
Cry of the Banshee

A father's legacy, the son's revenge, and a world full of turmoil and tragedy. Who will succeed?

Eric_Veradio · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 - Silent Cry (2)

Staring at the starry skies, Jack felt victorious in his accomplishment.

It is not the greatest of achievement but he had salvaged the situations and saved his team.

"Oh, you're already awake," Jack commented as Judas woke up from his lovely dreams.

"What happened? Last thing I remembered I was flung up in the air then hit my head against something and lost consciousness." Judas asked while feeling groggy.

"Same here. I am not sure what happened to you after the big explosion. I was blown towards that cater-shaped ground over there."

"Everything that happened is a blur to me," Jack explained omitting some facts.


"I am pretty sure there's more to the story than that," Judas doubted Jack's testimony.

"Yeah, go ahead and ask Eugene when he wakes up. He knows what happened."

Jack did not want to expose his extraordinary skills, lest someone harbors ill intent.

"Okay. Anyways thanks for helping me while I was out." Judas said with an icy tone.

"You call that gratitude? Sounds like you are not thankful at all." Jack commented.

"Whatever. I'm hungry. Let me find some food for us." Judas stoop up then started preparing to hunt for food.

"Yeah. Thank you for the initiative. I will stay behind and wait for Robert & Eugene to wake up."

Jack said sincerely then tossed a water skin to Judas.

"Thanks, I will go now," Judas left with his stick arsenal and a water skin that Jack provided.


On his way to find food, Judas was contemplating.

He had clearly witnessed Jack after waking up for a bit.

He saw Jack casting a mysterious skill.

Unable to recall the whole scene, Judas shrugged it off but kept it in his heart for now.

"Alright, time to hunt for some food. I am also hungry as well." Judas trailed off in a nearby forest with burn spots caused by the recent earthshaking battle.


Jack was keeping an eye out for Robert and Eugene. It had been two hours since Judas left and they did not show signs of waking up.

In a distance, Jack noticed a shadow closing in. Jack stood up and put his guard up.

"Hey! Country Bumpkin. It's just me. No need to be alarmed." Judas made his presence known and held 5 rabbits in his hands.

"Can you please drop the name-calling?" Jack kindly asked.

"Why? Did I annoy you? You cannot stand being called country bumpkin cause its true?" Judas protested.

"You are too full of yourself, Judas. Whatever. Do what you want." Jack stoop up and focused his attention on finding some firewood to cook the rabbit meat Judas found.

Collecting firewood, Jack returned and made a fire.

Judas skinned the rabbits and put them on a stick. Judas then placed on the fire and cook it till well done.

It was already evening and the night was calm. Jack and Judas stare at the fire and meat being cook while trying to hold a conversation.

"I was not always like this,"

"I mean... I used to be kind and gentle, but the world turned against me."

"Now, I do whatever I want. It's my life." Judas said with dignity.

"If you do not mind me asking, what happened to you?" Jack kindly asked.

"It's a long story. Let's just say the very people I trusted betrayed me." Judas sighed while explaining.

"Same here. Even worst, my blood brothers betrayed me." Jack said with despise and sadness.

'Seems like we had a similar predicament. However, this guy is just an *sshole sometimes'

Jack thought while listening to Judas babble about his experiences after leaving his family and started living on his own.

In the middle of their conversation, a voice rang out.

"Its good seeing you two get along," Eugene said while trying to gain his balance after waking up.

"Eh, good to see you awake, Eugene," Judas commented.

"You feeling okay, Eugene?" Jack asked observing Eugene touch his head while trying to stand on his feet.

"Yeah, feeling a bit nauseous but all good." Eugene stood and checked on Robert.

"Wait. Robert... His wounds are healed?" Eugene exclaimed seeing a slightly wounded Robert in his side while sleeping soundly.

Pulling out an apparatus to check Robert's core, He used a metronome to stimulate Robert's core.

Robert's core glowed with some wavering lights signifying a slightly damaged core.

"Robert, it's going to be okay. Your core is damaged but treatable." Eugene expresses relief after checking on Robert.

Turning his gaze, Eugene looked at Judas and Jack with curious eyes.

"Don't ask me, I was out the whole time" Judas claimed innocence.

"Jack, I would really appreciate it if you could tell us what happened."

Eugene pleaded Jack to detail the events after they lost their consciousness.

"Well, it's like this... After the explosion, the parasite's core tried to regenerate."

