
Cupid, The Strongest Love Counselor

Abandoned and killed by the “gods” of love hundreds of years ago, Cupid is reborn in the modern world of Seoul Korea, with no memory of what happened before. But knowing what his abilities and purpose is, he runs a small love counseling business to help regular couples or married couples fix their relationship and rekindle the love. But, there’s a twist. He does it in a fashion where it involves a lot of brutality and fighting, literally defeating the core issue within the relationship. And at the same time, Cupid wants to feel love as well, jealous of everyone who has it.

TheRedRedHoodie · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Arrival Of The Gods

In the city, Cupid and Nari were eating a cheese burger while walking to the train station.

Cupid said, "This is really good. Especially when someone else pays for it."


"And ya lost."

"Damn you! Anyway, lets continue what we were talking about earlier."

"About wha?"

"The history of the Roman god Cupid, in Roman mythology."

"Ah? Yeah. Keep going I guess."


Men and women were walking past them on the strip, noticing them, and saying to each other:

"Nari is sitting with that random guy?"

"She's too perfect for him, he looks like a bum."

"I know many guys in the past have tried to get with her, but she rejects them. Did she finally give in?"

"Who is he?"

"Hey, isn't that the guy who used no mana to blast away Kang?!"

"Yeah that's him!"

Nari said to Cupid, "Looks like you're famous-….huh?"

Cupid was standing on the rooftop of the cheeseburger shack, exclaiming, "BEHOLD! I GIVE YOU, CUPID'S REKINDLING SERVICES!"

The crowd of civilains said:

"What's he blabbering about?"

"A business or something?"

"Ever heard of it?"

"Nope. First time."

Nari was angry, crushing her cheeseburger with one hand, saying, "We don't have time for this, fool!"

In a split second, Cupid was right in front of her, saying, "You're kinda cute when you're mad."

Nari blushed, and she said, "Liar!"

She threw a punch, and Cupid stopped it with one finger, saying, "Soft."

Nari was flustered again, and she jumped back, saying, "Bastard! Lewd! Necromancer!"

"Huh? What are you blabbering about?"

Cupid teleported back on top of the cheeseburger shack, and continued to say to the crowd:

"Ladies and gentlemen! It is within my honor to display my greatest feat yet! The Cupid's Rekindling Services! Are you having trouble rekindling the spark of your love?! Are you wishing for a loved one to love you again, or are you wishing for someone to maybe love you? Then search no further! I have the power to instantly rekindle the shattered love you once had, or help you find love on your own! Please see me for more details!"

At that moment, people were trying to talk to Nari, fawning over her, saying:

"So, Nari, I heard you defeated a large bull-bear hybrid just last week by yourself. Was it tough?!"

"It couldn't have been tough for her! Her parents were Executives of the A.H.A, and she's under the Executive Kwan, the strongest Executive!

"How awesome!"

"Nari! I reserved tickets for us at the movies! Please go with me!"

"Nari! I love you!"

Nari stood in the middle of them with a straight face, saying, "Get away from me. Get away from me. Get away from me."

Cupid was gritting his teeth, saying, "HOW DARE YOU IGNORE A MIRCALE! BASTARDS! BASTARDS! SCUM!"

As they were huddling around Nari, Minjun and a girl were as walking towards them.

The girls name was Bora, she had dark red eyes, long curly black and grey hair, freckles, square glasses, and she was pretty busty up top.

Bora said, "Here we go AGAIN! How annoying! Everyone always wants her but not me! I'm prettier!"

Minjun said to Bora, "No you're not."

"Shut up!"

Minjun was wearing an outfit that had nothing but Nari's face in it.

Nari saw it, and said, "You fucking creep."

Minjun smirked, and laughed, "Creep? Nonsense! I'm the only one here is your biggest fan! Who else would this?! Haha! Now..there's a nice little restaurant, down the street that maybe you and I can-."

Nari punched Minjun in the stomach, and sent him flying, blasting him against a building.

Nari exclaimed, "Damn psychopath! I'm not looking for love!"

