
Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific

[This world is steeped in mystique.] [Vampires, werewolves, technology, magical potions, ghosts, bioengineered beings, divination, and puppets; every terrifying element you could conceive of, exists in this world.] [One must carry a lantern when stepping outside.] [One must never wander far.] [Ten meters beyond the gates, darkness will consume you.] [Whether attending to humans, ghosts, or stitched monsters, one must maintain composure at all times.] [Should you ever lose your composure, it will give rise to malicious intent.] This is the translation of the Chinese novel "Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific". It's a horror comedy with more comedy than horror. I hope you enjoy it. read 200 chapters ahead: https://www.patreon.com/fish485

Fish9527 · Book&Literature
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118 Chs

Affirmation from the Big Boss

"Don't worry, I won't just jab it in all at once. I'll do it slowly, ensuring that you'll feel absolutely comfortable~"

Behind the hillock, the tentacles of the Titan Skull, which held the hearing device, began to tremble.

Meanwhile, Unihorn Ghost King and the others, who also tapped into the sound signal using their unique methods, were utterly wide-eyed and breathless, unable to utter a single word.

Something's off! This isn't right! Why was the situation taking such a bizarre turn? It couldn't possibly be what they imagined, could it? It was impossible!

Yet, in the very next moment, Little's voice came through again.

"Then—let's start—if we must."

"Alright! I'm about to proceed, don't get tense, take deep breaths. Everyone has their first time!"

"Mhm~ Ready..."

The next sound was Little's voice, suddenly sharp with surprise.

"Ah! It's in! It's in! It went all the way in!"

Titan Skull: "!!!"

Female Skull: "!!!"

Unihorn Ghost King: "(ΩДΩ)!!!"

In an instant, with a swipe of his tentacle, the Titan Skull split the nearby hillock in two, flames of fury burning atop his head.

"Damn it all-"

The Titan Skull seemed on the verge of total loss of control. He flung the entire hillock into the air (╯‵皿′)╯︵Ѧ.

"No one stop me!! Let me kill him!! That scoundrel lured my daughter here for this vile act—I'll destroy him! I'll—"

The Titan Skull roared, charging forward. Behind him, the female skull (〃>皿<) tried to pull him back with all her might using her tentacles.

"Must be a misunderstanding—it has to be! My daughter, like us, doesn't have a body—"

The Titan Skull slapped the ground with its tentacles, roaring, "Nowhere else would be acceptable either! I'll—"

And the expressions of Unihorn Ghost King and the others became contorted, as if on the verge of breaking.

Such audacity! Truly a paragon of bravery!

At that moment, without exception, including Unihorn Ghost King, all the elite guards held an indescribable sense of admiration for the human named "Lynne."

True warriors face the bleakness of life head-on! And the bravest of them all can confront an Origin level and stand tall!

How mighty must one be to lure someone with just a letter, and without hesitation, take them to the backyard for some intense operations? This man was invincible!

Trembling with anticipation, they couldn't help but continue listening.

"Ah—something strange—is oozing out—"

"It's normal. By the way, did it hurt? My technique is always top-notch!"

"Mhm(✪ω✪)—It didn't hurt—though it feels weird—it's slippery and—quite comfortable—"

"That's good to hear~ Wait, haven't I reached the end? Little, stay still, let me inspect closely."

"Ahh—don't bring your face too close—it'll get dirty—so dirty—"

"No worries, I'll grab a lamp. I'll pry it open for a better look; it's too deep to see clearly!"

As they tuned into the ongoing voice signals, the expressions of Unihorn Ghost King and the others solidified into pure shock. Their jaws almost hit the ground.

So powerful! So audacious! They seemed to be having quite an intense moment! They couldn't listen any longer! If they did, they felt they might lose their innocence! This man truly was a formidable presence from every angle!

Now, he finally understood why his elder brother was adamant about taking that guy down. He played too many games with his niece!


