
Chapter 43: Crippling the Enemy


I have to prove myself again to the Council while at the same time learning as much as I can about them to learn who the spy is.

Over the course of the next week, while we begin moving equipment and tools to the new compound, I drop subtle hints to members of the Council and watch their reactions. I give them small bits of information, hoping I can catch them in the act of transferring the information to the South Side.

So far, I haven’t been successful. But it’s time I make my first official move in this war. The Council has been on me to make a move, to get back at the South Side for their attack on one of our buildings. Well, I have just the thing for them.

We need a large enough distraction to ensure we can safely move our own people to the compound and not risk the attention of the South Side. The sudden relocation of the hundreds of people within my pack would be a great time to attack.