"I tried to fight it. You [Eugene] helped me defeat the boss monster before losing consciousness."

"Checking the corpse of the boss monster, I found some mysterious fluids which happen to be the source of the regenerative power of the boss parasite."

"I used that fluid to help you heal your wounds."

"The extent of the healing capabilities I do not fully know."

Jack added.

'He's hiding something but I'll play along.' Eugene thought.

'He has definitely omitted some facts.' Judas doubted Jack's words.

"Yeah, I tried to help as much as I could."

"Thank you for saving us, Jack." Eugene came closer to Jack, touched his shoulders, and gave him a sneaky wink then returned to his seat.

"No worries, Eugene."

"I just did what I needed to do." Jack humbly said.

"Okay. Since Robert is still asleep. You guys can rest up. I will act as a sentry for tonight."

Eugene instructed while standing up and pulling out his arsenal.

"No, Eugene. You can rest. I still have the energy to spare." Jack retorted while abruptly standing as well.

"It's fine, Jack. Thank you for your concern. It's the least I can do for you. Let's talk further tomorrow." Eugene added.

Jack and Judas did not protest and slept soundly while Eugene stayed awake as a sentry.

Looking at Robert, Eugene felt apologetic.

'Brother, I am sorry. I know you are suffering enough. I am here for you.'

Eugene thought then he became teary-eyed.


Morning came, Robert had woken up and felt weak but able to walk.

"Eugene, It seems we'll have to walk towards the main road and hope we get a ride to a passing merchant caravan."

Robert suggested.

"Yes, Robert. I think that's the best way. Our Caravan got damaged in the fight yesterday. I was able to salvage some supplies though. Using it, we can survive."

Eugene positively agreed.

"Hey Jack, thanks for saving me."

"I heard from Eugene that you struggled to defeat the regenerating parasite."

Robert expressed his gratitude to Jack.

"Eugene helped as well. I just did what's best." Jack said with humility.

"You are a good man, Jack." Robert patted Jack's shoulders then added.

"Alright. We did what we can. We lost two important members but we need to move forward."

"Let's start heading out." Robert stood up then signaled the team to start walking.

Walking to the main roads, the team discussed their plans.

"Jack, after we turn in and receive the rewards, I will take a long break from taking the quest."

"My damaged core is not easy to fix but I can return and adventure with you after a good rest."

Robert told his plans to Jack.

"Same here. I need to rest and wait till I am in good shape to start taking the quest."

Eugene seconded Robert.

"How about you, Judas and Jack?"

Robert asked.

"I will need to report back to Hunter's ensemble and see my family after."

"I received a message early today. The head of my family is summoning me."

Judas said while looking at Robert.

"I am not sure. I think I will have to reconsider my plans after this."

Jack said looking at Robert then turned his gaze to the sky.

The quest he joined was challenging and life-threatening which made Jack reconsidered taking quests.

On their way back, they saw a caravan passing by. It was a small caravan but able to fit five people.

"Hey!" Judas shouted trying to catch the attention of the driver.

The caravan stopped and the driver disembarked then said.

"Hi, I am Teemo Coco. A traveling merchant. I'm on my way to Tonic City."

"How can I help you?" Teemo asked.

"I'm pleased to meet you, Teemo. We just finished exterminating a group of the parasite in that area and we were hoping to catch a ride going back to Tonic city as our caravan got destroyed."

Robert requested.

"Okay. Got it. Hop on board. I got enough space for all of you." Teemo said cheerfully.

They rode with Teemo and reached Tonic City on the same day.


Arriving in the Hunter's Ensemble, Jack was re-assessed and got Junior Hunter rank.

"Thank you for the update," said Jack.

"You're welcome. We heard from Robert. You did great in this quest. Here's your reward as well. A thousand dollars." The petite assistant added.

"Wow, that much? Thank you. This means a lot to me." Jack accepted his reward and went outside.

Looking to unwind, Jack saw a pub across the road.

Entering the building, he was welcomed with a scent of beer and loud bustling.

Men and woman alike drink their fill and enjoy the company of friends.

Finding his seat, a nearby waiter turned his gaze and caught Jack's attention.

Asking for Jack's order, the waiter stood to wait.

"I'd like a soda and some chicken wings, please," Jack said while the waiter noted down in his notes.

"Thank you, Sir. I'll deliver your order shortly." The waiter left and went to the nearest intercom declaring Jack's order then grabbed a large cup, filled it with soda, and gave it to Jack.

