

There are concept of parallel worlds that are yet to be proven. Numerous possibilities branched into a timeline. Some come to fruition but others Wisk away to nothingness. So which possibility is real? Which one is fake? Zion Monjur in his age of 70 was wisked away to his parallel self in dxd temporarily. What caused for him to be needed? Why was he given an authority which one can dream of? Even if it is temporary. Also who are these people bickering in a not so called chat group? Where is the Gacha? and the store? Why can I only talk with people who I do not know?

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Mana Heart Circle, Reishi and Seven Crappy Hours

Zion has never faced such bullshit in his life.

He did bullshit like two timing in a relationship.

Bullying the bully using underhanded tactics.

And submitting school assignments of a year in two days during covid.

The last one made him a legend among everyone.

Ah shit now he remembers covid.

He hopes that does not spring up.

Now he is preparing himself Infront of the mirror as his mother is making sure the tie stays in place.

White shirt, Black pants and a black tie with the emblem on his breast pocket.

With his now small form he looks like an adorable muffin.

His father in the back standing proudly like he himself dressed him up, though he paid the school fees.

Kamal Mojumdar.

An older replica of himself but some difference.

Long brown hair and gold eyes?

In his other world he was pretty sure it was brown.

Did DxD world did something to its residence? Zion can feel mana and ki flowing in the wind as China is top of his country.

Humaira: There you look ready and perfect.

{Zion: Perfect as a muffin can be}

Kamal: Well, the red eyes do give quiet the imposing figure. I was surprised when your mother told me about it. Though we will go to the doctor this weekend to see what caused these changes.

{Zion: No father you will not do such things with especially taking my blood. I will have to cast blood magic to remove the quirk factors. Doing all the work is a hassle}

Zion: No, I am not going to the doctor. I am fine.

Kamal: Don't worry it's a normal eye check, what can possibly go wrong.

{Zion: Father if you knew Murphy, you would not be saying this. Living in a supernatural world many things can go wrong. What will go wrong can go wrong. I might have to kill the doctor who may turn out to be a Rakshas, Jinn, Youkai or Devil}

Zion looked at the mirror and looked over his makeover.

Long brown hair, red eyes and a baby face compared to an old one.

(A/N: The Profile pic of this web novel)

Looking into a new mirror rather than an old one.

Zion: Haa let's go.

Kamal: Why the down ridden face. Were you not excited to go to school yesterday.

{Zion: I completed my university life. I can easy clap high school. Though I was a good student in my previous life. Doing it again is a hassle. What do you know? I'll make a perfect copy like Inuyashiki with my consciousness. I'll be off like Shadow to build my faction as the shadow garden}

Kamal picked his son in his arms and looked at his son's face.

It looks like he is bored and is resigned himself for hell.

Why did that change come now?

Kamal: I'll give you ice-cream when we comeback from school.

Zion: Give me chips instead of ice-cream.

Kamal: Hmm I am sure you liked ice-cream like it's part of your blood.

Zion: Let's just go and be done with it.

Humaira: Why are you so down cheer up, it's a new day for an adventure. You will make new friends who will stay for the rest of your life.

{Zion: Backstabber and snitches that's what they are}

Zion: Friends hmm.

Humaira: Now let's go we don't want to be late

Zion was now off to his own world of Lala land.

Waking up at 7: 00 to go to school that starts at 9 every day.

He is not doing that routine like a sheep meant to be tamed.

Reality is much more to be seen.

The only thing he is concerned about recreating technology and increasing his strength.

DxD is a much more gruesome world than one expects.

Especially ExE.

Bruh it's brutal.

What they did to great red after killing him was no joke.

A pet and an experimental dog.

Zion knows for a fact Great Red may see through his dream or not as his mind is sealed but he should give him an heads up and some training montage.

Giving some Dragon Runes of the First Dragon the Constellation Draco would be enough.

Also some Runes from Dragon Kur of Marvel Multiverse.

The Dragon who has seen the End of Magic and the Pinnacle.

Agamotto had to recognize his prowess as one who could kill celestial and master the time stone to its fullest extent.

Great Red's survival means the worlds survival.

If that Lizard cannot stop ExE's attack this world is good as dead.

The problem he is now facing is making some Rituals to increase his magical prowess.

He can recreate Third Magic, Fourth Magic and Fifth with the materials present in his space pocket.