In the backyard of the potion shop, Lynne vigorously pried open the massive skull's ear canal, holding up a lamp to peek inside with keen curiosity. He could faintly make out large amounts of sticky foam, tainted with the ear's internal grime, seeping out.

"Found the problem!" Lynne, wielding the lamp, beamed at Little and gave him a thumbs-up. "It's just a blockage. But don't worry, with my special lubricating oil and foaming agent, a few prods should do the trick!"

Little (✪ω✪) replied, "Thank you so much!"

[Ding! Little's Trust in you +1]

Without another word, Lynne quickly picked up a brush and vigorously poked into Little's ear canal, removing a large chunk of dirt lodged deep within. In no time at all, Lynne had cleared out all the blockages in the ear.

Smiling, Lynne inquired, "Does it feel clearer now?"

Little, listening intently to distant sounds, responded in amazement, "Hmm!—I seem to hear—much more than before! You're—amazing, doctor—"

[Ding! Little's Favorability towards you +10]

[Ding! Little's Trust in you +10]

Lynne flashed a thumbs-up, and with a shimmering grin, where his teeth gleamed, he laughed, "That was just the beginning! We need to address the other areas as well. Here I go!"



In the distant hillock.

"Ahaha(*≧▽≦)—It's been put into the mouth again—Don't casually touch the upper and lower jaws—It feels so strange—"

"Hmm—the cheeks are bulging—turning into a peculiar shape—"

"Oh wow, ah-choo(≧▽≦)—Some sticky fluid got on my face—it's so slippery—don't release it so carelessly—"

"Eh? Does it have beautifying effects? Please make sure—it's spread evenly—"

Behind the hillock, a group of Unihorn Ghosts (((;꒪ꈊ꒪;))) stood beside their equipment, forcibly enduring the increasingly bizarre and intense sounds coming from the other side.

The furious Titan Skull was firmly wrapped in place by the female skull's tentacles, its muffled mouth emitting enraged roars, its eyes blazing like they were about to split open, burning with hysterical fury.


The Titan Skull roared in anger.

The female hunter, with a blank expression, held a tentacle to half her face, murmuring, "My daughter—has grown up—"

Beside her, Unihorn Ghost King nodded absently, muttering, "It actually... lasted over two hours..."

At that moment, his admiration for the youth named Lynne flowed like a mighty river, unstoppable and vast.

Truly! He could no longer think of any words to describe his feelings. Just a head, and yet so many tricks were played... If there was still a body... It would be unimaginable!!


[Ding! Unihorn Ghost King's admiration for you +50]

[Ding! Unihorn Ghost King's admiration for you +80]

[Ding! Unihorn Ghost King's admiration for you +100]

[Ding! Congratulations on triggering the achievement: Recognition from a Big Shot. You've gained 200 Experience]

[Recognition from a Big Shot: A special achievement earned when a King-level existence genuinely admires and appreciates you. You have gained a permanent buff: All attributes +10, Charm +1.]

While helping Little wash her face with bubbles, Lynne paused, looking around in confusion. He was completely baffled.

How did he receive thisr peculiar achievement? He hadn't done anything extraordinary here! Could it be because someone had watched last night's video? Or perhaps his Critical Strike Potion had been recognized by some big shot? Hmm... It seemed very likely, given that his potions were unique and perfect, produced by the system itself.

With that thought, Lynne's spirits lifted. His actions, as he cared for Little's skin, became even more adept.

[Ding! Little's Favorability towards you +1]

[Ding! Little's Favorability towards you +1]

What he was unaware of was that in another direction of Wandering Soul Lane, a tall figure clad in a black cloak emerged slowly from the mists, appearing at the entrance of Wandering Soul Lane. He squinted, the mechanical structures on his cheeks pulsating with an eerie gleam.

Behind him, two massive flesh puppets appeared, their vast pupils emotionlessly staring at Wandering Soul Lane, coming to a stop behind him. Also appearing were countless human-headed spider hunters. At first glance, they were densely packed.

"We have arrived!"