
Cultivation within The Anime World

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Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs


A crack appeared in the sky above a kingdom, everyone within the kingdom looked up and where shocked as from the wheel someone slowly stepped out. Sora stepped out and slowly looked around.

'This parallel world was just birthed. I wonder what caused its birth, everything seems similar to the world I can from. this is Dragnof, even the life form here seems extremely similar.' Sora thought while looking around, Irene was even here as queen.

Using The Essence of Magic, Sora gained knowledge of the difference between the two worlds, and the difference between them was that in this world, Irene didn't get pregnant once before Sora left. Sora look at Irene and was stunned, Irene was pregnant?

"... Sora, why are you back?" Irene asked in confusion, Sora was quiet for a moment. there was no second Sora out there. and even if they were, there was only one Sora with a system. the main reason the titan stayed in the first parallel world was that it was the original,

all worlds started from it, there was only one garden of Eden, and it was located in the first world, there can't be a second one within the multiverse.

'What would happen if I fused all parallel worlds versions of Irene? that would be a multiverse-level being, with a power level in the trillions. that's such an easy way to gain unlimited power.' Sora thought as he used, the Essence of Magic, to seek knowledge of this thought.

Earth's realm was like a tree, if one were to zoom out, one would see that the whole world was a tree, holding countless leaves, which being a parallel world. looking down, was hell, where the roots reached. and above was the sky, being heaven. the branches were timelines, while the trunk was the main timeline, but as it went on, it got harder and harder to tell which was the main timeline.

Sora's eyes shrank at the knowledge he had gained, humans were not created in god's image. they were birthed by the world. in the past, they were only within the realm of earth, Adam and Eva were the first humans, but they eat the apple from the life tree.

the garden of Edan was a garden that held the tree of life, it was a special space, which soon birthed Adam, it was unknown how Eve came to life. but these two eat the fruit of life, which leads to them being rejected by the garden,

the fruit gave Adam and Eve magical energy, and humans gained the power to birth life within this world. them eating that fruit caused the tree of life to bloom, branches began to form nonstop as humans began spreading, while leaves filled the branches.

as for the blooming, it was because Adam and Eve planted the seed from that fruit, and because of this, the tree of life gained an unlimited amount of lifeforce, so if one leaves their universe, they found find a universe which had branched off from the main one.

they all started at the same spot, from the moment Adam and Eve left the garden, and an infinite number of timelines were birthed, each timeline holding an infinite number of possibilities.

so, if one travels the multiverse, one would find anything. Sora's father once said that titan choose to remain here, but that was false, leaving this world would risk them bumping into their parallel selves, causing a war. so, Cronus and the truly powerful titan knew the danger.

they were the original world, so would the other titan not feel some type of way about all of this? so, they had everyone think they were the only titan out there, while at the same time they had pillars holding up the universe while also protecting this world.

but those pillars were destroyed, so Zeus had a titan known as Atlas take over the role of doing this...

So, if a person managed to somehow absorb and fuse with their parallel self, then it would add to their power. absorb 1 of your parallel, your power level shall double

absorb 2 of your parallel self, and your power level shall increase by 3 times, and the number would increase. of course, the power would be different as each parallel self could have different strengths, so it could be more or less.

at the end of the day, one could be infinite times stronger if they managed to do this, but now this had given Sora a question. the world he was in, was there a second Sora other there with the same system as himself?

Sora turned and saw back towards the main world, no new Sora had appeared, so this was indeed a new parallel world that was birthed sometime after he left. at least a day, but to Sora, it was only a few minutes, but he was just within a state where space-time was different, so it was understandable that a huge amount of time had passed.

'This is Irene, but at the same time she isn't... weird.' Sora thought as he floated down towards Irene, he hesitated for a moment. but he went on to lie saying he was just returning to make sure he found his way back home.

So, after they spent some time together, Sora left and went on to suck this world of its energy. he was going to try and break through into Body tempering using the One True Cultivation art,

one should know a tier 25 cultivation art would make him more than 33 million times stronger than a normal level 1 body tempering. a total of 35 million times stronger. Sora cultivated for years on end, he had sealed himself away within a pocket space, so it would be hard for anyone to sense him.

