
Creating Manga in the World of One Piece

At twenty-five, Kai is an ordinary young man living in London, recently graduated and working as a journalist. Trapped in a mundane routine and burdened by the responsibility of caring for his older sister after their parents' tragic death, Kai finds solace in his passion for drawing manga, particularly inspired by his favorite series, "One Piece." One fateful night, while traversing a dangerous neighborhood, Kai is fatally shot during a robbery attempt. As he lies dying, a mysterious voice offers him a second chance at life, but in a different world. With nothing to lose, Kai accepts the offer and awakens in the vibrant and adventurous world of One Piece. Kai embarks on a thrilling journey to become a renowned mangaka in the world that once only existed in his drawings. Guided by the enigmatic voice named Leo, who claims to have known his father, Kai navigates the challenges of this pirate-filled world, seeking to carve out a legacy for himself. Facing perilous seas, forming alliances, and battling formidable foes, Kai strives to recreate the epic tales of One Piece from within its universe. Will Kai achieve his dream of becoming a legendary mangaka in the world of One Piece, or will the dangers of this new life prove too overwhelming? Join Kai on an extraordinary adventure where reality and fantasy intertwine, and the pursuit of dreams knows no bounds. +10 advanced chapters are available  at: patreon.com/elyon_om

Elyon_om · Anime & Comics
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The chaos has already begun

He was lucky that those trying to open the door mentioned they had forgotten the key to the room and went to look for it. This brought some relief to Kai's heart, but not for long.

He had to find a way out because soon they would come back with the key to open the room. They would find him there and he would be caught, undoubtedly spending the rest of his life in a subterranean prison for obstructing government operations.

Kai did not want to live like that; he had always wanted to live freely, but boring work had never allowed him to do so. Now that he had the opportunity to live again, he wouldn't waste it, no matter the cost.

The soldiers outside the room continued shouting and trying to find the key, with their leader also continuing to yell.

Kai, still sitting in front of the strange fruit, tried to understand the situation but to no avail. Things were so confusing that he didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, Leo, who occasionally responded, spoke:

"Hello, Kai, it looks like you're in trouble here, ha ha ha."

"Where have you been, you idiot? You've been causing me trouble since day one. What do I do now? I want to get out of here at any cost," Kai said.

"I'll tell you later where I disappeared to. Didn't I tell you you'd make a grand entrance? Ha ha ha."

"Alright, if you want to get out of here and survive in this world, all you have to do is eat that fruit in front of you."

"I know you'll become the World Government's number one enemy, but if you're not willing to sacrifice something, you'll never be able to change anything."

Kai hesitated at first. He knew nothing about this fruit or the power it would give him. But Leo, who could read his thoughts, sensed Kai's hesitation and told him:

"The unknown remains unknown until you explore it, Kai. I chose the perfect fruit for you. Didn't you tell me you wanted to achieve one of your dreams? This fruit will help you. If you want to survive in this world, you must become strong enough to protect yourself."

Kai decided to listen to Leo's words and eat the fruit.

Outside the room, the soldiers still couldn't find the key. Their leader, infuriated, decided to break down the door, which was strong enough to take a long time to break.

Kai tasted the fruit, and as everyone knows, it was the worst taste imaginable. The taste was enough to make anyone vomit, but not Kai, for he had a dream he was determined to achieve, no matter the cost.

He ate the entire fruit, feeling nauseous as his insides hurt and he felt on the verge of passing out. Indeed, he collapsed to the ground, unconscious, too weak to withstand the fruit's power.

At the door of the room, Admiral Sakazuki was desperately trying to open it with all his might. Finally, a glimmer of hope appeared as the door began to bend. Sakazuki continued hitting it left and right with all his strength.

Finally, with one last powerful blow, the door fell to the ground. Everyone was surprised by the leader's strength, but it made sense, given that he was an admiral.

One of the soldiers entered the room to ensure everything was safe and that the cargo was intact. But he was shocked by what he saw: a strange man's body floating in the air. Fear gripped his heart, and he ran out of the room, screaming at the top of his lungs:

"Ghost, ghoooosts! Didn't I tell you it was ghosts attacking us?"

Kai was unconscious, unaware of anything, but Leo began to understand the situation. Despite Kai's weakness, his body was finally responding to the fruit's power after a few minutes of unconsciousness, making Leo think Kai was dead.

This explained why he was floating in the air without any rope or anything of the sort. The soldiers who saw this scene were terrified enough to abandon the ship entirely and jump into the water. Everyone kept fleeing while Sakazuki stood there, not knowing what had happened to them.

He told them to stop doing that and shouted at them, but to no avail. However, he understood that whatever was scaring them was inside that cursed room.

"Whoever you are, identify yourself first and surrender without causing any trouble," said Sakazuki.

Sweat was already dripping from his forehead, and he was angrier than before. This was his first official mission from the government. If it failed, his future would be completely ruined. He had to avoid that and try to succeed at any cost.

Kai, whose body was still floating in the air, suddenly began to fall and hit the ground, then rise and hit the air. He quickly started hitting everything in the room. Kai finally began to wake up little by little, opening his eyes but with blurred vision.

He couldn't see anything except things passing quickly before him. He began to feel his body gradually and experienced severe pain as if his body was crashing into something with great force.

Finally, he realized that his body was crashing into everything, going right and then left.

The soldiers who didn't believe their friend's words about ghosts, when they heard the sound of something crashing inside the room with great force, were convinced and also fled to the sea, which seemed friendlier than ghosts.

Now, only Commander Sakazuki was left on the ship, waiting for whatever creature it was to emerge.

Kai was still swaying left and right, unable to control his body. What was he doing here? He asked himself these questions to ease the pain of crashing into everything.

Suddenly, Leo's voice came again:

"You idiot, control this cursed body! You're making me dizzy."

Kai didn't understand what was happening, so how could he stop it? This was undoubtedly madness.

Leo continued shouting:

"Your body was affected by the fruit you ate. It was strong enough to make you lose consciousness and lose control of your body. Try to focus, and you'll regain control."

Kai finally understood the situation but was angry. Every time he lost consciousness, whatever happened made him lose it again. Would this continue every time? Even girls don't go through this.

He took a deep breath and tried to focus on controlling his body as Leo had instructed. Finally, his body stopped crashing, and Kai let out a long sigh of relief, feeling immense happiness. Finally, the pain he had been feeling was over.

But soon, he lost control again, and his body started swaying left and right once more.

Leo, still shouting angrily:

"You idiot, what are you doing? I told you to stop this."

Kai took another deep breath and tried to focus with all his might. Finally, his body stopped. He tried to straighten up from his upside-down position, with his legs in the air and his head down and succeeded. Now all he had to do was land on the ground. He repeatedly told his body to land as if talking to someone.

"Land, land."

"Land, you idiot...!"

But to no avail, his body didn't respond.

The situation continued for a while. Outside the room, Sakazuki was still standing, wondering if ghosts could talk.




🛑+More than 10 advanced chapters are available at Patreon.com/elyon_om

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