
Cupid, The Strongest Love Counselor

Abandoned and killed by the “gods” of love hundreds of years ago, Cupid is reborn in the modern world of Seoul Korea, with no memory of what happened before. But knowing what his abilities and purpose is, he runs a small love counseling business to help regular couples or married couples fix their relationship and rekindle the love. But, there’s a twist. He does it in a fashion where it involves a lot of brutality and fighting, literally defeating the core issue within the relationship. And at the same time, Cupid wants to feel love as well, jealous of everyone who has it.

TheRedRedHoodie · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Mountain Call

Back where Cupid and Nari were at, they were sitting on the couch still, looking at Nari's phone.

Cupid asked, "So like, I haven't really been paying attention to you A.H.A nerds, but, what do you guys do?"

Nari answered, "Geez, you really do live under a rock. The A.H.A is an awakened human organization where they hunt and defeat those who abuse their awakened abilities, harming humanity and the lives of the non-awakened."

"And you said those who are awakened are just people who get powers and stuff outta nowhere?"

"When one awakens, it's like a strong wind hits you out of nowhere, and you'll feel the mana rushing through your soul. Although it's not certain, but there are rumors and theories of how people become awakened. People will use that to grant their desires, and cause havoc in the process. That's why the A.H.A exists, we protect the world. Like me, I'm an Apostle, the 2nd rank of the A.H.A, while the Executive's are the 1st rank. Executives are like mentors to the Apostles, going with them on missions, or training them. Preparing them to take their place in the future. And you get more money as well-."

Cupid was falling asleep, leaning over the couch, snoring loudly.

Nari exclaimed, "ARE YOU FOR REAL SLEEPING?!"

Nari swung at Cupid's stomach, but Cupid caught it with one hand, saying, "Imagine."

"Your hands are soft.." Nari said.


Nari said, "Your face.."

Cupid replied, "Yeah?"

"Your face says all the lewd shit that you're thinking about! Let go of me!"

Nari snatched her hand away, and Cupid responded, "I'm not thinking anything perverted, dumbass!"

"Tch. All you men are the same. They only want me for my looks, my personality isn't shit."

"I like it. It's cool. Your persona."

Nari thought, 'He said it's cool..does he mean that?'

Nari shook her head, saying, "No no no no, you're trying to trick me. Anyways we're getting off track. As I'm looking this Cupid stuff up, tell me more about you. You said you just popped up here. What's that mean?"

"Mmm. I mean, I have no memory of my child years,

All of a sudden I showed up being 20 years old. And I have dreams every night about random glowing people talking about me, saying I'm sort of god or something. After roaming around and figuring how this world works and all that, I started to realize I had tons of power. And for some reason, I knew how to use it all perfectly. And that was the same day I got into my first battle here. A little girl was running from a woman who appeared to be her mother. The little girl was calling for help, but not just for herself, but for her mother as well."


(2 months ago)

A little girl was running through the streets as buildings were toppling down around her.

She exclaimed, "Someone, please save her!"

A woman with long braided glowing red and purple hair, glowing purple eyes, and a white dress walked through as well, saying, "My precious baby…my precious baby…please don't run, mommy will make it better."

"No! This isn't you!"

"Hehh? What do you mean? I've always been me, I've always been your dear mother. Don't hate me."

In the air, we're news helicopters, and down below, A.H.A members were trying to get to her to stop her, but the buildings were getting in their way.

"They just keep dropping!"

"That woman is causing this!"

"Break through, and save civilians in the process!"

A few miles away, Nari was there. Nari was holding up a building piece with her shoudlers, keeping it from falling on civilains that we're trying to crawl from under it.

Nari was bleeding from the head, and her knees shook, and her teeth clenched against each other. She was using all of her remaining mana to enhance her strength to hold up that piece, and it was weighing down on her heavy.

Nari screamed, "Go! Go! Don't worry about me! Don't be an idiot watching me!"

As civilains ran, she thought, 'If only I was stronger…I'd be able to keep this up longer, or throw this piece…dammit! My mana is depeleting fast..mom..dad..sorry I couldn't be as strong as you two-.'

The piece fell down, but Nari's Executive, Kwan, dashed in and saved her, holding her by the collar of her shirt, saying, "Yikes. Almost got squished, brat."

Nari exclaimed, "Kwan…"



"Hehhh? You wanted to die? To just give up?"

"Uh no. I didn't have a choice. But I did good…didn't I?"

"..Duh. You saved lives. That's what being in the A.H.A is about. Ew, that sounded kinda corny."

"It did."

The little girl kept running forward as dust from fallen buildings were surrounding her, blocking the view of the helicopters above.

"We lost sight of them!"

"I can't see a thing!"

"See if you can go around!"

"I'll try!"

The mother said, "Stop running please…I don't like to chase."

Walking out of a supplies market holding a board that said, "Cupid's rekindling services," was Cupid. He was acting oblivious to everything that was going on, acting normal.

"Interesting I guess."

The little girl bumped into him, and she fell on the ground.

Cupud said, "Oi. Watch where ya going', brat."

"Please save her!"


The mother was floating in the air now, and Cupid squinted his eyes, seeing a dark shadow creature with shadow horns sitting on her shoulders, smirking, and then the shadow creature crawled into the woman's body.

The woman said, "She loves her father more than she loves me. After all I've done to protect her, spoil her, and love her. But it's still not enough…how?! Now..I will disciple her righteously, as my daughter!"

She dashed forward, with her body glowing with a purple aura, and her eyes foing fully white.

The little girl yelled, "Mom!"

Cupid sighed, and he was going into his Valentine's Day form.

The woman had a black and purple scythe in her right hand, and she jabbed it at Cupid.

