
Wait for introductions, why?

The three-man stood face to face, none of them was willing to back off. The mana release by each of them clashed nonstop causing waves of mana fluctuation.

Just as the guild master started to act, another large-scale mana fluctuation occurred. This time it was targeted at three of them. A tier 6 spell? They thought. Unnerved by the spell they continued with their showdown. Little did they know that they should take precautions against that tier 6 spell.

Out of a sudden, all three men fainted and fell onto the ground. Just like this, they were taken into the illusion spell created by Dan.

At this period of time, Dan had already reached the entrance of the dungeon. Knowing that his spell had successfully activated, he chuckled and proceed into the dungeon. With the system mapping out the dungeon for Dan, he passes through the traps easily and avoided the horde of monsters. Soon, he reached a large door.

[The tier 6 creature you mentioned is inside isn't it? So what beast am I facing this time round?]-Dan asked.

[It's an undead lich. Careful, it's a being with intelligence. Though it failed to become a dungeon master, it still has some influence over the dungeon.]-System replied.

[So, is it possible for me to control the dungeon after I kill that thing?]-Dan asked again, this time his eyes gleamed with excitement.

[With my assistance that would be possible.]-System replied.

Dan started preparing for his spells. Using the mana from the surroundings as the base for the spells he started the incantation to summon a light avatar.

P.O.V of the undead lich

Meanwhile, in the dungeon master's room, a pair of glowing balls light up. Feeling the mana drained from the surroundings, he was awakened from his deep sleep. The mana drained has cut off a large source of mana he was absorbing while in a dormant state. Excited to test how power has grown, with a low pitched groan he commanded the large doors to open and invited the intruder into the room.

"Welco-" before he managed to finish his sentence, a ray of light shot onto the lich. Before it had even identified its intruder its life was already over. The tiny figure of light also faded away after its job was completed.

[...][You really didn't wait for him to finish his introduction...]-System

[And wait for him to blast me to death? I don't even know his ability, a one-shot-kill always works the best!]-Dan just laughed and continue to walk into the room.

[Well, this is a nice place the mana here is much richer than outside. Besides, isn't this mission too easy? I was expecting a harder mission]-Dan had trained himself to unconsciously absorb mana from the atmosphere. With the mana he acquired, this mana would be used to try to forcefully break himself into a higher tier. In an environment with rich mana, this process could be sped up. Feeling the abundance of mana, he decided to stay in the dungeon for a few hours.


*Mission accomplished processing reward and increasing difficulty levels for all future missions.*

[Is the process controlling of dungeon complete?]-He asked, ignoring the announcement.

[The dungeon core is currently in a dormant state. A few days is needed to at least awaken the dungeon core. Since I am considered to be a living consciousness by this world I can easily take control of this dungeon core once it awakens.]-System replied.

[I see. Now this will be my new base soon, now I need followers...]-Dan calmly access the situation and proceed to rest in the current room while waiting for his reward.

With the rare minerals existing in the dungeon, he began experimenting on building his own puppet, with the intention of comparing it to the system's reward.

He poured in mana onto the mythril. With his mana, he began shaping the metal into human shape body parts. He carefully created the joints and started to fit the parts together. The end product was a skinny white coloured puppet.

He then enchanted the puppet with dangerous sounding spells and granted it slight sentience. The self-moving puppet got up and greeted its creator. Dan then thought to himself. Hmm, with such numerous enchantment spells it should be able to fight with a tier 8 being head on, I will have to give it a name. For now, I will just call it no.1.

Dan decided to stay and further improve on his puppet before leaving the dungeon. While doing so he is receiving feedback from the spell. Through the vision he had planted in them, he is able to receive certain key information. A guild master, an underground big shot and an archpriest of the temple of Dusk. From the visions, he could tell that the guild master was trying to recruit him while the other 2 was trying to murder him. The guild master is a big pervert, the underground boss has a grudge against mages and the archpriest thinks of him as an underling of the goddess of peace. All three of them were considered to be rivals in the kingdom. The location of their bases and how they operated were exposed to Dan.

