
Cupid, The Strongest Love Counselor

Abandoned and killed by the “gods” of love hundreds of years ago, Cupid is reborn in the modern world of Seoul Korea, with no memory of what happened before. But knowing what his abilities and purpose is, he runs a small love counseling business to help regular couples or married couples fix their relationship and rekindle the love. But, there’s a twist. He does it in a fashion where it involves a lot of brutality and fighting, literally defeating the core issue within the relationship. And at the same time, Cupid wants to feel love as well, jealous of everyone who has it.

TheRedRedHoodie · Fantasy
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10 Chs

My Strength Is Catastrophic

Cupid said, "They ignored me…my business…they don't know how effective my solutions to broken love really is..I shoot arrows at their hearts to get rid of the darkness that surrounds it. EVERYONE WOULD WANT THAT, RIGHT?!"

Geon said, "I know what you're doing, love god. But you can't run from your past. Our divine love god has told us about you. You were able to fight off hundreds of the Immortals that were under the love gods, and were able to kill many gods and goddesses in the process. But you were killed…but now, you're alive and well, and much younger. How did you survive?"

Yin added, "Yeah! Yeah! What's up with that?!"

Geon continued, "You thought you could just live here peacefully while the gods and their disciples and immortals are at war with each other here already? Eventually, you were going to be dragged into this. You were killed for a purpose, and they were confused why their plan failed, and now our own divine god realizes that you somehow lived, which made their entire plan backfire, and now the gods are at odds with each other, because of your existence-."

Cupid interrupted, "Oi."

Geon and Yin replied, "Hm?"

Cupid turned and looked at them with a menacing glare, saying, "If you're not here to buy love rekindling services, get the fuck out of my face."


A large red and pink wind blasted from Cupid, and it sent Geon and Yin flying.

Geon said, "Just from air pressure?!"

Yin added, "We must activate the traps!"

"Shut up and do it-."

Cupid was above them with a fist, with a red and pink glow coming off of it, and he said, "Gonna shop or not?!"

Geon reached into Cupid's chest, and pulled out a glowing white scythe weapon, saying with a grin, "How about you shop with me?! Come buy some ass whoopings! Haha!"

Geon swung the scythe, and a large white glowing smoke came from the back of it. Cupid punched the scythe, and there was a large kaboom, with white and pink and red colors flying all over the place.

Civilians were screaming and running, cars were honking loudly, and some buildings were destroyed.

"Someone call the A.H.A!"

"Yeah! Someone get the Awakened heroes down here!"

Back at the burger place, everyone had their attention towards the noise, saying:

"A fight?!"

"That was loud!"

Nari thought, 'Cupid's not here…that means…he must be fighting! But fighting who? Probably Kang's goons?I have to head towards the noise!'

Bora said, "Finally! A fight! I was getting bored tangling with you, Nari!"

"Shut up! I don't care!"

Minjun was getting the civilians away from there with other A.H.A members that were wearing white tuxedos.

Minjun said, "Get to shelter, now!"

He thought, 'It could be a possible ranked monster, I have to be careful around Nari, and not get my ass kicked in front of her. Monsters are ranked 1-5 based on their mana levels which are measured by A.H.A mana perception skills, with 5 being the weakest, and one being the strongest. The monsters themselves that appear are from normal animals, insects, reptiles, birds, and plants, something has cursed them to turn into those monsters, and we don't know what it is, but it's some kind of dark force. I've never taken down a monster ranked higher than a three. So if this is higher than a level 3, I'm going to be careful.'

Minjun had a green glow coming from his eyes in a smoky aura, and he glowing green gauntlet gloves formed on his hands, and glowing green ram horns grew on his back.

He said, "For the honor of mostly Nari, and for these civilians, I shall accompany you to fight bad guys, Nari!"

Nari replied, "No."


Bora said to Minjun, "Stop being a little pussy, we can handle things here."

"Shut up."

Bora said to Nari, "Just go get to your boyfriend, but know that he'll be mine very soon. Tee hee."

Nari answered, "He's not my boyfriend, fool!"



Back to where Cupid was, smoke was rising around them, keeping them from seeing the outside, and it kept people from seeing inside the smoke.

Geon and Yin were standing beside each other, and Geon had a huge hole in his stomach, bleeding.

Yin said, "Rats! In that split second…he…"

Geon agreed, "He didn't punch my soul weapon. He purposely avoided punching it."

"Do you think..he knows?!"

