
Cry of the Banshee

A father's legacy, the son's revenge, and a world full of turmoil and tragedy. Who will succeed?

Eric_Veradio · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4. Silent Cry (3)

Jack tried to look for Judas.

Looking at the caravan, Jack saw Judas was carried by a tall and muscular man near the caravan.

The caravan had a built-in shield system that activates to prevent its destruction.

Looking at the man, Jack remembered a familiar face.

'He looks like the executor before at the camp but with longer hair'

'He might be the same guy. I need to be careful.'

Jack walked towards the caravan to check on Judas.

Arriving in front of the caravan, Jack gave a respected nod.

"You must be Jack. I'm Craig Catchy Yuri."

"Your friend, Judas, will be fine."

"He suffered some minor wounds but he will live."

"Have I seen you before? You look rather familiar."

Craig asked while looking at Jack with a curious look.

"No. You must be mistaken."

Jack promptly replied.

"Okay. Hop on board. We running short on time."

Jack followed suit and the caravan travelled towards the port of Largo city.

Travelling to Largo city, Jack felt uneasy as multiple traces of battle can be seen on the roadside.

Thankfully, only a handful of monsters showed along the road allowing Jack to address the situation quickly.

Arriving at Largo city port, Judas woked up.

"What happened?"

"ahhh... My head hurts so bad."

Judas sat and slightly massaged his head.

"We already arrived in Largo city Port."

Jack responded while checking on Judas.

"What? I was out for that long."

"Shoot! I missed out."

"What happened to the dragon?"

Judas exclaimed and leaned closer to Jack.

"Dead. Don't worry, nothing notable happened after."

Jack assured Judas seeing his despaired look.

"No. Man. Ahhh…"

"I messed up. Big time."

"How can I face my father and mother this time?"

Judas sighed and covered his face with both hands.

"What's the big deal, Judas?"

"You did great, although, you forced yourself too much."

Jack retorted.

"Boys come out. Sir Bren is going to give out your rewards."

Craig called out and knock on the door twice.

Moving out, Jack saw the desperate look on Judas' face.

Facing the proud looking aristocrat, Judas knelt and shouted.

"Sir Bren. Please, believe me. I am capable."

"Allow me to serve the main family!"

Sir Bren turned around without saying a word.

The aristocrat then flicked his arm signaling Craig to give the rewards.

"Here are your rewards."

Craig presented a pouch full of cash.

Jack received his share.

Arriving in front of Judas, Craig leaned forward and whispered.

"What a disappointment. You could have done better, Judas."

Craig pushed the pouch towards Judas' chest.

"Here's you reward. By the way, this news is for the both you."

"On the way here, I received a call from the hunter's ensemble that a sound barrier opened up."

"It is near Largo city and monsters are leaking out, causing damage in the nearby towns."

"Here's a token from Sir Bren. Judas, use this to enter."

"You have one more chance. Don't messed up."

"As for your friend, you'll have to find a token from somewhere else."

After explaining, Craig bid farewell.

"He sounded rather disappointed. What was that all about, Judas?"

Jack asked patting Judas' back.

"Don't mind it. It's none of your business."

"Anyways, want to come along?"

"I'm going to Largo city and participate on the quest for the new sound barrier."

Judas then started walking towards a parked caravan.

"Okay, I'm coming with you."

Jack followed after.

"This caravan was left behind for our journey back."

"Let's go."

Jack and Judas rode caravan going to Largo city.


Arriving near the border of Largo city.

A checkpoint was established to prevent civilian people from entering.

Presenting his license, Judas made his presence known.

"We're hunters and here to participate for the sound barrier expedition."

"Alright. Please come this way."

Judas and Jack entered the perimeter and parked the caravan.

Judas and Jack made way to the command outpost at the center of the perimeter.

Entering the room, Jack saw three familiar faces.

"Papa John, Robert, and Eugene. What a coincidence."

Jack waved his hand and walked towards the three while Judas followed suit.

"Hey Jack"

The three men chorused as they hear the greeting of Jack.

"Have you come to join the sound barrier expedition?"

Papa John asked as he grabbed something from his pocket.

"Here's a token. You'll be needing it to enter the sound barrier."