Minjun was twitching against the wall, with foam coming out of his mouth, stuttering, "A-AA p-pu-punch of l-lo-lo-love! Bora said this would win y-you over!"

Bora replied, "Huh?! I never said that! I said if a man did that for me, then I'd love him forever because I'm the queen! Hahahahahahahaha!! Way better than Nari!"

The crowd looked at Bora, and said to each other:

"Is she crazy?"

"There's a rumor that she is."

"Didn't she kill a plant human hybrid monster the other day with her bare hands?"

"Hell yeah, it was a level 3 monster at that…"

"And she was laughing while killing it."

"That confirms the rumors then."

Bora started taking pictures of herself from all angles, saying, "I'm so pretty. I'm so pretty-."

Nari was watching her, and asked. "Where's your Executive?"

"With your Execuitve and Minjun's Executive doing super secret spy stuff. Stop being nosey, ugly."

"Ugly?! You're ugly! Always copying every outfit I wear everyday when we're not patrolling!"

"That's just by chance. And if anything, you're copying me, and my beauty. I'm one year older, so everything I do, was already done first!"

"That doesn't even make sense."

Bora was taking another picture, and then in her camera, showed Cupid.

Bora blushed, exclaiming, "That's the one-punch boy who used no mana on Kang! He's so pretty in person! I'm going to make him mine!"

Bora dashed forward, but Nari stopped her, grabbing her wrists, saying, "I don't think so."

"Heh? You jealous I'm gonna steal your crush?"

"Shut up. It's not that, and I-I don't have a cr-crush on that bastard! Love is disgustingly painful."

Nari was holding Bora against her will, and Bora pushed back, a large ghast of wind blasted from under them, and the crowd held their faces to block some of the wind, saying:

"Here they go again!"

"Round 800?"

Bora said to Nari, "We've fought plenty times before, and you know who always wins?"

"Not you."

Minjun was walking towards the both of them, saying, "Now this isn't necessary-."

Another blast of wind came out form under them, and Minjun was blasted away by it, hitting the same wall again.


A few miles away in a deserted area with abandoned buildings around, Executive Kwan, Executive Joon, and Executive Bruiser were standing outside of a single large tent.

Joon was a male, 43 years old, grey short hair, and scars on his eyes which were closed. He was the Executive of Minjun

Bruiser was a male also, 35 years old, buff muscles, and his body was converwd in a mummy-like wrap, only his eyes and hair was exposed. He had glowing yellow eyes, and shaggy brown hair. He was the Executive of Bora.

Kwan said, "Ew. I'm leaving."

Joon replied, "Tranquility is within those who are patient and willing, Kwan."

"Here we go again with that wise shit."

"It is just within my speech that I speak formally, Kwan."

Bruiser smacked his fists together, saying, "So, where is this old lady at?! Isn't she supposed to be a seer or something?!"

Kwan took a puff from his cigarette, replying, "Yep. From the family of seers who were awakened with that power, like the head of the A.H.A. She has the power to foresee the future at a cost."

A vocie from the tent said, "I foresaw your arrival, young men. I've been expecting you. You're all here in accordance of the arrival of the gods?"

The three Executives were silent.

Cupid still stood there, clenching his fists and gritting his teeth, saying, "H-How dare they ignore me?! I-Ill kill them all!"

On the left and right side of Cupid, were Geon and Yin. Yin was at least 6 feet tal now, and his body had a black and red aura coming from it.

Geon had a dark blue and green aura coming off of him, and he grinned, "Hehe, move now, it'll set off the traps we already set, everyone will die because of you."

Yin added, "Hehehehe, yeah!"

Geon continued, "Our divine god is interested, we're gonna need you to come with us, bro."

Cupid said, "They ignored my business campaign…how dare they.."

Geon said, "Don't ignore us, Cupid the love god."

sorry for my late releasing but I will now be back on the regular releasing schedule! I have been having bad headaches these past few days but now I’m better and ready to push out more chapters daily! Thank you for sticking with this story! If you haven’t already, and you made it this far, please review, comment and give powerstones, it would mean a lot! Thank you!

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