
Chapter 3

I always wanted a daughter and I always wanted to adopt. Also knowing how well behaved she is and how absolutely immaculate she is, I would definitely take her in if that means helping her.

It was a random idea, but I feel like I have made a right decision for once.

"You would do that? For me?" she askes absolutely shocked.

I don't blame her. I was surprised myself.

"You are a one of a kind great girl Cherry. It would be an honor to know you as my daughter, even if it's just adopted."


"I know, I know. Random and weird. I'm sorry. It was just an idea."

"Well I don't have any relatives, I don't want to stay and I do not want to go to a foster home."

"So you choose my option? The last one?"

"I think I will. You don't know how much this matters to me Mr Perry"

"Aiden. Just call me Aiden."

"Thank you Aiden."

Later on in the week...

This week was a mess. I put my query forward to adopt Cherry, and set an offence against her Uncle of Child abuse.

Did you know to be able to adopt in the UK-

-You need to be at least 21 years old

-You need to live in the UK

-You can not have been convicted of certain criminal offences

And then take a training?!

Well luckily I'm eligible for all of those points, and since Cherry's was a priority case, I got a quick training and they said I can take her in on the Saturday.

I had to cancel my date with Alicia, which I was obviously not happy about, but right now Cherry is my main focus.

Her life has been bad ever since her parents died, although I would like to change that. For her to be happy.


Everything was fine. Cherry was settling into our home perfectly. Chris moved out on the Tuesday, not just because of Cherry of course! He was planning on moving out long before that, but he had to renew the house he bought. And now it's finally done!

Everything was fine. I repeat, everything was fine, until... This text-

YOU HAVE A KID?! Are you married too? I thought I had a chance Aiden. You should've told me and not take me out on more dates. I'm no other woman. Have fun with your wife.

Woah.. Wait wife?! What is Alicia on about? Oh no... Chris has probably mentioned about Cherry. Oh God..

Listen to me Al. Come over please. I can explain! And no I don't have a wife. Please, you do have a chance! I really like you, can we sort this out?

No reply for the next ten minutes so I just left the phone on the kitchen table and went to get a shower.

After the shower, I walked into the kitchen and Cherry was in there drinking some water.

"You settling in okay?"

"Yes. Thank you so much Aiden. I really appreciate it."

"No problem Cher. Ha I guess I can call you my daughter now" I laugh.

"Look, I didn't mean to invade your privacy, but your phone went of and I looked at the message... I really don't want to cause any trouble in your life. If you let me meet that girl, I'll make sure she won't be mad at you.."

"You want to meet her?"

"Sure. Returning a favour?" she awkwardly giggles.

"Okay. Well if she comes over, you can meet her. Otherwise, I think I've lost her." my voice fading as I say that.

"Check your phone"

I open up the message from Alicia.

I'll be over in ten.

Shoot. She sent that five minutes ago so five minutes to go!