
Cultivation within The Anime World

I have bad grammar

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

the tower of heaven

a few weeks after Sora took Erza to the fairy tail guild, Erza ran into Sora when she was walking through the street. Seeing Sora, she happily ran over to him while she showed him the fairy tail stamp on her left-up arm.

"Little red, you regrew your eye?" Sora asked shocked seeing Erza's eye was back, but Erza shook her head and explained how she got an artificial eye. Sora nodded slightly while listening to her explanation before he took her away to begin the training.

Erza was quite strong, upon awakening the magical energy she could be said to be within a leg above others of similar age. of course, this was expected, she was his daughter appear all, So, Sora went on to train her.

she had a unique magic called the knight, This Magic allows the user to store weapons and armor in pocket dimensions and summon them during battle.

Sora to teach her swords magic and have her master all forms of weapons to best use their magic to the fullest. meanwhile, Erza began searching for unique armor which would allow her to use the magic to the fullest.

she was talented and mastered many things, but sadly she didn't trust herself to learn other forms of magic. she acts strong, but the armor she wore was something she was using to hide her weakness, she feels uncomfortable and insecure when she's not wearing armor. Sora didn't know what to do here, so he saved this problem for the future. he foresaw she would get over this problem,

so, like that, years went by. Sora was not with Erza, as from time to time he would simply pop up only to disappear. this disappearance could last weeks, months, or even a year. Erza had a family, it's not like she needed Sora to be by her side at all times. she was in better hands with her current family.

"Young master, what are you doing?" Autumn asked with a sigh as she flashed before Sora, who was lying in bed. the next moment, a shocked cry sounded as a blue-haired woman covered herself

"Autumn, what's the matter?" Sora asked lazily, he was still a young and healthy 700+-year-old, he had a lot of energy that he was not going to let out on his own. so yes, from time to time he would enjoy life.

"Sigh... at least use protection. you don't want unexpected children running around." Autumn said softly, Sora smiled slightly as he got up, not bothering to cover himself. In Sora's eyes, he had nothing to be ashamed of, so why cover up?

"The princess seems to be heading towards the tower of heaven," Autumn said softly, Sora's eyebrow raised slightly hearing this. but he nodded slightly,

"You have a daughter?" the blue-haired woman asked with a frown as she looked at Sora with a deep frown, a flash of light appeared under the blanket, and Autumn's eyes twitched when she saw a fish tale.

"Yes, you might know her. Erza of fairy tail. she is friends with your master." Sora said with a smile, the blue-haired woman's frown deepened, she doesn't remember this popping up when Sora met her.

"don't be upset... how about later, I summon you, and we work on making our own child," Sora said with a smile, her face turned red with Sora's words. unable to take Sora's words, and with another person there, she disappeared, returning to the celestial spirit realm.

"Aquarius?" Autumn asked to which Sora nodded as he got dressed, in his era there was a different celestial spirit, but they died and the new one was born. Aquarius was one such being, Sora didn't need a key to summon them. what he wants shall happen.

Later that night, at a casino. a crowd standing around Sora who was wearing a sharp suit. with a cigar in his mouth, he looked at the woman in front of him who was sweating heavily.

"He has been on a roll, his luck is something else?" people in the crowd were in shock, they watched Sora's reckless gambling shocking turn in his favor. allowing Sora to make thousands,

"... Sora?" Suddenly a woman in a red dress yelled up in shock upon seeing Sora, Sora looked over and smiled seeing Erza. Erza was here with a blonde-haired woman, who was looking at Sora in confusion

"Little Red, you came to much me win?" Sora asked with a smile, Erza blushed slightly in embarrassment, did he have to keep calling her that? she was 19.

"Who is he?" the blonde-haired girl by her side asked in confusion seeing another red-haired person other than Erza, her thoughts couldn't help but wonder.

"he is Sora, A Mage who reached heights maybe even the guild master can't reach," Erza said softly, shocking her. Erza went to sit next to Sora, only for her to see Autumn walking over with drinks for Sora.

"you're not wearing your armor princess? that's good," Autumn said in joy seeing Erza was out of her armor, Erza was stunned slightly but lowered her head hearing this. she was out of her armor, so was a bit uneasy.

seeing this, Autumn threw a look at Sora. she had always disapproved of Sora giving her armor as gifts, and Sora was not helping in the slightest. with a snort, she gave the drink she was about to give to Sora to Erza, making Sora speechless.

