
Chapter 44: A War’s Worth


The compound stretches along the same perimeter of the building it replaced, only this one extends deep underground, covering as much square footage as the Cunnington Tower.

The main difference between the compound and the Tower is that the compound is built with straight concrete and brick, several feet thick and invulnerable to nearly every form of attack. The best part is that it is nearly completely fireproof.

Jake had thought about pretty much everything when designing the compound. He wanted to ensure his whole pack’s safety, and even I was amazed when I first walked in and saw that domed ceiling that marked the entrance.

Though the building sits squat and looks to be no different than any of the buildings around it, undeath that cold exterior is an amazing feat of architecture. It descends miles underground to form a perfect complex that hundreds of people can call home.

There are dozens of training grounds, each as extensive as the one in the Tower.