

There are concept of parallel worlds that are yet to be proven. Numerous possibilities branched into a timeline. Some come to fruition but others Wisk away to nothingness. So which possibility is real? Which one is fake? Zion Monjur in his age of 70 was wisked away to his parallel self in dxd temporarily. What caused for him to be needed? Why was he given an authority which one can dream of? Even if it is temporary. Also who are these people bickering in a not so called chat group? Where is the Gacha? and the store? Why can I only talk with people who I do not know?

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Hitogami was not only one throwing a tantrum but Rivezim Lucifer the descendent of original Lucifer was throwing a tantrum.

In underworld in a underground villa demonic energy was thrown around the place left and right.

The servants who were around already turned to dust.

Kaletra Leviathan and Euclid Lucifuge was standing at the door of the room shielding themselves from the onslaught of demonic blasts.

They can look at each other and sigh.

Plans were onway to extract annialation maker and give it to a person who can use it much better.

They already heard that Grigori was able to do it albeit not safely killing its foes.

The only reason they were cautious because of the heavens system acting up to take the longinus away.

Since similar cases happened in the past.

But since God is dead the system is weakening over time making it much easier.

Though they were being cautious and experimenting on people of the hero faction to slowly and securely transfer to a new owner.

If damned Azazel did not keep any secret they would have done so much easier.

As Sephiroth Graal is a tricky bastard kidnapping annialation maker. Things would have furthered their plan for world domination further.

The three factions picked up the signature of two longinus in Romania before the Shit show.

Not only that they had to move their plans further to use Samuel's blood to steal Ophis power.

But now they cannot even track her position.

They picked it up on Kyoto sending teams to ask her to come under their orders.

But she killed all of them like they were not even in her eyes.

Rivezim was seething while gripping the table.

He was looking at the picture of a hooded figure holding her in his embrace like a child.

It seemed the dragon god was content in his presence.

Rivezim had deduction who he could be.

One thing he can appreciate of her ability to sniff out Longinus user and sacred gear user.

People who are strong for her war against great red to reclaim her place in dimensional gap.

Rivezim scoffs how easy was to trick the Ourborous dragon.

Making fake promise to help her.

It was his goal to unseal Trihexia and wage a war on the other world.

Killing great red was his goal.

But the problem was the main component of the plan was running around making a mess of things.

He could use the Hero Factions method to take what is precious to him to join.

A cruel smile make on his face.

But he soon loses that smile.

How in nine hells name he can gas the Longinus user out.

He just had to strike at the right opportunity.

If he can't get the grail there is a replacement in the Vatican.

Combining the other holy relics he could boost the power not only to find Trihexia but narrow his search down by harmonizing the frequency of other holy relics.

He heard how the Sephiroth Graal user may be a genius sorcerer.

Making his Longinus signature be all over the world making it nigh impossible to track it down.

But two can play this game.

Since the user harmonized the signature around the world he would also use the other holy relics as a radar to find him.

No matter how strong he is he is Nothing against his power.

If the rumor about hunting other Longinus user is true.

Then they will surely meet.

They know about one that is on the Level of Longinus.

Which is at the same time a holy relic.

Incinerate Anthem of Wlabruga.

Cursed thing it is of the Biblical God.

Then there is one that is with the MIB sealed in a castle.

Then there is one with the hero faction.

Another as the real grail in which christ drank sitting in Vatican just for taking.

He heard Kokable was going to steal the Excalibur fragments to start a holy war.

Killing the sister of current Lucifer and Leviathan.

The audacity to mimic their power.

He was there to observe the original stans power.

He can only scoff at the soft children masquerading as them.

Everything is all coming together soon they will meet.

Now they have to stay low after the capture of their latest foot soldiers.

Some information sure have leaked.

They will surely rise from the ashes.

Rivezim: Euclid lay low and give my messages to Kokabile. We are partnering with him to gather holy relics.

Also call the merry band of Cao cao.

We are kidnapping so someone after we lay low until the heat dies down.

Euclid: Understood lord Rivezim.

!!!!Back with Ophis and Zion!!!!

Zion and Ophis wad frying around the ocean of Earth Land.

