
Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific

[This world is steeped in mystique.] [Vampires, werewolves, technology, magical potions, ghosts, bioengineered beings, divination, and puppets; every terrifying element you could conceive of, exists in this world.] [One must carry a lantern when stepping outside.] [One must never wander far.] [Ten meters beyond the gates, darkness will consume you.] [Whether attending to humans, ghosts, or stitched monsters, one must maintain composure at all times.] [Should you ever lose your composure, it will give rise to malicious intent.] This is the translation of the Chinese novel "Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific". It's a horror comedy with more comedy than horror. I hope you enjoy it.

Fish9527 · Book&Literature
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111 Chs

Little, Are You Hungry?

Mech-Demon said with narrowed eyes. Ever since the conclusion of yesterday's battle, he had swiftly mobilized a large force from the Demonfolk Association, speeding towards this location. The image of that human youth surfaced again in his mind—the one who could incorporate his cutting-edge biological weapon into himself.

"I hope you haven't fled." He said, narrowing his eyes, his expression cold. "Otherwise, it would be far less entertaining!"

He already had plans for what was to come. His aim was to capture alive if possible, then take the individual to his lab to dissect and closely study the unique aspects of that human. Perhaps with this specimen, he could make significant advancements in the creation of the Demonfolk Association's subsequent biological weapons.

To ensure success, he had used his authority this time, mobilizing two Type 3 Flesh-Blood Puppets at once, and added to the mix were a multitude of hunters. With this kind of force, even King-level entities would wisely detour. He was absolutely confident this time.

A cold smirk appeared on his face.

"You should feel honored that I, the Vice President, have personally come to deal with you. Your death won't be in vain! Move out!"

His eyes dark and foreboding, he led the hunters and flesh puppets into Wandering Soul Lane.

Meanwhile, as Lynne cheerfully wiped Little's face with a towel in the backyard, a system prompt suddenly rang in his ear.

[Ding! You've triggered a special task: Leave a Complete Corpse. Task Introduction: Strive to survive, and if you can't, at least try to leave your corpse in the best condition possible.]

[Task Reward: 5 Black Skull Coins, Experience: 3000, Special Reward x1]

[Leave a Complete Corpse Bonus: 50 Hell Black Skull Coins, Titanium Alloy Coffin x1, Wreaths x5, Graceful Suit x1.]

Lynne's movements froze in an instant. Yet swiftly, he regained his composure, his expression quickly returning to calm.

Triggered a mission?! It seemed exactly as he had guessed. After enduring two failed attempts at hunting him down, the Demonfolk Association had finally decided to dispatch a stronger entity to deal with him, hadn't they? And since the system had already issued the mission, it meant that the crisis was imminent!

Moreover, this mission was a tad bit outlandish! Had the standards for completing missions lowered to such an extent?!

In his mind, an image flashed—himself in a dignified suit, holding flowers, peacefully lying in a titanium alloy coffin, while outside, hell money fluttered, wreaths drifted...

An entire process had already been arranged!

Lynne gritted his teeth in an instant, his expression turning serious. But fortunately, thanks to his quick wit in inviting Little over last night. Even though the master hadn't returned, it was almost there.

"Little, are you hungry?" Lynne turned around, gazing earnestly at the freshly scrubbed Little by his side.

Little (✪ω✪) replied, "Is it a feast— I haven't eaten anything for three days—"

Lynne earnestly raised his thumbs up, smiling: "Don't worry, the takeout I ordered has arrived. It's definitely a feast among feasts, I guarantee it'll make you feel completely full this time!"


On Wandering Soul Lane, just outside the potion shop, billowing black mists rolled to the sides, dissipating gradually. Out of the thick fog, Mech-Demon, with a somber expression, took measured steps forward. Behind him loomed two massive flesh puppets, followed by an endless horde of hunters.


He abruptly raised his hand, signaling the massive army behind him to stop. His gaze immediately settled on a young man who slowly appeared from the shadows ahead on the street.

Dressed in linen, Lynne stood there confidently with arms crossed, a slight curve to his lips, and a mischievous glint in his eyes. He appeared calm and collected, staring right back at them.

Mech-Demon narrowed his eyes. He instantly recognized the boy. It was Lynne, the very same individual who had destroyed one of his hunter units the previous night.

Could it be? Had he not fled? And now, he was standing there, brazen and bold, confronting them?

"What's going on?" he thought.

"Welcome, esteemed guests," Lynne greeted with a smile, bowing slightly in a gentlemanly manner, adjusting his monocle. "I've been expecting you for quite some time."

The audacity in his demeanor was unmistakable.


Meanwhile, on Vision World.

[Informant: Latest update from Wandering Soul Lane! Warning! Current danger level at its peak! Aside from Origin-level creatures, a large number of top-tier puppets have been spotted. Suspected to be elite creations of the Demonfolk Association. Click to view. Fee: 100 skull coins.]

Many residents, too frightened to venture out, glued to Vision World, were immediately drawn to this breaking news. Within moments, the view count surged past two thousand!

As the black mist slowly cleared on the screen, a standoff outside Bloodsaw Potion Shop became vividly visible to all viewers. The scene shocked everyone watching.

"Demonfolk Association! I recognize their insignia! All of them belong to the Demonfolk Association's flesh arsenal!"

"What's going on? Why would the Demonfolk Association send so many of their creatures to our Wandering Soul Lane?"

"Have you forgotten? The battles from the past two nights involved the very same Demonfolk Association creatures!"

The viewers gasped at the sight of the numerous hunters on the screen. And then, their gaze shifted to Lynne, standing confidently, a smile playing on his lips, facing the horde of hunters.

"That's the boy! No doubt about it! The infamous apprentice from Bloodsaw Potion Shop!"

"What's he thinking? Is he trying to act like a fly to stop a car? Isn't that a bit overconfident?"

"Did you forget?! He was one of the combatants in last night's fight! Clearly, the Demonfolk Association is here for him!"

"Come on! Is he seriously thinking of taking on this entire army of creatures all by himself? This must be some sort of joke!"

"But, for some reason, he looks so dashing standing there!"

"So dashing +1."

Viewers in Vision World discussed animatedly, their shock palpable.


Outside Wandering Soul Lane, behind the shattered hillock, the massive titan skull used its tentacles to hold a telescope, observing the standoff on the street from afar.

Unihorn Ghost King squinted, commenting, "Looks like the Demonfolk Association's creatures. They've come in force, and it seems they're after that human boy."

He was deep in thought. Then, a realization hit him. Could it be? Had the human boy lured Little there to deal with these creatures from the Demonfolk Association? Was the "feast" mentioned in his letter...

Without another word, he hastily pulled out a telescope, scouring the lane for any sign of Little.

In the very next moment, he spotted her. There she was, lying in the backyard of the potion shop, her massive eyes peeping out curiously, watching the hunters on the street. The drool trickling from the corner of her mouth and the gleaming hunger in her eyes was unmistakable.

"Slurp... Slurp..."

The sound of swallowing and lip-smacking.

Unihorn Ghost King's eyes widened in realization (꒪Д꒪)ノ.

"Sure enough..."


Bonus chapter here! Thank you for your review!

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