
Creating Manga in the World of One Piece

At twenty-five, Kai is an ordinary young man living in London, recently graduated and working as a journalist. Trapped in a mundane routine and burdened by the responsibility of caring for his older sister after their parents' tragic death, Kai finds solace in his passion for drawing manga, particularly inspired by his favorite series, "One Piece." One fateful night, while traversing a dangerous neighborhood, Kai is fatally shot during a robbery attempt. As he lies dying, a mysterious voice offers him a second chance at life, but in a different world. With nothing to lose, Kai accepts the offer and awakens in the vibrant and adventurous world of One Piece. Kai embarks on a thrilling journey to become a renowned mangaka in the world that once only existed in his drawings. Guided by the enigmatic voice named Leo, who claims to have known his father, Kai navigates the challenges of this pirate-filled world, seeking to carve out a legacy for himself. Facing perilous seas, forming alliances, and battling formidable foes, Kai strives to recreate the epic tales of One Piece from within its universe. Will Kai achieve his dream of becoming a legendary mangaka in the world of One Piece, or will the dangers of this new life prove too overwhelming? Join Kai on an extraordinary adventure where reality and fantasy intertwine, and the pursuit of dreams knows no bounds. +10 advanced chapters are available  at: patreon.com/elyon_om

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News arrives

The crowds gathered at the entrance of the navy headquarters included a group of journalists who witnessed the entire incident. They took out their pens and transmitters, starting to report the news of the government's failure to all the newspapers. The government tried its utmost to cover up the matter, but to no avail.

News spread like wildfire, quickly reaching every sea and was seen by millions around the world. The newspapers were reporting the truth, as they were no longer under the government's control.

Everyone who heard or read the news was shocked and asked: Who is this man with the courage to attack an entire fleet alone right in front of Marineford? The news was like a thunderbolt to some pirates; only a few could face the navy in battle and emerge victorious.

Many admired Kai, and he had many critics as well, but they were all certain he would not get away with it, no matter how long it took. The newspaper also mentioned that no one had seen the attacker before, either among the navy soldiers or those present near the headquarters across the four seas; he was a stranger to them.

Pirates around the world were also shocked by this news and wondered: What if this man survived the battle? He would become the government's number one enemy. And what if he belonged to a pirate crew? The age of pirates would become even more chaotic, which was what they certainly wanted.


Facing the navy fleet, Kai was still trying hard to dodge their cannon fire. His wings were large enough to help him perform defensive maneuvers that no ordinary person could, as he ascended bit by bit toward the clouds, moving out of the cannonballs' range.

All the soldiers and commanders on the ships were furious. This was a disgrace to them all: thousands of soldiers facing one man, and yet they made no progress. Among them was the young admiral Sakazuki, and this was his first mission, in which he failed.

Kai continued to ascend toward the horizon, and everyone could only watch; they had no control in the sky. If they had wings, it would have been a battle above the clouds, but they just stared, leaving the matter to something—perhaps nothing, perhaps just illusions that came to their minds. But, in one way or another, they were deeply shamed.

Kai kept rising toward the clouds, not fully understanding what was happening. He had completely lost control and wondered how he could stop this. His body continued to rise until it pierced the white clouds, which he had admired for their beauty before.

Finally, after a long struggle, he reached the top of the clouds, and his body began to slow down. The speed of his ascent was so insane that he felt like his insides were about to explode.

Before that beautiful scene between the white clouds and the clear blue sky, Kai felt an indescribable calm. No sound, no noise, no ships, nothing. It was a magnificent scene. Behind him, the sun spread its rays as if saying to all beings, "Enjoy this magical moment."

Before the breathtaking scene, Kai took a deep breath, trying to regain control of his body. That moment was a turning point when he quickly realized that if he could master this new power, he could achieve the dream he had always desired.

But the thought that haunted him was that the government would not leave him in peace; they would make his life unbearable. He had to disappear now until the storm calmed down. He became their arch-enemy and declared war with this bold act.

Kai finally felt he could control his wings, which he had gained in a way he didn't yet understand. The wings moved as he wanted, and he quickly adapted to the power of this new world.

He decided to embark on a journey through the clouds, and before he could complete his thought, he shot like an arrow through the sky at an incredible speed he had never experienced before. The scene was astonishing: a vast sky, clouds, and wings soaring away from the noise of the world, true freedom.

Suddenly, Leo's voice returned, the voice Kai had yet to understand where it vanished during critical times.

"It seems you've survived, you scoundrel, but not for long; the war with the government will begin now," Leo said in astonishment.

"I know, I'm ready for whatever comes. No matter the outcome, I can only accept it. I've always wanted to live freely for a long time."

Leo and Kai continued their conversation as he flew among the clouds, going right and then left; it was all crazy for Kai.

Kai was impressed with his wings but suddenly felt tired. Leo explained that his body wasn't yet accustomed to the power of the fruit, so there would be some side effects over time.

Leo was surprised at how quickly Kai controlled part of the fruit's power, which was flying.

Suddenly, Kai felt his wings were about to stop. If this happened, he would be in real trouble. Soon, the wings did stop. Kai tried hard to flap them, but to no avail, and he began to fall. It was terrifying.

The first time he fell, he ended up on the deck of a ship. But this time, the sea awaited him, and having eaten the Devil Fruit, things would spiral out of control.

Fear filled his heart as he tried to find a way not to fall from this height.

However, Leo said nothing, as if he was sure something would happen and wanted to hide it from Kai.

Suddenly, Leo's words came like a thunderbolt:

"Keep descending, Kai."

"What are you saying, you fool? Are you hallucinating again?" Kai said angrily.

"We're going to die, don't you realize?"

"Keep doing what you're doing, or do nothing, just stop now. I'm not sure about this, but we'll try."

Kai was very angry but suddenly remembered something.


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at: patreon.com/elyon_om 🛑

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