
Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific

[This world is steeped in mystique.] [Vampires, werewolves, technology, magical potions, ghosts, bioengineered beings, divination, and puppets; every terrifying element you could conceive of, exists in this world.] [One must carry a lantern when stepping outside.] [One must never wander far.] [Ten meters beyond the gates, darkness will consume you.] [Whether attending to humans, ghosts, or stitched monsters, one must maintain composure at all times.] [Should you ever lose your composure, it will give rise to malicious intent.] This is the translation of the Chinese novel "Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific". It's a horror comedy with more comedy than horror. I hope you enjoy it. read 200 chapters ahead: https://www.patreon.com/fish485

Fish9527 · Book&Literature
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118 Chs

What Did You Just Say?

In Wandering Soul Lane, Mech-Demon squinted, his gaze flickering uncertainly as he stared at the young man.

Something wasn't right. Why did this guy seem so fearless, seemingly undaunted by his presence? Could it be that, seeing the massive array of creatures from the Demonfolk Association, he believed he had the capability to survive?

After all, from their skirmish the day before, Mech-Demon had gotten a rough estimate of the human youth's combat capabilities. At most, Lynne could only eliminate one or two puppets. To think he could face a hundred of them was undoubtedly a delusion.

"It seems you anticipated our arrival?" Mech-Demon ventured, still trying to gauge the situation.

Lynne, maintaining his calm composure, responded, "Naturally. After all, you lost a flesh puppet and three hunters at my hands. Unless the Demonfolk Association decided to back down, I knew you wouldn't let it go."

Mech-Demon sneered, "You seem confident. If you knew we were coming, why didn't you flee? Do you think you can defeat us?"

Lynne adjusted his monocle, replying indifferently, "I have no such confidence."

Mech-Demon chuckled, "Oh? Then I'm curious. If you don't believe you can defeat us, why stand here?"

[Warning! Crisis Level 100%]

[Warning! Crisis Level 100%]

A gentle breeze wafted through the dark mist, ruffling Lynne's hair. Slowly lifting his head and adjusting his monocle, he said with profound meaning: "Just putting on a show, nothing more."



The wind whistled, lifting the dust from the ground.

For a moment, Mech-Demon was taken aback. He opened his mouth, seemingly wanting to say something, but found himself momentarily at a loss for words. He genuinely didn't know how to respond to that statement...

It seemed to touch upon a blind spot in his thinking. This man... He seemed... unconventional.

Meanwhile, in Vision World, the initially astounded and heatedly discussing audience suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

Lynne's monocle glinted, reflecting the white light, as he calmly remarked, "My teacher once told me, if you're in a winning situation and you still act timidly, overthinking every move, it's simply disgraceful. If you have a strong hand, and you don't play each card to tease and torment your opponent, how can you do justice to the excellent cards you hold?"

"How can you do justice to..." A bright gleam flashed across his monocle as he emphatically said, "The parents who birthed and raised you?"

[Ding! Your Fame in the Dark World +1]

[Ding! Your Fame in the Dark World +1]

[Ding! Your Fame in the Dark World +1]

The audience in Vision was utterly dumbfounded.

For some reason... They were at a loss for words. This man... This man surely... He must be a tad unhinged (ΩДΩ)!! No one would believe otherwise! He's so audacious! How can he brazenly say such arrogant words in front of a group of fierce creatures? Something's off with this guy!

[Ding! Mech-Demon's rage +10]

[Ding! Mech-Demon's rage +10]

[Ding! You successfully enraged Mech-Demon with your show of bravado!]

"What a way to play your cards and mock me! You, with no sense of decorum, dare to put on airs in front of me? Thinking you're something special?!"

Mech-Demon gnashed his teeth in fury, his expression contorting grotesquely with rage.

Who was he? He was the Vice President of the Demonfolk Association! He was the top-tier demonfolk who had developed countless cutting-edge biological weapons!

Yet, this insufferable youth dared to mock him, making them appear like clueless buffoons! Throughout his life, he detested those who showed off before him the most!

He had run out of patience! He could abandon the components of the Colossus, but this youth must die!

"Kill him!"

Mech-Demon roared in anger, issuing an immediate command. The countless Hunters behind him suddenly raised their heads, lunging towards Lynne with an unimaginable speed. The vertical pupils of the two massive flesh puppets beside him instantly sharpened.

"Think you're impressive? Enjoyed your show? Flesh Puppets! Activate the highest biological extermination! Switch to war mode! I want him crushed into a single-celled puddle of blood!"

Mech-Demon's roar was filled with menace.

Almost the moment his command was given, the two Type 3 Flesh-Blood Puppets underwent a transformation, as countless arms shrieked, crawling out from their flesh.

"War mode initiated... highest response command activated... initiating biological extermination mode..."

"Target locked... Dragon Breath Arm activated... Cursed Pupil activated... Corridor of Evil Spirits activated..."

"Commencing hunt..."


In an instant, the two terrifying flesh puppets surged forward with unprecedented speed, surpassing the approaching Hunters. Their countless raging arms spread from their bodies, launching the most potent attack against Lynne.

"Do you think your theatrics will save you? My Flesh-Blood Puppet Type-3 is the world's premier war machine! Even if the Blood-clad Evil Spirit arrives? Or even a King?!" Electric currents exploded all over him as he thunderously declared: "Even if an Origin-level being comes, so what?!"

His voice, reminiscent of roaring thunder, echoed throughout the entire Wandering Soul Lane.


With a deafening crash, almost immediately after Mech-Demon's last words, a colossal head plummeted from the sky, landing squarely on one of the flesh puppets that had nearly reached Lynne.


Gobs of rotten flesh and bloody mire splattered from beneath the massive head. A still glowing, pulsating eyeball of the crushed flesh puppet rolled to a stop at the feet of Mech-Demon.

[Ding! Little has crushed a Flesh-Blood Puppet Type-3. You've received a Friendship Reward: 200 Experience Points.]



A profound silence blanketed the scene.

Mech-Demon stood frozen, his mouth agape, appearing as if time had stopped around him. The warm, twitching eyeball at his feet seemed to gaze accusingly at him.

A formidable Origin-level aura emanated from the enormous head, casting a shadow over the entire street. And the echo of his arrogant proclamation still resonated throughout Wandering Soul Lane.

"Even if an Origin-level being comes, so what..."

"So what..."



Lynne rubbed his ears, raising an eyebrow in curiosity, "Sorry, what did you say just now?"
