
Cry of the Banshee

A father's legacy, the son's revenge, and a world full of turmoil and tragedy. Who will succeed?

Eric_Veradio · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 - Silent Cry (1)

Jack felt ecstatic having escaped the imminent predicament.

"Finally, I'm OUT!"

Jack was ported out of the sound barrier and dropped at the entrance of the cave.

The caved that caved in stayed the same without any trace of a break-in.

"Where to now?"

Jack was undecided about where to go and what he should do.

One thing was clear, Jack had to level up fast and gain strength.

"I should avoid going back to Largo city."

"My brothers might have thought I already died. In a way, I can call this freedom."

"Oh well, might as well roam the world while I'm at it."

Jack felt joyful for the adventures he's about to start.

Looking up in the sky, Jack's face turned sour and felt like something was missing.

"Without the guidance of the aurora lights, it might be challenging."

Jack reasoned trying to think of a way to start off with a good plan.

Thinking of his family's trade, there were times when he joined his father's caravan to visit Tonic City to sell their products and then to Country Vibe City to purchase some local seeds or seedlings to start another season of produce.

"I should probably go Tonic City first and restock my supplies before venturing out further."

Jack planned his steps.

Afterward, Jack walked to the direction of Tonic City.

On his way, he met some merchants and thought of a brilliant idea.

"Kind Sir, I am traveling alone going to Tonic City."

"I was thinking if I can ride on your caravan in exchange for my protection services."

Jack offered sincerely.

"Errr. Hmmm."

"A boy with a fragile-looking body like yours dare to protect our caravan?"

"You must be dreaming in broad daylight."

One of the travelling merchants on-board commented.

"Stop it, Eugene."

"The boy is sincere in his offer and is struggling enough to make ends meet."

The leader among the merchant refuted.

"Mind showing us your skills, boy?"

"At least give us some confidence that you can do the job."

Eugene added.

Pulling out his flute and churning his core, Jack mustered every energy he got to dispense a mighty aura creating loud vibrations.

Also, a pair of heavenly white wings appeared on Jack's back.


A loud bang resounded while the ground shook a little.

"Wooo, Wooo. You can stop nowm boy.

"I believe you now. You are quite capable at such a young age."

"You are able to combine your skills like a Master's level manifesting your core's power. How old are you?"

Eugene cheerfully asked.

"I am 16 years old, kind Sir."

Jack answered respectfully trying to earn the trust of the merchants.

"I'm called Papa John."

"We trust you are capable enough to protect our carriage as we go our way."

"Welcome aboard. What's your name young man?"

Papa John asked casually while waving at Jack to get into the caravan.

"I'm Jack Bach Mozart, Kind Sir."

Jack grinned slightly.

Jack hopped into the caravan and was asked by Papa John.

"Oh, a Mozart. Perhaps, are you related to Mozart's in Largo City?"

Thinking there was no reason to lie Jack answered truthfully.

"Yes, Papa John."

"I am somewhat related to them but I have been on a journey since I was ripe of age."

"Some call it Rite of passage," Jack explained.

'This reason should be enough to satisfy their curiosity,' Jack thought.

Jack and his new merchant friends traveled day and night - stopping only to rest and eat.

The merchants and their assistants took turns driving and helped guard the caravan.

A few monsters appeared but were not strong enough to overpower the caravan's defense forces plus adding the capable hands of Jack.

"We are nearly there, Jack."

"Traveling for another day, we should arrive in Tonic City. We need to be careful though."

"The road ahead is home to fearsome Hellfire Cats."

"I hear the fire they produce does not extinguish through normal means. It sounds rather scary."

Papa John commented.

"Although I may be small in figure, I do give one hell of a punch."

Jack boasted talking to Papa John.

"Its good to be young, Jack."

"You get to feel alive and excited for some action."

"However, when you are my age and have experienced a lot of things, you might have a change of perspective."

Papa John warned Jack foreboding jeopardy in moments of overconfidence and carelessness.

"Thank you for your wise words, Papa John. I will keep it in mind."

Jack respectfully accepted Papa John's advice.

'He does have a point.'

'I ought to be careful and be a smart fighter. All muscle and no brains make a stupid fighter.'

Jack reflected on Papa John's words of wisdom.

"I have a child. He's about your age. I am reminded of him when I look at you."

"It makes me reflect on changing my occupation once I have enough savings so I have more time for family."

"As of yet, this is my largest income-generating business. Other than that, I cannot rely on anything else to make ends meet."

Papa John sighed but was happy he is able to sustain his family.

"meeeeeeoooowwwwww! Grrrrrrrr"

Large numbers of Hellfire cats had sneakingly surrounded the caravan.

Under the guise of the night, the swift movements of the cats were hardly detectable.

"Jack, I know you are capable enough but we'll have to work together. I got your back."

Papa John asked Jack while pulling out a guitar-shaped case.

Using his Fleeting Flute, Jack activated Concordia.


Fast ripples of energy waves erupted attacking the swift Hellfire Cats.

A dancelike movement could be observed as the Hellfire Cats moved around to escape or tried attacking the caravan.