Also, there is the Issue of developing Mana Circuits to Magic Lines of higher from which is the astral from that takes in magic from the root of universe.

One such knowledge about magic sequence he has is from the Universe of Gaius with the Magic crest and Grain Raven from the manga "The mage will master magic efficiently in the next life".

Accessing those power and laws will attract the attention of all the Gods from the pantheon, so he needs to do it in a world where is not bothered by them.

For now, he will use Desir Armas's Root Magic and Lee Sunghoon from "The Sorcerer king manhwa" to pave his path.

The less that is said about the Certain Magical Index World the better.

Those Magic Gods are crazy, destroying and remaking the world like it's no one's business.

But the main issue is his body.

He needs to make a serum to get it upto par for him to hold different systems of magic.

Especially the perfect Golden sentry serum.

Magic Erbea can help in that regard and the Library of Negi Springfield is extensive.

Expected as he is known the evilest immortal alive.

Would he reach that level as the path he forges is his own.

That's not even a question but a demand as he lived his life this way.

He needs to do Dragon Kind modification on his body before he takes the serum.

He can also take the serum instead of the dragon heart.

But the advantage far outweighs the disadvantage.

As it enables him to use dragon tongue and runes.

If he uses them now, he is sure to explode like a balloon.

The only reason he is using the Runes of Calagistro is because of its roundabout way of taking a quality of another dimensional energy and converting a huge store of it using the Magic Leylines of the universe.

Yes, the universe has leylines and there are several nexuses. There are also ways to acess nexuses of different universe like the second magic from fate but using a higher from of it's magecraft.

One concern Zion has on his body to increase its prowess in physical combat.

He does not want to die to actually activate Magic Erbea as it activates in high pressure combat by taking enormous damage.

So, he needs an alternative.

He clearly remembers there is something called touki and senjutsu in this world.

So, can he use the leylines to Convery it to Reishi and be a Quincy?

Bleach abilities are busted so he will do just that.

He can become Urya Ishida with the bow.

He has several arrays of Kido to and runes to help him become one.

Increasing the strength of the soul will also help him master the mystic arts of vishanti and white magic.

In this nine years Zion will do just that before he departs to a different universe for some accumulation in the current crisis.

Visiting Star Wars is a must.

With Ricks Portal gun blue print, he can go anywhere.

Also, he needs to hunt for some stocks in business world and some land for his faction.

Making a company sounds good.

When he goes back home, he will make a training montage and make a mana circle in his heart using the formula of Desir Arman and Lee Sughoon the magic god.

Learning some magic from Negi Springfields Library.

Baby Steps.

Zion was startled by the change in postion.

He didn't realize that all that thinking has set him in a loop.

His parent's and him was now in a Rickshaw going towards the school.

Now he is on the lap of his father who is looking at him concerned.

Kamal: Are you worried about school my boy. Let me tell you a story about how I went to school on a mud filled road with determination.


Zion: Agh!

Zion closed his eyes and held his ears to stop his dad's reminiscence.

His mother was looking at his father like the biggest bullshit was coming from his mouth.

Zion will just look up blue prints for his android to take his place in school.

Also, he needs to learn Re- Newal Taekwondo of Jin-Mori to increase his skills and some sword skills like Ichhi-Ryu.

Some mental discipline will help when mastering those arts.

Zion can just salivate thinking about the skills and tech he can make as he dreamt about them.

With the creation quirk he can make any technology in his arms.

Visiting Halo Universe to steal some Spartan armor does look tempting, he can make a better one by hunting for some materials.

Blacksmithing will also be a thing.

He can use runes of fae to help with it.

Soo many objectives and so little time to do all of them.

His Sacred Gear is troublesome.

Maybe for practice he will extract some sacred gears if his country possesses any or maybe around the world.

A nice research material.

Alchemy form full metal alchemist will help a lot.

Philosophers stone for the win.

He might go to Harry potter universe for some materials to be hunted.

A stray thought goes through Zion's mind.

Why would he need a faction?

He can create android like YORAH Units and Transformers.

Also, if he remembers he can make scale mail with his Sephiroth Grail.

Managing a group is a hassle anyways, also there is betrayal to look out for.

An evil smile makes on Zions face.

What if he Both had Sephiroth Grail and Annialation Maker?

Oh man the look of three factions face will be a look to preserve.

