
Cursed and Blessed In a DC Universe.

He couldn't win in life.Every time he found happiness it was simply torn away. Nothing went right .Betrayal sorrow and debt were all the had. He was destined to die miserable.And when he opened his eyes 3 demons stood before him . What will they offer ? What will he give? And why are they so clingy???? Authors Note. I own none of this it is all a fan fiction and as such don't expect cannon stuff or proper timeline & placement because kids multi verse theory. There will be comedy harem ,violence ,sex,****,and gore. Also the mc will be Strong but not OP.Anyone who dislike harsh reality situations or seeing there favorite hero's corrupted don't read.This is my first time writing so I will accept help from helpfull criticism but if you don't like it vote it down and leave cause I don't care about your negativity.Also cover is temporary I do not own it.

Vindrathix · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Call Me.....

Warning the next few chapters contains elements that are not suited for the sensitive people. Contains scene of ****, sex ,violence,drugs, and abuse.

End of warning.

[Brackets are Wrath's talking thoughts]

(Parenthesis are Darkness Talking thoughts)

The Following chapters will have multiple POV as noted with{}

Quick note i made a mistake that has been fixed last chapter Jack is the one that taught Crystal and gave her the knife hence the significance of the end. I forgot to save that change sorry but it has been fixed.


{Third Person POV}

As Crystal entered the sixth floor she was greeted by the only other remodeled area besides the first floor.

Their was only eight rooms on this floor . One was Gareth's living space where he kept the money and his latest toys. One was a large conference room for meetings with the families. Three of them where VIP rooms which were clean and luxurious. The girls that worked up here were often virgins that were sold off to pay debts or kidnapped from nightclubs and chained to the beds in groups of three for High ranking family or rich customers.

The last three were a generator room and two rooms for a few of the more liked thugs to crash in.

Crystal made her way towards the thug rooms first. No guards were up here as nobody was stupid enough on this street to come into here unless they had a death wish. Everyone was sleeping since the Herbal shop was closed for the night and business started again at seven am. She silently strode through the two rooms decapitating the few guys sleeping in bed and the girls beside some of them who had runny mascara from they previous days unwillingness.

A few had woken up before she had gotten close but a few well placed darts had silenced them before they could alert the others.

As she walked out of the second room covered in blood she heard a sniffling voice coming from one of the VIP rooms.

As she walked in three girls sat on the bed holding each other. Fear evident on their faces. Crystal quickly closed the door before they could scream as these rooms had been made soundproof

Behind the door was a girl that she guessed she had missed from the thug room.

The girl looked up at her naked and afraid.

"Please don't kill me, I don't wanna die." The girl begged with tears in her eyes.

"Nobody wants to die. They don't wanna be hurt or see their loved ones suffer." Crystal said staring at the girl.

"But you will die here and now simply because you were dragged into the wrong place at the wrong time." Crystal said as she raised her scythe preparing to swing it down on the girl.

The three young girls on the bed screamed and closed their eyes knowing they were next, but suddenly Crystal stopped and tilted her head as if listing to someone.


The girls all looked at her as if she was crazy but then she swung her scythe behind her breaking the chains.

"If you don't want to die then get over here, if you try to run your head will roll." She said darkly to the three girls.

They quickly joined the first girl huddling together all staring at the woman who would decide their life or death.

" I can't let you leave here alive , but I can offer you and alternative path that will allow you to be reborn." She said simply.

The girls just stared at her and said nothing.

She held her hand out and a dark purple gem formed in her palm. The inside of it swirling with dark energy entrancing the four girls.

"Touch the gem and accept your new lives or die here those are your two choices." Crystal said to the girls leaving no room for arguments.

The four girls hesitated for a few seconds before they each finally reached forward and touched the gem.

At first nothing happened but then Crystal smiled and dark shadows quickly covered the hands of the girls.

The shadows quickly covered the girls before they could realize what had happened and then retreated back into the orb.

The four girls were gone only the chain and scant amount of clothing left on the ground.

Crystal reabsorbed the gem and walked into the next VIP room.

She offered the three girls the same offer but one just kept screaming and thrashing on the bed trying to get away.

After splitting her in two in front of the other two girls Crystal asked again and they quickly accepted with the same results as before.

Crystal turned around and began walking out before she suddenly stopped.

"Yes, I know they are pretty girls but no matter how many girls he has I will always be first." She said a little angrily and began walking again.

At the same time the gem on her hand glimmered as if laughing.

She proceeded down the hall towards Gareth's room, she approached the door scythe in hand. She tried it to test if it was unlocked and found it had been bolted. She sighed and raised her scythe proceeding to cut the door down.

Inside was much the same, save a new person on the wall and nobody there counting cash.

Gareth was staring at her mouth slightly agape. He was sitting at his desk while the man he had following him earlier lay on the floor obviously dead with fluids covering his corpse.

He didn't take long to recompose himself however.