Papa John grabbed his iron guitar and activated Darude Sandstorm, a wind style skill with mental interference-effect.

A large surge of wind and sand fluttered.

Using a special plucking technique, he steered the direction of the wind causing havoc ripping the bodies of some Hellfire Cats.

The Hellfire Cats either died or felt the effect of the skill and had a sudden sluggish movement restricting them to escape or launch a swift attack.

Under the barrage of attacks being produced by Jack with the combination of Papa John's Darude Sandstorm, all the Hellfire Cats died.

"You can collect the sound beads as partial payment for your service, Jack."

"The other half you can consider given once we arrive in Tonic City."

Papa John was gracious enough to actually give monetary payment to Jack.

"Thank you, Papa John. This means a lot to me."

"I barely have enough to sustain my journey. With this, I should have the bare necessity to breathe a bit of comfort as I go along."

Jack felt happy as he could absorb these beads to experience or trade them for cash to save up some money.

"No worries, Jack. We are all brothers in the Trade Merchants Ensemble."

"Feel free to join our ensemble group and follow the footsteps of your family ancestors."

Papa John eagerly invited Jack.

"Thank you for the kind offer, Papa John."

"I will have to decline for now. I have other plans in mind."

Jack rejected the offer but it definitely crossed his mind as a good offer.

"See that border right there? That's Tonic City, Jack," Papa John pointed out.

'It looks majestic from afar,' Jack thought.


Arriving at the gate, guards inspected the caravan and its passengers.

Under the guise of the Ensemble Trade Merchants, Jack's entry to Tonic City was quick and hassle-free.

"Thank you, Papa John. Should time allow, I'll make sure to come and visit."

Jack gratefully bid farewell.

"No biggy, Jack. You take care. See you when I see you," Papa John also bid farewell.

'What a good lad. Should he meet my son, they can surely get along well.'

Papa John thought and left with his group of merchants.

Pondering for a few seconds, Papa John quickly pulled out a coin from his purse and tossed it over to Jack.

"Jack, here's a token. Use that to look for me," Papa John instructed Jack.

"Okay. Thank you, Papa John. See you later."

Jack hopped slightly then caught the coin mid-air.

The coin was minted with a balance scale on its head and initials PJR on the tail.

Placing the coin in his stash, Jack walked towards a nearby notice board.

A list of quests commissioned by different ensemble groups of Tonic city was shown.

Looking to secure his source of income, Jack wants to join the Righteous Hunters Ensemble who take on the commissioned quests.

Finding his way and stood outside, Jack gazed at the crossed swords signage which swung back and forth then he entered the building.

Jack had no expectations but was excited for his adventures as a future member of the Righteous Hunters Ensemble.

Approaching the front desk the assistant grinned.

"Young Sir, how can I assist you today?"

Jack stared at the petite face with a smile then replied.

"I was hoping to register as a hunter in your ensemble."

The petite assistant grabbed some forms and presented them to the young man.

"Here are some forms which you need to fill-up. The second phase of your registration will be an actual demonstration which will determine your starting rank."

The assistant explained.

Jack accepted the quill open offered by the assistant and started filling up the forms.

"Where do I go for the second phase?"

Jack asked after handing the filled-up forms.

"Please wait for a while."

"I will process your registration then call you after once done. Allow me to excuse myself."

The assistant grinned.

She turned around and entered the door behind her back while holding the forms.

Jack stepped back then looked around.

Seeing the lively place, he felt excited and walked to a nearby chair.

After a few minutes, Jack was observing the people around when the assistant called.

"Jack, please follow this gentleman right here."

"Thank you."

Jack said and smiled after standing up then followed the man as instructed.

The man led Jack to a hallway filled with weapons.

At the end of the hallway, a small auditorium was decorated with marble hieroglyphs on its walls.

Some of the symbols and pictures portrayed were familiar but Jack could not get a clear picture on his head nor make out connections.

He disregarded the thought and focused his attention on the instruments presented on the stage.

Several people were already seated in their seats waiting for their queue to take the second phase of their registration.

The man directed Jack to sit in one of the rows.

Finding his seat, he sat next to a mid-twenties lad who wore some significant pieces of jewelry.

The guy had a lean build with decent height and a fair complexion.

The man looked at Jack curiously then extended his right arm.

"Hi, I am Judas Sin Lease. Nice to meet you."

Returning the kind gesture, Jack grinned, lifted his arm, and shook the extended hand of Judas.

"I am Jack. Pleased to meet you."

Jack replied courteously.

"You seem to be new here. Where are you from?"

Judas asked curiously.

Jack thought for a second then replied.

"I am just a nomad from a well-known traveling merchant family in Largo City."

Judas, an elitist, then added.

"I seemed to have misjudged your character. I do not associate with some country bumpkins trying to make a name for themselves in the mainland."

Jack's brows perked up hearing the rude comment of Judas.

Jack was about to rebut but a loud voice rang out calling Judas to come up to the stage.

"Excuse me, it's my turn to be chosen as a member of the ensemble."

Judas brushed past Jack then walked out of the row and up to the stage.

