
Creating Manga in the World of One Piece

At twenty-five, Kai is an ordinary young man living in London, recently graduated and working as a journalist. Trapped in a mundane routine and burdened by the responsibility of caring for his older sister after their parents' tragic death, Kai finds solace in his passion for drawing manga, particularly inspired by his favorite series, "One Piece." One fateful night, while traversing a dangerous neighborhood, Kai is fatally shot during a robbery attempt. As he lies dying, a mysterious voice offers him a second chance at life, but in a different world. With nothing to lose, Kai accepts the offer and awakens in the vibrant and adventurous world of One Piece. Kai embarks on a thrilling journey to become a renowned mangaka in the world that once only existed in his drawings. Guided by the enigmatic voice named Leo, who claims to have known his father, Kai navigates the challenges of this pirate-filled world, seeking to carve out a legacy for himself. Facing perilous seas, forming alliances, and battling formidable foes, Kai strives to recreate the epic tales of One Piece from within its universe. Will Kai achieve his dream of becoming a legendary mangaka in the world of One Piece, or will the dangers of this new life prove too overwhelming? Join Kai on an extraordinary adventure where reality and fantasy intertwine, and the pursuit of dreams knows no bounds. +10 advanced chapters are available  at: patreon.com/elyon_om

Elyon_om · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Falling into the Unknown

Kai was falling through that dark hole at great speed, not knowing where he was falling to or from where he was falling. All he could think about was: Was that idiot mocking him? Is this the end? Were all those just deathbed delusions? Is he falling into his grave now? Confused questions and internal conflicts raged as if a fire was burning in his mind that wouldn't extinguish.

Minutes passed by very slowly, as if time itself was conspiring against him. He whispered to himself, with sorrow filling his heart due to his pitiful death: "What an end." Things took longer than he expected, and he began to wonder: When will this nightmare end? He had completely forgotten what that voice in his head had promised him. He cursed the voice saying: "Damn that bastard, I swear if I meet him, I'll kick his ass."

Then there was the hunger, the hunger gnawing at his insides like a bloodthirsty beast. He hadn't eaten anything since the lunch of the day he died in his world. The hunger sank its fangs into his body, growing more ferocious with each passing minute.

About half an hour passed with him in this state. Suddenly, a bit of fresh air began to seep into the place he was falling from, and soon that light air turned into strong winds striking Kai's body with great force, as if in a fierce battle with nature itself.

The darkness before him remained deep, only the strong winds filled the entire place. Kai was breathing with difficulty as if the winds were stealing his breath away. He wished for the ordeal to end quickly, in any way.

At the end of the passage or the well he was falling from, Kai glimpsed a faint light. He was filled with a small joy, finally, the first light he had seen since entering this darkness. The light approached gradually, and the winds grew stronger. Soon a vast light appeared before his eyes. Kai tried to open his eyes but couldn't; the light was too intense after being in total darkness and suddenly emerging into the light. Naturally, it was straining his eyes.

After a few moments, he was finally able to open his eyes and see what lay before him. He saw endless clouds extending infinitely. He wondered to himself: Is this real then? He was somewhat happy, the first scene he saw since being swallowed by the void.

Suddenly, the voice that had been absent before spoke: "Hello again, boy, you didn't tell me your name."

Kai said angrily: "You're back, you idiot, what's happening here and why am I falling so fast?"

The voice replied: "Is this how you greet the one who saved your life, you fool?"

"My name is Kai, didn't I tell you?"

"No, you didn't, and I don't remember much, due to passing through the paths."

Kai was confused, not understanding which paths the voice was talking about or what this nonsense was. He only thought: Will he collide with these clouds or what? Are they real? It would be painful if that happened and he collided with them at this speed.

The clouds were approaching gradually, and Kai was preparing for a major collision. Suddenly, he passed through the very large clouds. Inside the clouds, there was another world, an endless world, entirely covered in white. It was large enough for anyone to get lost in.

Suddenly, he quickly passed through those clouds that remained above him, and the vision cleared before him. He saw a vast blue ocean stretching to the horizon. He quickly realized that he would inevitably fall into it. That voice, "Leo," had told him he would make a grand entrance but didn't mention anything like this.

"Damn, damn, why did I accept in the first place?"

"I will dieeee, oh I forgot I already died before, gyaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."


In the Grand Line, near the Marine Headquarters

A full fleet of warships was approaching, about twenty-seven complete ships, each carrying hundreds of soldiers and vice admirals. This massive fleet indicated that they were transporting something extremely dangerous. The soldiers' voices were rising everywhere, ready to fight if they were attacked.

More soldiers and people were waiting for the scene at the Marineford gate. Thousands of them had gathered there waiting for this massive naval fleet. Conversations were flying among them, some saying it was transporting Devil Fruits, others talking about World Government conspiracies.


Kai's fall continued, and the sea was approaching him rapidly. He spotted some ships beneath him and realized he would collide with them. He whispered to himself: "The big crash will happen here, damn me."