He can also recreate Shadow Monarchs ability with the grail if he separates the concept of death and utilizes it.

Concept of Death and Creation.

{Zion: Oh yeah things are really coming together}

With the grail finding Leonardo is easy.

Leonardo was fourteen when he was in the group. So he needs to strike when he is twelve or the time the Hero faction did not find him.

Immortal Army for the win.

He needs to make a VPN to make a magical VPN to mask his Sacred gear while he kidnaps Annialation maker.

With Evil new beginnings Zion has set a path of not so destructive tendencies.

Off to school now first.

!!!!Arriving at school!!!

Zion was enjoying the scenery of the young Dhaka of his country in Bangladesh.

Things were still open area as new establishments were not made yet like KFC and Dominos.

There was the open field of Abohani the place he joined a cricket club.

Maybe he will join early to get his body in shape.

Going into a dojo is a no go as all of them are shit in his country.

But in the club you do some real cardio.

There is also the function of his subspace where he could train for an indefinite amount of time using the time chamber.

Setting up runes at home to collect Reishi for his quincy training.

Runes to purify the Ki in the air and converting it to Reishi, what will the ratio be?

But one of the advantages are is that the absolute destruction of beings of spiritual level using the spirit weapon.

There is also the issue of making the Santel Glove to increase the effectiveness of Reishi, though he will cross the bridge when he gets there.

Zion looks over and sees he has arrived at Dhanmondi.

There was no traffic in this area in this year but in the later as industry booms, it will be a mess.

{Zion: Going to school what a drag, should I skip grades? Nah too much attention}

Humaira: We are here.

Zion looks over the sign hanging and a lot of memories and feelings well up inside.

Silverstine international school.

Lot of good memories and heartaches.

He wonders if his Ex-Girlfriend is still here.

Not the age to be thinking about this, but for his sake he will avoid the relationship altogether but still remain friends nothing more, nothing less.

Zion looks over the white gate and the guard.

{Zion: Haa still as dutiful as ever Alomgir}

Zion remembers how he went out of the school as the guard went out from his post.

He doesn't regret it at all.

Those rebellious days were the best.

Kamal: Now let us go meet my friend who runs the school.

{Zion: Oh shit yeah the principle owns the school he made, nice guy}

Zion: Friend?

Humaira: Are you sure you want your sun in this school.

Humaira was still skeptical about a school ran by the owner who is a businessman.

There are people who are suitable to take that position.

Though she is not wrong.

Juggling both school and business is a hustle.

{Zion: Not to mention school and business will declare bankruptcy because of a certain incident in stock, maybe he will fix that}

Kamal: Don't worry he is the most capable person I know in my university days of studying sociology.

{Zion: Sure, father sure let's see if you say the same words in a few years, also I need to make sure you accept certain projects in your start company not harmful}

Zion remembers the trouble his father made when accepting a project that is not religiously moral in our country.

A project of Sociology that involves spreading "Gay" culture.

Father even didn't know what that meant before he took the project.

An innocent mind.

Especially Islamic State and Christian State who runs in this country, this is a big no go.

Zion wonders if the Big G was Alive here that he would do? Smithe them to oblivion?

Entering the gate of the school Zion looked over the empty field and the old office room of the school.

He can see his father calling his friend to let him know of the arrival.

Zion can see children of his age which is now 4 playing in the field.

He is 70 and he is back here playing go go and ga ga.

Since he was a Data Scientist, he will get a Job at google firm as a freelancer to move out from the country.

Being a computer engineer pays good as the market will be booming in 16 years.

Especially the Telecommunication sector.

He remembers his uncle is working there.

Maybe he will take a look there.

As Zion was there is father released a large "Hey" as he met his friend giving hugs to each other and greeting people.

If Zion remembers his name was Yasin and the rest he does not care.

Yasin: Hello there, how are you.

Yasin was observing Zion who had a bored face.

Zion looked at the principal with a indifferent gaze that put of both his mother and father.

Zion: Greetings My name is Zion Monjur. I came here to have fun.

{Zion: Best bullshit I can ever cook}

Yasin: I assure you as long as you are in this school you will not be bored.

Yasin reaches for a handshake and Zion reciprocates.

Yasin: Quiet the child, I can see the intelligence in his eyes.

{Zion: 70 years of experience that is what you see play boy}

Zion just looks at the principal with a stink eye.