"Here is your drink, Sir. The other order will follow." Jack received the drink and sip a little.

"Thank you." Jack smiled. The waiter left afterward. Jack was alone in his table.

Turning his gaze to the stage, a female instrumentalist was playing the zither.

She wore a black kimono with shades of purple and embroidered flower designs on its hem. In her waist, a purple strap accentuates her slender waistline.

Further, she wore an opaque purple veil which slightly reveals her beautiful features. Jack was mesmerized by her skill and beauty.

She played her arsenal gracefully. She activated her skill which has a soothing & enlightening effect on the listeners.

Listening to her performance, Jack felt a huge burden had been lifted.

After returning from their quest, Jack felt inadequate and lacking. He could have saved the other two members of their team.

Eating his dinner, Jack left and rented a bachelor pad apartment for a month.

He planned to take up quests and increase his level in Tonic City.


Waking up from his lovely dream, Jack felt refreshed.

In his dream, she saw a lovely lady in a kimono wearing a beautiful smile.

After following her around, the lady in kimono suddenly disappeared then Jack woke up before finding the woman.

'What a weird dream,' Jack thought and did not think further about it.

He took a bath and prepared for the day's journey.

Jack went to the nearby market and bought some fresh supplies of fruits and meat.

He then went to the notice board and looked for a quest to take alone or with a group.

Seeing a request to harvest some medical herbs west of Tonic City, Jack took the quest and headed westward.

Arriving at the location, Jack felt confident the quest is doable and more 'safe' this time around.

Unbeknownst to Jack, there are poison ivy plants mixed among herbs he was looking for.

"I should be able to return to the city and turn in the quest and grab another."

"This is rather efficient," Jack commented while grabbing the herbs he needed.

Brushing past the poison ivy plants and slightly touching the nape of his neck soothing its sore from ducking down, Jack felt something itchy in his hand.

He scratches his hand then his arms and extended to his chest and back.

Jack saw rashes and red blemishes in his body. The itchiness was starting to get unbearable.

After getting all the needed herbs, Jack went back to the ensemble and turned in the quest to receive his reward.

He stood out like a sore thumb with his rashes and red blemishes.

Looking to fix the problem, Jack went to the merchant ensemble and asked for some remedy to his predicament.

Entering Papa John's office, a voice rang out.

"Looks like you are working hard, Jack."

Taking a better look, Papa John's face turned slightly red trying to hold his laughter.

"I know. I look funny. Do you have some remedy for this itchiness?" Jack asked while scratching his neck.

"Yeah. I do. Here, use this." Papa John took out an ointment in his drawer and tossed it to Jack.

"Thanks, Papa John." Jack applied the ointment and felt a cool and soothing effect purging the feeling of itchiness.

The door creaked then opened revealing Eugene entering the room.

"Hahaha... What a great look, Jack! You will definitely stand out." Eugene exclaimed while trying to hold a bit then let off his laughter.

"Argggghh. I know. Good thing Papa John has the ointment for it." Jack sighed while continuing to apply the ointment.

"Anyways, I got a quest. Don't worry, its an easy one." Eugene added while grabbing a cup of coffee and a piece of bread in the refreshment corner.

"What's the quest about?" Jack asked.

"We're going to drive out a group of bees making a base in a mansion near the border of Tonic City."

"It's quite urgent. Want to join us? Robert will come along as well." Eugene explains and invited Jack.

"Sure thing. That would be great." Jack accepted the offer and stoop up.

"Take care guys."

Eugene and Jack left and made their way towards southward.


On their way to the mansion, they met up with Robert waiting outside the Merchant ensemble.

"Hey, Jack. Glad to have you on board."

Robert said while waving his hand to greet both Eugene and Jack.

"Yeah. Same here, Robert. I'm happy to help you take on any quest."

Jack smiled then rode the caravan parked where Robert leaned on.

"Let's go, boys," Robert said cheerfully.

Arriving at the mansion, it was filled with vines and tall grass.

"The mansion seemed abandoned."

Jack commented while pushing the gate open.

"It's been one year since the aristocrats who lived here left and issued the quest."

"Since there is a big beehive beneath the mansion, many teams could not clear the quest."

"The aristocrat issued the quest with an important rule: No damage to the house and keep everything intact."

Robert explained while pulling out his arsenal and some apparatus.

Eugene also grabbed his apparatus and starting smacking the floating notes.

