
Cultivation within The Anime World

I have bad grammar

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Fairy Tail

"It's you," Erza said in shock seeing that the store she was looking at was owned by the red-haired man she ran into yesterday. Sora had changed his mind about working in the orphanage, he instead wanted to own a shop.

"It little red, you're my first costume, you see something you like? candy or magical items, I have them all." Sora said with a smile, Erza looked around slightly, but she shook her man, she didn't have money or anything of the kind. her eyes landed on something she has never seen before, it was a beautiful cake.

"... you want a strawberry cake?" Sora asked as he walked over and took the cake, but Erza quickly shook her head, she didn't have money. but Sora didn't care, and cut it for her, before a plate appeared out of nowhere, shocking Erza.

"... you're a mage?" She asked in shock, to which Sora nodded slightly as he passed the plate to her. Erza hesitated for a moment, but she slowly took a bite. upon taking the bite, Erza was in shock, she never eats anything like this.

with a hand on her cheek, she closed her eyes as she enjoyed the cake. but she quickly remembered where she was, she thanked Sora slightly, she never eats anything like this,

"Take the whole cake, on the house," Sora said with a smile, Erza hesitated, but Sora pretty much forced her to take it. without another choice, she took the cake, after thanking Sora once more she left and head off to go,

and Sora, a boring relaxed life for Sora began. Erza and the other orphanage fell in love with Sora's place, although Sora could care less for the others, they were Ezra's friends, So, he welcomed them all. Sora ship became famous, as magic didn't reach this part of the village.

Erza was 4 years old when Sora first meant her but in the blink of an eye, she was 6 years old, it was around this point in time that Sora got a gust he was not expecting.

"What do you want Cynisca?" Sora asked calmly, not bothering to turn to look at the woman who had appeared behind him. he lazily looked out the window, at Erza and the other kids who were playing their games.

"You been alive for so long, and you never bothered to tell me." She said softly, Sora was quiet for a moment hearing her words.

"Why should I tell anything to the person who betrayed me?" Sora asked, making Cynisca lower her head slightly. many years after Sora's death, she found out the truth behind his death, and after some time, she chose to agree with Ankhseram, cultivation should be forbidden.

"You said it many years ago yourself, cultivation is an act of going against the world, tribulation and all of that, you're stealing. sure, the power and abilities that could be gained are great... but that's too selfish, there is always another way." She said softly, making Sora look at her for a moment before shrugging.

"Those who cultivate have a goal and reason for it all, my goals and plans are to surpass this world and reach greater worlds out there. and for that, cultivation is the smoothest past. when I died, I cut my connection with my soldiers. when you sided with them, you cut your connection with me, when everyone else agreed with you, they all cut your connection with me. so, leave me, I'm no longer your husband. I will not seek past the past, I'm forced on the future." Sora said calmly, Cynisca bit her lips slightly hearing Sora's words.

"You will pick this over me, and your own family?" She asked which Sora slowly narrowed his eyes to

"I never picked, you all did. never once have I heard any of you try and speak about this, you picked and went on with it. you accepted the person who betrayed me, and now you're saying I'm picking what?" Sora said with narrowed eyes,

Cynisca lowered her head upon hearing this. she was only thinking of the bigger picture, ignoring her own feelings, she knew what the best choice was. it's not like she could speak to Sora about this when he was already dead, the best thing he could do was give those soldiers a hash punishment, but she couldn't kill them. they were the strongest power this universe had while facing off against the demon realm.

the demon realm was huge, hundreds of years ago, she was forced to retreat from there as they ran into demons with power levels reaching the hundreds of thousands, it was then she realized that they were only facing a small piece of the demon realm, the main power of the demon realm could have power levels in the billions or even higher.

Luckily, she was saved by another timeline which was at war with the demon realm. for the past 700 years, she and the others were fighting the demon realm, growing stronger with each battle. lucky for them, the other timeline was led by a kind-hearted person who supported them, knowing the importance of more timelines teaming up to face the demon realm, they supported them while giving them knowledge about the demon realm.

currently, she had a power level of 12 million, after all, she had about 700 years to train and grow stronger. it was actually kind of slow. this was the main reason Sora up and left upon awaking, he knew with such a long time to grow, they would be crazy strong.