"Thanks, Papa John."

Jack gratefully received the coin token and gave a bright smile.

"Jack, you can team up with Robert and Eugene here for the expedition."

"Judas, not surprise seeing you here."

"A few men are waiting for you over there."

Papa John acknowledged Judas' presence and pointed towards a nearby corner.

The men, about a dozen, wore black suits and tie waved at Judas.

"I'm sorry. I cannot join your team today. Good luck, Jack!"

Judas brushed past everyone and briskly walked towards the group of men and kowtowed after.

Jack gazed at the scene dumbfounded.

'What did Judas do to deserve such treatment?'

Jack thought then looked away as Robert called his attention.

"Mind you own business, Jack. He may act like an *sshole sometimes but he cares for his family."

"Better not meddle in his family affairs. It's a bit 'complicated.'"

Robert commented while signaling the group to start heading out.

Stopping at a quiet corner, Robert spoke.

"The expedition will start in a few hours."

"As you already know, we will use the tokens to enter the sound barrier."

"For every person entering the gate, the same number of monsters will leak out."

"The monster may be released in front of the gate or elsewhere."

"There are other hunters left outside to guard the perimeter and secure the area."

"However, it's rather best that we conquer the sound barrier as soon as possible to minimize possible losses."

"The portal has a window of four hours interval to enter."

"Our expedition is the second group to enter today."

"The clock on your personal system will synchronize with the time inside and that will allow us to check how many hours we spent inside."

"Should our team conquer the sound barrier, the owner of the token and the affiliated ensemble will be registered as the temporary owner."

Robert explained.

"That's right."

Papa John said in agreement and continued.

"The merchant's ensemble can grant or deny access to the conquered sound barriers."

"Although once conquered, the drop rates for noise beads and items are significantly lowered."

"It can serve as income generating opportunity where we allow academy students and new hunters to enter our sound barrier to train."

"Temporary ownership are granted for about a month till the next sound barrier opens."

Papa John ended his explanation and sent off the team.


Four hours passed, the new sound barrier had fully opened – allowing entry to those carrying a token.

The air howled as the barrier started making thunder-like sounds.

A bright red color is emitted by the new sound barrier.

"Time for some action, Jack!"

Eugene rubbed his hands against each other and tapped Jack's shoulder.

One after another teams started entering the portal.

Each time a team entered wind swayed and thunder-like sounds erupted.

Jack saw Judas' team enter the portal.

Judas made a quick nod to Jack before entering the portal.

"Time for us to enter."

Robert signaled and the whole team entered the portal.

Like the first time, Jack got sucked in by the portal and sent to the other side.


In a hidden rift within the void, a small room exist.

A man in red coattail held his cane with an orb on top.

Flashing brightly, the orb on top of the cane caught the attention of the man in red coattail.

"Romeo, the boy has returned."

The man stroked the orb then added.

"Prepare the portal. The Babylon system can exert its control once it recognizes the core's energy."

"Jack may get into trouble if the Babylon system intervenes during his fights."

"You know what to do if it turns for the worst."

The man in coattail stood up then walked over to a nearby computer with a large screen.

"Yes, Sir Mozart."

Romeo gave a quick nod then followed after Sir Mozart.

"The sound barrier opened in Largo City."

"The system must have traced the core's power when you guided Jack to receive the core."

Romeo commended while watching Sir Mozart navigate the map to pinpoint Jack's location.

"It seems the Babylon system opened the world of darkness this time."

Sir Mozart stopped typing then gripped his cane tight.

'Things might get rough from here onward.'


Opening his eyes, Jack and the rest were welcomed by darkness – total darkness.


Eugene muttered while trying to look for his teammates.

After grabbing a flash light, Eugene found the rest of the team.

"Eugene, keep you voice down."

Robert commanded observing shadows move in the background.

Eugene pointed his flashlight at random directions to check the incoming monster.


A horse with a humanoid body appeared wielding a mace.

"That mace seems to gives a weird and eerie vibe."

Jack commented while pulling out his flute.

"In my count, ran towards that hill."

Robert pointed at a nearby hillside then continued.

"It might be a bait. The others might be waiting in the shadow for an ambush."