Aspherical barrier surrounded them while Robert started playing his bass.

Using the apparatus he brought, the sound waves were amplified and caused the ground to vibrate.

The megaphone apparatus absorbed any sound inputs and multiplies the sound waves to a great level.

Suddenly, the ground collapsed revealing a pathway beneath the ground.

A large army of soldier bees then surges from the end of the hallway.

"Here they come. Use your attack to delay their approach, Jack."

Robert instructed while Jack played his flute casting his skill.

The army of soldier bees, who flew with great speed, then slowed down and dropped to the ground and tried to fly away several times.

Eugene made a follow-up attack and sent an energy slash attack.

The wave of incoming bees was killed instantly.

A next wave then came flying with their stinger pointed at the humans.

"Let me handle this one."

Jack announced while casting Concordia.

Energy balls slowly appeared, glowed bright, and lasers burst out shooting down the incoming bees.

Several waves followed. Eugene, Robert, and Jack dealt with the waves of bees with ease.

A loud shriek and buzzing sound then rang out.

The queen bee came out. It was a large black and yellow colored bee with 4 guards in its side.

"Hell Yeah! The queen bee is out."

"Here's the plan, Eugene and I will distract it. You deliver the final blow, Jack."

Robert instructed while casting his defensive skills. The same goes for Eugene casting a barrier around them.

The queen bee channeled her core and hundreds of stinger flew out. The barrier Eugene put up made a stand while a few cracks appeared.

"Oh my. This is troubling. My barrier is not as strong as the ladies. Cracks are showing up."

Eugene churned his core trying to repair the damage on his barrier.

Robert played his bass shooting mini energy slashes towards the queen bee.

Enraged, the queen bee released another set of stingers that slightly pierced the barrier.

Meanwhile, Jack was channeling his skill.

"I'm sorry, Jack. We can only do this much. We have not recovered fully. Should use more power than these, our damaged core will be damaged further."

Robert apologized while trying to distract the four guards with his energy slashes.

"Its okay, Robert and Eugene. I got your back. I will release my attack soon".

Jack said while channeling his core. Jack had thought of using his harmony series but did not want to reveal his cards yet.

"When I release the attack, please run as it might create a large blast radius."

Jack warned Robert & Eugene while converging his beams to a single point.

"Go now!"

Jack signaled. The barrier was released. A large beam burst out piercing through the queen's large belly.

The queen bee dropped while channeling her remaining powers. It formed a large spear-like stinger.

The large spear-like stinger then flew out aimed at Jack.

Noticing the attack, Eugene created a double-layered barrier protecting Jack.

The first barrier broke.


The second one followed.


Jack jumped and used Speedy Gonzales bolting out while attacking the remaining two guards trying to kill Robert.

"Come here. Fight me!"

Jack taunted the guards while running towards the crawling queen bee.

Arriving on the spot, Jack released a burst of sonic waves hitting the body of the queen bee.

The queen bee died and Jack looted the bead.

Furious, the guards used their remaining energy to ponced at Jack.

Their stingers glowed bright yellow and were released at great speed.

Jack hopped and used his sonic waves to propel himself forward.

Jack glided in the air and landed in the opposing direction avoiding the first stinger.

The second stinger flew the curve side and followed Jack's direction.

Jack used his sonic waves again to propel himself upward. Channeling his core, the heavenly white wings appeared then Jack shot hundreds of energy feathers.

The spear-like stinger broke into countless pieces but continued its attack flying towards Jack.

Eugene was able to put a barrier in time; saving Jack's life.

"Wow! That was awesome, Jack."

Robert shouted. Happy of Jack's success, Eugene and Robert gave a fist bump to Jack.

"Good one, Jack."

Eugene said while grabbing a bottle of water and gave a bottle as well to Jack.

"It's no big deal. I just did my best."

Jack accepted the water bottle.

Suddenly, a sharp pain sensation had Jack kneeling on the ground.

"Arggg!" Jack groaned.

"Don't move, Jack. a small part of the stinger hit your back."

"I can pull it out. Stay still, Jack." Eugene said while putting on a pair of gloves.

"That piece of the stinger contains some poison but its not lethal."

Robert commented while trying to hold his laughter.

"What's wrong, Robert?"


"The stinger had caused your back to swell which makes you look like a humpback"

Eugene said after releasing a loud laugh.

"Oh common. Previously a red tomato, now a humpback? What a great cosmetic look."