Temple of peace... looks like their members are mostly justice lunatics, he thought to himself. After some thought, he decided to return to the city first and quickly return later on to avoid trouble. I barely broke through to tier 5 just now. I need more time before I can scheme against them, he thought. With this, he began to exit the core room. Just as he stepped out of the room a female paladin and a female knight could be seen arguing outside. He was immediately spotted by the paladin and she attacks Dan instantly without thinking.

"You foul demon. I won't let you have your ways with the innocent. [Martial arts Light Slash]", she screamed as she jumped towards Dan.

(Sh*t, why am I attack out of nowhere. I am too careless)-Dan thought. He was obviously unprepared to receive an attack. [Earth Wall] Without any incantations he instantly cast a spell to block the blade. An earth lance formed behind the paladin after Earth Wall was cast and flew towards her. Unexpected that a tier 4 and 5 spells were cast without incantations, she was almost pierced by the lance. Only to be pulled away at the last moment by the knight she was arguing with.

"So the temple of Dusk sent you after us. I will kill you. For justice !"Swinging her blade again, she threw herself towards Dan.

(Fu*k me, do I look that shady?)This time ready to receive her attacks, he called no.1 over. The puppet blocks the craze paladin and pinned her onto the ground.

"Erm, do I know you?", he curiously asked. "You demon, how many people have you slain to create that puppet? The Lord will not forgive you!" The paladin lying on the ground screamed at Dan furiously.

(It's just a puppet!!!! What the hell is wrong with this person?) Dan was screaming internally.

Finally, the knight opened her mouth and speak. In a delicate and smooth tone, she requested, "Could you help us find someone in the dungeon? If you do so we will reward you in the name of her highness."

"Asking for help from a demon? HERESY! The goddess will not forgive you." The injured paladin look towards Dan.

*Sigh*"Do I really look like a demon? It's rude to call someone a demon you know? Introduce yourself and your fraction first..."Dan said lazily as he revealed his face. Trusting neither of the women, he prepared himself for a hidden attack.

Finally, without anything covering his face the two ladies stared at Dan.

Knight P.O.V

Just who is this? Able to cast such spells simultaneously without any sign of tiredness, could he be a high tier mage? While I can't tell his mana level, he controls a powerful puppet. Though he looks young, if I can get his help to find the princess and protect her it would be great. To hire a high tier mage for the royal family, the princess will finally be able to make an appearance without assassination attempts. The citizens did not even realize that the king is dead. With her incompetent brothers eyeing the throne, they would surely use her as a pawn.

Before the queen died I promised her to protect her only daughter. I can't let the princess die. Just yesterday, the foolish third prince tried to rape her after discovering the death of his father, causing her to flee the royal castle. After fleeing, the hidden forces of the country started eyeing her, the always kind-hearted guild master revealed his true colours, and the temple of Dusk wants to sacrifice her. I am the only knight left under the princess command. If we could reach the princess castle, we could be safe from all these prying eyes. I must seize this chance or the princess won't last long. The princess is so kind-hearted, so why must those people try and do such terrible things to her? Why did they try to kill her? Even the nobles who wanted to marry her started sending forces to capture her, why must they be so cruel? I won't let this paladin chase my only hope away.

We were chased into the dungeon by our pursuers. However, the princess and I were separated. While looking for the princess, I spotted a paladin looking around in the dungeon suspiciously. Once spotted by the paladin, the paladin charged at me without any reason. After a few brutal clashes, I managed to convince her that I was not an enemy. However, they argued after some disagreements, the paladin accused the royal family of Dusk kingdom of conspiring with a false god. Believing that the royal family of Dusk did not commit such crimes, I defended the dignity of the royal family.

After the argument, we met a strange magician wearing a cloak... and... the paladin charged at him only to be defeated one-sidedly.

Hoping that my efforts would not be for nought, I requested the cloaked magician to aid me on my mission to escort the princess.

"Oh great magician, I beg of you to rescue the princess. She has always rewarded those who helped her." With hopes of him lending his aid, I lay down my pride as a knight and asked for his aid on behalf of the princess of Dusk.

The enhancement will be revealed in the future. But i am tired after typing this out...

Afternoonecreators' thoughts