards.

I felt nothing as I watched after all she had nothing to do with me or Wrath.

Life went on.

Then it happened I had just gotten back from doing a cash run to the cartel and had brought back a supply of drugs for the girls. As I walked in the door what I saw shocked me.

Wrath was sitting up and looking around . He had never shown interest in anything before I closed the door quickly but quietly and approached from his side.

He was now staring at our mother naked and high on the bed still dripping her last customer's 'satisfaction' out of her.

I called out his name but he didn't seem to hear me so I grabbed his head and turned him toward me saying his name again.

He looked at me with eyes full of curiosity something he never had done before. But then he grabbed his head like he was in pain and I started panicking fearing he may be hurt or sick.

And then he spoke!!!!! He talked to me. HE TALKED TO ME .

At that point I lost it a bit but at the same time I was overcome with joy and happiness. I wanted to hold him forever I wanted to hear every word he said I wanted him next to me for the rest of my life.

He is my brother after all. Right? Yes he is mine mine mine MINE MINE MINE MINE.

Suddenly he spoke to me again about food and school and I realized I had to stop for now it wasn't time yet but soon I would get him out of here. If I took some more risky jobs from jack and some of the cartel guys I should have enough to buy new identity's in another four years and we can leave here. Go to a better city and live together.

Finally I helped him get ready and we left.

Outside Jack warned me about an incident from yesterday and reminded me he can't protect me from Gareth. I knew Gareth would value me more on my back then as a courier so I needed to be careful.

After that I took Wrath to the bus and started my day I skipped school again and went back to Jack he and I had an agreement, any teachers I couldn't blackmail into passing me he had paid a visit to their family homes and ensured that they understood it was in their best interest to look the other way. I had all my homework for the week already in my bag so I was covered on that end.

After talking with Jack he offered me the usual courier jobs but I asked for something that paid a little more.

Jack plainly refused saying I didn't want to go to deep in this world if I planned on getting out. I argued with him for awhile but to no avail.

In the end I did a few more courier jobs that day and took a nap in one of the empty rooms before I woke up in time for picking up Wrath.

Jack told me about my mother getting a college gang bang so I knew I had enough time to take Wrath out to eat.

He paid me and I hurried to the bus stop to pick Wrath up not forgetting my book bag I left with him.

I picked him up and was holding back from hugging him. I was still shocked at that he had talked to me and had dreaded it was all my imagination. But as we sat at the restaurant talking I felt that no matter what I would give him a better life.

Afterwards we went home and after a quick word with Jack we went back into our room with our mother being fucked by a regular. Honestly I am surprised they can even feel anything anymore.

After I stripped Wrath I pushed him into the shower and moved the ac vent aside while nobody was paying attention adding today's haul to the to small stacks of cash. I quickly closed the vent and stripped down hopping in with Wrath. The look on his face made me wanna hold him I quickly grabbed the soap and started to clean his body and then my own feeling a little exhilaration as I looked at him.

Afterward I took him too our bed and made plans to get more money. He struggled to make space between us but I refused to let him this is the time when I am closest with him.

Time passed and before I knew it I was fifteen. The only people who wished me happy birthday were Jack and most importantly my little brother.

During this time Jack still refused to let me do any dirty work besides the courier jobs and I had only managed to make another two grand.

I had also found it hard to control myself around my little brother the worst being the time I had pressed him into myself nude and he woke up .

I had panicked and feigned sleep. Afterwards he had insisted on proper pajamas for sleeping. I had relented and went out and bought some .

I had to admit though it was fun finding clothes for him but I did make sure they were a bit too big so that I could slip them off when I wanted too.

Oh, and I found out that he is really smart but due to our bitch of a mother he can't be enrolled into the advanced classes but after I 'encouraged' his teacher she made a fitting curriculum for my brother.

The best parts was bathing with him. He had tried many times to become independent from me and wanted to bathe alone, but I would never allow that after all as his big sister I have the right to wash every inch of him. Ahh just thinking of it gets me wait no stop calm down.

But it's fun seeing his body start to react but I will wait till he is much older before I try and take advantage of him.

Life moved on and then all my plans came crashing to a halt when I walked into that room. I should have noticed how somber Jack was. I had spent most of my time planning my brothers birthday even debated on having him skip school.

In the end I am about to be used like my mother.

The man named Tommy is approaching me reaching his hand out while his friends hold me.


Suddenly I feel something grabbing onto my leg and then...

Where the fuck am I?


Before I can register anything else a green skinned ...woman? demon? I don't know but she asks me a question.

"Girl do you want the power to protect your brother and yourself?"

I didn't even hesitate.

"GIVE ME THE POWER TO PROTECT MY BROTHER AND KILL THOSE THAT WOULD HARM HIM!!!!!!!" I shouted surprising all three of the demons or maybe they are devils?

I mean there is a spidery looking one in a Chinese dress and an elf looking one with a dress that seems to be made of screaming faces.

My answer seemed to somewhat surprise them .

" Very well but don't you wanna know what the price of such power..."

"NO GIVE IT NOW I HAVE BASTARDS TO KILL!" I shouted impatient. I needed to get back to my brother. I knew he was hurt so I could care less about the price they asked for.

" Hahahahaha, I like her she will do great." The elf on the left said.

"I agree." The spider woman on the right said.

"Then let us hurry this up there isn't much time. Take this it will allow you to resonate with your brother's power to help him heal." The green woman in the center said.

Suddenly, a hollow silver gauntlet appeared in front of me. It was to small to fit over my arm with a length that would go up to my elbow. The most eye catching part of the object was a large red jewel on the back of the hand.