"A tomato with a humpback."

Jack sighed while complaining.

The team then returned to the Merchant Ensemble turning in the quest to receive the rewards.


Arriving in Papa John's office, Papa John conversed with the aristocrat who gave out the quest.

"Thank you so much Papa John for helping me find people willing enough to take on the quest."

"I tried finding people in the Hunter Ensemble but their response was unfavorable."

The merchant aristocrat said while putting a big bag filled with money.

"No worries, I'll make sure to give the towards to the team that handled it."

Papa John said accepted the payment.

"I'll be going now. Send my thanks to the team."

The merchant aristocrat left.

"Sure thing." Papa John replied with a smile.


Robert, Eugene, and Jack returned to the merchant's ensemble.

People would stare at the group and whisper to each other as they walk towards the ensemble.

"Oh, man. I stick out so much. People are gossiping about me."

Jack complained seeing the people around whispering and gossiping about him.

"Don't mind them, Jack. They are just judging you base on appearance."

"They do not know your true story and the deeds you did for us."

Patting Jack's back, Robert comforted him and giving him a big smile.

"Thank you, Robert. Although it's comforting, I cannot deny I do look funny."

Jack stared at his reflection as they arrive in Merchant's Ensemble building.

Entering Papa John's office, Papa John was taken aback and could not help holding his laughter.

"hmmm... I am not sure how to feel about your 'new' look, Jack."

"I think you look, original."

Papa John commented facing Jack then looked sideways while laughing a little.

"Okay. I look funny. Laugh away. I give you permission."

Jack waved his hand in defeat and walked like a real hunchback.


Everyone in the room, except for Jack laughed out lout.

Jack sat on the couch near the wall and covered his face with his hands in embarrassment.

"Okay. Stop it now, guys. I had my fill of humor for today."

Papa John commanded while dropping bags full of cash.

"Alright. Since Jack worked so hard, let's give his portion first."

"Here's $400 dollars, Jack. Receive yours as well, Robert and Eugene."

Papa John tossed three bags respectively.

"Thank you, Papa John."

Jack slightly leaned forward catching the bag full of cash as his reward.

"Nice! Want to get some beer and chicken?"


Eugene asked while checking the contents of his bag.

"Why not? Let's go, Jack."

Robert stood up and grabbed Jack's hand dragging him outside Papa John's office.

'What a good team,' Papa John turned his chair around and looked at his window with a smile checking three-man giggling outside going to a nearby pub.


"Let's drink till we drop dead tonight, Jack."

Eugene said pushing the door wide open and ushered in Robert & Jack.

"No thanks, Eugene. I still have to go and work tomorrow."

Jack shook his head in disagreement.

"Wow, my man Jack. Dedicated, motivated, and always striving hard."

"Keep up the good work, Jack. Robert and I are proud of you."

Eugene placed his hands across Jack's shoulders and dragged him towards the bar.

"Three manly beers, please."

Eugene caught the bartender's attention and ordered their drink.

"I'm only 16 years old, Eugene. I am not old enough to drink beer."

Jack protested while crossing his arms.

"Don't worry, Jack. Who's asking? Shhhhh... It's our little secret."

Eugene said while speaking in a hushed tone near jack's face.

"Alright. Just this once, okay?"

Jack did not reject the offer but gave his condition for joining the two for the night.

The bartender had prepared and served their drinks.

Eugene raised his beer mug and suggested a cheer then spoke.

"To Jack and his funny adventures!"

The three beer mugs converge and a little splash spilled as the mugs hit against each other.



"Say, Jack, how about permanently joining our team?"

Robert asked after taking a sip from his beer mug.

"It would be a pleasure to join your team, Robert."

"However, is it also possible for me to take quest alone if I already joined your team?"

Jack wanted to take on a quest alone or with a team whenever possible.

"Yes, Jack. That is possible. Depending on the difficulty of the quest, you can take on any quest alone."

"However, if a team-based quest presents itself, we can be a team to take on that quest."

Eugene responded while giving Jack a thumbs up.

"Alright. I'm in."

Jack accepted Robert's offer then drank a few gulps from his beer mug.

"Give us four sets of beer, good Sir. Heok!"

Eugene made his order then had a sudden hiccup.

"There you go again, Eugene."

"Cannot handle your liquor?"

Robert sighed then asked in a challenging tone.

"Why? Dare to challenge me?"

Eugene stood up then drank his mug still nothing was left.

