

Autumn here."

I turned my gaze forward when I heard my name called. Then I saw Burn, he was standing at the opening of the open door while waving at me.

I arc a brow. How did he get there? The last time I remember, I passed him up the stairs. How could he be ahead of me? And how did he know Autumn was my name?

Out of curiosity I quickly approached him. She is standing right in front of the room with the number 169. Don't tell me, she's my roommate?

"How did you get here so soon? You were just on the stairs earlier. And how did you know my name? Are you a freak?", I asked one after another.

He laughed and pointed to the small door.

"That was a short cut from the stairs. That's where I went in and that's where I went out earlier", he replied with a smile.

I'm not convinced so I approached the door he pointed to and then opened it. She's right, there is even a closer path down this building. I closed the door again then closed my eyes to look at him. Now, it was time for him to say how he found out my name.

"The truth of the matter is, Mr. Anderson passed by here yesterday. He checked the room and it looks okay for his nephew so he informed me that you are coming today. He asked me to be nice with you. I like that-- "

"Uncle Spring, did you come here to the dorm yesterday?", I asked when Uncle Spring answered my call.


"And you met someone named Burn?", I asked again.

(Yeah, Burn. She's nice. Please make friend--)

"That's all. Bye."

"Wow! You're too insecure", he said in amazement after Uncle Spring and I had a quick phone conversation.

I shrugged then passed him. I do not like trusting anyone. I already have many well-known traitors. You will be persuaded in the beginning then eventually they'll attack you from behind. Tsk! That will not work for me anymore.

"The fvck Burn! Why did a mortal get into this room ?! Get rid of that!"

I immediately raised an eyebrow when I saw the woman lying on the far end of the bed. He got up and my eyebrows rose even more when I saw the whole of him. She's only wearing a black braisser and an undies. She didn't seem to care that she was just wearing that. Why didn't he just undress?

"Mortal, get out of my room. You don't belong here", he said and was about to hold my arm when Burn preceded him.

"Lightning, relax. I'll explain. But don't do it now, Autumn is tired. Let's let him rest first", Burn said as Lightning calmed down. Tsk! Weird names. Burn and Lightning.

"Just make sure I understand your explanation, Burn. Because otherwise, I will bury this mortal myself", Lightning sowed before returning to his bed.

Mortal. Earlier he called me mortal. Why is he, not mortal?

"Please be patient with my cousin, Autumn. He just got used to the two of us being together in this room. By the way, here's your bed and there is mine. When you need something, just approach me", smiling said Burn before walking over to his bed.

Our beds are on both sides. Burn was near the door while Lighting was on the side of the window. My bed is on the wall but it's okay. I was not selected. We each have a closet so it's okay. What I hate the most is sharing the closet with others. I find that thing very disgusting. I don't know, but I really get annoyed when someone else is holding or even looking at my belongings.

I started to tidy up and put my clothes in the closet. When I finished, I went to the bathroom next. Clean. Not that bad. I just put on my pajamas and then went back to my bed. I'm sleepy. I will have lunch later. I want to sleep first.

I WAKE UP from the noises I hear. Voices of women and men talking and seemingly arguing. I wanted to open my eyes to shout at them but I was drowning in drowsiness. I could not get up.

"Shall we tell Blaze about him? He should atleast know the truth."

"That asshole! Let him do his job. He's always a burden."

"Thunder is right, let Blaze discover everything. One more thing, they're connected. He'll know that too when they meet."

"Just guys, let's just keep this a secret. The leader of the Benicastrians is relying on us. We can't disappoint him."

"Right. Just keep her safe and we'll take care of the crazy Blaze. I'm really going to cripple that one."

"You've left, he's waking up."

Damn! I must be dreaming! How will there be men here in the room? Ugh! Lemme sleep!

someone Pov

one day I we'll see you authumn you will be mine promise you protect you from away your brother loves you very much someday will be meet and be lives and happy