Standing on the stage, Judas was asked to perform a few demonstrations and assessed by three judges seated on front.

Performing his vocal skills, Judas was a talented lad and showed promising potential.

One of the judges commented.

"You have a bright future ahead of you, Judas."

"Congratulations! You are now part of the Ensemble Righteous Hunters."

Judas took a prideful bow then exited the stage.

Observing from his seat, Jack was eagerly waiting.

A few random names were called while Jack patiently waited.

A loud voice then rang out calling Jack to step up on the stage.

'Finally, it's my turn.'

Jack stood up then walked casually to the stage.

Facing the examiner, Jack was instructed.

"State your name and job then perform your skills for the judges in front."

"Should they be satisfied, you will be given your results immediately."

Following the instructions, Jack modulated his voice louder.

"Hello, Jack Bach Mozart here and I'm a flutist."

Playing his flute, he channeled his core causing loud vibrations to erupt and shook the ground a little.

"Good lad! You got some good potential but not good enough."

One of the judges commended.

"You have good potential, indeed."

The other judge added.

"You are able to muster that amount of power from your core. I suggest we give him a probationary status as a member then allow him to progress once he proves himself capable enough to rise into a regular member's rank."

The last judge suggested.

Jack was surprised thinking he demonstrated enough.

Wanting to ask for reconsideration and repeat performance, Jack tried to open his mouth but was instructed by the instructor to step down and exit the premises.

'Damn, I should have given it my all.'

'I held back a little thinking I could lay low for while earning some money before making it big.'

Jack regretted holding back while he walked out.

Walking past the front desk, the assistant called out Jack and gave his identification card.

On the front side, it read.

*Jack Bach Mozart,

*Job: Flutist,

*Rank: Probationary.

The back end of the card showed the crossing swords insignia of the Righteous Hunters Ensemble.

Nonetheless, Jack felt accomplished but was not fully satisfied.

Pondering for a bit, Jack remembered Papa John.

Anyone can join multiple ensembles as long as one met the qualifications.

Rushing to find the ensemble's building, Jack walked with big strides wearing a smile.

He had found a way to salvage his demise and join Papa John's ensemble.

After a few blocks, Jack arrives at a majestic looking building with many caravans parked outside.

It was bustling with trade where many people came in and out of the building.

Looking at the big banner outside, Jack pulled out the coin Papa John gave him.

The balance scale insignia was proudly displayed in its entrance.

Entering the building, Jack surveyed the lobby and found the front desk where he asked to meet with Papa John giving the coin he had received from Papa John.

The assistant with blonde hair made a quick call on her intercom then invited Jack to follow her.

"You are lucky to have received Sir Papa John's token."

"He usually does not give them out unless it was very necessary," the assistant pointed out.

"Oh really? I thought this was just something he gave out of whim."

"Thank you for showing me the way."

Jack uttered while entering the room the assistant pointed out.

"Hey, Jack! It was not too long ago, we meet again," Papa John nonchalantly remarked.

"Yeah, an unexpected turn of events had led me to come to visit you sooner than expected."

Jack reasoned out.

"Okay, you are looking rather gloomy. What happened?"

Curious, Papa John asked.

Jack found his seat opposite to Papa John then answered, "I was trying to register for Righteous Hunters Ensemble."

"They had accepted me but was put on probationary rank until I could prove my worth," Jack added.

"I am sorry to hear that, Jack."

"Is your visit may be related to joining our ensemble? If so, you're in."

Papa John grabbed a piece of paper then presented it to Jack.

Looking at the piece of paper, Jack showed a happy disposition then asked Papa John.

"Eh? it's too sudden and way too easy."

"Why not? It's not like you need to prove more."

"In my eyes, the skills you showed in our journey together is enough."

Papa John said with a surprised tone.

"I see. Thank you for your generosity, Papa John."

"Do not worry, I will work twice as hard and show you I am worthy of this opportunity," Jack cheerfully promised.

"Thank you for your dedication, Jack."

"I know you are allowed to work in different ensembles but I would really appreciate it if you represent our Trade Merchants Ensemble," Papa John urged Jack.

"Do not worry, Papa John. I got your back."

Jack assured Papa John and gave him a bright smile.

Having filled out the form in front of him, Jack gave it to Papa John.

Papa John then summoned Eugene and one front desk assistant to process Jack's identification card.

Afterward, Jack received his identification card and felt ecstatic. In it read,

*Jack Bach Mozart,

*Rank: Assistant Merchant.

"Thank you so much, Papa John. I owe you a lot."

Jack said in gratitude.

Papa John patted Jack's shoulders and winked his right eye.

"No worries. Keep up the good work, Jack."

"I have prior commitments that I need to finish. I'll be going first.

"Eugene can go with you to the notice board and instruct you on how to take up quests."

"Alright, Papa John. I will be taking some quests for now. Bye!"

Jack together with Eugene left the Trade Merchants Ensemble and headed towards the center of the town where the quest board was situated.

Arriving at the scene, there were a lot of newcomers in the town.

This was the time of year when new graduates from the academies came and attained the apprentice level and took quests.