"Hey, sister." suddenly a creep took over as a deal, making Sora's eyebrow raise seeing a creep like this talking to her daughter like this. as he was about to explode, he realized something was off with Erza's reaction upon seeing this freak show.

"You know this freak show?" Sora asked, making the creep's eyes narrow as he looked at Sora. but he was stunned to see another redhead.

"He is from the tower of heaven..." Erza said softly, Sora seemed to remember slightly hearing her words. he nodded slightly and ignored everything happening.

"Sir, shall I kill them?" Autumn asked respectfully stunning Erza, but Sora shook his head. Sora stood up and rubbed Erza's head slightly.

"Well, you stay strong. don't go up and sacrifice yourself," Sora said confusing Erza, but before she could ask Sora disappeared. Autumn remained there for a moment, looking at Erza and the creep for a moment before she bowed towards Erza and followed Sora.

"My lord, the princess is not strong enough for such things yet," Autumn said softly, Sora as they appeared in the sky, over a tower which has been built by many slaves.

"She isn't, but am I not here to catch her when she falls?" Sora asked softly, Autumn's eyes widened slightly before she nodded.

"Her willpower might be stronger than mine, this could be the first step for her to see just how truly powerful she is," Sora said softly, Autumn nodded slightly, but the princess had deep trauma here, she was not sure if she would be able to overcome it.

"Have faith, she is my daughter," Sora said softly, Autumn nodded slightly at this and watched. soon, Sora lazily watched the actions take place. Sora lost himself in his thoughts, back in the past he thought about doing something similar to this tower, but it used up too much energy leading Sora and Merlin to throw such a foolish idea away.

the number of resources used along with the magical energy needed, it was just not worth it. bringing someone back to life was basic if you thought about it, shaking his head, Sora saw that a table and a chair had appeared fronting in the air,

"Take a rest, it has been years since you last eat. as a thought, you need not waste your energy. it would shorten your lifespan." She said softly, Sora smiled slightly as he sat down. he could exist for hundreds of years if he didn't use his energy.

this was not the main body, as Sora's main body was working on a breakthrough to level 10 body tempering. as not the main body, thought protection, and any usage of energy was shorting his lifespan.

"Well, Erza has arrived," Sora said softly while watching Erza who was a prisoner arrive on a boat, as they arrived, soon after Erza's friends arrived. Sora drank some tea while watching this, and show a good show was put on. well, it was a game.

Autumn's eyes couldn't help but be caught by a pink-haired named Natsu Dragneel, her brother was Natsu's ancestor. she was Natus Great Great Great Aunt. She realized he was unique, not human anymore

Sora soon sensed Aquarius, who created a float upon being summoned by Lucy her summoner. looking over, he saw the blonde-haired woman, Erza, fighting alongside a blue-haired woman who had a body of water.

"... a water body. Haha, is that not Poseidon reincarnation." Sora exploded in laughter seeing Juvia, a woman. Autumn's eyes twitched hearing Sora's words, was that Poseidon's reincarnation?

within the tower of heaven, Aquarius seeing that their enemy was so easily defeated snorted disdainfully at Lucy.

"I have to get going... oh, I will be going on vacations with my sexy man. so don't even think of summoning me." She said coldly, scaring Lucy who quickly agreed

"I'm sure you will understand someday... ha, as that would ever happen." She said mockingly as she disappeared, Lucy felt as if she was stabbed in the chest with those words. she was single by choice, alright.

Juvia who was trying to calm Lucy down suddenly froze as she felt something. uncontrollable rage grew within her. it was like someone killed her brother, and destroyed the empire she had worked hundreds of years to build, and now he was standing in front of her laughing at her

"My lord, you shouldn't make it harder for the young miss," Autumn said seeing how Sora's words were going to awaken Poseidon. Sora smiled slightly as he snapped his finger, the rage that Juvia felt slowly died out, leaving her confused as to what happened.

"That reminds me, what happened to the gods after my death," Sora asked calmly, this matter was not something worth him using magic to find out. so, he simply asked, and so, time went by and in a blink of an eye, Erza was up and fighting.

