
Crimson Tower

Daimon Crimson, a vampire who had lived for centuries in a modern world where vampires were considered legends, found himself bored to death with nothing to challenge him, despite his eternal life. As the strongest vampire, no one could match him in combat, leaving him unfulfilled until a momentous day arrived. World Towers suddenly materialized all over the world, interconnected structures that had to be conquered to save the world from destruction. Upon entering one of these towers and facing the monsters within, Daimon experienced an unparalleled thrill. He was ecstatic to discover that the monsters were remarkably powerful, finally providing the excitement he had been yearning for all this time.

HaozDancer · Fantasy
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213 Chs

Green Goblin Village Extermination

Daimon faced the Green Goblin King in the heart of the Green Goblin Village, their battle raging amidst the scorched earth and flickering flames.

The goblin king was a formidable opponent, but he stood no chance against Daimon, who was an A-Rank Warrior and also a vampire.

With a swift and calculated movement, Daimon dodged the goblin king's fiery attacks, closing the distance between them.

His movements were a dance of death, each strike landing with precision and force. The goblin king swung his crude weapon, but Daimon deftly parried the blow and countered with a devastating kick that sent the king reeling.

"You're not much of a challenge, are you?" Daimon taunted, his voice carrying a mix of amusement and disdain. "I expected more from the so-called king of the goblins."

The goblin king growled, a mixture of anger and frustration evident in his eyes. He was used to being the dominant force in his village, but facing Daimon, he felt powerless.

"You're just a human," the goblin king spat, trying to mask his fear with bravado. "You can't defeat me!"

Daimon chuckled, his crimson eyes glinting with mischief. "I'm not just a human," he replied, his voice dripping with arrogance. "I am a vampire, a being of superior strength and power. You never stood a chance."

With those words, Daimon unleashed a barrage of attacks, each strike hitting the goblin king with a force that sent him stumbling backward. The goblin king tried to summon more fire magic, but Daimon was too quick, his movements fluid and agile.

As the battle continued, the goblin king's strength waned, and he struggled to keep up with Daimon's relentless assault.

The ten goblin mages who had buffed him before the battle could only watch in horror as their king was beaten down.

"I'll show you no mercy!" the goblin king roared, his desperation driving him to fight with all his remaining strength.

Daimon merely smirked, as if relishing the challenge. "By all means, give it your best shot," he said, his voice laced with amusement.

With a final burst of energy, the goblin king lunged at Daimon, but it was in vain. Daimon sidestepped the attack, delivering a powerful punch to the goblin king's gut, knocking the wind out of him.

As the goblin king doubled over in pain, Daimon delivered a roundhouse kick, sending him crashing into a nearby hut.

The Green Goblin Village fell silent as Daimon stood amidst the fallen bodies of the defeated goblins.

The once fearsome goblin king lay motionless before him, defeated by the overwhelming power of the vampire.

The village was now eerily quiet, the flames flickering in the background and casting dancing shadows upon the scorched earth.

Daimon wiped a droplet of blood from his cheek, his eyes ablaze with excitement and a touch of madness.

The thrill of battle coursed through his veins, leaving him intoxicated with the taste of victory.

The goblin king's defeat was an inevitability, but that didn't lessen the satisfaction Daimon derived from it.

He glanced around at the remaining goblin inhabitants, who watched in awe and terror at the display of power.

The fear in their eyes was palpable, and Daimon could almost taste it in the air.

For a moment, he considered finishing them off, ensuring that no one was left to challenge him. But he resisted the urge, letting them bear witness to his might.

"That was some good entertainment," he declared with a wide grin, his voice carrying the echoes of his triumph. "But I'm afraid it's time for this little dance to end."

His fingers twitched with anticipation as he surveyed the village. The flames of destruction still burned bright, and the scent of blood hung heavy in the air.

The village was a picture of chaos and ruin, a testament to the power of the vampire who stood at its center.