Zion does not Know where the fuck he is in a middle of fucking no where.

Ophis was enjoying the scenery outside of the screen.

She even teleported out of the X-Wing flying around in the sky.

The world outside was fresh rich with mana.

The atmosphere is making her jolly.

Now he needs to make a spell to guide him to a direction of Fairy Tail.

If he remembers a fairy is sleeping underneath it.

So he made a spell with a huge magic circle appearing on top of X-wing.

Surely it picked up the strong magic signature.

Two in fact.

Zion quickly turned his head to the right looking at the object fast approaching.

Far away he can see a dot slowly getting closer and closer.

Ophis also felt the presence and looked at the direction of huge bloodlust.

Zion: Fuck I forgot about the Dragon Edgelord Wannabe.

Zion quickly put the X-1 on auto-pilot and got of the hatch.

Zion called the most powerful arsenal to shoot this guy down.

Zion: ADD!

A small cube materialized in front of Zion.

ADD: Watchya want doc.


ADD: WHOA! Hold to your tits buddy who you wanna pin down so bad.


ADD: ALLRIGHT! Geeze I was having a nice dream about boobies.

Zion just rolled his eyes.

"« Pseudo-personality suspended. Magical energy yield exceeds regulation. Second stage restraint rescinded"

"Seal Thirteen. Decision, start"

Add glowed with a golden hue with the authority given to Zion to use.

Zion grabbed it and unleashed the beam to the sky.

The clouds parted to show the one who rules above the sky his commitment.

Zion: This a battle that will no Elemental. Add: "Approved"

Zion: This is a battle against an enemy mightier than oneself. Add: Approved.

Zion: This is a battle to live. Add: Approved.

Zion :This is a battle that does not stand against humanity. Add: Approved.

Zion: This is a battle to protect. Add: Approved.

Add: Third stage restraint rescinded.

The form of add changed with the holy lance of the end of the world coming out.

With circular belt with thirteen jewels circulating around it.

Ophis was looking at the weapon in awe and fear.

The holy light is beautiful just like Birdy's.

A holy spiral pillar rose from it.

Acnologia who acknowledged the attack opened it's own mouth to match the huge attack head on.

Zion was holding the huge spear with one arm buckling under the huge magical pressure.

His reinforcement running all time high.

Zion: Ophis! out f the way! I am gonna fire it!

Ophis came out of the stupor and moved away.

Acnologia in the mean time fired his dragon breath all full power.

Zion: Rhongo-

Zion pulled his hand back with the holy lance.

The A++ noble phantasm attack ready to fire.

Zion: Myniad!

With a push off his right hand he called the true name of the noble phantasm.

A huge ray of light shot out to Acnologias breath tearing through it reaching him in no time.

Because of it's huge battle experience he moved away before his head got blown clean off along with his body.

He managed to move to the side but it was too late for instinct to kick in.

Acnologias right side of the body along with a portion of his head was vaporized as the pillar of light passed through.

With a roar of pain with one of it's wing destroyed it plummeted to the sea.

Zion feel to his knees on X-Wing as Add rescinded it's power going back to his soul.

He was breathing heavily after that huge attack with his body screaming.

He is sure all of Earthland saw the attack.

He didn't think acnalogia would rush towards them to kill a dragon god.

Acnologia fought dragon gods but never won as he did not have Dragon God slayer magic.

That attack would let him think otherwise before attacking Ophis once again.

Arrogant asshole.

Zion opened his helmet to get a breather.

Ophis was poking him on his face after that for answers.

Zion just laid on the moving X-Wing as he swatted the hand away.

Ophis pouted as she sat beside his laid down body.

Ophis: Who was that dragon he felt strong.

Zion: A massive cunt with a overblown Ego. Dude became the very embodiment of the thing he hated.

Ophis: That is.

Zion: A dragon. He was a dragon slayer. Bathing in dragon blood caused him to transform.

Ophis: Hmm interesting. Can we recruit him.

Zion looked at her if she was crazy.

Zion: Absolutely No.

Ophis: Why?

Zion: Do you think he will join us after what I did to him?

Ophis opened and closed her mouth.

Ophis: His pride won't allow it. But if I beat him up he would join.