"Reach forward and take it. It will grant you power and a few additional abilities." The green skinned woman said.

As I reached forward towards the gauntlet they began to explain what it was and what I needed to do.

The gauntlet then suddenly seemed to move to fuse with my incorporeal arm.

I smiled as they told me the plan.


{Tommy POV}

As I reached towards the girls skirt she closed her eyes and seemed to suddenly quit fighting.

But then her right arm started to glow stunning me and the other five guys. Before any of us could say anything a green metal seemed to sprout from her hand and start covering her.

It shredded her clothes and cut into the hands of the guys that didn't let go quick enough. Soon she seemed to be wearing a sharp metal bikini armor that split open from just above her groin into a "V" covering her sides and tits just enough to leave half of them hanging out. Her right arm and both shoulder's were completely covered along with her right leg. Her left leg was only covered from the ankle down while her left arm had only been covered from her elbow to her hand.

Before we could react she pulled her right arm up to her left shoulder. She opened her eyes which were now completely black with gold pupils and smiled.

Then her arm moved and Danny and Cole's heads dropped to the floor.

She was suddenly holding a big fucking scythe staring at me with a predators eyes.

"RUN!" I yelled turning around not looking to see if the others heard me. Before I made it five steps I felt sharp pain in my legs and fell forward screaming.

I turned my head to see a dozen metal darts sticking out of the back of my legs and to see George have a scythe split his skull and bury itself in his torso .

The last two hadn't even made a step before they were cut in half.

"Now where are you going you're the one who gets to have the most fun." The girl smiled at me and walked towards me licking her lips.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME !!!!!!" I screamed while trying to crawl from her. She simply walked up and grabbed me by hair and began dragging me across the floor.

I tried hitting her arm but all I got was mangled hands from the sharp armor.

She then turned me around and dropped me in front of the brat I had kicked the shit out of earlier. I was suddenly even more afraid.

She then gently placed her hand on his back, her face full of concern as she closed her eyes.

Then dark shadows began to rise from the boy quickly making their way up her arm creating a shadow mantle around her shoulders connecting to the boy.

Then she opened her eyes and stared at me and I saw multiple glowing eyes staring at me from the mantle. I wanted to scream, to run, to do anything, but I was frozen in place by my fear of those eyes.

Then she smiled and a serpentine creature shot out of the mantle wrapping around me like a snake and lifting me up into the air.

I screamed but that just let a second one shoot out towards me. I saw its eyes and teeth as it plunged into my mouth. I couldn't breath as it seemed to rip into me tearing through my body and finally I felt it bite down on my heart.

I was in so much pain I just wanted it to end as it pulled out and I was tossed across the room .

The last things I saw where the two creatures ripping my heart in half and swallowing as dark shadows with purple light wrapped around the boy. I closed my eyes ready for the sweet release from the pain.

What I saw next was a multi color void with strange clouds swirling around it .

In front of me was a lifeless body. But it was horrifying to look at. It was human shaped but it was wrong limbs were misplaced, bones and nerves sticking out. There was too many eyes on the head and the mouth was lopsided. It was like something out of a nightmare.

"Awww and after we went through all that trouble to make a body just for you to enjoy your time with us." A melodious voice came from the side .

I looked towards it and screamed.

"Screaming already? But the fun hasn't even begun." Said what appeared to be an elf reaching her hand towards me.

And then pain.


{Third Person POV}

In the room Crystal gazed at her brother who no longer had bruises all over his body.

"How long until he wakes?" She asked.

(About an hour, his injuries are healed though)

"Keep him asleep until we leave, it will be easier that way." Crystal said receiving a nod from the two creatures who then retreated back into Wrath.

She picked him up and walked over towards the bed laying him on top gently.

She smiled and a brief look of lust crossed her face as she looked at him before she calmed herself.

She turned towards the woman on the floor and went to see if she was still alive .

Her mother still lived her injuries being more external and she would eventually heal.

Crystal slapped her mothers face causing the woman to regain conciseness.

She looked at her daughter with pure fear causing the latter to smile.

"I hate you. To me you are a piece of shit. The only thing I can thank you for is my brother. But still I hate you." Crystal said to her.

Her mother opened her mouth to speak only to feel a sharp pain in her chest. She looked down to see her daughters armored hand in her chest before it was ripped out with her heart.

"Don't worry I will give him a better name and a better life." Crystal said as she crushed her mothers heart in front of her.

She stood up and walked out the door towards the elevator. It was late and most the girls were sleeping. Jack was still outside it seemed.

She cut the elevator doors open and sliced the cables before she walked over to the emergency staircase near it checking that it was still sealed after the last girl tried to escape through it.

She then walked towards the outside stairs opening the door outside quietly creating her scythe as she did.

Jack stood there with his head down still smoking, an empty pack sitting on the rail.

He turned around and saw her a momentary look of shock on his face before it became a calm smirk.

"So this is how it is huh?" He said staring at the girl.

"Yeah, you know what you told me before. No witnesses." She replied staring at him

He nodded and held up his last cigarette

"May I ?" He asked her.

She nodded and he finished it snubbing it on the rail and then stared back at her.

" Good luck kid" He smiled at her one last time.

"Thank you and goodbye Jack." She replied slashing his head off .

She then proceeded up the stairs systematically jamming all the doors until she reached the sixth floor.

So not what some of you guys were expecting but i realy enjoy seeing crystals view. As usual THANK CHICHUMS for her great editing.

And now 2 things

First Discord Feel free to join


And second another poll

Wraths new name



Or suggests your own pick

Anyway Thanks for reading PEACE

Vindrathixcreators' thoughts