
Cupid, The Strongest Love Counselor

Abandoned and killed by the “gods” of love hundreds of years ago, Cupid is reborn in the modern world of Seoul Korea, with no memory of what happened before. But knowing what his abilities and purpose is, he runs a small love counseling business to help regular couples or married couples fix their relationship and rekindle the love. But, there’s a twist. He does it in a fashion where it involves a lot of brutality and fighting, literally defeating the core issue within the relationship. And at the same time, Cupid wants to feel love as well, jealous of everyone who has it.

TheRedRedHoodie · Fantasy
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10 Chs

What A Stalker

The outside of the mall flooded with the fire department, police, A.H.A members, ambulance, and news reporters.

Some of the A.H.A members said to each other:

"We apprehended Kang, he's in pretty bad shape."

"Anyone would be after a blow like that."

"I heard the guy who punched him didn't even use mana…"


Nari stood there, as she kept thinking about Cupid and that punch he delivered on Kang.

She thought, 'He didn't use mana..at all. All awakened humans need mana to perform skills, even skills such as speed and strength, mana enhances everyone's physical capabilities. And those who are awakened can sense when other awakened humans use mana. What is that guy? That aura that came off of him…that confidence…he's not a normal awakened.'

Walking up beside Nari, was a man with slick black and brown short hair, a splash like birthmark under both of his eyes, brown eyes, and a cigarette in his mouth. His name was Kwan, Executive of Nari of the A.H.A.

Kwan took a puff of his cigarette, saying, "Surprised? Me too, brat."

Nari answered, "He did it without mana…he did that shit without mana. HOW?!"

"First off, stop screaming in my ear. Times are changing obviously. Gotta accept it I guess."

"How are you taking this so lightly, old man?"

"I'm not even old, I'm 32."

"That's old. As hell."

"….I take this lightly because I've been told to always expect the unexpected. I could be surprised, but still take it lightly. I tell you to do that now. As an Executive, it's our job to mentor the Apostles, so that you can take our place as high ranking members of the A.H.A."

"Yah, I know that. But it's strange, isn't it? Cause' I thought, you needed mana to enhance physical and mental capabilities.."

"You do. It's weird as hell, that brat is something else that's not like us."




"I guess it's good work you tracked down Kang. Using him, we can track the rest of his stooges."

"I was cornered in the mall, if it wasn't for the fact that the kid knocked the hell out kf Kang, he probably would've escaped. I need to get even stronger, and faster."

"…You say that every time you fail."

"I know.."

"Eh, nothing wrong with saying it. You're just noticing where you lack in certain areas."

"Damn right. Appreciate it."


"Shut up."

Walking towards them, was an Apostle.

He had bright red wavy hair, dark red eyes, and freckles.

He grinned, "Well well well, If it isn't princess-."

Nari interrupted, "Shut up, Minjun. Where's your Executive?"

"Ah, over there talking with some other Executives. Crazy stuff happened here huh? A brat used no mana and blasted a man through multiple buildings. That's soemthing to talk about over dinner-."

"Not interested."

"Tch. Playing hard to get. I like that. How about me and you go see the new movie-."

"Fuck outta my way," Nari walked past Minjun.

Minjun and Kwan asked, "Where are you going?"

Nari answered, "I'm gonna find this boy."

Minjun gritted his teeth, "Huh?! He's not worth your precious time, Nari!"

"Shut up. I'm gonna find him…"

She walked away.

Kwan started smoking his cigarette some more, saying, "Brats are always gonna do what their mind tells them."

Minjun said to Kwan, "S-Stop her!"

"I'm not her father. Stop acting jealous."

"Tch! She'll be mine one day!"

(Cupid's Rekindling Services headquarters)

Cupid walked into his business, shutting the door behind him, stretching and yawning, "Bummer. I got no inspiration. Guess I'll just wait around for calls. Or should I go get a real job? Isn't this a real job? I'm too lazy for a government job. Oh well."

Cupid started to take off his slippers, and he started to take off his shirt. As soon as he took it off, Nari was standing right in front of him.

