
Chapter 1 Roommate

Part 1

--Autumn's PoV--

WHEN Uncle Spring's car stopped in front of Crescent Academy, I immediately inspected the entire school. Disappointed I was able to return to my seat. This Academy is not far from where I came from. Messy, noisy and boring. I still thought it would be exciting for me to move to a new school but it looks like I made a mistake.

"Autumn, this is your first day at Crescent Academy. Please don't get yourself into trouble", Uncle Spring ordered before reaching for my bag. I just smiled at him then got out of the car.

I looked at the big school again. The large logo in the middle of the high and iron gate grabbed attention. The logo is red and has a carved moon shape in the middle. Weird!

I continued walking up to the opposite gate. The guards immediately blocked me.

"Are you a transferee, miss? Look at your documents."

I immediately reached for the brown envelope I was holding. They checked it. And when I was convinced that I had just moved, they let me in through the gate.

I continued to look around. Ugh! Their uniforms are suck. White long sleeves and red coat, black mini skirt enough to make you rude every day, black shoes and white knee sock. They look Korean. For the boys, typical white sleeves and coat, black pants and black shoes only.

I just shrugged and then searched the Registar's Office. I still need to get my class schedule as well as my uniform. I did not have a hard time finding the registrar because my instinct was strong. I simply follow what my instinct told me then, I also found him.

"Welcome to Section Selene, I hope you can last. This is your class scheduled as well as your new uniform", said the registrar before handing me a bag with only two pairs of uniforms. Thank you and I have no intention of doing laundry every day.

I left the registrar. I will not go in now. I still have to find my dorm building. Uncle Spring has the idea for me to dorm since this school is far from our house. Uncle Spring is a business man so he can't deliver me every day. My older brother Winter, my cousin and Uncle Spring's son are also busy studying so he can't keep up with me either. He attends all boys school and only comes home every weekend. Right now mama is the only one at home. Hey, he can do that.

I laughed a little when I read the name of the dorm building that Uncle Spring gave me. Luna Building. Tsk! The owner of this school looks moon addicted. I will not be surprised if I even collide with Artemis here.

After about five minutes of searching I also found my dorm. My room is on the third floor, room 169. Not bad, just near the rooftop. I love rooftops. Quiet and you see everything below while they do not see you.

I entered the building and immediately searched my room. As usual, messy. Only women are in the building so it is even louder. I was on the stairs when I felt something pull on my arm. I turned to him and immediately raised an eyebrow.

"Are you new? I'm Lala, the head here in the dorm. We have a tradition here before you can finally enter. Initiation. When you do what we do, then you are part of Lunatics", he explained.

"Not interested", I said then pulled my arm. I continued to climb the stairs when I felt his violent pull on me again. He looks frustrated but I don't care. Uncle Spring is paying right in this dorm so why do I have to go through what he says initiation? Tsk! As if I am interested in that matter.


Everyone immediately turned their attention to that speaker. Lala let go of my arm when she saw the woman standing on the stairs. He immediately bowed and so did the others. I glared at the woman again. She's plain simple but if these women look at her she looks like a goddess who needs to be worshiped. Who is she?

"Just let this newbie slid through, Lala. I'll take care of her", said the woman who immediately looked up at Lala. He glared at me for a moment before smiling.

"If that's what you want, Miss Burn. I'll follow", Lala said before inviting her colleagues to return to their respective rooms.

I let out a deep breath before continuing to climb the stairs. I passed the woman they called Miss Burn until I reached the third floor. I immediately searched room 169.