Daimon's crimson eyes scanned the surroundings, and he spotted the ten goblin mages who had tried to bolster their fallen king's power before the battle.

They looked on in horror, realizing that their efforts had been in vain.

He chuckled darkly at the sight of their fear. "You thought you could stand against me," he taunted, his voice carrying through the silence like a haunting echo. "But you were nothing more than insignificant pests."

With a swift wave of his hand, he summoned his Blood Arts, and in an instant, the goblin mages were engulfed in a torrent of blood.

They cried out in agony, their feeble attempts to resist futile. Their lives were extinguished as quickly as a candle's flame, leaving only silence in their wake.

The remaining goblin inhabitants looked on in horror, their faces pale with terror. They had been witness to the power of the vampire, and they knew that resistance was futile.

Daimon's laughter echoed through the village, a chilling symphony of madness and power. "Playtime is over," he declared, his voice low and menacing. "This is the fate that awaits all who dare to stand against me."

With a flourish of his hand, he unleashed a powerful Blood Burst, and in an instant, all the goblins in the vicinity burst into fountains of blood.

Their bodies fell like broken dolls, lifeless and defeated. The once bustling village was now a river of crimson, its streets flowing with the blood of the fallen.

But to Daimon, it was already a common sight. He had seen countless battles, and this was just another chapter in his never-ending saga of conquest and power.

He reveled in the chaos and destruction, finding an odd satisfaction in the carnage he had wrought.

As the dust settled over the remains of the Green Goblin Village, a hush fell upon the first floor of the World Towers.

The destruction had been swift and merciless, and the once fearsome goblins now lay lifeless and defeated.

But amidst the silence, a new announcement resonated through the realm, reaching the ears of every participant.

[One of the Goblin Village has been destroyed]

[Goblin Villages Destroyed: 1/4]

[Because the Green Goblin Village has been destroyed, the remaining Goblin Villages will power up]

[Because the Green Goblin Village has been destroyed, the gate to the outer world had been placed in the center of the first floor]

[By using this platform, the participant could leave the tower by giving some monster materials]

The world announcement reverberated in the minds of all who heard it, and a sense of awe and wonder spread among the participants.

It was evident that the destruction of the Green Goblin Village had triggered a significant change in the first floor, and it now presented new challenges and opportunities.

Daimon stood amidst the wreckage of the village, his crimson eyes glinting with curiosity. He had not expected that his actions would have such far-reaching consequences.

Destroying the village was a simple act of asserting his dominance, but it seemed to have awakened the tower to new possibilities.

"It seems my little dance has attracted the attention of the tower," Daimon mused aloud, a smirk playing on his lips. "I wonder what other surprises await us."

The other participants on the first floor were not oblivious to the world announcement either. Word spread quickly, and soon, whispers filled the air.

They wondered who had been responsible for the destruction of the Green Goblin Village and what it meant for their own journeys within the tower.

Among those who heard the announcement was Kael, who had been making preparations with his expanded force.

The news piqued his interest, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of envy that he was not the one to claim the credit for destroying a goblin village.

"So, someone else dared to strike down a goblin village before we could," Kael said, his voice tinged with frustration. "I suppose they beat us to the punch."

His subordinates looked to him for guidance, wondering what their next move should be.

Kael's ambition was unwavering, and he was not about to let someone else steal the spotlight.

He knew that to claim the title of conqueror, he needed to prove his strength and dominance.

"We press on," Kael declared, determination burning in his eyes. "There are still three goblin villages left. If someone else can do it, so can we. And when we succeed, we'll make sure the entire tower knows who truly rules this realm."

With renewed purpose, Kael and his force set off once again, their sights now set on the next goblin village.

They were eager to prove themselves and claim the same recognition that the mysterious conqueror had earned.

Meanwhile, the rest of the participants were also on high alert. The power-up of the remaining goblin villages meant that the challenges ahead would be even more formidable.

The first floor was no longer a mere stepping stone—it had become a proving ground of survival and might.