
Crimson Tower

Daimon Crimson, a vampire who had lived for centuries in a modern world where vampires were considered legends, found himself bored to death with nothing to challenge him, despite his eternal life. As the strongest vampire, no one could match him in combat, leaving him unfulfilled until a momentous day arrived. World Towers suddenly materialized all over the world, interconnected structures that had to be conquered to save the world from destruction. Upon entering one of these towers and facing the monsters within, Daimon experienced an unparalleled thrill. He was ecstatic to discover that the monsters were remarkably powerful, finally providing the excitement he had been yearning for all this time.

HaozDancer · Fantasy
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213 Chs

Call of The Tower

The destruction of the Green Goblin Village and the subsequent appearance of the teleportation gate on the first floor had sent shockwaves through the World Towers.

Whispers and speculations filled the air as participants tried to make sense of the rapidly changing landscape.

The once predictable and orderly tower had transformed into a realm of uncertainty and chaos.

Within the tower, the conquerors and ambitious participants were driven by a newfound sense of urgency.

The knowledge that someone had successfully destroyed a goblin village spurred them to action.

Each participant sought to prove themselves, to leave their mark on the tower's history, and to claim the title of the ultimate conqueror.

The other goblin villages were now on high alert, bolstering their defenses and preparing for the inevitable onslaught.

The participants knew that the battles to come would be more formidable, and they needed to strategize and gather their strength.

Meanwhile, outside the tower, a different set of events was unfolding. A panel-like screen appeared in front of people who had not yet entered the tower, carrying a message that sent shockwaves across the globe.

[The World Tower has been opened]

[Go to the nearest World Tower to enter]

The news that the World Tower had been opened for new participants spread like wildfire. The world was now aware of the existence of the tower and the potential it held.

Yet, despite the temptation of power and glory, not many dared to enter its mysterious depths. Uncertainty hung heavy in the air, and the fear of the unknown kept many at bay.

As emergency broadcasts filled the airwaves, a familiar face appeared on screens across the world.

Ethan, the same reporter who had reported the initial panel appearance, now stood beside the teleportation platform. With determination in his eyes, he spoke directly to the audience.

"Hello, my name is Ethan," he began, his voice carrying a sense of gravity. "I know that many of you are curious and eager to enter the World Tower, but I must warn you—it is not a place to be taken lightly. The challenges within are deadly, and the tower itself is a realm of uncertainty and chaos. If you decide to enter, you must be prepared to face the consequences."

The seriousness in Ethan's voice resonated with the viewers, and a sense of trepidation washed over them.

He was not mincing his words or exaggerating the dangers that lay within the tower. The truth of his warnings was evident in his eyes.

Beside Ethan stood another reporter, Brett, who couldn't help but ask the pressing question on everyone's mind. "Is what you're saying true?" Brett asked. "Is the tower really as dangerous as you make it out to be?"

Ethan nodded solemnly. "Yes, it is. I have personally entered the tower, and I have witnessed firsthand the trials and horrors that await inside. The World Tower is not a game or a test of strength—it is a matter of life and death. I've encountered monsters and challenges beyond my wildest imagination. The participants inside are driven by ambition and the thirst for power, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goals."

He took a moment to collect his thoughts before continuing, "I must also mention that I have rarely encountered other participants inside. The tower is vast and mysterious, and it seems that many who enter do not make it far. I cannot say for certain how many have lost their lives within its walls, but it is clear that the danger is very real."

The gravity of Ethan's words hung heavily in the air, leaving the viewers contemplating the consequences of entering the tower.

The allure of power was strong, but the price to pay was steep. It was a decision that could not be made lightly.

As Ethan and Brett stood before the teleportation platform, a somber atmosphere settled around them.

The news of the World Tower's opening had sparked curiosity and excitement among the viewers, but Ethan's words of caution had tempered that enthusiasm.

"You say that inside there, the participants gain power," Brett asked, seeking to understand more about the mysteries of the tower.

Ethan nodded and began to explain, "Yes, when you enter the tower, you'll be teleported to the 0th floor or tutorial tower. Inside, you will be tested to obtain power. There are five difficulties in the tutorial tower."

Brett's curiosity was piqued, and he couldn't help but ask another question, "What kind of power do they get inside?"

Ethan hesitated for a moment, knowing that his words carried weight. "The powers obtained inside the tower vary greatly," he replied.

"Depending on the difficulty of the tutorial tower you clear, you could gain control over elements like fire or water, or you might acquire enhanced physical abilities, like super strength or speed."

With that, Ethan reached down and grabbed a stone from the ground. With a simple squeeze of his hand, the stone crumbled into powder. Brett and the viewers were taken aback by the display of strength. It was clear that the power gained within the tower was no ordinary feat.

However, Ethan's expression turned serious once again as he continued, "But I must warn you, the path to obtaining these powers is fraught with danger. I myself am only a D-Rank participant, and I've cleared the second difficulty in the tutorial tower. There are higher-ranked participants who have gone through more challenging trials and obtained even greater power."

He took a deep breath, contemplating the experiences he had faced within the tower. "The higher the difficulty, the stronger you'll become when awarded by the tower. It's said that some have acquired the ability to manipulate fire or water, or even harness the power of lightning itself. But let me be clear—those who have achieved such heights are few and far between."

Ethan's words hung heavily in the air as he cautioned against underestimating the trials that lay within the tower. It was not a place for the faint-hearted or the unprepared.

"I've encountered some participants who were of higher rank than me," Ethan admitted, his eyes carrying a hint of vulnerability. "The challenges beyond the second difficulty were immensely difficult, and many who entered the tower never made it far. The tower is vast and mysterious, and its trials are not to be taken lightly."

Brett nodded in understanding, realizing the gravity of the situation. The allure of power was strong, but it came at great risk.

The thought of facing unknown dangers and powerful opponents deterred many from taking that fateful step into the World Tower.

Ethan's message was clear—the World Tower was not a place for the faint of heart or the impulsive.

It was a realm of trials and tribulations, a place where strength and cunning would be rewarded, and weakness would be punished severely. The tower held the promise of power and glory, but it was a path fraught with danger and uncertainty.

As the broadcast came to an end, viewers across the world contemplated the choice before them.

The World Tower had opened its gates, beckoning those who sought power and ambition. But it was not a journey to be taken lightly, and the consequences of entering the tower were shrouded in mystery.