
Chapter 4

Alicia's POV

I really like Aiden. He seemed like the dream guy from the very first time I met him. Then this...

He has a kid?!

I literally freaked out when I heard that. He cancelled our dated to "sort things out", then I find out from Chris that he has a kid and he had to stay with her.

I messaged Aiden straight away. I was so angry and upset, I even assumed he has a wife or something. I mean first a kid, next maybe a wife right?

Right now I agreed to go over and talk things through. To let him explain himself and this situation. Currently, I'm outside his house. Afraid to lift my fist to knock on the mahogany door.

When I finally knock, I hear shuffling  from the inside and the door swings open, revealing a young girl around 12 years of age. Aiden's daughter.

To be honest, she looks nothing like Aiden... The girl has blonde hair while Aiden's is brown and her eyes are green while his are blue.

"Hi. You must be Alicia." she says with a smile "I'm Cherry, come on in!"

Her voice is cheerful and she let's out nothing but positive energy around her. She seems as sweet as candy, but probably can be as sour as cherry. Ha Cherry. That's a cool name!

She steps aside and locks the door after I walk in. I wait, then she guides me to what I would call the living room and sits me down on a black leather couch. Without asking, she gets me a glass of water then takes a seat opposite me on the armchair.

"Look, before you say anything to me, to Aiden, let me explain okay?"

"Okay."  I mumble.

"Don't freak out, but Aiden is not my real father. He is actually my history teacher."

I stood there dumbfounded. What? Woah... What is she doing here then? Is Aiden some kind of pervert bringing young girls to his house?

"No he isn't."

"Sorry.. Did I say that out loud?"

"Yes, though no worries, I don't judge. Anyway, it's my first night here. He adopted me."

Another 'Woah' moment. Adoption?

"My parents passed away when I was young, so I lived with my uncle. However, since the start of high school, he beat me... One day not long ago, he beat me living this scar on my face" she pulles away her hair, uncovering the scar "and I could hardly walk. Aiden realised something was wrong, he questioned me, I told him, and after that we considered my options and Aiden offered to help with adopting me. Yeah, basically that's it."

"I....honestly have no clue what to say" I take a deep breath and huff it out steadily.

"That's all I have to say. And it was lovely to meet you Alicia. I hope to see you around more." she winks at me then walks away.

In no more than two minutes, Aiden is jogging into the room. Before he could sit down, I stand and pull him into a kiss.

"I'm so sorry" I say between the kisses.

"It's okay. You didn't know."

"No, I had no right to assume and judge without any knowledge of the actual situation."

"It was nice to see you jealous." Aiden smirks.

"Oh yeah? Jealous of what? I'm not even you're girlfriend yet" I laugh it off.

He pulls away and goes down on one knee and gets a small box out of his pocket. Oh shoot. What are you doing?!

"Alicia Rose Summers, I honestly fell for you the first time I saw you, and since then my love has just grew. My sweet Ali, will you be my girlfriend and promise with this ring to be my wife one day?"

"Yes. Yes to everything." I make him fall backwards as I hug him, then whisper "I'm falling hard for you too."