
Creating Manga in the World of One Piece

At twenty-five, Kai is an ordinary young man living in London, recently graduated and working as a journalist. Trapped in a mundane routine and burdened by the responsibility of caring for his older sister after their parents' tragic death, Kai finds solace in his passion for drawing manga, particularly inspired by his favorite series, "One Piece." One fateful night, while traversing a dangerous neighborhood, Kai is fatally shot during a robbery attempt. As he lies dying, a mysterious voice offers him a second chance at life, but in a different world. With nothing to lose, Kai accepts the offer and awakens in the vibrant and adventurous world of One Piece. Kai embarks on a thrilling journey to become a renowned mangaka in the world that once only existed in his drawings. Guided by the enigmatic voice named Leo, who claims to have known his father, Kai navigates the challenges of this pirate-filled world, seeking to carve out a legacy for himself. Facing perilous seas, forming alliances, and battling formidable foes, Kai strives to recreate the epic tales of One Piece from within its universe. Will Kai achieve his dream of becoming a legendary mangaka in the world of One Piece, or will the dangers of this new life prove too overwhelming? Join Kai on an extraordinary adventure where reality and fantasy intertwine, and the pursuit of dreams knows no bounds. +10 advanced chapters are available  at: patreon.com/elyon_om

Elyon_om · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Rio Rio Fruit

Suddenly, Kai approached the clouds, almost piercing through them as he had the previous time he fell from his world to this one. But this time, it was different. COMMENT

"What the hell is happening?" Kai shouted in surprise. 

Kai fell onto the dense white clouds as if they were solid ground; he didn't pierce through them and fall downward like before. Instead, he stood atop them as if he were standing on the ground. It was terrifying at first, but he quickly remembered something he had seen before. 

Didn't Kaido and the young Momonosuke in the original manga, when they transformed into dragons, have the ability to control clouds, even create their own? 

Leo's voice quickly came again: "Hey Kai, I wasn't sure about this so I didn't tell you, but it seems the fruit's power controls the clouds." 

Kai was still in shock, trying to recall everything he had seen before in the original manga, and it soon began to make sense to him. 

First, he had wings he knew nothing about, and now he could stand on the clouds and perhaps control them as Leo had told him. He was starting to get used to the strange things happening to him since he ate that crazy fruit. 

The scene before him was breathtaking and beautiful. He turned to the right and saw the sun's rays piercing through the clouds, sending their light down to the earth. Then he turned to the left and saw coal-black clouds moving toward an island, ready to rain there. 

The scene from here was enchanting enough to make Kai forget his initial shock. 

As Kai stood there, enjoying the beauty of the scene and the calm of the moment, questions began to flood his mind. How would he use this new power? Would it help him face the challenges ahead? 

"Kai, you need to learn to control this power. We can't stay like this for long," Leo said seriously. 

"The government won't stop chasing us, and you must seize every opportunity to become stronger if you want to survive in this world." 

Kai looked at Leo, then at the distant horizon. He knew that this moment marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life, one full of adventures and challenges. He decided to use everything he had learned from the manga and his previous experiences to become stronger. 

Kai took a deep breath and focused all his mind on one goal. All his senses and awareness were directed toward one aim: controlling the fruit's power. Naturally, he couldn't fully control its power yet, as had happened with the Devil Fruit eaters in the original manga, where everyone took enough time to discover the power of their fruits. This was something Kai knew very well. 

Kai closed his eyes and imagined something. Suddenly, the wings appeared again behind his back, but this time they appeared completely different. They were entirely black and emitted a strange energy that suggested limitless power. Kai finally began to feel that he could somewhat control the power of the Ryu Ryu no Mi Devil Fruit. He also started to feel a shiver throughout his body, similar to what happened when he first ate the fruit. 

He began flapping his wings again and started to rise from the surface of the clouds. He quickly took off at an incredible speed, much faster than the first time. Kai was cutting through the air at an unimaginable speed. He felt the wings emitting more power, as if they were telling him: "We still have more strength, fly as fast as you wish." 

It was crazy; the clouds beneath him were passing by at great speed. A ring of vapor formed around Kai's body due to his insane speed, and he felt absolute freedom as he flew through the sky. The faster he went, the more confident and in control he felt. 

Kai soared among the clouds, enjoying the sensation of flying and the immense power he had gained. He knew this was just the beginning and that he had much to learn and master. But at that moment, he was living his dream and was ready to face any challenge that came his way. 

He looked at the horizon, where the sun was setting, its rays painting the sky in golden and orange hues. It was a magical moment, full of inspiration and challenge. Kai knew the road ahead was long, but he was ready to walk it with all his courage and determination. 

Kai continued flying for hours, but this time he didn't feel any fatigue at all. Leo told him that the fruit he had eaten still had more surprises to reveal, which he would discover over time as his body got used to it. He also explained that the powers that appeared for the first time would be somewhat weak or exhaust his body, so he needed to develop and control them gradually. 

Leo reassured Kai that he would help him understand some aspects of the fruit, which brought comfort to Kai's heart. For the first time, he felt truly free, with no end to his freedom. As he soared among the clouds, a quote he had read in a book in his world echoed in his mind: 

"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. Those who think themselves the masters of others are greater slaves than they." 



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at: patreon.com/elyon_om 🛑



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