He was getting closer and closer to the warships beneath him. The soldiers on the ships were preparing their cannons and weapons, and being close to the Marine headquarters, maybe something would happen.



Something collided with the main ship, throwing everyone into panic. What the hell is happening? The voices of the soldiers on the accompanying ships rose, shouting that they were under attack.

The ship Kai fell on was the main ship. And where did Kai land? In the room that contained everything. When Kai collided with the ship with such force, the ship nearly capsized in the opposite direction. All the soldiers were terrified, and the ship housed one of the admirals supervising the mission, Admiral Sakazuki. He had recently been appointed as an admiral and was now trying to prove he was worthy of that position.

Therefore, he would not allow his first mission to fail no matter what. Any pirate attempting to attack them here, being a fully armed war fleet with thousands of soldiers, numbering over two thousand, would be like someone throwing themselves into hell if they tried to attack them.

But when he heard the collision sound, his eyes filled with shock, and sweat dripped from his forehead. He struggled to stay on the ship's deck from the impact's force as if a meteor had fallen on them. But he was completely shocked, unable to accept it. He had ensured everything was as it should be, but he never expected an attack from the sky.

Moments later, he shouted at everyone to identify the source of the attack and prepare for battle. Indeed, everyone prepared and armed their cannons and weapons, waiting for the enemy to appear and devour them.

They waited for minutes, but to no avail; no one appeared on the horizon before them. Fear entered their hearts, and they began questioning one another about what was happening.

Suddenly, the vice admirals on the accompanying ships decided to start firing cannons towards the horizon.

The cannons began firing one after the other without stopping, continuing for minutes, but there was no one returning the attack. Fear returned to grip everyone's hearts, and many questions arose without suitable answers.

Some soldiers, overtaken by panic, began to whisper that they were under a ghost attack. Others claimed that the sky was angry with them and had started punishing them with stones or meteors. It was somewhat amusing to others.

However, they still didn't understand anything at all, all they could do was make up endless theories and rumors.

The cannons continued firing one after the other without stopping, for long minutes, but there was no one returning the attack. Fear once again enveloped their hearts, and many questions arose without suitable answers.

Some soldiers, overtaken by panic, began to whisper that they were under a ghost attack. Others claimed that the sky was angry with them and had started punishing them with stones or meteors. It was somewhat amusing to others, but it didn't dispel the mystery surrounding the situation.

In the midst of this chaos, Admiral Sakazuki was walking steadily on the deck of the ship, his eyes blazing with anger and determination. He shouted his orders to the soldiers, demanding they stay calm, but even he didn't have an explanation for what was happening.

In the middle of this chaos, Kai regained consciousness after being out for a few minutes. He opened his eyes with difficulty, trying to figure out exactly where he was.

"What the hell is this?" he muttered to himself.

Suddenly, Kai heard the shouting of some strangers outside the room he had fallen into. He tried to understand what was happening but couldn't make out the words over the noise.

He tried to comprehend the situation but to no avail; he didn't know where he had fallen or why he had fallen here in the first place.

The vision gradually cleared before him, and he began to see some crates adorned with distinctive engravings, topped with sparkling jewels. The place looked like a private treasure room.

Kai started opening some of the crates and was shocked by what he saw. The crates contained various expensive jewelry and ornaments. If he had this amount of jewels in his world, he would have lived a luxurious life and not died such a miserable death.

Kai opened all the crates before him, and each crate was more beautiful than the last and contained more valuable treasure. He felt as if he was in paradise.

In the corner of the room by the entrance, there was a small box lying there. It felt like the dessert that comes after a heavy meal; surely this small box contained the greatest treasure.

But on the other hand, it seemed to Kai as if someone had placed it there in the corner on purpose as if someone wanted to divert attention from it at all costs. If someone broke into the place, they would take the treasures in the room and leave without paying attention to that box in the corner.

The box was covered with dust, confirming Kai's theory. He walked towards the box with steady steps to avoid being heard.

He wiped some of the dust off and opened it with great confidence. It was an ordinary wooden box without any engravings or decorations, but inside the box was a strange fruit. Quickly, it came to Kai's mind that it was a Devil Fruit.

But the fruit was strange. Kai knew the shape of Devil Fruits he had seen before in the One Piece manga when he was in his world.

But this fruit was somewhat different. He was still staring at it, and many questions filled his mind. Is it a Devil's Fruit? Or what?

The fruit's shape resembled that of a dragon, its color was dark red leaning towards black, with silver spots sparkling like stars in the sky. Throughout his history of reading the One Piece manga, he had never seen anything like it.

Kai picked up the fruit with his hand and examined it from all sides, feeling its weight despite its small size. It had a shell adorned with swirling patterns.

"What is this thing, for the seven hells?" Kai muttered to himself.

Suddenly he heard the strangers shouting again approaching the room he was in until they reached the door. He heard one of them shouting at them as if he were their leader or something, telling them to open the room and ensure everything was safe.

Kai heard this and his heart filled with fear. Where would he go? Where would he hide? The room was very small, with no place to hide.


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