Robert grabbed his arsenal and activated his skills.

Sands and dust fluttered as Robert used his skills.

"Go. Run as fast as you can."

Master of his skills, Robert made a path for them to follow.

Arriving at the spot, seven humanoid horses popped out swinging their mace.

"Spread out!"

Eugene shouted and pushed Jack away.

Thrown off balance, Jack rolled over twice, found his footing, and started to run in the opposite direction.

The ground shook as nearby stomps drew nearer.

"Don't stray far. Stay close!"

Robert shouted as they engage in battle.

"Robert, don't push yourself too much."

"You are not fully recovered."

Eugene voiced his concern.

"I am not that old, Eugene."

"Count me on brother"

After a quick conversation, the battle continues.

A group of 50 humanoid horses surround Eugene and Robert.

Robert used his skills to attack and defend.

Eugene, using his sabre sticks, pounced forward.

Meanwhile, Jack runs around distracting the rest of the monsters.

"Aaaaaaahhhhh. Eat this!"

Eugene leaped forward stabbing a 6 feet tall humanoid horse in the throat.

Blood gushed out. Eugene stepped on the back of the horse and moved to kill another.

Not far from him, Robert struggled to fend off the attackers.

"Eugene!" Robert shouted.

He dashed side to side while applying pressure to the group of monster chasing him.

Eugene glanced over.

'Brother, nearly there. Just hold as long as you can'

Eugene partially summoned his crimson armor in his arms. Two dark broad swords appeared and Eugene started slashing, hacking, and dicing the horse humanoids.

Passing by Robert, Jack churned his core and sent hundreds of energy feathers.

"Nice assist, Jack!"

Robert gave a thumbs up and summoned one chariot.

'This is the best I can do. I'm sorry guys'

Robert sighed as the blazing horses pulling the chariot gallop towards Jack's direction.

"Jack! Hop on board."

Robert extended his hand. Jack reached out and was pulled over by Robert.

"Continue running towards Eugene"

Jack commanded while gathering a large energy ball.

Ten smaller energy balls converge into large ball then a burst of energy laser shot towards the group of horse humanoids chasing Eugene.

"Nice one, Jack!"

Robert patted Jack's back.

"Eugene! Over here."

Robert signalled and waved his hand.

Eugene, busy killing the monsters in front of him, ran towards Robert's direction.

Abruptly turning, Eugene stopped running and threw both broadsword towards the mobs of monsters.

The two broadswords glided and sliced the heads of the incoming monsters.

After gliding past the monsters, Eugene retracted his broad swords and it flew back to his hands.

"Great Job, Eugene!"

Robert exclaimed.

"That was spectacular, Eugene."

Jack added.

Suddenly, a spear glowing in bright red brush past the chariot and tilted it overboard.

All three men fell over and slid down the hillside.


Jack shouted. He was flung about 6 feet in the air and landed in a big circular rock not far from Robert.


After the impact, Robert tried to grab both Eugene and Jack. Robert tried to grab Jack first but was unsuccessful.


Eugene reached out for Robert and grabbed him by the hand and they landed in the ground at the same time.


"It hurts. I think you strained my arm. You pulled my arm so hard."

Robert complained.

"Aren't you going to say thank you first?"

"I also twisted my ankle in the landing. We're even."

Eugene tore his shirt and strapped it around his ankle to suppress the pain.

"Come here. I can assist you."

Robert took Eugene's arm, placed it on his shoulder, and helped him walk by supporting him.

Arriving in Jack's spot, Eugene asked.

"You okay, Jack?"

"I'm fine. I hit my head on this rock. I'm bleeding a little but its nothing serious."

Jack wiped the blood from his forehead and stoop up.

"Jack! Careful!"

Another spear brush past Jack and tore off his left hand.


Robert created a double barrier while Eugene pulled out his energy sabre.

"You'll be alright, Jack. We got you."

Robert tore a a few inches from his jeans and used it to stopped the bleeding from Jack's arm.

"Aaahhh…Ahhhhh… Halo of Eden!"

Jack shouted.


He twisted and turn his body from the excruciating pain.

[Babylon System is watching you. Halo of Eden access denied.]