"There you go. Done. How about you?"

Robert then followed suit and finished his drink.

"There. I'm not as well."

Robert put his mug and grabbed another as the bartender serve another set of drinks.

The two sets of beers were swiped clean by Robert and Eugene.

"Hey, Jack. See? I'm much stronger than Robert."

"I'm...I'm...Heok! I am stronger than you Robert. Heeek!"

Eugene swayed left and right as he tried to speak closer to Jack.

"Ah, hmmm.. Yeah."

Jack stammered a bit then responded.

"What? Are you stronger? In your dreams!"

"I always save your ass 'brother'," Robert grabbed Eugene's collar then slightly pushed Eugene.

"Really now, brother."

"I always gave way because your mother said to give your respect as an older brother."

Eugene retorted after drinking another beer mug.

"Wait? You two are siblings?"

Jack's right brows perked up hearing Jack & Eugene banter at each other.

"Well, technically, half-brother."

Robert commented facing Eugene.

"You are the bastard older son, 'brother'."

"Look at me, I'm the legitimate son of the band family."

Eugene pointed his index finger at Robert then pointed his thumb against his chest after.

"Hey, Eugene! Have some respect. I'm your older brother."

Robert abruptly stood up, put his right leg on the chair, and pointed his right thumb against his chest.

The two drunk brothers continue their banter until they fell asleep.

"Another soda, please."

Jack raised his hands catching the attention of the bartender.

"Don't mind there banter."

"There love and hate setup is quite interesting."

The bartender spoke with a smile then offered a soda in the can plus a glass filled with ice.

"Yeah. I noticed."

"A younger brother's competitiveness."

"The older brother's sense of responsibility."

Jack commented after drinking a gulp of soda.

"Thank you, I'll need to drag these two drunkards back home."

Jack stood up, placed each hand on his shoulder, and dragged both men in a sluggish manner.

'What a surprise. Good lad.'

The bartender thought after seeing the effort of Jack dragging both men out of the bar.


On the stage, the zither played her instrument gracefully while looking at the pub scene.

Looking over, she saw the guest were scarce.

She then saw three men entering the bar.

Two adults and a young lad.

'What a funny-looking, lad.'

The zither player commented having seen the lad with a humpback with many red blemishes on his body.

'At least he has a good heart.'

Her lip hidden by the veil curved into a smile as she observed the young lad drag the two big men outside the pub.


Papa John was resting on the couch when he was called by the assistant.

Jack dropped off Robert and Eugene at the merchant ensemble across the street.

"Thanks, Jack. I'll let them know how much of a hassle they were."

Papa John received Robert while his assistant dragged Eugene inside.


Jack arrived in his apartment with a dazed expression.

He felt happy having friends but was feeling nostalgic being far from his family.

Even though felt hatred for his brothers, he could not deny that he still longed for a father and mother.

Jack looked up in the night sky with reminiscence. Some tears fell on his cheeks as he tried to put himself to sleep.


"Ahhhhh. My shoulders are sore from last night's body dragging."

Jack complained as he tardily stood up and washed his face.

He took a quick bath and wore his adventuring clothes and went directly to the notice board.

'Something slow pace with a little bit of comfort would be nice today.'

Jack thought while skimming through the available quests for the day.

While checking the notice board, a sudden voice rang out.

"Oh my! The country bumpkin before is now a poor hunchback?"

"What a tragedy. Tsk...Tsk...Tsk.."

Judas approached Jack and slightly poked his slightly Jack's bulging back.

"Please mind your own business, Judas."

"I'm just trying to earn my keep"

Jack stared at Judas with an annoyed look.

"Common now, Jack. Don't look at me like that."

"We have some history together. Can't even take a joke?"

Judas gave a gloated grin while touching his temples and checking the notice board.

"Wow! A lot of good quests is up for grabs."

"Jack, want to join my conquest to become the greatest hunter ever?"

"Hahaha... Aren't I too handsome and great?"

Judas lifted both hands while feeling proud of himself.

Judas then put both hands on his waist while puffing his chest.

"Here we go again, Judas."

"Can't you just admit that you are lonely and wants attention?"

Jack sighed and spoke without reservation.

"Wo...Wo...Jack, listen...just listen...Okay?"

Judas lifted his arms which showed traces of lacerations.

'What's up with his arms?'

Jack thought but ignored the idea of asking Judas.

Checking the nearest terminal, Judas ported the quest information to his system.