"Looking for Level 3 or below Practitioner, preferably drummer."

"Any Level 5 or higher Practitioner Flutist around here?"

"Hey! I got him first. We need a Level 10 Singer Practitioner."

The area was bustling with life and trade. People exchanging information and forming parties to complete quests.

"That notice board Jack is where people either take quest or give out the quest."

"Unless required, you can accept quests alone."

"Once you have decided, you can go that terminal to accept the quest."

"I have prior engagements so I'll leave you to it."

Eugene left allowing Jack to observe the area and check the notice board.

Looking at the scene, Jack was prompted to check his Status.



Citizenship: Soulful Ballad

Job: Flutist

Health: 1100/1100

Experience: 800/1100

Status: Enlightened

Level: Practitioner (1/10)

Potential: Savant

Core: Arcanum

Arsenal: Fleeting Flute

Skills: Last Lullaby (Passive), Speedy Gonzales, Concordia (Level 2) + Mozart's Inheritance (Passive)

Inventory: Mozart's Heirloom Stash,


'I think I can qualify as decent with this stats,' Jack thought.

Checking the board, Jack was looking intently for quests that he could take alone or with a small group.

'Hmmm, an escort quest is good for starters.'

'I just ride the caravan and kill monsters if needed. Not much heavy labor.'

Jack thought while touching his temples with his fingers thinking of a good job to take.

Observing him, a man with fair complexion saw Jack looking at the notice board.

He had a decent height but had a muscular build.

Checking Jack, he felt some gut feeling from Jack.

He had a good sense of intuition when it comes to people with capabilities.

Walking towards Jack, he introduced himself.

"Hey young lad, are you looking to accept some quest and get paid?"

"Yes, I am not sure what quest to take so I was looking at everything first."

Jack courteously answered.

"Alright. I'm Robert Disc Whisky, a traveling merchant and a righteous hunter. "

"Our group has a pending quest and we just happen to lack one member to complete the team."

"Interested to join us?"

Robert asked cheerfully.

"Yeah, sure thing. I don't mind joining your team."

"When do we start the quest?" Jack asked.

"Right now."

Robert turned around then walked briskly towards a caravan parked at the side. Jack followed after.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, our team is complete."

"Let me introduce the latest addition to our team."

Robert waved his hand asking Jack to come forward.

"Hey Guys, I am Jack. It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Jack bowed slightly while introducing himself.

Four people were seated on the parked caravan.

Suddenly, a man seated on the caravan stood up then exclaimed.

"Eh, the country bumpkin?"

"What a surprise to meet you here," Judas added.

"Yeah, It came to me as a surprise as well," Jack responded.

"Same here, Jack. Perhaps, are you two acquainted?" Eugene's voice rang out.

"Not quite, we just had a brief acquaintance in the registration on Righteous Hunters Ensemble,"

Jack commented.

"Okay! Now that we are done with the pleasantries."

"Let's set out for our journey. Hop onboard, Jack."

Robert instructed starting the electronic powered-caravan.

The caravan, a twelve-seater electric-powered vehicle, started moving to the northbound exit of Tonic City.

"The quest we have for today is exterminating a large pandemic of COVID parasites on the south side of Largo City," Robert explained.

"Those parasites have a deadly fluid that can melt anything," Robert added.

"Sounds scary," a lady with brunette hair and sexy figure commented.

"Yeah, I've heard a lot of Largo & Tonic City travelers were killed by the parasites. Such a disaster," Eugene said with concern.

'How dangerous can they be?' Jack thought.

"Alright gang, here's the plan."

Robert pulled out a map and gave out several pieces of paper.

"Once we arrive at the rendezvous, we will split into 3 teams in groups of 2," Robert instructed.

"Each group will exterminate the parasites as many as you can while waiting for the boss monster to come out"

"I heard it only comes out when many of its numbers are killed," Eugene added.

"That's right. With this strategy, we should be able to cover a big area and kill the parasites efficiently."

"Okay, now for the pairing, we should go for compatibility."

"Jack & Judas together."

"Eugene & I will go together."

"And the other two ladies together."

Robert instructed to set out in their designated area.


Arriving in the rendevous, the teams of two went to their designated places and started preparing to fight.

"Hmmm lucky you. You have me around to save your ass," Judas told Jack.

'This guy thinks his all high and mighty just because he's rich.'

Jack thought and simply ignored Judas.

"You better not slow me down. I am the best at our academy."

"I can kill these parasites even with my eyes close."

Judas added then started vocalizing to activate his buffs and initiate his attack.

"Please buff me as well, Judas. We need to work together," Jack pleaded.

"You? Receiving my buff. You ain't worthy."

Judas faced a group of monsters then opened his mouth to release a big sonic energy wave.

The monsters ripped apart limb by limb.

In the back, more COVID parasites showed up and started pouncing towards Judas.

'What a rude person. Anyways to each his own. I'll just let him be and do my thing.'

Jack activated Concordia using his flute and ripples of energy shock waves erupted causing a mob of parasites to start walking sluggish.