Cupid threw one punch, and it destoryed the scythe completely, and his fist connected with the woman's face.

More buildings around them were decimated due to the punch, and the little girl blasted away as well, but Cupid caught her leg, yawning, "Geez. Control yourself."

Cupid put the little girl down, and the mother had blasted through 15 buildings, laying on the ground. Cupid teleported in front of her, saying, "That shadow thingy..was is that? And why..am I glowing? I have powers? Cool, I guess."

The shadow above the mother said, "You…you're…him?!"

"Who the hell is him?"

"Tch…you were supposed to be dead..it took armies of immortals to kill you.."

"Dunno what yer talkin' about, but I'm very much alive, dumbass. What is this army? You musta' mistaken me for someone else."

He stuck his hand out, and pink blood dropped from his hand, and he said, "Paradox."

Suddenly, they were surrounded by nothing but white, and a glowing orb which was the mothers heart floated in the middle. But on the white barriers, we're pictures of her daughter.

The mother, influenced by the dark shadow, said, "She loved her father more than me…the divorce ruined her..I became stubborn because of the divorce; there was only so much I could handle. I thought about her all the time, kept her close to my heart..which didn't help me none, she was always asking to go to her dads house, and became more belligerent with me."

Cupid replied, "What's that big orb thing right there? Oh…that's your heart? I don't know how I know that but, I just do."

"Ehh? Even you're not listening!"

She raced forward at Cupid ready to attack, but Cupid was already behind her, and the mother was split in half.

Cupid's hand was bleeding, and he said, "Damn I'm fast."

Cupid looked up at the heart, and he thought, 'Shoot the heart with the arrow of love…how do I know that too? It's like I've done this before?'

Cupid's bow and arrows formed in his hands, and he aimed at the heart, and he shot it as glowing pink and red hearts sprung from the back of it. The arrow pierced the orb heart quickly, and everything glowed pink.

Out of the Paradox and in the real world, the mother was lying there, on the ground unconscious for a few minutes, but the daughter was running up to her, crying, "Mom! Mom!"

Running towards her with her arms out, ready to give her a big hug.

Cupid was walking away with his sign, looking at his hand, saying, "How did I do..all of that?"


(Present day)

Nari asked Cupid, "You were there that day.."

Cupid responded, "Yeah. Seems like you were too. But that was my first fight. It just naturally came to me out of thin air."

Nari thought, 'Out of nowhere..interesting…'

Nari found something on her phone, and she changed the topic, saying, "Here, a history of Cupid."

That got Cupid's attention, and he looked at the phone as well, his face was close to Nari's face, and they both blushed.

Nari said, "Based on Roman mythology, Cupid was a god of love who-."

Suddenly, Cupid's business phone was ringing at his desk.

Cupid immediately dashed over to it, and answered it, putting it on speaker, saying, "Cupid's love rekindling service, how may I help you..?"

It was Kang's mother and father.

The mother said over the phone, "Hello. My name is Sena. Recently, my son, Kang, was arrested and taken into custody by the A.H.A."

Nari stood up from the couch, and thought, 'Kang's mother? Why would she be calling this place?!'

Sena continued, "Our son has strayed from our family, unknowingly taking other members in our family to create a new gang family, and suddenly gaining a dragon tattoo on their faces or body. We don't know how this is happening, but he hates us. We don't know why he branched off from the main family, or why he and the other members have magic dragon tattoos, or why he created a new family group from us. But, me and his father Haneul called you because..we have nowhere else to go. And based on the reviews, it's a guaranteed success. Please if you can, meet us at our house in the Eungbongsan Mountains. We're the only house here."

"Yeah uh, I charge more shit if I have to take my ass over to you-."

"We'll triple the cost plus some. Please…"

Cupid didn't hesitate to say, "Sure. That works. Be there shortly."

Cupid hung up the phone, and said to Nari, "Goodbye."


"Heh? Doesn't matter. Money is money. Besides, I'm the strongest. It's my job to rekindle people's love for each other, I can't deny any job."

"Why…why are you so determined?"

"Because it's who I am, I guess. This is gonna sound corny as hell, but it's like a passion."

Nari gasped and thought, 'Just like me..my passion is to protect this world like my parents did, and to get even stronger, to be the strongest to make them proud. That's the least I could do for them after never really doing anything good in my life…he's not so different from me..'

Nari folded her arms, saying, "Fine. Whatever, I'll go with you."

"Hell no. Why?"

Nari's cheeks became red, "B-Because! Even if it is an ambush, you need an AHA member to call it in. Plus, I'll need to explain more about the mythos of Cupid on the way there."

"…Suit yourself. We'll take a train. It's like a date right?"

Nari flustered, "N-No! Never! I don't want anyone!"


"I don't! Die in a hole!"


Walking down the sidewalk, was a man wearing an unbuttoned campfire jacket with his hoodie on and no undershirt. He had yellow eyes, sharp teeth, and wavy black hair, blue ripped jeans, and black boots, and a large glowing red dragon tattoo on his chest. His name was Geon.

He smirked with a sly gesture, "Haha! Intercepting that call was easy as hell. Fools. The one who got our brother Kang captured is on the way to Sena's house right now. How easy, fucking punks."

On his shoulder, was a small creature with black wings, a black puma like body, and the face of a monkey with black horns, and a glowing red dragon tattoo on his back, and he had glowing red eyes. His name was Yi, and he had a glowing small staff in his hand.

Yi said, "Can we kill now?! Please! Please! Please?!"

"Shut up and wait, monster. I don't even like you, so wait."

"Aw man!"

"That person who knocked out Kang, he's gotta be strong, everyone is talking about how he didn't use mana either. Haha! This is gonna be fun…"