"Great another freak in Gotham. So what are you some justice yahoo or are you here to try and take over?" He said looking at Crystal with disdain.

Crystal laughed a bit before responding.

"What don't remember me already? You left your clients in my care not that long ago Gareth." She said with the most innocent voice she could.

Gareth looked at her and realization came over his face.

"Shit this is gonna be hard to explain to the families. Well what do you want?" He said as if it was just an annoyance.

"My little brother's happiness and love is all I want. Now please die!" She responded while jumping towards him and swinging her scythe down.

He saw her coming and rolled to the side pulling a combat knife and a pistol from under the desk as he moved.

As she sliced the desk and chair he had been in in half he quickly aimed and shot off four rounds. However a green and silver metal wing seemed to sprout from her back to shield her from the bullets.

"FUCK!" Gareth exclaimed as he tried to move further from her.

Crystal however leaped toward him with a flap of her wings.

"You're green still girl." He said and raised the gun shooting at her again emptying the clip. However she managed to block most the shots with her wings but two shots hit her uncovered left thigh.

"SHIT!!!!" She yelled stopping for a brief moment. It hurt like hell and she was bleeding. Her armor quickly expanded moving to cover the wounds. Gareth looked around for another gun but the nearest was a shotgun behind the cash tables. He started dashing towards it when suddenly he was pierced by several blades throwing him against a nearby wall.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" He yelled at her as he looked up to see the blades in his body attached to her from what looked like her hair as she approached him.

She stopped in front of and seemed to think for a second.

"A sister in love." She said seriously as she slashed down with her scythe splitting him in half to his waist.

She smiled and turned around proceeding to the cash tables . She grabbed a small bag and packed it full of all the large bill stacks she could find.

She counted about sixty thousand dollars before it was full. She looked around before she walked towards the generator room. Inside the room was a gas powered generator and several large jerry cans of gasoline.

She manipulated her wings into several metal tentacles and grabbed six of the cans before using one to stab the generator and remaining cans. She then turned around and walked down the hall pouring a can behind her until she reached the door, leaving the can tipped over pouring it's remaining contents onto the floor.

Once outside she jammed the door for safe measure. She then proceeded down the stairs stopping at each door to unjam them and toss in a open can of gasoline before closing and jamming them again. This went almost smooth except for a boy who was at the door on the fifth floor but she had simply cut him down before tossing the can in.

When she reached the second floor she found several girls by the door slightly panicked about the smell of gasoline. As she walked in holding the bag and last can they looked at her in fear and began to run toward the elevator screaming and panicking.

She cut down the closest and ignored the rest. After jamming the door she quickly made her way to the room her brother slept in, packing the books she had just bought him and the few items they had into their book bags which she had emptied onto the floor.

After dousing the room with gas and wrapping her brother in a blanket and carrying him, she walked out dragging the can behind her towards the door. Many girls were in the hall now panicking as they saw her and smelt the gas. She launched darts and pierced the closest to her with sharp, whip like tentacles that sprouted from her back.

The hall filled with screams and blood. Some girls froze in place, some ran into their rooms, other ran towards the elevator. As she approached the door she dumped the remainder of the can near the corpses of some girls around the door. She shifted her brother to unjam the door before stepping through it . Before she closed it she turned around and held her hand up seeming to concentrate. A small ball of fire formed after a few seconds and launched towards the gasoline. The fire quickly spread as she shut and jammed the door.

She used her grappling tentacles to quickly make her way up to a nearby building to observe.

She watched as the fire quickly spread through the old building. She wasn't worried about anyone escaping through the windows, those had been sealed up years ago to prevent escapes or suicides. She watched as the building burned and heard the screams of the women and children left inside. As the fire department finally arrived the screams had died down and the building was a roaring inferno. At this point the fire department was just trying to keep the fire from spreading to the other nearby buildings.

As she was sure nobody survived, she turned around and began making her way across the roof towards the man she needed to see about new identity's.

Suddenly she stopped and her whips deflected two small black objects. She turned towards the source to see a man landing nearby dressed in a black cape and costume.

"Who are you?" She asked clutching her brother close to her and ready to fight or run.

"Funny I was going to ask you the same thing seeing as most normal people don't carry kids around leaping across roofs in the middle of the night." The man said staring at her.

"What I do and how I get around are my business." She replied staring back at him.

His eyes narrowed but suddenly a blast of energy hit him from the side throwing him across the roof.

Crystal turned her head to look at the new addition.

"Great and who the hell are you?" She asked the newcomer

A female voice replied "Call me..."

So as usual Thank Chichums.

So looks like the winner of last poll will be Daemon.

Sorry the chapter was short but ive been trying to do alot of resarch on many topics . The main topic is fining a more neutral bad girl

However dc is a pain in ass so i have narrowed it down to three and i will simply have to change the picked one slightly

Now new poll

Morgaine Le Fey



or suggest one of your own no heros though but anti heros are fine.

Thanks for reading

Vindrathixcreators' thoughts