Giving glances to his mom.

On the second thought.

He will let the school burn as he goes off to London.

!!!!Inside the School!!!

Yasin was talking to his father and Zion and his mother were inside the school were the small renovated play ground for kids who were still here for the opening ceremony.

Zion quickly look over to spot his homies and to his joy he found them.

Atef Abrar.

Abid Jamil.

Abid was making sure the doll dinosaur is dead by slamming it to the floor, so Zion will avoid him.

His two best buds who stayed true friend till the end.

There are other's who did not arrive in this school but this two ae his best buds.

He will treat them the respect they deserve instead of being an asshole he was, but they still forgave him.

Others can go break a neck.

With great trepidation Zion gazed upon someone he had crush on.

Sushmita shen.

Topa Roy.

A girl with black curly hair and other with twin tails.

Zion will just stay away from childhood love altogether.

Why he would do that?

In the future people will change and love will die out as True love is hot pile of Horseshit.

Humaira: Why are you standing here go and make some friends.

Zion looks over and sighs.

He can only oblige.

Zion walked over to his going to be homies and made himself known.

Zion: Hey what are you playing.

The boy with a messy black hair and blue eyes looked at Zion.

Atef: I am playing Duck go poom poom.

{Zion: Oh, my fucking God, I am skipping this school and having an android taking my place.}

Zion: Uh okay. Can I be your friend.

Atef: You want to be my friend!

Zion: Yes, I am new here, my name is Zion. Can you show me your classroom and school.

Atef: Yes yes.

Atef clapped his hands in joy.

Zion rolled his eyes at this action.

Atef went up dusted his pants and grabbed Zions hand and ran off to his class.

Zion just chuckled and went with the flow.

Humaira was proud how her son was brave enough to start a conversation.

Atef was joyous to show his teacher a new friend.

Zion just looked at the room with nostalgia making over his place.

{Zion: Too much Deja-vu and good memories}

Atef: Miss Munni! I made a new friend!

Zion looked over at his Play Group teacher.

Suddenly a chill ran up his spine.

Zion whipped his head at the corner of the class room.

There he saw someone with an aura of a being that was not human.

If Zion can access his omniscience, he would know that was a certain, being he would guard up the most as they are troublesome users of magic like the fairies.

Zion observed the girl with pitch black long hair and dark silver eyes holding her bag on the table looking around scared.

{Zion: I knew this was a supernatural world but meeting the supernatural the first day}

Zion took a deep breath and look at the Teacher to tear away the eyes from the being.

{Zion: Looks like I need to set up additional systems in my android}

Atef: Zeon come meet Miss Munni and Maisha.

Atef ran over to that girl Zion was wary of which caused Zion to release a curse in his thoughts

Munni: Now now I know you are excited why don't you introduce you friend.

Zion: My name is Zion, I came here to study in this school.

Munni: Oh, my how active you are. Kids in your age are mostly shy.

{Zion: That's because they are afraid and freaked out as parents think they abandoned them in a place doing things like studying, which is a foreign concept for people who chased butterflies.}

Single sentence to sum up the situation.

Atef was making himself a fool to Maisha who can nod her head and be wary.

{Zion: Damn it man you are already smitten with her; she can chop your head off in a millisecond}

Atef: Zion come here and meet my first friend.

{Zion: I was you first friend! Bros before Hoes man}

With a grumpy look Zion made his way towards the kid.

In a split-second Zion activated Will-Heim stigma and analyzed the girl who was distracted and deactivated it.

{Zion: A Jinn is it and a half one at that}

Zion: Haa my name is Zion what's your name?

Maisha: M-a-isha.

Munni: Come now Maisha don't be afraid, they want to play with you, if they hurt you I will give them a Boo Boo.


Zion: Ehm so what do you do here.

Atef: Study Alphabets. I can already recall 10 letters.

{Zion: Bravo Usain Bolt loves you dedication}

Zion: Ok.


Maisha: eep!

Maisha was startle trying to hide herself with her bag.

Zion rolled his eyes again.

Atef was ecstatic at this revelation like something miraculous was done.

Zion gives no shit.

Atef: Abid you defeated a dinosaur! How did you do it!

Abid: Off course with my Fists!

{Zion: My braincells just committed suicide. Godzilla would have a stroke hearing this}

Atef: Really! I want to that too!

