
Cupid, The Strongest Love Counselor

Abandoned and killed by the “gods” of love hundreds of years ago, Cupid is reborn in the modern world of Seoul Korea, with no memory of what happened before. But knowing what his abilities and purpose is, he runs a small love counseling business to help regular couples or married couples fix their relationship and rekindle the love. But, there’s a twist. He does it in a fashion where it involves a lot of brutality and fighting, literally defeating the core issue within the relationship. And at the same time, Cupid wants to feel love as well, jealous of everyone who has it.

TheRedRedHoodie · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Just A Normal Day I Think

Later that night, he was snoring loudly with a snot bubble coming out of his nose, half of his body was leaning over the edge of the bed, and the TV was still on.

"The strongest god of love…Cupid…the apostle of the dark army didn't stand a chance.."

"He didn't..no. His power is unlike ours..what if he overthrows us, the council of the love deities?"

"He won't, but something else is attached to his soul..something irregular.."

Cupid opened his eyes, and sat up fast, it was morning time already. The glare from the sun pierced softly through his window, hitting his face.

He thought, 'What…was that? It felt vivid as hell…'

He stood up out of his bed, and he started to stretch, yawning at the same time.

He then went to go his bathroom, brushing his teeth in front of the mirror, looking at himself.

"I want a pet. I should get a pet."

He spit toothpaste and water into the sink, rinsed the sink out, and got prepared to take a shower. He stood under the sprinkling steaming water, letting it hit his body. He stood there in thought, thinking about the dream he had about him being a "god".

'What kind of weird ass dream was that, really? Recently I've been thinking about how am I'm so strong..and things keep happening…am I supposed to be famous or something?'

After the shower, he sat at the small small table near his other window, eating pancakes and drinking orange juice.

He leaned back in the seat, sighing, "Ugh. Shit. I need to make business posters. That Cheon-Bae lady gave me enough money to buy at least 3,000 of them. I need an assistant too, 1 month into this business and I should've dealt with this first thing, maybe my ass was too excited to start it. I guess I'll go to the store right now."

(5 seconds later)

Cupid was laying upside down on the couch, flipping through TV channels, eating candy, making a mess around him.

He chewed and chewed, and then he stopped the TV on a news channel.

There was a reporter standing in the front, saying, "-Also in todays news, Pop star Yunori will be performing live at the arts center in Seoul! She's really excited for her fans it seems after clearly saying it all over social media! In other news, there have been more people awakening, and more people joining the Awakened Hero Association (AHA); the Executives there are really pushing for people who have become newly awakened to hone their abilities and use it to protect the world they live in! And lastly, there is a man who is currently being pursued by the AHA, he goes by the street name 'Kang' and here is his picture displayed right here. He's a well built middle aged man, has a buzz cut, grey eyes, and a dragoon tattoo on the right side of his eye. If you happen to run into him, do not engage with him. He is extremely dangerou-."

Cupid sat up fast, exclaiming, "I got an idea!"

He ran to a long paper on his wall, and it said, "To-Do list"

He said, "I need to get my business on a commercial on the news or something. Seeing all this news kinda inspired me, so like…yeah. Okay, first, I know I need a bunch of money. I need a side job, but what would I do? I need..ideas, and inspiration and all that shit. But I don't feel like going out. Oh well. Fuck it. Let me get ready."

He turned around, put on his slippers, wrapped himself in a blanket, and walked out of the door.

Minutes later, Cupid was walking through the dog park eating chips, and he saw people out there playing with their dogs, throwing frisbees and small tennis balls or dog toys. There was even a famous dog tamer getting interviewed on the side by reporters.

"So Mr. Doh-Kim, what breed is your dog? And have you registered him in the doggy Olympics?"

He replied, "Haha! He's a Thai Ridgeback! An extremely rare and exotic breed of dogs! And of course he's going to the Olympics, this will be his 4th year running and 4th year winning!"

Out of nowhere, a dog Doh-Kim owned, the Thai Ridgeback, had a frisbee in its mouth, and brought it to Cupid.

Cupid said, "Heh? The hell do ya want, mutt? Scram."

The Thai Ridgeback dog of Doh-Kim lowered its head more, and placed the frisbee on the ground, and the dog wagged his tail with his tongue sticking out, panting over and over.

Cupid sighed, and picked up the frisbee, and the reporters and Doh-Kim looked that way.

The reporters:

"Looks like your dog is playing with someone else!"

"Catch this on film!"

Doh-Kim smirked, "Ha! My dog would never succumb to a frisbee throw of a random brat in pajamas and slippers-."

Cupid launched the frisbee, and the sheer force and power from the throw cracked the ground, blew wind all over the place, and knocked everyone back on the ground a few feet.

They said:






Cupid said, "Shit, I barely threw it. I shoulda threw ur harder. Sorry mutt."

(10 minutes later)

Cupid was at the movie theaters watching a movie, with only a few people in there. He was eating popcorn with his feet up in the seat in front of him. He was already crying at the movie, pointing at the screen, saying, "You deserve better! He doesn't deserve you!!"

Behind him, were three teenage boys, and they were talking over the movie.

They said:

"This movie sucks."

"Why are we here then?"

"There's literally nothing else to watch until the mall opens up. And I'm bored."

In a quick flash, Cupid was behind the boys, putting his hands on their shoulders, and said, "Oi. Shut up."

They felt a dark aura from Cupid, something bloodthirsty, the boys screamed, and they ran out the theater.