Sora soon opened his eyes, he found that the magical energy within this world was too low for him. he, of course, would not such the energy dry, he wanted to restore itself. he would return once more to absorb this world's energy.

but upon stepping outside, he froze upon seeing the condition this world was within, his absorption capability was so powerful that even matters such as the ground has broken down, and turned into energy that Sora absorbed.

the world had turned into a world of floating island terrains levitating off the mainland, as well as streams of flouting rivers that flow threw them, all of which are naturally suspended in the air by the world's magic. The daytime sky is colored lime green with visible celestial objects such as moons and planets.

'Interesting, the little energy I gave off caused Lacrima to form, leading to them holding up these mountains around me.' Sora thought as he stepped out of the space he was within,

Lacrima is a Magic crystalline substance found in places with dense magical energy or form by mages. Lacrima can be powered up with different spells and used for different purposes. before Sora's death, it was a time when people had started to look deeper into this stuff, meanwhile, Sora used them to cultivate like they were spirit stones. in a way, Sora hindered research into Lacrima

"Although I didn't break through, I have recovered. I have spent about 20 years cultivating, Dragnof seems to have been destroyed years ago... it's weird, for some reason I feel like I have seen this somewhere. maybe my memories haven't fully recovered, or something else." Sora said softly, but he shook his head, form a child he felt like this world similar to something he had seen, but he could never put a finger on it.

Since he was in full health and even stronger than he would have been, Sora stepped forward and disappeared. one should know because of the improvement in his talents, Sora had understood many things, allowing him to fully understand the power of belief, giving him a double the power.

Sora went on to appear in another parallel world and absorbed its energy, this time this energy was not used up in healing, but all of it was used to make him stronger. and with his cultivation talent at 10, Sora absorbed and refined energy on its own. so even without the system, Sora would grow stronger by simply breathing.

even if Sora just stopped, his body will grow stronger. his cultivation talent was 10, he had endless growth, and his growth was quick. meaning, his absorption of energy was fast, far faster than someone with his level should have.

But that was not everything, with a comprehension talent of 10, Sora masters anything instantly, in the game this would show as something like perfectly coping a person's technique, and using it as if you had mastered it, or no time need to comprehend arts of any kind.

but in the real world, Sora mastered stuff he didn't know could be mastered. such as mastering breathing, mastering absorption of energy, mastering energy refining, mastering energy usage, mastering teleportation, and so on.

Sora didn't even need to pay attention while cultivating, allowing his mind to wander while cultivating, so for this, Sora began to look at the other tier 25 abilities he could use.

the first one was the martial art, Surpassing Heaven Martial arts, this martial art allows his martial arts to go past the peak. once Sora masters this martial art, Sora would be past the peak of martial arts, once Sora masters this martial art, Sora would be able to use 100% of his full power without any drawbacks.

be it his pinky, or toes, each will be filled with unmatched power, but 100% of his full capability was too basic. being able to 100% of your power without any drawback was simply the peak of martial arts.

This martial art was called Surpassing Heaven Martial arts and was a martial art that allowed one to go past the peak. So, you can see the future, copy Sora of all his skills, and you're much stronger than him?

well, Sora can still win. this martial art was all about going against the odds and defeating those who could have a high chance of defeating you. this martial art went past simply auto combat, and many others.

the next technique was Overdrive. this ability lets one push any ability which reached the kea into overdrive and goes past 100%, he reached the peak of skill. Sora would go past the peak, making anything that should have been useless become useful. this went for martial arts, technique, and abilities.

with these two overpowered abilities, Sora would be unstoppable, Sora of course instantly mastered these abilities. and once he did, he kicked his absorption into overdrive, going past the limit, this allowed Sora to cultivate hundreds of times faster. and in only a few months, he had to leave as the energy had dropped once more,

so, like that he kept appearing in the world after world, entering and leaving while absorbing all of the energy, but he soon began to stumble upon stronger parallel worlds. one should know that this world the first world was a... bit weak, he faced many setbacks, with Sora existence being one of their setbacks.

Sora stepped out of a portal only to appear in a world where titans still ruled the world, Odin was the ruler of this parallel world. Sora looked around for a moment before smiling, they were shockingly around his power level, which was now over 500,000, of course without the need for the power of belief.

'It seems like there might be worlds with power levels reaching the millions or billions,' Sora thought as he began absorbing energy, his crazy absorption speed caught the attention of all the powerful beings, leading them to rush over.