"Hmmm. An escort mission is available."

"Route starts from Tonic City passes through the Dragon Valley southeast of Largo City going to the port of Largo City."

"The merchants will drop off at the port."

"How about it, Jack?"

"Interested? The reward is quite handsome."

Facing the Notice board Judas but listening with his ear, Jack thought for a while.

'Yeah. The quest does give a good reward. I am running short on funds as well.'

Jack then extended his hand and said, "Deal. 50/50 share?"

"hmmm. No can't do. 60/40. Mine is 60."

Judas counter offered to give his rate.

"Take a look at yourself? Your wearing tons of Jewelries. You are rich enough."

"50/50. Deal or no go."

Jack resolutely made his stand.


Judas came to a compromise and accepted an even split of the rewards.

"Just to confirm, I'm not rich. Okay?"

"It's part of my responsibility to uphold the family image."

"When I'm in the wrong, my family is not as forgiving as you think"

"If your thinking I lived like a squander, you are wrong."

Judas commented while turning his back against Jack and started walking.

Judas stopped his steps seeing Jack was not following.

"What you waiting for? Come along. Hurry."

Arriving at a caravan parked on the side, Judas knocked on the door.

"Sir Bren, I found my companion for the quest."

Judas spoke in a respectful tone.

"Okay. Let's set out. We cannot waste more time"

The rich aristocrat waved his hand and the driver started the caravan engine.

"Hop in. Double time. We're in a hurry."

The commanding voice added.

Judas & Jack hopped on the back seat. The caravan had a division in the middle.

Jack and Judas could hear only hear a faint conversation in the inner caravan while Jack and Judas stare blankly peeking outside from the small caravan window.

In a few miles, they met some resistance from a few Hell Fire cats.

Judas was the star of the show trying to impress the aristocrat on board.

He made sure his moves were flashy and strong looking.

With a great command of his arsenal, Judas used his skills to create strong sonic booms.

He summoned the Deathly Hollows.

He threw an attack one after another and controlled the Deathly Hollows wielding his own majestic reaper-looking energy scythe.

"Let me handle the upcoming mobs for now, Jack. I'm the star of the show."

Judas declared as he continued his attacks eliminating all of the Hell Fire cats.

'Father...Mother...I will not let you down. I'll prove to you that I am capable to be the head of the family.'

Judas thought after eliminating the Hell Fire cats.

"Calm down, Judas. You are expending too much energy than needed."

"The destination is still far ahead."

Jack advised Judas seeing he was overenthusiastic.

"Hey, at least listen to me."

Jack called out to Judas. Judas paid no attention and just stared intently at the road.

'What a stubborn guy'

Jack thought to himself.

The caravan made its way to the port of Largo City.

On the way, Judas insisted on doing things alone.

'What is he trying to prove.'

Jack sighed as he watches Judas fight headstrong.

Jack side-glanced and saw the 'Sir Bren' aristocrat peeking from the caravan's window.

Inside the caravan, the man a quick grin then saw Jack glancing over. The aristocrat's smile wore off and whispered to his companion next to him.

Jack could not identify the face clearly due to the tinted window of the caravan.

Passing through the Dragon Valley, Judas was exhausted.

This was the most crucial point of the journey. Many monsters lurk in the outskirts and inner parts of the Dragon Valley.

Crossing mid-way, a large growl erupted.

The fire blew out form the near Dragon Nest.

"It's not possible. Most of the Dragon have been hunted down or in hiding."

"It only means one thing. There must be a nearby 'uncaptured' Sound Barrier."

"Does this usually happen? I do remember the academy taught us that an 'uncaptured' Sound Barrier will let out a monster outside for the same number of people coming in."

Jack added while gazing at the flying dragon coming nearer from the distance.

"It's wounded. It must have fought the patrolling guards outside the barrier but successfully made its escape."

Judas used a telescope to check the condition of the incoming dragon.


A black dragon flew by the caravan and gave a loud growl.

Fumes of smoke started gathering in the dragon's mouth and nose.

A fireball came out from its mouth aimed towards the caravan.

In no time, Judas jumped out and climbed the roof of the caravan.

Jack summoned his deathly hollows and churned his core; manifesting a black smoke surrounding his body.

More Death Hollows came out and shielding the caravan while rotating their individual Scythes.

Judas leaped forward and rushed towards the dragon.

He buffed his feet and thighs allowing him to make a mighty jump.

