
Learning magic

Under the pressure of the mission penalty, Dan could be seen studying extremely hard. If one appeared and take a look at Dan right now, one could see a young black-haired boy leaning on a tree and reading a book. This scene would undoubtedly shock others, as no one would expect to see someone studying in a danger rich area. The contents of the book were simple and easy to understand (well, at least to Dan and the readers).

Magic is the theoretical method of appealing to the laws of the universe and in return get a power proportional to the amount of mana spent. Spells are the practical method of putting magic laws into practice. It is possible to reduce the mana cost using incantations, however, it is unwise to do so in fights as your opponent is unlikely to let you complete your spell. While this is a well-known fact, most inhabitants still use incantations due to the small size of their mana pool.

Due to the existent of magic schools in countries, incantations are mostly standardized. However if one were to self-learn magic (there are almost no self-learn mage in Alcanti) the incantations could be custom made which could prevent people from predicting the spells you are going to cast.

The most important thing about magic is the imaginative aspect. The better the imagination of a caster, the more power the spell. While schools in Alcanti teaches others to put an image of God as the base for their spells. This is usually not as effective as putting the actual image of the destructiveness of the spell or something similar like an explosion. Since Dan is from Earth he could use scenes from movies and the internet for his spells.

Without further ado, Dan began practical lessons. [Breeze!] a small and comfortable breeze flew of Dan's hand.

[Congrats to host for mustering a tier 0 spell 4 more tiers to go.]-system

Well, that wasn't too hard, all I needed to do was to change the shape of the mana in my body and imagine what I would like to cast. Let's begin with tier 1 spells. According to system tier, 0 spells are mostly party tricks and almost has no practical use. The decrease in my mana pool now is insignificant.

Let's start with light elemental spells, light element spells are better received in the human continent. [Let there be light, Simple Ray] a small ray of light shot off his right arm. This is still easy. Let's go on with tier 2 spells. Tier 1 spells are more practical (Duh) than tier 0 spells but generally lacks destructive power. Tier 1 spells are mostly used to start a fire, create water for drinking and etc.

[Purifying ray] a slightly larger ray of light shot out of Dan's opened palms. Hmm, casting spells without incantation do consume significantly more mana than usual, he thought. Time to start on tier 3 spells.

After completing the tier 3 spell he proceeds to start on tier 4 spells. He did the same for all other elemental spells and decided to stop for the day. With this, a few hours had already past without him noticing. He looks towards the empty sky, he could see a timer if he focuses on an imaginary screen. it reads 22 hours 2 minutes.

[Well learning magic is easy, I think I will specialize myself in fire, water and light magic.]-Dan said excitedly.

[If inhabitants of this world hear that, they will be vomiting blood.]-System

*Ding* *Congrats on the host for mastering a tier 4 spell* *keep up the good work remember to slay a tier 3 creature!*

Well, I guess its time to do some hunting. I have never killed a living being directly after all. Perhaps I will have some reservation of doing so, he thought. Dan enters the forest alone. With the help of system detection, he had quickly found his prey.

[Off all things you find me, it has to be a goblin knight in a middle of a goblin village...]-Dan

[Well if you don't like this one, I can direct you to a dragon nest.]-System

[I'll pass.]-Dan

I guess I will start my mission. Well, I kind of feel bad for killing them just for a mission. Whatever, let's start. There seems to be something missing in this world that I am feeling a connection to... why isn't there elementals in the first place... a fantasy world without elementals? No, Alcanti would be too ugly this way, let me try fixing this small problem by creating a simple elemental.

[I pray to myself, the current lord of nothing, in exchange for my faith give me the power to wipe my enemies, from the thin air of nothing I call for the avatar of fire, over-magic Minor Avatar of Fire]

Out of the midst of the forest, a raging fire could be seen a tiny humanoid figure sprouted out from the core of the fire. The trees around Dan turned red hot and blacked into ashes. At this moment the future fire lord has been born, but that is a story for another day.

[Unexpected, a serious miscalculation, recalculating capability of the host... error... error... error... You really did something amazing now host. Casting a tier 6 magic through over-magic and even inventing a new spell. You are rather interesting, congratulations for being the founding father of true elemental magic. *Hidden*An elemental plane has been formed.*Hidden*]-System (What kind of host creates a plane on accident during his first week...)

[Well I only created this so that I don't have to fight directly, you know even after this spell dies out I can cast another one if I stand in the front line there is a chance of dying. Logically speaking letting something else do the killings for me is more relaxing than doing it myself.]-Dan

Under Dan's command, the tiny avatar was on a rampage wrecking havoc on the goblin village. The goblin knight spotted the tiny avatar and rushed towards it. No matter how hard it unleashed slashes on it, its sword past through the avatar. Enraged by the imbecile insect challenging its authority, it roared and the raging flames consumed the goblin knight. Just like this, the entire goblin village is wiped out.

Soon, the Avatar glanced towards Dan. Dan could be seen on his knees exhausted from the single tier 6 spell that he forcefully cast. His vision was fading.

[Tch, looks like I underestimated the cost of casting a spell beyond my limits. Well, I at least I have a trump card for now. I need to look for better ways so that I don't need to fight in the front lines directly. Perhaps crafting a golem or a puppet may be a good idea.]-Dan said while kneeling on the ground.

Slowly the avatar approached Dan. It supported Dan and made him sit upright leaning on a tree. Then it disappeared into thin air. [Surprisingly, the avatar had developed a consciousness. Do elemental beings really not exist in this world before? If the system was right, then I really created a new race and magic... They really fit into this setting of Alcanti... ]-Dan.

I will need to get out of here first. Though the disappearance of the fire avatar may have caused some of the flames to vanish alongside it, the flames caused by the heat of those flames did not vanish. Maybe this is the reason why mage specializes in fire element are valued greatly for war purpose but they are not popular amount commoners.

Limping slowly, a human figure could be seen limping out of the forest. Though Dan had not recovered from casting the spell, he needed to get out of the forest due to the forest fire. I was too rash on casting a fire element spell Dan thought to himself. According to the system, the chaos I 'caused' in the adventurer guild has caused a number of people I power to think me of a high tier mage. It should be fine even if they think a 'high tier mage, me' is the one who caused the forest fire.

Dan decided to return back to the inn to consolidate his learning and make changes to his earlier future plans. (Edited at chapter 40 to ensure consistency, if this is not seen at the further chapters, it means that they are yet to be edited to maintain consistency.)

Thats all for today, i am tired from thinking of all that.

Happy reading!

Afternoonecreators' thoughts