
Chapter 28: Caught in a Hunter’s Snare


John now formed into a massive black wolf, leaps into the air, claws outstretched and aimed at my throat. I stumble back, running in the opposite direction, but a sliver of a claw catches me on the arm. I cry out as pain flares across my skin.

I run toward the ladder, my only available exit, but John jumps in front of me, and I am, yet again, face to face with a horrible nightmare.

Silver eyes gleam at me in the morning sunlight, white teeth sharp and deadly. His hackles raise as he paws at the ground, saliva running down his great maw. He howls and growls, gnashing his teeth, and he runs to make another move.

I duck to the side, grabbing the nearest weapon I can find, a rusted pipe. Just as he comes near me again, I fling the pipe at him. It strikes his head, rebounding off him and plummeting to the ground.