"I never once betrayed you... by the time I knew about all of this, I couldn't just kill them. the world had changed from the last time you were around," she said softly,

"I know, the war with the demon realm, but I don't care," Sora said calmly, through The Essence of Magic, he could know almost anything he wishes to know,

"Then... I will respect your wishes." She said softly as her eyes turned slightly red, she disappeared, and a few seconds after she disappeared, Sora snorted to himself. if the roles were reversed, he would have done anything within his power to avenge the woman he loves, Sora didn't care if he was being reasonable or not, all he saw was that his wife was working with the people that betrayed him.

Sora went on to look outside for some time, before he left, he on to appear within the mountains and snapped his finger. the next moment, flesh gathered, and a woman quickly formed before Sora. Sora looked at the naked woman, who was laying on the ground, slowly waking up from her sleep.

"... young master," Autumn said after looking around in confusion, she quickly stood up but found she was naked, she quickly covered her body in embarrassment,

"My apologies, I took a bit too long to bring you back to life," Sora said with a smile, as he held his palm out, having clothing appear upon her body.

"Young master, you need not apologies, I'm just happy that you're alive and well," Autumn said almost in tears. she pretty much raised Sora. upon his death, she followed him, wanting to follow Sora to the next life,

"you're always crying," Sora said with a shake of his head, every time it had something to do with him, she was always quick to tears.

"I foresee a great war will happen, so let's get ready for this war... you remember my plans before I died right?" Sora asked as a floating castle slowly appeared above him, Autumn looked at the castle for a moment before nodding.

"You wanted to work on something called science, create powerful stuff that doesn't need magical energy, but once with the energy they would become countless of times stronger." She said softly, to which Sora nodded as he floated up, She quickly floated after Sora as they went up to the castle

"I want to create an army of robots; a king needs a good army," Sora said with a smile, he honestly didn't destroy any army with any form of free will after being betrayed. so a robot was his next plan, no matter how powerful you are, you need an army, the demon realm had beings with power levels within the billions, and that's not adding the ruler. with his now slow cultivation speed, Sora needed to take a step back, and build an army

So, Autumn and Sora went on to stay in the floating tower. starting from nothing, Sora began working on creating wires, learning how to program stuff, and much other complex stuff from nothing. with his knowledge of this stuff, it was still hard but luckily his comprehension talent was 10.

so although he might have not understood how many things worked when he was on earth, he easily understood and remembered most of it. but even So, it took Sora 3 years to create an electric camera. with Sora and Autumn being cultivators, they had lost track of time as they paid most of their attention to this stuff

a few months after their first creation, Sora created a projector, and not too long after a telephone, by 5 years into this, Sora managed to create his first robot. it was huge and it was ugly, but they did it. not what was needed was to improve, before having it run on magical energy.

with the stuff used to create this thing, created by Sora himself. it could have a power level within the millions or even billions, depending on how much magical energy was used to create it. for example, if the metal parts used to create this robot took up 70% of Sora's energy, then the robot could be twice or even stronger than Sora.

what was needed now was to improve energy usage, as it used up a bit too much energy right now, it was wasting energy. the energy it was using didn't match the output.

Sora seeing this breakthrough and seeing that shockingly 5 years went by, informed Autumn that he was going to check up on his daughter. Autumn nodded as she worked on improving the robot,

meanwhile, down below the floating island, Erza had an eye patch as she walked on a roadway, she had a downcast look, like someone who lost something.

"... oh? isn't it little red?" a shocked cry sounded, stunning Erza who looked up and was instantly shocked upon seeing Sora.

"Sora? you're ok," she said in joy, Sora sighed softly, he was such a bad dad, to just up and forget he had a daughter for 5 years. but it couldn't be blamed on him, as someone immortal, his sense of time was not the same as others. he of course knew what happened.

a year after Sora disappeared, a dark mage organization attacked the town and took away those in the village. they went on to work at a tower where they were put to work, building the tower which had the task of bringing someone back to life.

