
Chapter 2

I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon and eggs. I lift my head off the table then look around the kitchen to see Alicia infront of the oven and hobs. She hears me shift and instantly looks my way.

"Good morning Handsome Sleepyhead" she jokes.

"Mhm" I reply.

I stretch and notice my neck hurts like hell. I must have pulled a weird face because Alicia's face changed to worry and care and she straight away and looked for some ibuprofen and water.

"Thanks. Where are the others?" I gulped down two tablets.

"Not sure. They left this note so..." she passes me a piece of paper.

It says-

Gone somewhere special with Gorgeous. Don't expect us back till late. Take care of the Beauty. X

I laugh out loud. I wonder where they've gone. Anyway, I get to spend a whole day with this Beauty.

"I guess it's just us two then. Wanna have some fun with me today?" I smirk at her.

Her eyes go wide and I realise why. Shoot. No. I didn't mean it in a dirty way...

"No.. Not in a.. Not in a sexual way.... Not that I wouldn't... I mean... Shoot" i cover my face to hide my blush.

She tries to cover up her laugh again but has no luck. God.. I'm falling for this woman..

The breakfast Alicia made was more than delicious! It was perfection. I need to have her around more.

"So any plans of what we will do today?" Ali asked.

"Hm.. How about we go ice skating?" I suggest.

"Ice skating? In November?" she realises that there's nothing wrong with that then carries on "Sure. Let's go ice skating."

Later I find myself on the ice rink, falling for the billionth time and landing on my butt, while Alicia is just stood there laughing.

"Here. Let me help." she extends a hand and pulls me up with a reassuring smile.

I don't think I have ever been so happy and laughed so much in my life! I think Alicia enjoyed it too. At least I sure hope so.

In the end, we meet in the middle of the rink, and she nearly falls so I steady her by pulling her close. She first cuddles into my chest and we hug for a moment then she looks up at me, and next we're already kissing.

The kiss was amazing. Sparks flying everywhere and her soft lips against mine. It was perfect.

We walked home hugging, and when we got to my house she once again came in. We ended up watching a movie whiling cuddling on the couch with some hot chocolate.

Sometime through the movie, Alicia spoke.

"I really enjoyed today. Thank you for all this happiness." she whispered and gave me a peck on my lips.

Astonished by her moves, I freeze for a moment, then rapidly grab after her and pull her into a proper kiss.

"Will you go on another date with me?" I ask.

"Next Saturday?"


I let her out, since she had to go back to the university because tomorrow is Monday. I also got my things ready for tomorrow and graded the last tests for my year 8 class.

I came across Cherry Monroe's test, and I was very surprised. Cherry was a nice quiet girl, always doing her work, high grades, no trouble. And now I had to give her an F. All her multiple choice answers were wrong, and the worded questions she messed up with lots of crossing out and talking about the wrong things.

That's not like Cherry... Has something happened that I haven't noticed? I mean, I was a bit distracted with this double date last Friday.

I better just talk to her tomorrow. She can redo it. I don't want to give her a bad grade.


I sat in my classroom waiting for 8x1 to walk in. So in other words, my year 8 class.

The second bell rang, and most people were here accept the boys who are always late and... Cherry? She's never late. Something is definitely up.

I beginned the class as the last of the boys walked in.

"Anyone know where Cherry is?" she was marked in for the previous lesson in the register and I have no email of her having to go anywhere... So she should be here.

I see Cherry's two friends look at each other, but then they just giggle to themselves.

"What's so funny?" I end up asking annoyed.

"Oh nothing sir..." one of the girls say.

"Just we think Cherry's gonna stay in the toilets.. She has a bit of a cut on her face... And someone slapped her so it started bleeding" the second one manages to get it out between her laughs.

"And how is another student getting physically bullied and hurt to bleeding funny to you?" I've clearly lost my patience and the class noticed and went silent "No reply? Thought so."

I guess maybe I got it wrong and they weren't Cherry's friends after all.

I decide to email all the teachers asking about Cherry location, but just as I'm about to send it, a polite knock intrupts the silence and she walks in.

"Sorry I'm late sir. Here's a note" Cherry mumbles in a weak voice. Her head held down, hair covering her face.

Cherry was with me, Mrs Wilson, first aid. Sorry for any inconveniences x

I read the note. Then see Cherry limping to her seat. Limping? First aid? What's going on Cherry?!

The bell goes to indicating it's the end of the lesson, and I let my class go, but making sure first to tell Cherry to stay. Luckily it's lunch next, so I can freely talk to her, without making her late to another lesson.

She stays seated at the back, hair still covering her face.

I have known Cherry for a bit more than a year now, and I don't think I have ever seen her so secretive and hidden.

"Cher? Are you okay?" I walk upto her desk, and take a seat on the one infront.

She doesn't reply, I just hear her quiet sobs and her body slightly shakes.

"What happened Cher? You know you can tell me anything, I'll sort it out."

"Bullies." was all she said.


"Everywhere. I try and have a safe place, but no. Not in school, not at home..."

"Not at home? Has something happened at home?"

"I.. It doesn't matter." she whisperes, afraid to speak.

"Cherry. Is the reason why you're limping got to do with home?"

"Yes" her voice is as weak as a mouse.

"Parents?" I ask afraid of the answer.

"Uncle. I live with my uncle. My parents passed away in a car crash way back in time."


"No, it's okay, I never really knew them."

"So your uncle? He.. Hurt you?"

"It's nothing to worry about Mr Perry.. Honesty I'm fine."

She lifted her head for the first time, and I saw her face was badly bruised, with a scar on her right cheek. Damn. How could I have not realised before?

"How long has this been going on for?"

"Since.. The start of high school" she mutters.

Shoot that. I'm blind. This girl right infront of my eyes is getting abused and I didn't even notice till its got real bad. I mean, look at her now!

"Cher I.."

"No. Please don't... Actually, no, I'm asking you to please help me." she said with a slight confidence.

"Well I can help in various ways. Here are your options -

-We tell school, they call social workers, you go to foster care

-We find another relative you can move to

- Or we don't do anything."

Cherry looks at me hopefully then as she hears her choice, her hope slowly dissipates.

"Or I could get in contact with social workers and police myself, and adopt you in the end" my last, best idea was.