Cupid and her locked eyes, and Cupid said, "How the hell did you get in here? Aren't ya that one nerd from the mall?"

"Who the hell are you calling a nerd, bastard?"

"Didn't hurt my feelings enough to care, bug off."

"No. What are you?"


"What are you? You used no mana to send Kang flying. How did you do it? Are you human?"

"Huh? Why are you concerned?" Cupid walked away from her, and walked to his mini fridge, pulling out a piece of cake.

Nari followed, continuing, "So it's true? You're not human?"

"I am a human, I think. Dreams I have sometimes say otherwise but, it's probably all bullshit anyway."

"Dreams? What dreams?"

"How'd ya get in here?"

Nari pulled out her phone, and showed Cupid, saying, "I tracked you down with face recognition from the cameras around the mall, and then I scanned it, and your face popped up on my phone linked to a marketing ad on social media, and your face was on the ad. And that's how I found this place, it had the address on it as well."

Cupid smirked covering his mouth, "Hehe, stalker."

Nari screamed, "I'M NOT A STALKER! DAMN YOU!"

"Okay that was loud."

"What do you do in this dump anyway? Getting lovers back together?"

"You read the ad?"


"So why are you asking me that question?"

"What's your name?"


"No, your real name."

"That is my real name, fool."

"How old are you?"


"Me too."

"Mhm. So are ya gonna get services or did you stalk me so you can give me a questionnaire?"

"Services? Your love services? Ha! I love no one. I'm fine. What do you do? You shoot people with like love arrows like Cupid?"

"Kinda. You wanna see it?"


The pink and red bow formed in Cupid's hands, and he showed Nari, saying, "Ta-Da."

"WHOA! Lemme hold it, now!"

She reached for it, and Cupid said, "Don't."


"Cupid's Bow and Arrow. Only I can touch it. If anyone else touches it, they'll get cut up real bad, or die."


"…Grab it."

"…Nah. I'm good."

Cupid made the bow go away, and he started eating his cake, walking to the couch.

Nari asked, "What kind of power do you have?"

"I don't know."

"When did you become awakened?"


"You said your name was Cupid, and your bow is based on the aesthetic of the mythos love god, Cupid."

"Mythos love god?"

"Are you not familiar with mythology?"


"Do you know anything?!"

"I know a lotta' shit. What's your point here?"

"We need to do research on the mythos Cupid. Move the hell over."

Nari shoved Cupid, and sat beside him, pulling out her phone, researching the mythos of Cupid.

Cupid watched her, her scent was overflowing into his nose, he began to notice how beautiful she actually looked. It was silent, and Cupid thought, 'Whoa.'

Nari looked at him, saying, "What are you looking at?"

Cupid blushed, and looked away, eating the rest of his cake, replying, "Tch. What are YOU looking at? And why are you so interested in me anyway?"

"…In this world, those who are awakened use mana to do things normal humans can't. They can use their mana for increased speed, strength, or awareness; or they can use their mana to perform magic abilities or make themselves tougher. But the cause for humans awakening is unknown. Did you not know this?"

"Heh? Never really payed attention."


"I think so."

"UGH. Okay, I'm gonna show you who the mythos Cupid is-."

"You didn't answer me when I asked why you're hella eager to find out about me."

"…I just have a hunch about something. Anyway, if you don't know about the mythos Cupid, how come your name is that?"

"..I don't know. It's hard to explain. It just feels like that's my name."

"What about your parents?"

"Don't have any. I kinda just popped up here."


"Yah. That all your questions?"

"I have no more for now. Let's look up who Cupid really is."

(In a temple-like house sitting on a hill in a forest)

A mother and father were standing around, looking worried.

The father said, "Our son Kang got taken by the A.H.A. He's being held up already."

The mother responded, "And he still hates us."

"We may have the solution."

"Can we actually call him…will it help?"

"He's barely recommended, but he has 4 five star reviews.."

"Call him, honey. Call Cupid. For the sake of this family's relationship, and our son.."