Following his initial attack, Jack did another but with a compressed wave of laser beams that tore through the middle of the parasites.

"Wow. Showing off are we?"

"Alright, Jack. I admit you got some skills. Let's see who can kill the most."

Judas inhaled deeply then focus his powers on his mouth, hands, and feet.

After casting his skill, Judas bolted with decent speed and started opening his mouth to attack the incoming mobs of parasites.

Seeing this, Jack was impressed but expected as much given he witnessed Judas' skills in the registration at Righteous Hunters Ensemble.

Jack also followed suit and focused his power on his flute creating slashes of energy waves hitting left, right, and center aisle of the incoming parasites.

'Nice. I killed a lot, although it cost me a bit of HP. Nonetheless, a kill is a kill.'

Jack rejoiced seeing he made some progress as he retrieved the beads that dropped and gained experience.

From the westbound a few meters away, Robert was seeing the progression of Jack and Judas.

"These kids. Such vigor and high spirit of competitiveness. I wish I had their energy in my youthful days."

Robert commented while playing a heavy rock metal vibe with his golden-plated bass guitar.

Many mobs died at the barrage of sand and wind.

"You wish," Eugene said with mockery.

"Eh? You always lose to me anyways, Eugene. Even now, I still got the upper hand."

Robert continued jamming and killing while making a quick smirk facing Eugene.

"Don't make me start, Robert. I still got the balls to fight you head-on. Come on, let the games begin!"

Pulling out his sticks, it shined crimson red as he flared it around before smacking the floating notes initiating heavy waves of slashing energy attacks killing many mobs in the process.

"You are still quite capable, Eugene."

Robert praised Eugene while wreaking havoc to the parasites.

Seeing the unending parasite coming over, Robert signaled Eugene to do their combo technique.

"Just like the old times, Robert?"

"Yeah. Time to get serious, Eugene,"

Synchronizing their tempo, Robert and Eugene made harmonious sounds together causing a gigantic energy wave attack that killed off the remaining enemies.

Looking at the dynamic duo, Jack observed with respect.

'They are a surely capable instrumentalist,' Jack thought.

Suddenly, a loud roar erupted from a gaping hole a few meters from Jack's location.

A huge monster jumped out of the hole and howled ferociously.

Green river of parasite blood flowed on its feet.

It was angry at the scene of carnage.


"Hmmm… it seems to be very angry," Judas commented.

"Yeah," Jack concurred.

"Group up, guys. Time for the final showdown."

Six members jumped and ran to group up and face the incoming boss parasite.

"Watch each other's back. We're in for a tough ride."

Robert warned its members for the incoming boss parasite.

The boss COVID parasite had many tentacles in its upper and lower limbs with a mutated head of a lion and tiger.

Activating his best skill, Robert plucked and slapped his bass furiously summoning a line of burning chariots being pulled by red-colored horses with its hair burning.

"Climbed aboard mates, we're going to hunt this big parasite."

Robert then signaled the gang to initiate their attack while they rode their chariots of burning death.

Judas mumbled some ancient language then black smoke came out of his mouth summoning a deathly hollow wielding a death scythe.

"Deathly Hollows! One with the voice, Death Scythe control."

Judas shouted with vigor.

A series of wailing sounds and voices erupted from Judas' body and an energy scythe popped out from his hands which looked identical to the one wielded by the deathly hollows.

Each time Judas swings, the deathly hollows follows the same.

At the same time, Eugene smacks his stick against the notes producing a lively tune while a pair of bloody red wings appeared in his back signifying a total fusion of skills.

A red energy saber then formed in both sticks where Eugene swung it back and forth attacking the incoming tentacles.

Doing the same, Robert slapped his golden plated bass with the same tempo as Eugene where a pair of jet black wings appeared in his back.

Following this, Robert's burning chariot floated in the air and started flying in the air.

Robert then sent a wave of energy slashes to the body of the boss parasite.

Jack also initiated his attack.

Churning his core, Jack's power manifested a pair of white heavenly wings then hundreds of energy feathers shot towards the head of the boss parasite.

On the back, two ladies with their zithers plucked and strung their arsenals with intensity creating a

bubble-like barrier on the forward forces of the group.

The tentacles lashed out and whipped as the attacking members stepped closer.

The tentacles got cut by the human team while no damage could be dealt to the humans given a mysterious bubble-like barrier.

The boss parasite was enraged.

Its attack was ineffective while the human attackers always cut its tentacles.

Each time a tentacle gets cut, it would regenerate after a few seconds.

The intense battle continued.

The team relentlessly attacked the body, cutting the tentacles, and defending against the other attacks that went through.

Robert valiantly fought in the skies.

Eugene, Judas, and Jack made great efforts cutting and slashing the tentacles.

Ladies in the back kept giving their shield and buff support.

'This boss parasite is stubborn. Keeps regenerating its tentacle limbs.'

Jack complained as he kept attacking.

Enraged by the human's tenacity, the boss parasite churned its core producing a surge of power to its tentacles and mutated head.

Its whiskers and fur glowed crimson red while its tentacles crystalized forming sharp tips and edges.

