

*Ding* *The system has confirmed the completion of the mission. * *Preparing reward and bonus reward for host* *Please wait while the system is processing your reward* *Congrats host for completing his first step to becoming a god* *Computing second mission, please wait*

[I am thankful for the extra reward. But is it necessary for the next mission to start so soon?]-Dan asked.

[If you continue to complain I will consider creating a new class to suit your needs.

Job class: keyboard warrior

weapons: Low IQ, EQ]- system

[I guess I will get a new class then.]-Dan replied jokingly with no intention treating this seriously.

*Ding* *Processing completed* * Reward for the host: Cloak of Disguised ( host can change the appearance of the cloak to whatever design). Cloak of disguised can help the host to prevent others from detecting your amount of mana.

Bonus reward: Wand of beginning( Host can change the wand to any design). Wand of beginning grants host an additional 0.5% more effect of any spells cast using this wand. The wand of beginning grows with the host mana pool.*

At least the rewards are fulfilling. Oh wait, I could have used the surrounding mana to cast the spell. Sigh, all that pain when I could have just used a simpler method. Let's try absorbing the surrounding mana. Dan seat upright and concentrated on feeling the mana surrounding him. He could feel the coating of a mana layer on each and every air particle. With a deep breath, he began absorbing the mana in the surroundings. He could feel his mana swiftly recovering. A strong breeze blew by and the manaless air particles are replaced by more concentrated particles.

Walking is kind of a drag, why not try flying, a sudden inspiration came to Dan. Using this inspirational thought, he began searching for a suitable flight spell. Through the system's extensive database, he finally found what he sought to find. However, the spell was design for tier 7 beings and also the spell has extreme mana consumption even for a tier 7 being.

Looks like I will have to create another spell. Again, he started to think of suitable methods. He then started with his experiments. By using mana to change his density and by using wind magic he managed to sustain a stable flight. And by using the mana from the surroundings instead of from his own mana core, he could sustain flight for long periods of time. Just like this, he created another spell for the ease of travelling.

With his new flight spell, Dan was floating in the air, and not long after he finally reaches the city gates of Entropy. Onlookers gave a glance at Dan and immediately gave way. Pretending as to be a high tier mage does have its benefits, Dan thought. Floating through the city, Dan returned to his inn and took a long rest. For the rest of the day, he remained in his room. He thought to himself, to become a god I will need to have followers, where am I going to get them?

Visiting the underworld society may be a good idea, or should I create a disease and let it spread? No that would not be suitable for now if I create a disease that could potentially wipe out humanity, I will get targeted by the active gods. All gods are at least a super tier being. Going against them now will be too risky. But I will need a base of followers to start with, probably coming with a cult in the underground society would be best in the near future. Then with his thoughts sort out he begun to sleep soundly.

While he is resting in his room, the news of a forest fire spread through the town. This time the entire town is gossiping about Dan, the hidden powers in Entropy were all starting to make a move. Even the demigod supporting the country is taking measures.


In a secret chamber, a figure shrouded in divine aura could be seen.

"Did the goddess of peace send another one of her followers to stop my plan to ascend to become a true god? NO, I won't let them stop my plans. A mere high tier mage won't stop my plans.", furious by those maggots interfering in his plans the figure yelled out.

"Master, shall we proceed with our plans? The Empire of Dawn has already begun their yearly assaults, if this keeps up the Kingdom of Dusk, our kingdom will fall next year. A rebellion from the nobles might take place." An old man asked expressionlessly.

"Proceed. If I manage to successfully ascend next year the Empire of Dawn will not be able to continue their attacks and my kingdom will finally be tier 1. With this, I can fully enjoy the privilege of being a god, hahaha. Prepare the blood sacrifice, with this I can use mass sacrifice to make up for my lack of believers. If I can sacrifice the mage that b*tch sent imagine the look on her face, ahahaha."The soon to be god started laughing hysterically.


Meanwhile in the guild master's office. The fat and bald guild master grinned," Issue him a compulsory quest to eliminate the tier 6 beast in the dungeon. And try to recruit him into our fraction. If he is not a fraud we can abuse the power of a high tier mage and alleviate our status in the kingdom of Dusk."

"Understood."The mysterious being vanished into thin air after replying.


Then in a mysterious room again.

"He burnt down part of the forest? Tch, high tier mages don't deserve my respect. They only care for their convenience and enjoyment. I should teach him a lesson not to be too arrogant."The purple hair man sneered giving off a look of ferociousness.

"Bu-ut boss what about the executive meeting of the underworld? You promised them that you would attend and stabilize the underworld." a pale face underling asked.

"You will be attending that, I've got more important things to do."-boss

"..."The poor underling nodded his head and went away.

Yet again Dan had caused another round of trouble in Entropy, the trading city of the Kingdom of Dusk. While the hidden powers of the kingdom were making their moves, Dan is still sleeping peacefully. Only until the next morning that Dan finally woke up. He thought it's time for another round of magic experiments, let's try making a puppet.

*Ding* *processing of mission completed issuing host mission 2*

[Oh no]-Dan. (Edited at chapter 40 to ensure consistency, if this is not seen at the further chapters, it means that they are yet to be edited to maintain consistency.)

If have enough time i will try to get one more out today.

Afternoonecreators' thoughts