Erza escaped a few weeks ago, she had lost her right eye and was tortured for trying to escape. of course, Sora was enraged, but he had this feeling that he had seen this somewhere.

"of course, I'm alright. but are you alright? you're missing an eye, and what with that downcast look?" Sora asked as he rubbed her head, and as if she found something she could let her tears on, Erza suddenly hugged Sora's leg as she told him everything that happened while in tears.

She was the only one to escape, to escape she left everyone behind. leaving them in exchange for her freedom, the friends she made within the last 4 years are still stoked there, yet she was scared to even go back to save them.

"Tower of heaven..." Sora frowned slightly, he had heard this somewhere, but he couldn't put a finger on it. sighing, he picked up Erza and placed her on his back, to say the least, stunned Erza.

"Where are you heading?" Sora asked, Erza hesitated before telling him. she was heading to a guild known as fairy tail. an old man who was a slave at the tower of heaven told her about this amazing place, and he also thought her about magic.

"So, you can use magic?" Sora asked with a stunned look, to which Erza nodded slightly, sora smiled slightly, he wanted to teach her magic for some time now, but she started so late at the age of 11, but he was not complaining, his little girl can take all the time in the world.

"That's great, that Rob guy who taught you magic was right. everything begins with you believing with your heart. but everything always goes back to its beginning. never forget the basics." Sora said softly, Erza nodded slightly. an air of silence appeared for a moment before Sora spoke again

"I'm sorry, I should have been there," Sora said softly, his words only made Erza cry, and she shook her head slightly. she didn't think Sora was that powerful. plus, he had his own life

"What do you think about me teaching you? you have power that has not been tapped into, what do you think?" Sora asked softly, Erza was slightly confused hearing Sora's words, was he that powerful?

"Are you within a guild as well?" She asked in confusion, but Sora shook his head.

"Haha, what guild can hold the likes of myself? get some rest," Sora said as he cast a spell, Ezra's eyes instantly became heavy, and she fell asleep. when her eyes slowly opened, Erza found that they were walking in a city

"We have arrived in Magnolia," Sora said sensing she was awake, Ezra looked over his shoulder and was in shock. but her eyes landed far away at a building, which was the tallest building there.

"that's Fairy tail?" She asked in shock, Sora which Sora nodded slightly. by now, he understood what he was feeling all this time. Fairy tail was this, not the anime he watched back in his past life. to think he was the one who set everything in motion... wait, why didn't he appear in the anime then?

with this thought, Sora suddenly had a strong sense of danger, what could harm him with his current level of power? wait filled his forehead, he knew he was strong, but he was still far from being the strongest person here.

'I should hurry and breakthrough.' Sora thought but with that thought, he frowned, what if the reason he didn't appear was that he left to try and break through? but the fact nothing in the anime hinted towards him, could it be he is something that just appeared, like fanfiction or something like that?

that would make sense, Ezra's back story was told in the anime, but he never once appeared. maybe this was another timeline or a parallel world to the original fairy tail. with a sigh, Sora sent Ezra to the guild, but when he neared it, he put her down.

"Go, I will come by from time to time to get you to train," Sora said with a smile before he disappeared, stunning Erza who looked around her, but she couldn't find Sora. with a sigh, she went to go to the guild.

"Do you not want me to go kill the bastard who dares hurt the princess?" Autumn asked with cold eyes as she appeared behind Sora. who was looking at Ezra entering the guild,

"no... she has a reason to grow stronger, I want to use that to motivate her," Sora said with a smile, Autumn sighed softly before nodding. she wanted to see the princess for herself, so she came out, and she was not disappointed. although not strong as sora was when he was her age, she was strong will. maybe even more so than Sora.

Sora created a thought projection, which went on to stay within this world, meanwhile, he disappeared and went to go try and break through. this time he will target the stronger parallel worlds, filled with people with power levels in the millions