"Who are you? whatever beast are you" lightning flashed and a huge man holding a small hammer said as he appeared before Sora. Sora smiled slightly seeing this guy, it was not hard to guess it was Thor. with a power level of 650,000, he was indeed powerful. Sora only had a power level of 5,100,000

"Young man, you will treat your elder with some respect," Sora said arrogantly, which made Thor's eyes twitch. he was 200 years old, like hell, he would believe that Sora was older than him. with a flash, more gods appeared surrounding Sora. he was still absorbing Magic, scaring them,

Thor was enraged seeing how Sora still was absorbing magical energy, he suddenly threw his hammer towards Sora, and he dodged it easily without the need to even think. his body acted on its own, moving in the best way possible to dodge the attack.

"Children need to be taught a lesson from time to time," Sora said as he flashed before Thor, Thor's eyes widened as Sora suddenly appeared before him. he moved to block, but he quickly found that Sora's martial arts were a bit... overpowered

Sora's fist landed on Thor crossed arms, but the impact from that punch traveled through his crossed arms and slammed heavily on Thor's chest. Thor was sent shooting backward while his chest caved in,

'His attack phased through his defense?' Odin who saw this was shocked, he had good eyes and was all about wisdom, so he understood what Sora did, but he didn't understand how he did it as Sora didn't use many magical energies with that attack

"You see, there is a chance that when you touch something, your hand would phase through it. that punch follows that theory." Sora said with a smile as he looked at the stunned Odin

"So, in this world, it doesn't seem I was here to free you and the other titans, enlighten this old king of what happened," Sora said with a smile, Odin's eyes narrowed slightly upon hearing this. he gained a lot of information from those few words.

the first peace was that Sora was not of his world, but in his world, he frees the titans. this pretty much told him, that in Sora's world, Sora needed his help to stop the gods, so he frees them from their seals. and with his form of speech, it was clear that Sora was some form of king.

in this world, there was no Sora with some mighty system, in fact, Sora was the only person with the system. in this world Odin broke the seal on his own. the sudden shattering of the seal caught the gods off guard, and Odin and the others led a slaughter, defeating the gods after a long and hard-fought battle. unlike the gods, Odin was always seeking powers, so he grew and grew stronger seeking more knowledge to escape his fate.

"Not speaking? oh well, this King is not quick to rage. on the account another you were so nice as to help me, I shall not only forgive your son but allow you all to leave. now get going." Sora said calmly, but would Odin leave?

Holding his hand out, a spear shot into Odin's hands. with a node towards the others, he along with all of the other gods jumped Sora. Sora stepped slightly, dodging the wave's attacks without even needing to think.

Sora had a power level of 510,000, but with the suppressing heaven martial arts, Sora could use all of that power which any point of his body without a problem. So, he could toy with all of them. but Odin and the others were not to be ignored.

Odin's spear was special, once thrown, it would never miss its target, and would instantly appear within his target's chest. currently, that target was Sora.

Odin threw the spear, which instantly disappeared from everyone's sight, before he threw it, Sora suddenly foresaw the future of the spear within his chest. his instinct outright told him what would happen,

with a step, Sora dodged the spear, which instead stabbed into another god which was behind Sora. Sora's eyebrow raised while looking at the spear

'Did I just dodge something that happens instantly? no, I seem to have dodged it before it was thrown, perfect timing leading Odin to lose his target for a slip instinct, but it was enough for him to miss.' Sora thought with a smile,

"Well, let me attack," Sora said with a smile, he punched forward, and his fist moved so skilled that space bent. it was not because of the power of the kick, but the mastery of that kick reached such a level that caused the kick to touch upon some level of space.

"360 fists," Sora said with a smile as he punched forward, everyone froze slightly, and everyone around him froze before blood slowly ran down the corner of their lips. Sora smiled slightly as they all fell to the ground, out cold

"The punch is simple, once you reach a level your strength and power could reach a level where space would bend. what I did was simply master bending space without using so much power and made a technique out of it. a universal fist." Sora said while looking at Odin who was outside the range of his fist.

"You can take that a step further. a time punch," Sora said with a smile as he punched forward, Odin quickly placed his hand out to block, but nothing happened. Sora shrugged as he placed his hands to his side. as Odin slowly placed his fist down, he suddenly felt something hit his chest.

"An attack that skips into the future, 3 seconds is not bad, right? with my instincts, I know just how far the fist should skip," Sora said with a smile as Odin slowly fell to the ground.