Soon, Erza was fighting a pink-haired woman, with unmatched swordsmanship. capable of cutting through and destroying small pocket dimensions. All the armor Erza put on shattered under her skills with the sword, forcing Erza to have to fight without armor.

with a newfound resolution, her power level increased and the two clashed. within a final clash, Erza managed to defeat her. although barely. but after this win, she headed up to the top of the tower to face Jellal who was the mastermind.

So, well everyone retreated as the Magic Council would soon attack, launching a powerful attack that would be able to destroy countries. She and Jellal fought, but in the end, Erza couldn't kill him, Sora's killing intent couldn't help but appear when he saw how close these were.

this killing intent caused the two to freeze in horror, at the same time, the sky turned to fight as a huge magical circle appeared in the sky, which went on to shoot a beam down upon them. but the beam didn't destroy the tower, as the tower absorbed the magical energy from the attack, turning the tower into a giant Lacrima.

"How long do you want this to keep going?" Autumn said worried for Erza who was now going up against Jellal who was at full power. Jellal was using the thought projections this whole time, so he was only at half of his power.

"Wait... it's not over yet." Sora calmly as he closed his eyes. Autumn was uneasy as she watched the tower absorbing Erza's body. but Natsu arrived to save Erza. but she almost exploded when she saw Natsu knock Erza out, this was a subordinate attacking his princess.

"Calm down," Sora said calmly, Autumn nodded slightly and returned to watch. Natsu went on to fight Jellal in Erza's place, although he was strong, Jellal was stronger. but Jellal was holding back, not wanting to destroy the tower, so Natsu targeted the tower enraging Jellal.

around which time, Erza woke up but realized that Jellal was casting a spell similar to that of a black hole. knowing this attack would kill Natsu, she jumped in front of attacking. although Jellal hesitated, he needed Erza's strong body to carry through with his plan... but he could find another one, she he threw the attack.

Erza closed her eyes as she blocked, but the attack never hit her as someone else took the attack for her. opening her eyes, she saw her childhood friend had shielded her, but at the cost of his own life.

"... Simon." Erza's eyes shrank as she had a flashback to her childhood, once again someone shielded her because she was weak. yet here they were dying before her eyes. as Simon breathed his last within her hands, Erza exploded into tears

"Why do you cry?" a soft voice sounded making Erza who was crying pause as she knew this voice, everyone turned and saw Sora slowly stepping down onto the tower. Sora walked over to Erza and patted her head slightly.

"H-He's dead." She said softly, Sora looked at Simon for a moment, before he looked at Erza.

"Sigh, you have grown up. yet I forget you're a little girl deep down. my little..." Sora said softly, but he didn't finish the last part. he wanted to use this moment to temper her. but was that was she needed? sighing, he snapped his finger.

Simon who was died finger slowly began moving, and to everyone's shock he slowly sat up while looking around in confusion. no one could say a word while looking at this, they were too shocked for words.

"w-who are you?" Jellal asked in shock, he spent years working on a way to bring someone to life, yet Sora just simply snapped his finger.

"Hundreds of years ago, the gods made it forbidden for anyone to seek knowledge about bringing the dead back to life. I guess this was lost over time, then again they made this law to make it so there was no way I could come back to life." Sora said softly as he slowly walked to Jellal, who took a step backward in horror.

"Let me list out your crimes. working with the enemy to harm the princess, an action punishable by death. harming the princess, punishable by death. getting near to the princess is a way I don't approve of, punishable by a fate worse than death. manipulating the princess, punishable by death... and lastly, annoying me." Sora said coldly,

"... what do you mean by the princess," Jellal asked in horror, everyone was also confused by this, but Sora didn't care.

"Explode... slowly," Sora said coldly, Jellal suddenly froze as he felt unimaginable pain coming frown down below. his legs went weak as he fell to the ground, holding that area while screaming his lungs out.

"Congratulations, you're the first person I will torture. 700 years and a brat like yourself pits me off more than anyone in the last 700 years put together. so be proud," Sora said coldly, even through the pain, Jellal could hear Sora could clearly,

"And as a reward, I will allow you to remember this moment," Sora said as the pain was rooted deep into Jellal, no matter what he did or thought about, that pain remained strong in his memory, unable to disappear.

His pained crazies made the males have chills as they held their power parts, Jellal was rolling around to the best of his capabilities. wanting to lessen the pain, but it was not helping. tears were already filling his eyes,

"Stop... this isn't right, he is already defeated," Erza said unable to match on anymore.