Seeing this development, Robert's team was taken aback.

"Guys, it angry. Very angry. Brace yourselves."

Robert gave a short warning.

Analyzing that those bubble-like barriers came from the back end support, the boss parasite dug the earth using four tentacles then attack with the remaining tentacles for the attacking human force in front.

Distracted by the tentacles in front, the human team continued their attack unbeknownst of a sneak attack from the boss monster.

'Something is wrong with the ground'

The ground near the ladies shook where they caught a glimpse of a sudden movement.

Suddenly, four crystallized tentacles pierced through their tummies then excreted a deadly slimy fluid that melted their bodies into a slimy gooey fluid.

Robert saw the incident and tried to cut the tentacles but it was already too late.

"Nooooooooooo! You B*STARD!"

Robert focused his power into his hands and a surge of energy reverberated in the air creating a convergence of energy forming a large burning egg.

"DEATH TRACK, Rise from the Ashes, FIRE PHOENIX!"

Robert used his mightiest skill where large and countless of burning energy chains converge into a single point, the egg.

From the center of the convergence, a burning phoenix appeared, soared high, and sucked the surrounding air in the process.

Robert's core vibrated then a chain erupted from his chest connecting to the burning Phoenix.

"One with bass, Slapped to DEATH!"

Robert's body fused with the burning phoenix.

Controlling the phoenix, Robert attacked the boss parasite spitting a comet size fireball to its face.

"Robert, Stop! That skill will damage your core. Please, STOP!"

Eugene shouted at the top of his lungs.

Seeing the progression of things, Eugene was also angry and understands Robert's wrath.

'F*ck it. There's no turning back.'

Eugene let go of his inhibitions and channeled his core to bring out his most devastating skill.

"ROCK OF ALL AGES! Armaments of Vermillion, stack into one"

Eugene announced with a growl.

From his feet, a red smoke popped out and surrounded Eugene's body.

A few moments passed, Eugene wore a crimson red armor wielding a pair of long black broadswords with a pair of mighty crimson red wings.

Eugene flew towards the hovering phoenix and rode its back.

"Robert, you're not alone. I am here for you buddy. We can do this together."

Responding, the phoenix roared while flapping its wings initiating a combo attack versus the boss parasite.

'I hear you, Brother. Let's go'

Robert communicated telepathically.

With a swing of Eugene's broadsword, large energy slash attacks cut the upper body tentacles of the boss parasite.

A splurge of green goo burst out from the parasite's extremities.

The phoenix soared high then dove downward while attacking with large fireballs to the body of the boss parasite.


The boss parasite growled as it was hit multiple times in several directions.

It churned its core focusing majority of its energy to regenerate the damaged parts of its body.

Meanwhile, Judas and Jack continued their own barrage of attacks helping to subdue the lower limbs of the body.

However, the danger of friendly fire from the attacks of Robert & Eugene did not allow Judas and Jack to stay for more than a few seconds after initiating their attack.

The boss parasite had limited options at this point.

It could not defend all the time, nor can it attack without defending.

Thinking offense is the best offense, it retracted all of its tentacles and focus its power to combine into one big & mighty tentacle.

The unified tentacle glowed while a coat of crystal formed creating sharp edges.

It then detached from its main body forming a chakram-shaped weapon and started spinning non-stop with fast rotations.

Continuing their attacks, the phoenix dove steep and spitfire then flew curve side while Eugene attack continuously throwing a barrage of energy slashes.

However, their attack became ineffective as the rotating chakram-shape tentacle block the incoming attacks.

After fending off the incoming attacks, the boss parasite started running towards the human enemies.

It used its rotating chakram tentacle to attack and defend at the same time.

When the attack connects, Robert's phoenix wings would be cut in half but would regenerate after.

They exchange blows one after another causing massive damage in the surrounding area.

Jack and Judas also did not waste time and continued their attacks.

By this time, Jack had already reached Level 5 Concordia. Allowing him to attack in multiple ways.

He used his heavenly wings to throw hundreds of energy feathers to the back, head, and any part of the parasite's body.

Judas continued summoning his deathly hollows but this time around he had more than 10 deathly hollows following his directions.

However, even with this effort, Jack and Judas did not deal any significant damage.

Suddenly, the boss monster spoke in human language.

"HAHAHA! All of your attacks are useless. The more you attack, the more I become stronger."

The boss parasite announced.

Not noticing a feint attack earlier, green energy glowed in the phoenix's body and crimson red armor.

It had eaten a large amount of their energy which was converted into more power for the boss parasite.

"Robert, we cannot drag this fight any longer."

Eugene suggested. They churned their core allowing them to purge the green energy in their bodies.

With Eugene's signal, they combined their attacks.

Robert's phoenix spits a large comet size fireball while Eugene combined his two broadswords into one then threw the large sword into the direction of the boss parasite.

The boss parasite stood its ground and tried to stop the incoming attack.

Upon impact, the fireball did not blow up but turned into a circular fire barrier encapsulating the parasite while a large hole remained open allowing the large sword to enter and penetrate the body of the boss parasite then it fully closed after.

