

I CONTINUED to enter the thick forest. I will not be silent until I do not know what really happened this midnight.

That Xavier guy, I have a strong feeling that he is really the man I saw this past midnight while running into this forest and asking for help. I didn't mind him because I saw no one chasing him. I just thought he might just be drunk or on drugs.

But rumors around the campus started to spread out. He's missing now. And I have a strong feeling that something bad has happened to him.

I stopped walking when a pungent odor greeted me. I immediately covered my nose. Damn! What is that smell?

"The fvck!", I shouted loudly when I saw a man lying prostrate in front. I immediately approached him.

"Sh * t!"

He is the man I saw this midnight. He's brutally killed. His chest was broken and there were still bites on his neck. Wait, is that a vampire's bite?

Vampire? Hell no, vampires are not real. They live only in books and movies. Like--


I quickly turned around when I heard that loud shout. A man suddenly appeared from nowhere. He looked at me sharply.

"Are you the one who killed him ?!", he shouted furiously and in a flash his appearance suddenly changed. He started to be ....

"Werewolf?", I asked in shock. Like-- I also watch Twilight so I also know what they look like when they transform.

My eyes widened when the wolf suddenly rushed at me. But before he could finally get close to me, he suddenly jumped. He moaned and slowly returned to being human.

"P-Prince Blaze", he said weakly as he looked behind me. I quickly turned around.

"She's a human. And you know that immortals are forbidden to kill people. You left before the hunters arrived."

"But Xavier."

"The Hunters will also find out who killed him. Just wait."

The man stood up and quickly ran away. It was like air that suddenly disappeared from my sight.

"This place is not the right place for the mortals. Never come back here again", he said before turning around.

"Wait, Blaze. Blaze Veraguaz, right? Are you Burn's alleged cousin?"

He stopped walking then turned to me.

"How did you meet Burn?", He asked.

"We're roommates."

When I said that, he suddenly swallowed me. He quickly approached me then leaned me against the tree. I saw how her eyes turned red and how the two fangs came out of the side of her lip.

He's a goddamn vampire! Sh * t!

"Burn doesn't let a mortal into their room. Tell me, who are you?", He asked then stared at me carefully.

When I did not speak he took my hand. I winced when his sharp nail pierced the tip of his finger then tasted my blood. He stared at me again.

"Why can't I taste your blood? You are not a human being", he said before I was released. "Couldn't you really kill him?", He pointed to the lifeless Xavier.

"What ?! And why would I kill him ?! I will not kill people", I yelled. This asshole! What right does he have to accuse me?

"You found his corpse--"

"Because I saw him enter here this midnight! He was chased by ... I don't know. No one is chasing him", I defended.

"Or maybe you're the one chasing him."

"What ?! Hell no!"

"I'll be watching you, Missy. Just make sure you have nothing to do with her death. Because when I find out you killed her, I will take you to the Hunters", he said before completely disappearing from my sight. .