
Creating Manga in the World of One Piece

At twenty-five, Kai is an ordinary young man living in London, recently graduated and working as a journalist. Trapped in a mundane routine and burdened by the responsibility of caring for his older sister after their parents' tragic death, Kai finds solace in his passion for drawing manga, particularly inspired by his favorite series, "One Piece." One fateful night, while traversing a dangerous neighborhood, Kai is fatally shot during a robbery attempt. As he lies dying, a mysterious voice offers him a second chance at life, but in a different world. With nothing to lose, Kai accepts the offer and awakens in the vibrant and adventurous world of One Piece. Kai embarks on a thrilling journey to become a renowned mangaka in the world that once only existed in his drawings. Guided by the enigmatic voice named Leo, who claims to have known his father, Kai navigates the challenges of this pirate-filled world, seeking to carve out a legacy for himself. Facing perilous seas, forming alliances, and battling formidable foes, Kai strives to recreate the epic tales of One Piece from within its universe. Will Kai achieve his dream of becoming a legendary mangaka in the world of One Piece, or will the dangers of this new life prove too overwhelming? Join Kai on an extraordinary adventure where reality and fantasy intertwine, and the pursuit of dreams knows no bounds. +10 advanced chapters are available  at: patreon.com/elyon_om

Elyon_om · Anime & Comics
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Escape plan

In the palace of the Five Sages in the Kingdom of Marigua, the grim news was received with great astonishment. Who is this fool who dares to confront the government so close to their base? Orders were swiftly given to capture him alive

as failure would be a stain on the government's reputation, and news of their failure would spread rapidly across the world.

This could not be allowed to happen, especially with the incident occurring so close to the naval base; they could not afford to fail in capturing the perpetrator.

Instructions quickly reached all the fleet commanders to move and support the main ship that was the target of the attack.

In that room, Kai was still trying to control his body, which he stubbornly refused to obey. Finally, he gained some control and managed to stand on the ground.

This was a small victory for Kai, who smiled with satisfaction, while Leo was not as pleased.

Leo quickly told him that they needed to get out of there, as there were thousands of soldiers and they couldn't stand a chance against such fierce power.

It would be like throwing a small fish into a tank full of sharks. They had to leave before the imminent disaster struck.

Suddenly, Kai felt a shiver run through his body. He didn't understand it at first until Leo explained that since he hadn't mastered the fruit's power, it was starting to sense danger.

It wanted to survive too and didn't want to fall into the government's hands again. It would do anything to escape, and if Kai could control it, it would be very easy.

Kai moved through the room toward the door. The soldiers who hadn't jumped into the sea had transferred to the nearby ships as they approached the main ship for support.

Meanwhile, Commander Sakazuki had reached his position, waiting to find out who was responsible for this catastrophe.

Smoke rose from the door before Kai emerged from the room. He didn't understand where he was or what he was doing there exactly. All he understood from Leo's words was that he was in trouble and needed to get out of it.

His legs began to move involuntarily, scaring him at first.

When the soldiers saw that the person emerging from the ship was an ordinary man, they were surprised.

Hadn't they been told that ghosts were in the room? Finally, Kai stood at the door's edge, assessing the situation. All the ships formed a circle around the main ship as Kai devised an escape plan.

Sakazuki stood before him with strong determination and asked, "Did you eat the fruit, stranger? Identify yourself first, or don't bother; you will when we capture you."

Kai didn't respond with a word; he just stared at him. He was a young marine recruit whose face was familiar to Kai, who tried to remember where he had seen him before quickly realizing it.

He had seen him in the manga One Piece when he was in his world. It was Admiral Sakazuki, who was now standing before him as a young recruit. How he became an admiral was clear to Kai. He must have been strong enough to earn that position.

The soldiers who had jumped into the water earlier started climbing back onto the ship to support their commander after he yelled at them. Kai, who stood in his place, his body trembling occasionally, had realized the danger anyway.

The commander ordered his soldiers to move and capture him since he was an ordinary human. The soldiers quickly formed a semicircle around Kai and began their full-force attack, holding swords in their hands.

Kai was terrified. He had never fought before, and if he had, it was with one or two people at most. How would he handle this situation with so many soldiers attacking him?

Before he realized it, Kai felt his back being pierced. He didn't understand if he had been hit by a sword from behind.

As he thought about what was happening and tried to comprehend it, he felt his back being pierced again. There were now two separate wounds on his upper back.

The soldiers were still advancing toward him. Suddenly, two wings appeared behind him. They were large enough to frighten Kai again.

Two large wings, red with a dark black hue, appeared behind him quickly, making his heart race.

Everyone who saw that scene was shocked, and everyone wondered what was happening. Before their commander told them that he had eaten the devil fruit they were carrying, the "Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Kinryu," a mythical Zoan type fruit. This explained the appearance of wings behind Kai.

Everyone who heard this was stunned. How did this young man, who they had never seen or heard of before across the four seas, manage to breach their defenses so easily and steal the fruit the government had been searching for over centuries?

Finally, the government almost had its hands on its power, but this young man suddenly appeared. We can say that this fruit is one of the most powerful fruits in all the seas.

This young man must have been strong enough to accomplish this feat. The soldiers suddenly stopped when they realized this before Sakazuki yelled at them again, telling them he had stolen the government's treasure and that anyone who allowed him to escape would face unprecedented punishment.

The soldiers picked up their weapons again, which had fallen to the ground when they pondered the strength of the man standing before them, and prepared to continue the attack.

When they got close enough to Kai, he tried to find a place to escape on the ship, but his attempts failed.

His wings continued to grow since their emergence behind his back, eventually reaching the edges of the ship. Here, Kai felt his body spin involuntarily, but he remembered Leo's words that the fruit was also trying to escape.

His wings began flapping rapidly, and the soldiers pursuing him left and right were blown away by the strong winds generated by the wings.

Kai moved right and left to avoid the attacks of the soldiers chasing him wherever he went. It was chaotic on the ship's deck.

Suddenly, Kai felt his legs lift off the deck. He began to rise little by little, and the soldiers who saw this stopped in their tracks and just watched.

They were tired of chasing him anyway, and Sakazuki didn't know what to do and stopped in his tracks as well.

The commanders of the ships surrounding the main ship also just watched. It was quite a show for them before they quickly realized the situation and ordered the soldiers to prepare the cannons.

If they couldn't eliminate him on the ground, he would be destroyed in the sky. But they didn't realize that the sky was the domain of dragons.

Kai was rising rapidly toward the sky, feeling terrified. He had never reached this altitude before and couldn't do anything since he had no control over his body.

After moments of this, the soldiers had prepared the cannons and aimed them upward where Kai was.

Suddenly, their commanders ordered them to fire. Hundreds of shells were launched toward Kai, who didn't realize it until a shell passed close to him.

It was terrifying for him. How would he handle this predicament? How would he escape this disaster?

After moments, the shells were close enough to him to start exploding one after another. It was frightening; if one shell hit him, his body would be torn to pieces instantly.

Before this could happen, his body involuntarily began dodging the shells with remarkable agility. Kai was astonished. At this height, moving with these massive wings so smoothly. If he could control this power, he could achieve the impossible.

The soldiers were shocked that not a single shell hit the target, and the ship's commanders couldn't believe what they were witnessing either...


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