
Chapter 18: Meeting the Family


I wake to the sound of dishes clinking nearby. White sunlight permeates the room as I slowly open my eyes, not fully registering where I am. I look around and see I’m in a bedroom with white curtains hanging over open balcony doors.

A table sits next to me, laden with food and water. Steam flies up from a small teacup filled with dark liquid.

I’m lying in a plush bed, the white covers coming up to my chin, blanketing me like soft clouds. The bed is so soft I feel like I could lay here forever, but the clearing of someone’s voice shakes me from the daydream.

“You’re awake,” he says. Jake walks over to me and sets a fork on one of the plates filled with eggs and toast. “I was just setting up breakfast for you.” He smiles at me, dimples popping out at the corners of his cheeks.

“What happened?” I ask as I try to sit up, only to get dizzy and have to lie back down.

“You passed out on the training field. It was the strangest thing. Your eyes, they….”