"My Soul Weapon ability takes a piece of my opponent's soul and creates a weapon of my choosing out of it. And if it is damaged by my opponent, their soul gets damaged, and they are basically killing themselves. And since he avoided hitting it, it means he must have figured it out. Yin."


"I'm gonna fight this bastard Cupid. You go back and deal with those A.H.A. The Apostle Nari has exceptional skill, she could pose a small threat to us. Kill her and the other A.H.A members. For the sake of the dragon family."

"Geon! This is absurd! You're going against the a literal god! You can't fight him on your own!"

"Haha! You're calling me weak or something?!"

"Yeah, kinda! Against Cupid! The one who slain hundreds of thounsands of gods!"

"Our divine god has blessed the entire dragon family with a portion of his power in exchange for a portion of awakened power and mana. We are stronger than before. Besides, runt, I have a piece of Cupid's soul as a weapon, power alone comes from the soul, so I should be on par with him. Go! Before I kill your ugly ass too!"


Yin vanished at that moment.

Geon looked ahead, and he saw Cupid approaching in his Valentine's Day form, saying, "Will you buy my services, I work really hard ya know? Sometimes."

Geon thought, 'Yin is stronger than me, he is a familiar created by our divine god himself. He could possibly fight Cupid one on one. But…the familairs of gods are a direct link straight to their heart. Meaning of he dies, then the god is weakened. But they'll regain their strength back days later. We know this because…followers of the other gods killed a few familiars like Yin. But now, Yin is stronger than the ones before him. He'll survive long enough.'

Geon smirked, saying to Cupid, "Haha! Using your trump card already?! What's with the glowing and glowing pink hair and pale skin, love god?"

Cupid said, "Shut up. Ya buying business?"

"Are you even listening?"

"..You have me confused with someone else. I don't know anything about gods, familiars, the Immortals, or whatever else you said. All I care about, is if you're gonna get business from me."

Geon thought, 'Why is he acting so oblivious? Damn that fool. And his aura in that form he's in, it's emitting an insane amount of mana, mana that I even felt from the presence of our divine god! At the same damn time, why doesn't our divine god of love come down and capture him himself?'

Geon asked with a smirk, "Does the name Anteros ring a bell? He is the god of mutual love, or love returned."

Cupid gasped, and his eyes got big, and memories of battles, screaming, and dead bodies appeared in his head in a flash.

Cupid thought, 'What the hell were those memories….? I got them as soon as he said some random gibberish name…'

Geon said, "Oh? Seems like you're familiar with that name."

"I'm not. A bunch of anime ass flashbacks appeared in my head. My bad."

"That must've triggered something. Your memories must have been altered when you were mysteriously reborn…what a fucking pain."

"Are you…"


"Behind the darkness? The creatures that are causing peoples emotional feelings to be taken to the max, causing them to be possessed by it? I mean, I'm not complaining, you're giving me a job."

"The darkness…we don't know what the darkness is, but we have seen it. But that matters not, dude. The divine god Anteros seeks to have you in his presence at once, either by force, or dead."

"I'm not going any damn where. I have a job I have to do. And I just noticed, that you have the same dragon tattoo as that Kang guy."

"Anteros blessed us, the Raven's, greatly in exchange for our mana, turning our mana into godly power and giving it back to us times 10 to accomplish his deeds. And in due time, he'll reveal to us how humans become awakened with powers and abilities, since only the gods know-."

Cupid dashed up in front of Geon, and punched him in the face.

The ground split in half and Geon went flying away.

Cupid teleported behind Geon, and said, "This guy Anteros…you give him your mana, and he gives it back times 10, making you stronger? Seems like a scam to me, you bitches are being used. Sucks to suck."

Geon replied, "Haha! This is getting fun!"

Geon turned around to slash his scythe at Cupid, but Cupid grabbed Geon by the throat, spun around, and kicked him in the stomach, launching him high in the air.

Cupid was floating in the air, and he held out his hand as pink blood dripped out, and he said, "Paradox."

The pink blood fell and hit the ground, and suddenly, everything glowed white.

Cupid and Geon were in the middle of a white glowing forest. The sky was white with green clouds, and there were glowing white trees around, and glowing white grass.

Geon was at the end of the forest, and he had one glowing dragon horn coming from the corner of his head, and both of his eyes were white.

He said, "Hehe..you made this special domain for me?"

Cupid responded, "Paradox. Creates a domain within your soul, it's setting depends on your nature. You can control it however you like. Since we're technically inside of you."