Zion: Don't even try. Unlike you he has power and magical experience.

Ophis: Experience?

Zion: Did you not listen what I was saying?

Ophis: Umu.

Zion just ran his hand down his face.

Zion: Let's just go to Magnolia Town of Fiore Kingdom.

Ophis just tilted her head.

Ophis: Will there be something to eat?

Zion cursed in his mind.

Food and Strong people. She will surely get along with Natsu.

They spent the rest of the morning of this world in silence as Zion adjusted the spell for fairy magic frequency and changed the course of their travel.

It is going to be a long trip and the start is already shit.

!!!!Few hours of Traveling to Fiore!!!!

Ophis was sitting on the side of the X-Wing looking at the town beneath her fascination.

She can smell the food in the town, if not for Zion promising her for a good meal she would have jumped off and ran around the place.

But first they need to cash in some gold.

As Zion went closer to Fairy Tail he searched for a forest to hide his X-Wing.

As he saw he patch of green he quickly landed the X-Wing in the forest.

There was one thing he noticed.

There were two fairy signatures.

It must be Mavis Child who is a half fairy.

So he found the one with a huge fairy energy.

Behold he was in Magnolia.

The only reason he came her because Makarov was trust worthy and the information is Legit from a person who is in the wizard council.

Zion activated the camouflage of the X-Wing and went towards the place where noise is coming from of the bustling city.

He needs to find a bank to cash in the gold.

Zion looked at Ophis who already jumped down coming to his side.

He grabbed her hand and went to find a path out of the forest.

!!!!Inside the town!!!!

Zion already casted a spell of translation talking with the Locals to guide to the bank.

He soon followed to and found the sign Peggie's Jewels.

He shook his head.

More like Piggies.

He took ophis who was eying the apple candy cart menacingly.

Zion: I will buy you that apple lolipop after I get some money.

Ophis looked at Zion who had a drool running from her mouth.

Zion sighed and got in.

But there is one problem.

He does not have an Id.

So he can just to structural analysis and make a fake one with runes while observing people handing their.

Projection can come handy in this time.

Zion went to the nearest desk that was empty and stated his business.

Zion: I want to trade some gold.

"Your ID"

Zion looked to the side and activated his stigma and scanned the magical Imprint and card.

He moved his hand backwards and made one.

The person seems to interested in her nails instead of him.

Zion put it in front of her after her as she looked it over as she recognized the imprint in her magi tool.

"How much gold to you want to trade for Jewels"

Zion waved a hand at his side and opened a portal startling the person and bought out a gold bar.

The person was close to calling the guards if the person bought out something else.

Zion: Ten of these.

"Right these way"

The persons attitude changed to that of a humble girl.

!!!!After the exchange!!!

Zion was on his way to fairy tail with Ophis in toe with her apple Lolipop munching on it.

Zion saw the building that had a fairy with a tail and immediately got in.

The rowdy atmosphere that was going on inside came to a stop.

Zion can't blame them.

Ophis was a Monster in disguise with the aura of supremacy.

A crash came to the side with a running sound coming towards him.


It was none other than Natsu the dragon slayer.

Natsu tried to jump on Ophis but Zion grabbed him on his face.

Zion: I advice caution while dealing with a dragon.


A flying blue cat came trying to get hold if him.

Natsu: Come on! I want to ask a question!

Zion: You can ask the question later, right now I need to meet master Makarov.

Mirajane came over as she was sweating because of the aura of of Ophis.

Ophis looked over the people especially Natsu as she felt something inside him.

She focused her pupils and looked at the dragon who was sleeping in a volcanic region.

Igneel was startled and looked over to the gaze.

He released a not so girly shriek.

There were purple slits in his domain looking at him in a curious gaze.

Eyes that radiated power.

Igneel got up and roared as he felt a challenge issued towards him.

The purple eyes had a jolly look before it rescinded it's aura.

Natsu who had his soul being gazed on had his instinct screaming to run away far as possible but his tenacity to get answers prevailed.

Grey: Hey let go of him you Jerk!

Zion: Only if he does not try to jump on my companion, it is for his own safety he does not.

Grey had his hands with frost as he was closing in on the armored person.

