
Cursed and Blessed In a DC Universe.

He couldn't win in life.Every time he found happiness it was simply torn away. Nothing went right .Betrayal sorrow and debt were all the had. He was destined to die miserable.And when he opened his eyes 3 demons stood before him . What will they offer ? What will he give? And why are they so clingy???? Authors Note. I own none of this it is all a fan fiction and as such don't expect cannon stuff or proper timeline & placement because kids multi verse theory. There will be comedy harem ,violence ,sex,****,and gore. Also the mc will be Strong but not OP.Anyone who dislike harsh reality situations or seeing there favorite hero's corrupted don't read.This is my first time writing so I will accept help from helpfull criticism but if you don't like it vote it down and leave cause I don't care about your negativity.Also cover is temporary I do not own it.

Vindrathix · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

8 Years Old Part 2**

Warning the next few chapters contains elements that are not suited for the sensitive people. Contains scene of ****, sex ,violence,drugs, and abuse.

End of warning.

[Brackets are Wrath's talking thoughts]

(Parenthesis are Darkness Talking thoughts)

The Following chapters will have multiple POV as noted with{}


{Warth's POV}

I felt fear as I looked at the man who ran everything in this building.

Gareth didn't look like the typical thug all big and burly, instead he was built like one of those martial artist without any excess fat or muscle. He was clean shaven with military cut brown hair. His strangest feature was his startling green eyes that always seemed to look like he was smiling, even when he was ripping off someone's toes or beating an attempted runaway to death as an example to the other girls.

He was looking very relaxed right now as the other guys in the room smiled and started surrounding us except the one that was still plowing Asharaf's body, I couldn't tell if she was dead or alive but I could tell they had beaten and mauled her bloody .

"What are you here for Gareth?" My sister asked while stepping in front of me and slowly reaching for her book bag.

"Now Crystal is that any way to be? We have known each other since you were 8, I have watched you grow into a fine young girl. Hell I even fed you and your brother so many times." Gareth responded with a fake sadness in his voice while grinning sadistically at her.

"Gareth hurry up I am getting horny just looking at her tight ass." One of the guys said while staring at Crystal eyes full of lust.

I took a subtle step forward as they slowly encircled us and reached for the knife that was in my sister book bag . I had seen her pull it out a couple of times when the street thugs or girls tried to start shit with her and once when her classmate threatened to hurt me the next time she wasn't around .

He had quickly pissed and shit himself after she had put the short, full, tang black blade against his neck and made a little blood run it. She had then told him never to touch us. He was too embarrassed to tell anyone after that and too scared of her to talk to either of us.

(Be careful , there's too many of them you can't do much with your body right now) Nero said sounding a bit desperate.

[Can I borrow any of your powers right now] I asked them desperate for any advantage I could get

(No its still 5 years until your body can handle any of our offensive abilities we can only communicate and heal you through blood) Xavira said to me.

Before I could ask how either thing could help me Gareth began talking.

"Well enough screwing around, here is the deal Crystal. Your mom ain't pulling as much as she used to and so in order for me to show her some kindness I offered her a deal. She and you would help service the fine fellows who just got out of jail for "Good Behavior" and didn't rat out the families in exchange she gets enough drugs for a week. But I realize that is a bit unfair to you so I will give you the option to get paid for every time one of these gentlemen satisfies himself with you if you willingly agree." Gareth says while smirking at Crystal.

Even as dark as she is I could see my sister pale with every word that Gareth says .

"I am not one of your drugged up whores Gareth. I will not just lay down on my back to satisfy some horny thugs." She said trying to sound brave but I could see her hands trembling visibly .

By this point I already had the knife in my hand. I had lowered my book bag onto the ground and was keeping a low profile behind my sister which was easy because everyone's eyes were on her.

" Hahahaha, That's rich you don't seem to understand your situation but I don't have time for this shit I tried being nice, She is all yours boys." Gareth said as he stood aside and walked towards the door.