"Haha! You put yourself at a disadvantage! Putting me in a domain to where I can manipulate it! I can already feel it's power drawing me in! What a fool! It's drawing out my full potential!"

"Um…are you like, slow? I didn't put myself at a disadvantage. I was just hoping the fight could be fair at least. Cause'...you're weak. Weak as hell. Plus, I don't want my customers being caught up in this. Cause' my strength is catastrophic."

"Tch! This is annoying me. I'm taking you into Anteros, dead!"

Geon smashed his scythe on the ground, chanting: "Lunar Blade…"

The ground started to grow glowing white spikes that popped up really fast. Cupid was dodging them, jumping and flipping around the area to avoid them, even flying around them and teleporting.

'He's not as weak as I thought. What's this talk about Anteros? Gods? Everyone keeps mistaking me for someone else, what did I do to them? Most importantly, who is this person they're mistaking me as? I should try not to kill him for answers.'

A glowing white spike grew out from the ground and headed towards Cupid. Cupid stopped it with a devastating punch, and it shattered.

The shattered pieces started to reassemble, and it started to grow into a giant glowing white dragon with glowing yellow stars above its head.

Cupid said, "Cool."

Geon smirked, "My power comes from the source of my soul weapon, which is a fragment of power taken from your own soul. And since Im already merged with my own power, I created this dragon. It should be on par with you, if you try and teleport in front of me, the dragon will too, and-."

Cupid finished Geon's sentence, "And if u destroy the other spikes, they turn into glowing snow bunny ass dragons too? Got it. Thanks for explainin' yer abilities to me like a dumbass, weakling."

Geon gritted his teeth, and exclaimed, "You…you bastard! I'm not weak! Anteros chose me-the Ravens! He chose Kang, and Kang invited me into the family! I have potential! I will become one of the immortals! I will have my wishes granted! In the name of Anteros!"



"…Fuck Anteros."

Geon got even angrier, and he raised his scythe up to the sky, and a white light smashed into it.

Geon grew two more glowing dragon horns on his head, and he blasted forward at the speed of light, screaming, "Ill end this quick, Cupid the love god!"

Geon slung at Cupid, but Cupid dodged, leaped in the air and punched the dragon in the head, and it shattered like glass.

But the shattered pieces began to reform, and it started into more glowing white dragons.

Cupid thought, 'Hmph. He hid this part from me, making me think that this was all he could do. Well played I guess.'

Leaping down towards Cupid, was Geon, but there were glowing white clones of Geon following along, holding glowing white scythe blades too.

They all slammed down on Cupid, even the dragons, making a large kaboom sound.

Geon and his glowing white clones exclaimed in unison, "We got him-!"

They all were blasted away, even the clones.

Cupid was dashing through the air with his bow, slashing the clones in pieces as a trial of pink and red and white flames came from Cupid's body and bow. But the clones he shattered started to reform into more glowing white clones.

Cupid was zipping and zapping at fast speeds, the flames that lingered from his body set the place on fire, dissolving the clones, but more grew out.

The clones were dashing around Cupid too, trying to slash him with the blades, but Cupid dodged them, and he performed a sideways tornado spin attack with his bow, and the flames spiraled out of them, destroying more clones.

Geon watched, thinking, 'He knows that the more he destroys the more he creates…why does he continue to kill them all. He's too powerful, if anything, I have to force him to hit the scythe in my hand, that's where the source of my main abilities are from…'

A few dragons flew in and blasted white fire at Cupid, Cupid turned towards the white fire, and punched in front of it, the air from his punch blasted the flames back, and their own flames destroyed the dragons, but more dragons formed.

Geon smirked, yelling, "Awesome! Awesome! I love it!"

Geon held his scythe out, and it started to float, Geon clapped his hands together, and slammed down on the middle of the scythe. His right hand was on top, and his left hand was on the bottom. When he did that, a giant glowing white hand came from above Cupid, and a giant glowing white hand came from under him.

The hands, the clones, and the dragons charged at Cupid at once, but Cupid sighed, and that sigh alone blasted everything away from him, pushing them back far, but created more enemies.

Geon was getting cut all over the place from the force, and he said to himself, "What the hell?! All he did was breathe! Wait…he's purposely creating more and more enemies…what's he planning?!"

Cupid smirked, and he pulled out a pack of flavored candy, and started eating them, saying, "Haha! You really are stupid, aren't you?"