"It's over."

Robert and Eugene said in unison.


The encapsulated boss monster received heavy damage as the sword in its belly imploded like a bomb along with the fire barrier.

The ground shook from the implosion and fire burst out as the fire barrier exploded.

Large pieces of meat splattered all over the place along with gooey green blood.

Judas was knocked back a few meters hitting his head against a large tree then stumbling thrice before falling face flat in the ground.

Jack also flew a few meters from the ground, knocked back, and landed on a crater-shaped ground filled with water.

Although Jack was able to regain his consciousness, he felt pain as he splashed in the water; saving his life in the process.

After casting their attack, Robert soared high trying to escape the aftermath.

Struggling to find their balance, Robert and Eugene fell from the sky falling in a steep dive manner and crashed in a nearby dried up river bank.

Robert's phoenix body turned back into human form but considerable damage can be seen as his body showed signs of second-degree burn and his core slightly cracked in the middle.

Eugene's body also had minor burns but was overall pale from its usual tan color.

Crawling towards Robert, Eugene cried out while pulling out a healing potion and serum injection.

The healing potion helped heal some of the physical damage while the serum injection surrounded Jack's core with a jelly-like substance stopping the crack to continue extending.

While giving first aid to Robert's wounds and core, Eugene noticed that Jack was walking around aimlessly trying to look for the remaining team members.

"You'll be okay now, Robert. I got your buddy. Don't you let go. I'm right here"

Eugene exclaimed walking towards the direction of Jack while carrying Robert's body.

"Jack…. Jack…. JACK!"

Eugene shouted.

However, Jack could not hear him.

Jack's senses were dull.

His vision was hazy.

He felt like floating as he dragged his body out in the open and search for his comrades.

Meanwhile, Jack was looking around for survivors.

The fire had burned a lot of the surrounding trees and many crater-shape grounds could be seen around.

Eugene had barely any energy to spare and shout for more.

He decided to go to Jack's location instead.

While carrying Robert in his back, Eugene noticed Judas lying face flat on the ground on a nearby tree.

Jack, who was still searching for the survivor, arrived in the area filled with green goo.

Suddenly a green core as big as him floated a few inches from the ground, shined bright, and then started absorbing the pieces of meat and green blood nearby.

Two small tentacles formed then attacked Jack in a whip-like manner.

Avoiding the incoming attack, Jack's blood pumped up plus the adrenaline rush helped him pushed his limits.

He rolled side-ways then abruptly stood up.

The tentacle landed a fierce attack on his initial position while spitting out a gooey white fluid acid from its pores then whipped sideways aiming for Jack.

Anticipating the attack, Jack somersaulted backward then ran as fast as he can.

The core of the boss parasite was still absorbing its fluids and pieces of meat continuously.

Taking notice, Eugene focused his gaze towards the direction of the flying pieces of meats and fluids.

'What a resilient parasite'

Eugene commented while dragging Judas with his right hand and carrying Robert in a fireman's carry.

"JACK! Be careful"

Eugene shouted then fell down on his knees barely above to move forward.

Hearing a nearby shout, Jack glanced shortly then looked back towards the incoming tentacles.

'I cannot run forever. I need to kill this parasite and save the others'

Jack thought.

Suddenly, the two small tentacles combined into a one and struck out in a piercing manner aiming for Jack's head.

Jack ducked down, jumped forward, and ran to the curve side.

'I have to use it'

Jack activated his Mozart's inheritance.

He barely had time to pull out his flute and activate his skill, hence, using his latest option.

Activating the skill without his arsenal, heavenly white wings appeared in his back then sent hundreds of energy feathers fending off the attacking tentacle.

Attacking relentlessly, the single tentacle split into two.

One attacked above ground while the other dug into the ground.

Seeing this attack, Jack tried to predict the incoming attacks.

He activated Speedy Gonzales bolting in a zigzag pattern.

*HP 500/1900

*Level: Practitioner (9/10)

*Experience: 1800/1900

The tentacles followed closely and attacked continually without rest.

Jack responded with attacks throwing energy feathers and sonic waves cutting the tentacle above ground while avoiding the surprise attack of the other tentacle.

The parasite's floating core followed the direction of the rabbit chase while absorbing its pieces of meat & fluids and used its tentacles to attack.

Its tentacles combined again, grabbed a large stone, and threw it towards Jack.

Fending off the attack, Jack emitted multiple large laser beams crumbling the large stones into smaller rubbles.

Connecting with the feint stone attack, two tentacles attacked in opposing directions.

Jack, activating his skill arsenal-free, generated two energy sonic waves that sliced both tentacles stopping the attack.


*HP 250/1900

However, a third tentacle flew from his backside at alarming speed aimed at Jack's neck.

'I am sorry mother, father'

Jack made amends with his heart thinking he might breathe his last.

Suddenly, two sticks formed as energy sabers flew pass Jack and sliced the incoming tentacle separating the crystal-coated tip of the tentacles from its main part which scratched Jack's necks as it flew by.


Jack groaned as he fell on his knees.

