
Crimson Tower

Daimon Crimson, a vampire who had lived for centuries in a modern world where vampires were considered legends, found himself bored to death with nothing to challenge him, despite his eternal life. As the strongest vampire, no one could match him in combat, leaving him unfulfilled until a momentous day arrived. World Towers suddenly materialized all over the world, interconnected structures that had to be conquered to save the world from destruction. Upon entering one of these towers and facing the monsters within, Daimon experienced an unparalleled thrill. He was ecstatic to discover that the monsters were remarkably powerful, finally providing the excitement he had been yearning for all this time.

HaozDancer · Fantasy
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213 Chs

Red Goblin Village

As Daimon battled the Green Goblin King in the heart of the village, elsewhere on the first floor, a different kind of dance was taking place.

Many participants had formed their own forces, each with their own ambitions and objectives within the World Towers.

Among these leaders was Kael, a man who had once been a prisoner, now seated on a makeshift throne made of bones and wood.

From his elevated position, Kael looked down at his subordinates, a mix of fear and admiration in their eyes.

They had rallied under his banner, drawn to his charisma and the promise of power and glory that came with being part of his force.

"Have you found something about the objectives of the first floor?" Kael inquired, his voice commanding yet laced with a hint of impatience.

The subordinate stepped forward, a scroll in hand. "Yes, my lord," he replied with a bow. "We have gathered some clues about the first floor's objectives. It appears that there are four goblin villages scattered throughout the floor. By destroying them, it is said that the boss of the first floor will appear."

A smirk crossed Kael's face as he absorbed the information. He had always been drawn to the allure of power and the thrill of conquest, and the idea of facing a boss that could potentially grant him even greater strength excited him.

"And which is the nearest goblin village?" Kael asked, leaning forward with a glint of anticipation in his eyes.

The subordinate consulted the scroll and replied, "The nearest village is the Red Goblin Village, my lord. These goblins are not particularly physically strong, but they possess a mastery of fire element abilities."

Kael's eyes gleamed with interest. Fire element abilities were potent and destructive, and the thought of harnessing such power for himself was tantalizing.

"Very well," Kael declared, standing up from his makeshift throne. "Prepare the forces. We shall make our way to the Red Goblin Village and show them the might of our ambition."

The subordinate nodded and hurried to relay Kael's orders to the rest of the force. Soon, they were ready to march towards their objective, a mix of excitement and trepidation in their hearts.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, the landscape began to change. The lush greenery gave way to scorched earth and smoldering remains of trees. The air was thick with the scent of burning wood and the crackling of flames.

The Red Goblin Village came into view, a collection of huts made of darkened wood, surrounded by flickering flames.

The goblins moved about with an air of arrogance, their mastery over fire evident in the way they wielded it as if an extension of their bodies.

Suddenly, a panel appeared in front of Kael, displaying information about the Red Goblin Village.

[Red Goblin Village]

[Red Goblin Village is one of the four goblin villages on the first floor]

[Red Goblins didn't really have high intelligence and they only liked to kill, plunder, and rape.]

[Destroy the Red Goblin Village to fulfill a certain condition]"

[Kill Red Goblins: 0/1000]

[Kill Red Goblin Soldiers: 0/100]

[Kill Red Goblin Mages: 0/10]

[Kill Red Goblin King: 0/10]

Kael's eyes narrowed as he studied the information. It seemed that his subordinate's intel was accurate. The objective was clear—to destroy the Red Goblin Village and eliminate its inhabitants.

"It looks like we have a task at hand," Kael murmured, his excitement growing. "Let's show these goblins the true might of our force!"

With a loud battle cry, Kael and his group charged at the Red Goblin Village, their weapons raised and determination etched on their faces.

They easily dispatched the Red Goblins and Red Goblin Soldiers, their superior strength and skill allowing them to overpower their foes.

However, as they fought deeper into the village, the Red Goblin Mages proved to be a different challenge altogether.

These goblins wielded powerful fire element magic, and their attacks were relentless and devastating. Fireballs exploded around them, and walls of flames rose to shield their comrades.

Kael's eyes widened in disbelief as his forces struggled to defend against the onslaught. The initial confidence he felt quickly turned to concern. It was evident that the Red Goblin Mages were not to be underestimated.

"Retreat!" Kael shouted, realizing that they had underestimated the power of the mages. "Fall back and regroup!"

His subordinates hesitated for a moment, their faces etched with disappointment and frustration.

But they knew better than to defy their leader's orders. They began to fall back, pulling away from the village and its formidable defenders.

As they retreated to a safe distance, Kael's mind raced with thoughts of what had gone wrong. The Red Goblin Mages had been unexpected, and their power had caught them off guard.

Kael's frustration simmered as he retreated to his makeshift base camp, a mix of anger and determination fueling his every step.

He couldn't fathom how a mere goblin could possess such power and pose a threat to his force.

As he reached the center of the camp, he couldn't contain his frustration any longer and let out a primal roar, punching the ground with all his might.

"How can a bunch of goblins be so powerful?" he seethed, his voice echoing with frustration. "We underestimated them, but we won't make that mistake again!"

His subordinates gathered around him, their faces reflecting a mix of disappointment and concern.

Kael had promised them power and glory, and the failure at the Red Goblin Village was a setback to their ambitions.

"What do we do now, my lord?" one of his trusted lieutenants asked cautiously.

Kael's mind raced with thoughts of what needed to be done. "We need more men," he declared firmly. "Strength in numbers is the key to victory. We'll recruit other participants to our cause, and offer them the chance to be part of our force. If they refuse, we'll force them with our power. And if they still don't yield, we'll eliminate them."

His words sent a shiver down the spines of his subordinates, but they knew better than to question their leader's authority.

They had sworn allegiance to Kael, drawn to his charisma and the promise of power. Their loyalty would be rewarded, and he would use whatever means necessary to achieve his ambitions.

"We'll scour the first floor for potential recruits," Kael continued, his voice growing more determined. "Anyone who joins us will be rewarded handsomely. And those who prove themselves in battle will be given even greater rewards. As for the women we've captured, they'll be mere trophies to those who prove their worth."

His subordinates exchanged glances, some nodding in agreement while others hesitated.

The idea of taking unwilling participants and using captured women as rewards didn't sit well with all of them, but they knew better than to voice their objections.

"Go now and begin recruiting," Kael ordered, his eyes ablaze with ambition. "We'll strengthen our force and show the Red Goblin Village the true might of our ambition!"

As his subordinates dispersed to carry out their orders, Kael's mind was already plotting his next move.

He needed a larger force if he were to face the Red Goblin Mages and emerge victorious. The World Towers was a place where strength reigned supreme, and he was determined to climb its ranks no matter the cost.