Jack was demoralized.

'halo of Eden?'

Robert thought but discarded the thought of asking Jack and attended to Jack's injury right away.

"Eugene, pass me the healing potion."

Robert commanded.

Eugene grabbed a vial from his bag and threw it to Robert.

Robert receives the vial potion and pours it to the bleeding arm.

"That should stop the bleeding for now"

Robert swiped his sweat from his forehead.

Jack tried to stand up but passed out after.

"Robert, we got a bit of problem."

Eugene stepped backwards as a large figure about 12 feet demon walked over. It had two large horns and a large black wings while wielding a large axe in its right hand.

Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!

The ground shook as the large winged demon approached.


"S-s-Systemmm. I-i follow orders. Kill H-human with B-blood core."

After speaking, the demon swung its axe.


Eugene quickly carried Jack. Both Robert and Eugene avoided the first swing.

The approaching humanoid horses was caught by the attack and killed on the spot.

Splat! Blood gushed out from their decapitated head.

"Eugene. I don't think we can take this demon."

"Take Jack and run away. You have the best chances of survival."

Robert grabbed his arsenal and started churning his core.

"Not today, Robert."

"I am not leaving you behind."

"No man is an island. We live together or die together."

Eugene placed Jack down and casted a triple barrier to protect Jack.

Eugene then prepared his attack.

The broadsword combined into one and became a large jet black broad sword.

"I cannot fully transform into the fire phoenix but I can endow your sword with my eternal flame core."

Robert touched the blade and a fire burst out and surrounded the sword.

[Eternal Flame core extracted]

[1 HP remaining. Attention: HP Critical levels!]

"Is this the end? Brother?"

Tears fear from Eugene as he gripped his sword tight.

"Yes brother. This is as far as I can go."

"Same goes for me."

Holding the sword together, Eugene and Robert ran forward and made a leap of faith.

'Jack. Live for the both of us.' Robert thought.

Mid-air, Robert's body slowly disintegrated. His core and life essence was absorbed by Eugene's core.

The eternal flame core fused with Eugene's core.

Buffed by the eternal flame, Eugene wore his crimson red armor one last time.

'This is for you brother.'

'Jack. You better live!'

Eugene pounced forward with his mighty burning broadsword.

The axe and broadsword clashed.

Pang! Pang! Pang!

Eugene vs. Large winged Demon.

The two exchange more blows.

The demon hopped then smashed downwards.

The ground shook and a large crack was left on the ground as the demon lifted the axe.

Eugene already leaped away before the attack connected and made his counterattack.

He tried to pierce the feet of the demon.

Stab! Stab!

The demon's blood splash out followed by a trail of blood burning the skin of the demon.


"I-I am not regenerating?"

The eternal flame had prevented the natural healing capabilities of the demon.

"Take this you demon!"

Eugene leaped then slashed the wings of the demon.

The demon slightly flapped its wings but the attack connected.

Its left wings was sliced, burned to a crisp, and fell right after.

Enraged, the demon swung its arms and the claws penetrated Eugene's armor.

The demon then throws Eugene.

Flung a meter away, Eugene found his bearing and pounced again.

"HahaHA. I don't give up that easily."

Eugene leaped in a zigzag pattern evading the demon's attack.

Jumping to the backside of the demon, Eugene stab the demon.

One stab to the lower back, another to the wings, and lastly to the heart.

"Game Over!"

Eugene gave an eerie smile and channeled his core to the point of exploding.


A large bang resounded as Eugene self-destructed; killing the demon along with his sacrifice.

Not too far away from the center of explosion, a rift opened where a man popped out and leaped forward.

"I made it in time."

Romeo surveyed the surround and saw an explosion.

In no time, Romeo grabbed and carried Jack then went back to the rift.

Swish! Swish!

The rift closed.

The demon's core revealed itself on the ground as the ashes and smoke cleared.

A slim figure came out and walked over to the demon's core.

The woman wore a combination of black and purple shade kimono.

She retrieved the demon's core and fused it with her core.

Underneath the purple veil, a beautiful smile came out.

The EXP thickens. EXP Squad, where you at?

Eric_Veradiocreators' thoughts