Makarov: That is Enough!

Natsu: But master!

Makarov: You are in presence of a Dragon Natsu it is better if you do not anger her. Also come inside my office since you want to meet me it means you have urgent business.

Makarov felt the presence from a mile away.

He was ready to intervene if the dragon caused trouble but it seems they need his help.

Zion let go of Natsu as he fell to his knees breathing heavily.

Mirajane came and looked him over with Happy looking at him with worry.

Zion: Sorry I had to keep him like this, if I did not he would be dead by now.

Mirajane: It's allright you did it to protect him.

Ophis: Can we recruit him.

Zion: Maybe later but for now let's get to out pressing issue with our problem.

Ophis: Hmm yes the hearts.

Zion went with Ophis to wards Makarov.

Zion: Sorry for causing a Fiasco but we are in a hurry. We have another dragon tailing us so I want to make out business fast.

Makarov: Right this way.

Natsu: Wait another Dragon?

Zion: We will talk later. I know you want to ask about Igneel.

Makarov had a surprised look on his face.

Ophis just contemplated the name as she looked at Natsu again causing him to freeze.

She pointed her finger towards him.

Ophis: I'll get you later.

Natsu and Happy had a chill go up their spine.

With that Zion went with Makarov along with Ophis to his office.

!!!!In the office!!!

Makarov sat on the table with Mirajane on his side and with Zio and Ophis on the other side.

Zion opened her helmet surprising Makarov how you he is.

Makarov: My I though you were older.

Zion: I am. My age is 79. For why I look like this it is because of certain troubles.

This caused Makarov to be shocked along with Mirajane.

Makarov did not ask about it as it seems the person seems to skirting around the topic.

Makarov: So what do you need from and old master like me.

Zion: I need a map and the location of a huge Ether-Nano Island.

Makarov has a serious look on his face.

He folded his hands and closed his eyes of the implication.

Makarov: So much Ether-Nano what do you want to do with it.

Zion: Summoning spell.

Makarov: Summon just what exactly.

Zion: The first Dragon Draco.

Makarov: ....

Ophis was looking at Zion like he was crazy. The name she heard gives a sense of familiarity.

Makrov gives sigh as he never heard of a spell to summon a dragon, especially the one that claims to summon an original dragon.

Either this person is crazy or he possesses a spell that not even the world knows off.

Makarov look at Mirajane and asks the object before hand before someone tries to higher someone for a quest.

A memory Lacrima.

To check for any lies of the employer.

Makarov looks and the crystal and contemplates about this meeting.

Makarov: You know you could have gone to a Library to get the knowledge about places for high Ether-Nano Crystal.

It is common knowledge the land of Stella and it's seaside with Ice berg making a boundary with it around the sea has the most.

But since you came here to ask for my help, you must have known I am member of the magic council with the authority to access information about forbidden places.

Also places that are not like the place with huge ether-nano reserves.

Zion: I know about Stella that is for sure, but it does not hurt to confirm.

Makrov: So you want to buy such information from me?

Zion: No not really but I want your help administrating dragon slayer magic.

Makarov and Mirajane gave a shocked gasp, with Makarovs Jaw coming off with snot coming out of the snow.

Makarov: You damn coot! do you understand the significance of your actions!

Makarov: Also is this Lady going give her power to you?

Ophis just looked at Makarov with a blank face

Zion: Nope but the First Dragon.

Makarov sighs and fell on his sofa.

It is not the first time he is hearing incredulous words.

Makarov: Is it not dangerous, I heard the first dragon slayers were not fortunate for the experiment.

Mirajane: Won't you die if you do the procedure.

Zion: I have my friend here protecting me from anyone who interferes. Also I have incredible regeneration. If my heart blows I will just regenerate again.

Makarov at those words stilled and made a hard face. Now he needs to confirm something about his person.

Makarov: I want to check your memories if you want to hire me. This is our policy for all our employers so they do not cheat us. Why do you need my help for?.

Zion: Spell carving on ether Nano. You are the most experience are you not?

Makarov handed the memory crystal to Zion who just looked it over with ophis curious as always.

Zion: Some of my memories are sealed. You can see only some memories.