(2 hours later)

(The mall)


The mall was packed with people, walking around shopping, talking, eating, laughing, doing karaoke, laying in ball pits, etc.

People saw Cupid, and said to each other:

"Is he homeless?"

"He's dressed like he just woke up."

"How lazy.."

Cupid walked through, drinking a soda now, looking at each store he walked past, he thought, 'After all I did today, still no inspiration for how I'm gonna make money. I don't have anything valuable to sell at all either. I guess I'll keep looking-.'

The wall near Cupid blasted open, and coming through it, was a woman with long dark red hair, light brown eyes, and a "X" shaped scar on her cheek, and she was wearing a white tuxedo with white gloves. And with her, was Kang, the wanted man who was displayed on the TV earlier in the morning on the news.

The woman said, "Stop fucking running! It's annoying me!"

Kang replied, "Go away."

Kang kept running, and his body glowed with a dark red aura along with his eyes. The woman ran past Cupid, and they made eye contact.

Civilians screamed, and Kang along with the woman pressed forward through the mall, destroying everything due to the force of their speed.

The woman's name was Nari, and she was 20 years old. She was holding a glowing golden sword, and she slashed at Kang.

Kang jumped over it, and the dragon tattoo on his face began to glow red, and a large glowing red dragon with red glowing horns came out from his back, and it stopped the attack of Nari.

Nari thought, 'Tch! I shoulda anticipated that shit. He has hidden abilities up his sleeve. Definitely more the reason to get him out of this mall full of people! As an Apostle of the Awakened Hero Association, I cannot fail them, myself, or my Executive! They trusted me with this, I can't lose now after all I did for those greedy whores.'

Nari slashed golden slashes in the air at the dragon, and the dragon devoured them, blowing out red fire at Nari. Nari dodged the fire, flipping over to a wall, and running on the wall.

Nari jumped off the wall, and she slung her sword straight at the head of the dragon. The dragon ate it, and its mouth started to steam.

The mall was falling apart, and Nari dodged the rubble, jumping over it and sliding under it all.

She smirked, stuck her hand out, and said, "Come back to me, Kyorna."

Her sword in the dragon's mouth glowed, and it's head exploded,

The sword came back to the hands of Nari, and more rubble was falling down on her.

Nari breathed peacefully, and she slashed through all of the rubble near her, cutting them up to pieces as her eyes glowed pure white.

Coming out from the other side, Kang was waiting for her.

Kang had a red glow on both of his fists, and he threw a massive barrage of punches at Nari.

The punches caused devastation, more destruction across the mall. Both of them were farting backwards, with Kang throwing punches, but Nari was doing her best to block them with her sword.

Kang said, "You A.H.A fools think you're doing this world justice by being annoying. You nerds being around messes everything up, it makes society more insolent and ignorant to succumbing to the ways of the government! There's no stopping what I had started."

Nari replied, "Shut up! That doesn't make sense! You're all more annoying than us! Stop dumb shit with your powers and maybe we won't be down your necks! Surrender now!"

"I don't think so."

Outside of the mall, Cupid was laying down civilians, there were at least 120 civilians Cupid had saved from the mall, and the ambulance and police and some agents from the A.H.A were arriving.

A man said to Cupid, "Thank you for saving us!"

Cupid answered, "Saved you? If you people die in there, that's more customers I lose for my business."


Cupid shrugged, while eating a bag of chips.

The man thinks, 'What's up with this brat..?'

Suddenly, Kang and Nari blasted from the mall to the outside, and Kang instantly dashed towards Cupid, and used him as a hostage, putting him in a chokehold, pressing her finger against his throat, saying, "Stay back. Or I'll kill him."

Cupid said sarcastically, "Oh someone please save me."

Nari stood there, looking at Cupid, and said to Kang, "Let him go. Now. Dragging normal civilians into this is a pussy move. Haha, you have a tattoo on your face and are still doing girly shit."

"I'll kill him right now."

"Others are on the way, you'll be surrounded."

Nari thought, 'Dammit, but the look in Kang's eyes, he doesn't seem to be bluffing. Who does he think he is, bringing random weak brats into this..? I have to do something quick. I don't want the other A.H.A members to see me at a stalemate with a man they trusted me to track and catch…'

Kang said to Nari, "One last time. Go away, and leave me alone."

Nari was sweating, saying, "I..I can't do that."

'I have to just press forward at him! I have to use all my speed so the hostage civilian won't get hurt by Kang! I have to be fast enough!'

Nari stepped forward, and Kang said, "Wrong choice."

Kang was about to try and kill Cupid, but without looking, Cupid swung his arm back, and performed a back hand punch to Kang's face. Kang's jaw broke, and blood flew out of his eyes, mouth, nose, and even ears.

Kang was blasting through multiple buildings, over and over and over again due to Cupid's punch. Kang finally stopped, sliding on the ground, with foam coming out of his mouth, and his mind unconscious.

Everyone around Cupid gasped, and they said:

"That was crazy!"

"That strength!"

Nari was in shock too, thinking, 'In just one punch…he..'

Nari looked over at Cupid, but Cupid was already gone, and the ambulance, police, and A.H.A members just arrived at the scene. And some reporters came as well.

Nari stood there, thinking about Cupid, she couldn't get him off of her mind.

'Earlier when we went through the wall and I made eye contact with the boy, he didn't seem fazed by it at all. And he pretended to be scared when he got held hostage by Kang, and then he sent him through dozens of buildings with a single punch, a punch I felt no energy from…what is he..who is he? I'm going to track him..'