"Erza... fine, I will allow him to die," Sora said as he kicked Jellal flying, Jellal slammed heavily into the ocean, and slowly shank to the bottom of the sea.

"Now he could drown and die, that's the best offer I can give him," Sora said as he looked at the disbelieving look in Erza's eyes. the friendly man who gave her, her no favorite snake, the kind man who helped her when she was tired and walking to the fairy tail guild... he was this ruthless man?

"Allow me to intrude myself, I'm Sora Dragnof. I told you about my past, call me the rightful ruler of this land. but my era died out hundreds of years ago, now it's your era. the reason I appear before you aren't because I have nothing better to do..." Sora said as he got on one knee before Erza so

"... because you're my father." She said softly, she had thought of this for many years, but it never really mattered to her. blood type did matter. right now, she didn't know what to think of him, he was always so kind to him. giving her free stuff. even some of the strongest armor she had was because of him. he spoiled her, so she could understand why he lost it... but he went too far

"That's right, you have great potential. those armors were just limiting your full capabilities. I could have destroyed this place ages ago, but I wanted you to face your past and grow... so, do you hate me?" Sora asked seeing how she was looking at him, Erza slowly began crying

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked softly,

"Well, what can I have said? Do you know you should be over a hundred years right now? but your mother kept you for so long, meanwhile, I only appeared back in this world a few years ago, by the time I agreed, I would be looking at your great-great-great-grandchildren." Sora said stunning Erza

"I failed both you and your mother, so I became a store owner to try and make your childhood the best. but I left, only to return to find I failed once again. so, you have a lot of reasons to hate me, what good of a father am I? I grew up in the past, in an area where killing was nothing. I slaughtered many to clear a path for humans to stand amongst the giants... yet I can't be a good father." Sora said with a mocking smile

"... I don't hate you, sure you were absit, but you tried your best when you were there. you did make my childhood great." She said softly,

"... Jellal, he was evil, but he didn't deserve that. but you must see the value of a human life differently. in your time, magic was created to kill and protect one's kingdom. but it's not like this now, today, magic is used to protect one's allies... I just want to say I understand, but you can't do that... not in this era you help build." She said Sora, sighed softly as he whipped the tears from her eyes.

"This era... isn't so perfect as you think. but you need not worry yourself about such things, if you think this world is perfect, I will do my job as a father and keep it that way." Sora said as he put her to sleep, after which, he turned his attention to the Natsu and Simon.

"none of you are suitable for my little girl, if any of you so much as dream of marrying her," Sora said coldly, making the two legs go weak. Natsu was not the type to admit defeat, but he almost wet himself feeling the pressure Sora was giving off.

"Natsu Dragneel, your ancestor was one of my followers. Igneel is but the son of my pet, you two will do well not to annoy me. don't think because of your past connection I will not break you in half." Sora said coldly, making the dragon which was within Natsu huge within rocks in horror.

that dragon was none other than Igneel, as prideful as he was, he knew who Sora was, his father told him many things about him. Sora looked at them for a moment before he jumped up before he gave them Erza. with a flick, the shot off and landed gently next to Lucy and the others who were in the ocean,

"Now, what to do with this tower," Sora said softly while looking at the tower, he was sure he could put it to good use. sure, the energy was unstable, and it would have exploded if he was not here, but this huge amount of energy got him thinking of something

"What are you thinking?" Autumn asked softly, as she looked at the deep look in Sora's eyes.

"What would happen if I compressed this tower to the size of a palm and launched it as an attack? the more I compress it, the more destructive power it could have until it could even injure me." Sora said softly as he reached his palm out, the tower began to break down, turning into energy that gathered into a palm within Sora's hands.

looking at the energy, it was already compressed to a high level, this was the whole tower after all. yet Sora had it compress unstill it was as small as sand. at which point, it was slightly hard for Sora to keep it stable.

pointing at the sky, Sora licked the ball of energy into the sky, the world seemed to lose all sound for a moment, only for a loud explosion which was heard all over the planet sounded. the sky was blind, forcing many people to look away or cover their eyes as they would go blind.

"Impressive my lord, to that explosion with off in space and it had such power," Autumn said in slight such, that tower only had power capable of destroying a country, yet now it was showing power capable of destroying the planet if it were to hit the planet. that was a huge increase in power.