At the same time two of the guys leapt forward toward Crystal. She promptly swung her book bag like a club at one but he simply laughed and dodged it, only to have her kick him in the face as he ducked earning a string of curses from him.

The other guy however closed in and quickly grabbed my sister before she could react as she turned to hit the second man, the first quickly came up and punched her in the gut knocking the wind out of her.

"You stupid little bitch!" He exclaimed while grabbing her other arm.

She tried to flail only to have the two other guys approach and grab her legs lifting her off the floor.

Meanwhile, Gareth and his toy left the room without a word closing the door.

The Fifth guy started towards my sister as well while the sixth finally pulled out of Ashraf rolling her body onto the floor to make room on the small bed.

I could not take it anymore even with Xavira and Nero trying to persuade me to stop I rushed forward and stabbed the nearest guy with all my strength.

Turns out an 8 year old doesn't have much as the knife only partially went into the guys leg.

" WHAT THE FUCK THAT HURTS!" The guy screamed as he let go of my sisters arm and backhanded me hard enough to throw me to the ground .

"WRATH RUN JUST LEAVE ME ,DONT YOU FUCKING TOUCH MY BROTHER I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU' My sister started to scream thrashing and trying to hit the guys with her free arm

The pants less guy rushed forward trying to grab her only to get punched in the balls before the other free hand came forward and managed to grab and restrain my sister.

(LOOK OUT !!!!!!!) the twins both shouted

I was trying to get up when suddenly they yelled and before I could react a boot landed in my ribs .I felt them breaking as the air was knocked out of me. The kicks kept coming all I could do was to curl up and protect my head.

" First batman beats us up and gets us arrested. Then that D.A. asshole Dent tries to throw us in for 20 years unless we rat the family. And now that we managed to pay off a judge to throw the case some little brat thinks he can FUCKING STAB ME!!! I WILL BEAT YOU TILL YOU CANT WALK AND MAKE YOU WATCH ME FUCK YOUR WHORE SISTER'S ASS ALL NIGHT YOU LITTLE SHIT!" He screamed while kicking me breaking more bones.

I started coughing up blood and losing consciousness while feeling myself heal a bit as he stopped finally.

The twins desperately talked to me trying to get me to do anything to get away but I couldn't even move anymore.

The last things I saw before I became unconscious was the bottomless man approaching my sister while she screamed in rage about killing them.


{Nero and Xavira POV}



We are thinking desperately how to save him but we don't yet have the power and he has many bones poking into his lungs we can't save him without a sacrifice.

As we desperately try and help, our Mother's send us a message and we immediately begin to do as they ask all the while we feel their rage through our link.


{Third Person POV}

Inside the room the guys struggled with the girl as she kept screaming at them.

"Fucking shut her up and get her clothes off I wanna have the first taste of her." Said the guy with the bleeding leg.

" You alright Tommy?" One of the guys holding the girl's arms asked the bleeding man.

"Yeah it's not that deep just a flesh wound. I had worse when I got shot in that fight with the Gilzean family." Tommy replies as he walked by the guy who got punched in the balls.

Tommy approached the girl getting ready to rip her clothes off .

"I am gonna enjoy this bitch and who knows maybe after the first dozen times you may like it hahahahahah" He said as he approached her.

Nobody noticed the thin tendrils of shadow rapidly crossing the floor towards the girl. They came from the unconscious boy on the floor.

Just as Tommy reached his hand out to grab the girls skirt, the tendrils crawled up the bed and latched onto the girl.


In a multicolor space constantly shifting around three beings who looked furious, a semi transparent girl suddenly appeared before them.

Before the girl could fully register what she saw she heard the central being talk.

"Girl do you want the power to protect your brother and yourself?"

How many off you were panicing? Well another chapter and next chapter we will see a new POV . But now a POLL

Chain Claw



Pick one guys :)

And as usual thank chichums for editing otherwise this would be a pile of illiterate crap.

Vindrathixcreators' thoughts