

*Mission 2 start* *Host is required to slay a tier 6 being in 24 hours or face a penalty of returning to tier 0* *Reward, a puppet personally crafted by the system using premium materials*

[Time to work for a living.]-Dan lazily replied to the announcement and prepared to go out hunting.

*Knock* *Someone knocked on the door of his room*

"Who is it this early in the morning?", Dan said sleepily while approaching the door.

When the door is opened an expressionless lady could be seen. She looks beautiful and has a curvy body. This made Dan completely sober up.

"Do I know you?", Dan asked politely.

"The guild master of the kingdom of Dusk branch has issued a compulsory quest. He wants you to explore the dungeon near the South side of this city. If you complete this he will promote you to a platinum rank adventurer.", she said expressionlessly in an emotionless tone.

[What do you think?]-Dan asked.

[There's a tier 6 creature in the dungeon.]-System replied

[I see. They probably want me to get rid of that creature and get on my good side by promoting me, I will play along for now.]-Dan said.

"Fine, I will set off now.", Dan said.

She passes Dan a map and disappeared. Strange, though I can detect her mana, I can't see her visibly. What kind of ability is that and can I learn that too? Dan thought. She is highly likely a rogue or an assassin type class that specialize in stealth.

Looks like there are many hidden people observing me. He smiled and look in the direction of his stalkers and flew away quickly. This illusion spell should deter them from coming after me even I wouldn't want to be caught in this spell. Through this spell, he made visions of them killing themselves.

Little did he know that this spell was a 'little' too effective. Leaving his stalkers behind, Dan went out of the south gate and proceed to find the dungeon.


An unlucky underling's P.O.V.

How unlucky...today's a bad day, he thought to himself. Just yesterday he barely managed to convince his boss to go for the meeting. As his top subordinate, he promised that he would dig out information on that high tier mage in exchange for his boss attending the important executive meeting. "Sigh, he's usually cool minded and makes wise decisions. But every time he hears a mage he would get angry and unreasonable. This is why all our members are either warriors, rogues or assassins. I tried to convince boss last time to add some mage to our team but I got bashed up. Whatever, let's get to work boys. Remember to find out as much information as possible on that damn mage.",the small leader shouted out.

"Yes, sir!",the gang members replied.

A few hours have already gone by and not much information was found.

"Still no progress!? We need to get this done before the boss comes out of his meeting or we are done for", the little leader was getting anxious about his team's progress.

"We really can't find anything... It's like he appeared out of thin air! The only clue we have is that he's appeared together with the refugees escaping the war. And that he applied for the adventurer guild and stayed in some rundown inn. This doesn't make any sense!", one of the gang members cried out.

"Tch, from this information he probably got an agenda in Entropy, appearing with the refugees... maybe he is working for the temple of peace. I heard rumours of a demigod existing in the kingdom of Dusk, maybe he's here to investigate that. Ahh, we need concrete information or the boss will be angry. Let's go and observe him, maybe we will find out more just from his looks. Remember not to get too close."The little leader finally made his decision after much thought. The boss will be out in a few hours time I better get the information ready, he thought.

With this, the members hid behind the inn and waited for Dan to exit the inn. Then suddenly a female figure could be seen walking into the inn.

Recognizing her face, the little leader told his team, "Careful, it's the Shadow Sword of the adventurer's guild. That one has quite a bounty in the underworld. She foiled our plans and captured our goods a few time. If you get in contact with her call for me I will hold her off." After a few minutes, the target they were observing walked out of the inn, surprisingly he looks younger than what they had thought. Then he took a look at him and his team and smiled. Sh*t we have been spotted, he thought. Just then he turned around and flew away.

Phew, he thought that his life was over for a moment, angering a mage that is capable of flight is not a wise decision. Just as he thought the danger was over, he felt slight mana fluctuations occurring.

The woman who entered the inn just now was beside them.

"The guild master said to eliminate those observing him. [Martial arts Fan of Knives]."A bunch of knives flew out of her sleeves towards the little leader.

"Tch, are you working together with him? Or is he a dog of that useless master of yours. [Martial arts Shield Block]." The knives bounce off his body and dealt no visible damage.

"Well well well what do we have here? [My god is unsatisfied, especially with the rats, crawling about. Bloody Slash.]" With the flick of his arm two red liquid curve and slashed out to the little leader and the lady.

Unable to react in time, the two unlucky people were cut by the magic and rolled onto the ground.

"Won't you tell me more about that young one? Do not worry little ones, I will sacrifice you to my lord and your deaths will be painless only if you tell me everything you know about him."The old priest said slowly with a sadistic smile, ironic to the priestly robe he is wearing.

"So, the demigod of Dusk exists... I won't let you have your way with me old priest." She said without panicking.

"My boss will eliminate you once he finds out about this. So the temples in this country were all run by you... you won't get away with this demon."The little leader sneered loudly.

"How rude... should I teach you respect? The citizens of this country are in need of hope. My lord will become their hope bring salvation to this kingdom, once he rises to become a true god, people will praise his kindness and in exchange, they will receive the Lord's blessing."The old priest replied smoothly.

"Hiding your schemes behind those nice sounding words again, you people always try to pretend you are doing good when you are harming those innocents."She replies with an agitated expression.

"Oh please, you don't need to educate me about the virtue of justice. You don't need me to remind you of what your master did to you and your family, do you? He enslaves them together with you and then he tied you up, threw you into a chamber and in front of your eyes spread the legs of your little 12-year old sister open and took her puri-"Before he manages to sarcastically complete his sentence, he was interrupted by an angry howling.

"Yo-ou, my master-er has not... SHUT UP!" With her memories refreshed, the symbol on her neck flashed brightly and she jumped towards the old priest.

"Alright, that's enough."A fat figure appeared from the darkness. "Geez what are you doing to my servant, she's my favourite you know, I can't have you messing her up." With that, he turned towards the girl. "Calm down Ellie."

Out of his expectations, the woman, Ellie look towards the guild master with hateful eyes.

"You bastard! I will KILL YOU!![Martial arts, Ability Boost, Cutting Edge, Fatal Edge.]" A slash that generated large mana fluctuation flew to the guild master.

*Sigh*With a flick of his finger, the terrifying slash dissipated. "You love to destroy my toys, don't you? Archpriest of Dusk, or should I call you Jacob. [Seal]." A fearsome increasing pressure could be felt from the guild master. The symbol shined much more brightly and chains appear bounding Ellie, making her immobile.

"Hahaha, you're scaring me old friend. Your hobbies are as 'unique' as usual. Why don't you serve my lord? Together we can control the entire kingdom, my old offer still stands."Unaffected by the pressure, the old priest, Jacob stood still.

Afraid of the big shots who appeared, the little leader hid behind the box shivering. With his teammates already fainted from the pressure he secretly sent signals to his boss hoping that he will come to rescue them from this dreadful situation.

"Huh, just because I am inactive during this few weeks, you guys dare act so brazenly in my territory?" The purple haired man appeared, and so did a domineering pressure appeared.

Ohhhh mysterious backstories, tragic backstories. I will be getting their backstories soon stay tune.

This chapter is longer than usual due to my sudden motivation to write(Strange).

Happy reading.

Afternoonecreators' thoughts