Jack followed suit and manifested a pair of heavenly wings.

Throwing hundreds of energy feathers, Jack deflects the incoming fireballs thrown off the by the dragon.

The dragon flew the curve side and continued its attacks.

Judas ran like a mad man and jumped on trees and on the hillside rocks to propel himself upwards.

Brushing past the flying dragon, Judas churned his core.

A ball of energy gathered in his mouth.

After channeling his powers, Judas let out a large energy beam piercing the left-wing of the dragon.

The dragon fell on the hillside nearly hitting Jack as he followed along.

Suddenly dizzy, Judas started free-falling and could barely move muscle.

Meanwhile, Jack dodged the falling dragon and saw Judas falling.

Jack held unto a nearby trunk of a large tree and focused his energy on his feet.

[You used Gospel Jump!]

As he leaped forward, the wind howled causing a shard sound to erupt as he flew passed the caravan.

Seeing this, the two men in the caravan were shocked.

"Are you seeing this?"

Sir Bren asked.

"Yes, Sir Bren."

The man seating next to him responded.

"I want information on that young man, Don."

Sir Bren commanded.

"Okay. Sir Bren."

Don responded while nodding.

Outside the caravan, Jack flew by and caught Judas mid-air and landed on the ground.

Carrying Judas, he sprained his ankle from the impact of the landing.


Jack exclaimed.

"This is so frustrating."

Jack complained as he slightly limped while carrying Judas towards the caravan.

Judas laid flat on the back seat unconscious.

'He must have used everything he got'

Jack thought, looked at Judas, and then walked away to deal with the dragon.

'How to deal with this dragon?'

Thinking of concealing his harmony series, Jack tried to use his usual tactics.

He used Concordia and created multiple laser breams aimed at the dragon.

Attempting to dodge, the dragon flew up.

A few energy beams hit the wide wings of the dragon.

It fell down and skid a few meters in the ground.

Stomp! Stomp!

The dragon regained footing and growled.

'Still not enough, eh'

Jack churned his core and released hundreds of energy feathers hitting the body of the dragon.

The dragon groaned feeling after getting hit and disoriented by the attack.

The dragon fell backside while Jack made a follow-up attack.

Jack leaped forward and focused his energy on his flute.

Multiple energy beams appeared and converged into one, releasing a large energy beam to the dragon's chest.

The dragon, still alive, spitfire as a counter-attack.

Jack bounced left and right then ran as fast as he can.

He avoided the dragon's attack and brushed past the dragon.

He continued running forward going to the backside of the dragon.

"Take this!"

Jack exclaimed as he releases hundreds of energy feathers.


The dragon struggled and tried to fend off the attacks.

It rotated and faced Jack spitting a large comet size fireball.

Jack ran the curve side and made his counter attack.

[*HP 1000/2500]

[Level: Expert 1/10]

[Cocordia Level 6*]

With its wounded wings, the dragon flapped its wings as it hovered near the ground.

The dragon churned its core and started gathering its energy to its chest.

'It's trying to self-destruct its core.'

Jack noticed the dragon's intention and started running towards the dragon.


A large atonic like explosion erupted.

Large fumes of smoke and energy can be seen.

Before the explosion, Jack, running towards the dragon, leaped forward.

[Harmony Series 4: Gospel Jump used!]

Everything slowed down to a halt.

Jack arrived in front of the dragon.

In a millisecond, blinding lights erupted from the dragon's chest.

[Harmony Series 2: Bow of Repentance used!]

Without a second to waste, Jack drew the bow and shot an energy arrow to the chest of the dragon.

[Ding! Concordia has leveled up! Level 7]

[Harmony Series 7: Helmet of Salvation used!]

[Helmet of Salvation- Prevents any fatal damage]

Jack was caught in the explosion but was miraculously saved by the helmet of salvation.


Jack was flung towards the hillside and slid downwards with first degree burns in his body.

Barely conscious, Jack used halo of Eden

[Harmony Series 3: Halo of Eden]

[Ding! Dragon noise bead absorbed.]

[You have leveled up! Expert 2/10]

[You have leveled up! Expert 3/10]

[You have leveled up! Expert 4/10]

[You have leveled up! Expert 5/10]

Seeing the notifications, Jack felt joyful while lying down.

He lifted his right hand up and formed a fist.

'Yes! This is great progress!'

EXP is over 9000 once more!

Eric_Veradiocreators' thoughts