"... or back in time," Sora said with a smile, before turning his attention to the energy in the air which had dropped by 90%

"Well, the energy will recover if you guys don't go and use all of it. until we meet again." Sora said as he stepped forward and disappeared appearing within another parallel world. years went by, Sora lost track of time and space. he lost where the main world was at, as he been to millions of words,

but that didn't matter, as he soon neared a breakthrough to level 1 Body tempering in the One True Cultivation art. with this breakthrough, Sora began traveling back trying to find his way back home. it took hundreds of years as he traced his way back. he had trouble as the parallel worlds were birthed each second.

they were like cells, doubling every moment. each possibility and each world had its own what if, it was confusing and took up a lot amount of his time. it took Sora hundreds of years before he found the main world, at which point he sighed.

with a flash, he appeared within the sky over where Dragnof should have been. but he froze seeing that Dragnof was destroyed, his eyebrow raised slightly. he sighed softly, but he waved his hand, wanting to bring Irene back to life, but he found that Irene was not dead.

Confused, he seeks knowledge by using The Essence of Magic, before he sighed softly. Irene had moved on and created Dragon slayer magic, but she made it widespread. many radon people have dragon slayer magic was bad, so people began turning into dragons which went berserker, slaughtering people.

People began fearing those with Dragon Slayer Magic, and Irene being one of the strongest one of them was quickly imprisoned, many people feared her might. her husband in name took control of the kingdom, but after 3 years of Irene showing no hints of turning into a kingdom, people began doubting if she was one of them,

these 3 years, she remained strong no matter what happened, but when they found out she was pregnant, the king went crazy. they never once made love, yet she was pregnant? he wanted to cut her stomach open, which was the final straw for Irene, who turned into a dragon on spot.

she had strong willpower, so after destroying and killing thousands, she regained her sense, but she flew off and went on to hide in a forest for a few hundred years, waiting for Sora. yet he never came, she used her magical energy to stop the child from being born, but one day someone came and help her regain a human form.

although still a dragon she was grateful and went on to try and enjoy the life of a normal human. but in the end, she was a dragon. she couldn't fall asleep, she had no sense of taste, her nose was too powerful, and so on. it was driving her crazy.

but luckily, she was pregnant, so she thought of giving birth to a girl, and enchanting herself into the child. luckily, she birthed a baby girl, but she couldn't go through with the plan, she wanted to, but her child's smile broke her.

So, she left the baby in a small town and left. she knew she might not be able to hold herself back from taking over the baby's body. so, she left and went on to follow Zeref, the person who saved her. through him, she planned to build an empire, like the one Sora had.

Sora rubbed his chin slightly, he could swear he had seen this somewhere, but he didn't know where he had seen it. Shaking his head, he disappeared and went on to appear in a small town, he was now a father. he wanted to act it, at least try and act like a real father.

a little red-haired girl was running while a little boy ran after her. they were playing lag, the red hair girl turned to look at Sora, but she wasn't looking at where she was heading, leading to her running into Sora. she was knocked back and fell to the ground. slightly hurt, she looked at the person she ran into. it was like she ran into a wall.

Sora looked at her for a moment, he opened his mouth, but what was the right way to say hey I'm your daddy? I just ignored you for the past hundreds of years because I was greedy for power. 400 years had already passed, so you would have died since I just returned, but don't worry I would have brought you back to life... sure you would have been an old lady at birth, and would no longer need me, but you're only like 3 years old right now... so it's all good.

"... you should watch where you going, are you right?" Sora asked softly as he helped her out, the red-haired girl looked blankly at Sora. this was the first time she saw someone with similar red hair to hers.

"y-yes, I'm alright." She said softly, she was not injured, she simply fell. Sora nodded slightly as he watched her run off to play with her friends while throwing him a confused look.

"Erza you alright?" a kid asked, to which she nodded slightly, she turned back towards sora but found he had disappeared. she looked around but couldn't find him,

'Maybe he went to get milk.' She thought, before shaking her head at that weird thought,

"Erza? Erza Dragnof... should I see Irene? sigh, I'm too ashamed, I guess I will take a job at the orphanage, it would be nice to sit back and relax. plus, I can be with my little girl." Sora said with a smile, he raised Erza upright. respectful, strong, and knew how to take a fall.