Looking at the direction from where the flying stick sabers came, Jack saw the smiling face of Eugene on his knees with Robert and Judas lying on the ground.


While Jack was busy battling the tentacles, Eugene tried his best to catch up to Jack's location while bringing both Robert and Judas.

However, it came to a point that Eugene could no longer stand up and fell on his knees.

Checking Jack, Eugene saw that Jack was struggling to fend off the attacks while trying to find a way to destroy the regenerating parasite core.

Several times, Eugene tried to muster any energy but felt his core cracking to a point of breaking apart when he attempted.

Seeing the third tentacle dug through the ground and flew towards Jack's backside, Eugene used his life force as energy, gripping his stick sabers tight, and threw them towards the incoming third tentacle.

After confirming his attack hit the target, Eugene smiled, lifted his right arm, and gave a thumbs up while murmuring,

'Kill that b*stard for me, Jack.'

Eugene then lost consciousness as his core shook and cracks appeared.


Jack smiled the same as he saw the smiling face of Eugene.

However, Jack's smile wore off as he saw four tentacles whipped towards the direction of Eugene, Robert, and Judas.


Jack shouted on top of his lungs while channeling his core to the maximum output.

Jack ran at Mach 2 speed towards the direction of Eugene and the others.

*HP 50/1900

*Concordia (Level 5)

However, Jack was still a few meters away from Eugene.

Miraculously, a notification rang out.

[Congratulations! Concordia leveled up. Level 6: 0 HP cost (no Arsenal required)]

[Unlocked Harmony Series! Requirement: Use only for the greater good]

[Use Harmony Series 1: Sword of the Spirit?]


In a millisecond, Sword of the Spirit, a sword made of golden handle and energy blade, appeared in his hand while another notification rang out.

[Use Harmony Series 4: Gospel Jump?]


Activating the skill, everything slowed down to a halt.

Jack leaped from his position and saw everything in slow-motion.

Arriving and stepping down in front of Eugene, everything returned to normal speed.

Without loss of time, Jack brandished his energy sword in multiple directions slicing off the attacking tentacles.

Looking at the core of the regenerating parasite, another notification rang out.

[Use Harmony Series 2: Bow of Repentance?]

With no delay, the bow formed in his left hand while the sword disappeared. It had a leader grip and golden limbs which extended almost length of a longbow.

Pulling its golden string, an energy arrow appeared and bolted out at Mach 2 speed and pierced the middle of the core.

Krrrk… Krrrk...Krk

Three cracks appeared in its core but did not destroy its entirety.

Noticing a nearly fatal attack, all four tentacles combined into one big tentacle with crystallized tip.

Whipping towards Jack, another notification showed.

[Use Harmony Series 5: Shield of Faith]

The bow Jack held on his left disappeared and in-place popped out a big shield that blocked the tentacle's attack.

The tentacle retracted after the unsuccessful attack.

As counter-attack, Jack shifted his body sideways, took a few steps forward, and threw the shield at a frightening speed.


Rotating towards the target, the shield flew creating a sonic boom and push itself faster using the wind's momentum.

A loud bang resounded after hitting the center of the core and broke apart into pieces after.

'I finally did it!'

Jack rejoiced then fell on his knees.

Tears of joy came out as he felt relieved after his near-death struggle.

Looking at the unconscious comrades, the last notification rang out.

[Use Harmony Series 3: Halo of Eden?]


Jack activated the skill and a halo hovered above his head.

Wishing to heal his comrades, the halo extended and became wider and larger.

It extended covering Jack and his comrades inside the halo where everyone affected got healed 75% of their physical damage and 50% of Core damage.

Judas, being the least fatally wounded, slightly woke up feeling groggy and saw the figure of Jack standing nearby.

Feeling the healing effect, Judas fell asleep as he continued his dream of wealthy, lavish and lustful lifestyle.

After healing his allies, Jack retrieved the shattered core of the boss parasite and gained experience in the process.

[Congratulations! You have leveled up. Expert (1/10)]

Seeing the notification, Jack pulled up his status.



Citizenship: Soulful Ballad

Job: Flutist

Health: 2200/2500

Experience: 0/2500

Status: Healed but slightly wounded

Level: Expert (1/10)

Potential: Savant

Core: Arcanum

Arsenal: Fleeting Flute

Skills: Last Lullaby (Passive), Speedy Gonzales,

Concordia (Level 6) + Mozart's Inheritance (Passive / Cooldown 24 hours)

Inventory: Mozart's Heirloom Stash,


After analyzing his status, Jack jumped twice and smiled seeing his progression.

However, he still had a problem.

He needed return with this team back to Tonic City.

He tried using his stash to store the unconscious bodies of his teammates but he was unable to put any living beings inside his stash.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Jack decided to find a nearby area with access to water and food while waiting for his comrades to wake up.

Pulling out some leathers and the fur jacket he had stolen, Jack created a temporary rope to bind the three unconscious comrades and drag them towards the nearby crater-shaped ground created by the exchange of heavy attacks and waited for his team to wake up.

EXP Sect - Its over 9000 again.

Eric_Veradiocreators' thoughts