Abid: YES! I'll show you how to.

Atef ran over to Abid to join the fun.

Zion just sat on the small table interested to see what they will do.

Abid just threw the huge Dinosaur doll on the floor.

Abid: Stomp on it!

Then both of them started to slam the feet on the dinosaur doll.

Zion's face just tuned gray.

Miss Munni was appalled at these actions screaming at them to stop destroying school property.

Maisha was afraid of her life much more just by looking at it.

{Zion: Y-eah I'll just skip 8 years of school altogether}

Humaira was standing on the door just shaking her head at their actions looking at her son who she seems to make a face that has seen bullshit.

Another day in the lives of children.

Time to go home.

!!!!At home!!!!

It was night as Zion was looking from the master bed's room window to the sky.

The stars are bright as ever as there wasn't any factories built at this time.

Also, the place around his home has empty plots of land as the construction of new apartments was not done.

Zion was having the ice cream as the cold wind blew from the window causing him to shiver on the bed.

The day was somewhat eye opening.

This caused Zion to haste his plans for training.

He needs some oil to make lipids for his body to make some equipment using his quirk.

Zion was now holding a Vibranium Ignot in his hand.

He bought it to his face and gave a large smile.

In his hand he has a Magical Superconductor.

He can make a mystic code to convert electricity to mana and combine it with his Mana Heart Circle accelerating the formations of circle.

Lee Sughoon in the Manwha of "I am the Sorcerer king" was a genius.

Using the Alchemy formula, he converted electricity to mana.

Later he made a small mini nuclear reactor to supply his high tier spell.

Why train and make elixirs to increase your mana reserves if you can make something that makes your Mystic crafts easier.

Not to mention his final research to make a mana fusion reactor creating a mana sun using the help of sirens.

What would happen if he combines it with Vibranium?

Infinite Mana.

Then Zion won't have to worry about the ratio of conversion of the astral energy he is drawing from dimensions.

He can copy a portion of Chaos Magic from Chthon and use the infinite mana to make a storage of Chaos energy for him to use. Runes of Calagistro will help him in the regard.

Stealing other people's work.

No wonder other Gods ganged up to kill Calagistro.

Maybe he will go to Marvel dimension to pay homage to him.

Zion went down the bed and made a resolute face Infront of the mirror.

Right now, he is weak which is a fact that cannot be denied.

Compared to other Pantheons and Three factions he is a speck of dust.

He is not a boob loving freak who gets power by screaming boobs.

Though he is pretty sure Issei is the child of the world and is supported by the will of the world.

First things first.

He needs to make a mana circle to increase his magical prowess.

If his body reached the limit he can just make an Elixir Like Ambrosius Made by Ehit in Arifutera.

He can learn Magic from Negi Springfields Library and White Magic For the copy Book of Vishanti he has in his mind.

He needs to make a mirror dimension to mask the presence of Reishi in his house, also making sure his parents does not absorb it in his body.

Being a Quincy would be a drag.

He would need transformation runes to actually elevate his soul.

So, making third magic is a must.

Zion has a theory in mind.

Using runes to make a magic circle that acts as a Cyclotron, accelerating the Ether clumps at light speed.

As the clumps reach certain mass there will be another circle that takes it and breaks it down to energy.

The energy would be then supplied to any mana circle to do mana fusion or combustion.

To do this experiment, he might have to go to fairy tail universe as elevation of soul will be noticed by some people.

Making fifth magic is easy as he will just copy paste the Knowledge from Akashic Records.

Maybe even develop it like time magic of Lucius Zogratis like Black clover.

Touko Aozaki will sure cough up blood if she heard me.

Zelrecht will laugh his ass off.

Lot's of work to do so little time.

Also he needs to make some tech.

Kyber crystals and Zeo crystals from Star Wars and power rangers.

Maybe blue beetle armor from DC.

Making a power rangers suit?

Zion: Heh.

A boys wet dreams coming to life.

Humaira: Zion dinner is ready!

Zion turned his head to the dining room.

But for now, he will enjoy the company of his parents' arms.

Looking at the wooden stick of the ice cream of his hand Zion sees a sign for lottery.


Zion: Well, I am a winner in life.

Throwing the stick out of the window he made his way to the dining room.

Step by Step.

Seven Crappy Hours of school begone

(A/N: Time skip. This chapter was to explain MC's plan for training and his life)