Makarov: Why is that.

Zion: A god doesn't take kindly for other people to know forbidden knowledge.

Makarov gives a sigh.

Makarov: Just which God did you anger to be in such a state.

Zion: More like hired.

Makarov gave a confused look.

Makrov: Just show me what you have, if you are not honest forget about helping you in your quest.

Zion: Sure looks like you know about gods.

Makarov: More than anyone as I am the member of the Wizard council who deals with S-Rank quest.

Zion inputted his memories.

Zion: Let me warn you some memories would be heart wrenching.

As the transfer was done Mirajane and Makarov is about to dive in a new world of secrets.

!!!!Five hours later with some meal break for ophis and puking!!!!

Makarov: I won't help you.

Zion: Is it because I am not from his world.

Makarov: It is because you are a loose cannon.

Zion: Look at the pot calling the Kettle Black.

Makarov enlarged his fist and bashed it on the table.


Zion lost color from his eyes.

Zion: I know you have some principle's to adhere to, but you cannot expect all worlds to be sunshine and rainbows. Your world has slavery I am sure you are aware.

Makarov folded his hands on his chest.

Makarov: What makes you to have the right to judge peoples life and death like that. You abandoned the people who were chained in cells they were still innocent. At least you could show the hope of rescue.

Zion: I gave them the release of death from their suffering. It was instant with no pain. Even if I did they would have been a hollow husk.

Makarov: That is exactly what I am afraid of! first 10 then 100 and later 1000s!

Makarov: What would your parents think when they see you are playing judge with no Laws to bind you.

Zion: I have laws that bind me and that is my own moral code.

Makarov: Morals change over time, won't yours too? I am sure there are people who can enact justice for those souls.

Zion: In a world where God is dead. The others are not much of a help either, they are only interested in their own authority and pathway to flourish painting it to their own Ideal world.

Makarov: Aren't you doing the same?

Zion: Do I pressure my Ideal World on people. No I don't. I am there to give a reality check where others won't even stand up.

Someone needs to stand up challenge Ideals that are filled with hypocrisy.

When one's ideals are challenged they can see the error in their ways and try to fix it.

Makarov: What are your Ideals.

Zion: To make sure humanity learns to pass on their own Ideals and dreams instead of clinging uselessly to it for a vain purpose that may or may not be achieved.

Makarov: You want to challenge Gods for this Ideals.

Zion: Gods think they are "RIGHT" making a future that is "BEST" for all. But Humanity must be the one to be one to find the path not the other way around. The must take heart to their teachings and find their own Creed and code of living.

Makarov: You want to gain power to preach such Ideals.

Zion: Sometimes it takes an asshole to beat an asshole. If I don't beat out the dogmatic ways of a close minded individuals they won't be open to other ideas. Unlike humans gods cannot adapt to change in environments. They are old complacent with the old ways. When there is change their thought's become erratic.

Makarov: I still won't help you.

Makarov Said it with finality.

Makarov: I am afraid of what you would become. I am afraid power would consume you like the ones that had clear eyes filled with Hope and Passion.

Zion: That I would see the end of my path.

Zion stood up and got to the door of the office.

Makarov: Is there no other way.

Zion: There is but I would follow it later. First I need to survive a Gods challenge.

Makarov: What pushes you to challenge a God.

Zion: Parents must realize when a child has grown up to leave the nest. I must show that I have grown enough to take the matters of my destiny in my own hands.

Makarov: To liberate yourself from the chains of Gods. Is that you are aiming for.

Makarov: Hmm. You know what the end of this path will take you.

Zion: There is no regret it is the path I seek. You only live once.

Makarov: Darn it! damn your words of philosophy. Fine I will bite don't come crying over to me.

Zion chuckled and went out of the office.

Makarov: What will you tell to Natsu about Igneel.

Zion: Same thing you saw in my memories.

Makarov made a solem look.

Makarov: Can you help him. Mostly can you help Erza.

Zion: Since you are helping me, I am sure to return the favor.

Makarov: What about acnologia.

Zion: What about him? I am pretty sure he is out of commission for a year.

Makarov: Let's leave in the morning.

Zion: Yes let's us have an adventure.