
Creating a Sandbox World

Lin Tuo had resigned from his job and returned to the countryside, determined to reopen a martial arts gym during a time when martial arts were in decline. In his old house, he discovered a mysterious sand table. On the sand table, a modern city was constantly in motion. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was the same as the city where he had worked and lived for several years – Yangcheng! Lin Tuo leaned forward, his face filled with curiosity. Countless citizens on the street raised their heads in astonishment and looked towards the sky. "I'm not mistaken, am I? What's in the sky... how... a face appeared?!"

Jose_Chimero · Others
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3 Chs

Chapter 08-09 (3697 Words)

Chapter 08 58 Minute, 21 Seconds:

Lishan, inside the old martial arts house.

"Scared to death?" Lin Tuo immediately entertained the thought as he saw the ancestral elephant fall into his palm, finding relief when he read the log description.

"It's surprisingly courageous..." He mumbled softly, picking up the magnifying glass nearby to scrutinize this ancient life seriously.

However, he didn't discern anything extraordinary. Instead, he stumbled upon something more intriguing.

"It seems like I can directly pass through the isolation cover and interact with materials and life from the sand table. Through the spatial passage of the derived sand table, my body size will be reduced in proportion..."

This realization had eluded him before.

He took note that the "clone" still resided within his body.

"Since this ancestral elephant is the only one, avoiding logical conflicts and being significantly different from my clone... Well, this is an essential discovery."

As Lin Tuo pondered, a sudden idea struck him:

"If I place the clone in the sandbox and transfer my consciousness, wouldn't that mean I can appear in any area inside the sandbox?"

Despite hesitating, he refrained from immediate experimentation.

After careful consideration, he returned the unconscious ancestral elephant to the sand table. He observed it wake up, stagger, and flee, a smile forming at the corner of his mouth.

"Let them continue to evolve; I wonder if primitive humans might emerge today." Shaking his head, Lin Tuo switched the sand table to "observation mode" through the virtual panel.

In the old house, the scenery morphed, and the desolate land transformed into a bustling modern city.

The shrunken city of Yang appeared before Lin Tuo, bathed in the morning light, gradually awakening.

Sunlight cast chaotic shadows as tall buildings and mansions stood tall. The city's highways were already busy with orderly traffic.

"Is this the difference in civilization generations?" Lin Tuo couldn't help but sigh in comparison to the original continent in creative mode. He immediately checked the "current environmental ether concentration."

The prompt indicated "low-minded," and there was an upward arrow behind the text, likely signifying a "growth state." However, there wasn't much blue and white air present.

"As expected, the recovery of the ether isn't so rapid." Lin Tuo sighed softly, bolstering his spirits as he headed to the sand table's Lishan position.

But his gaze flicked past, landing on another mountain at the sand table's edge. This mountain was steeper and more treacherous than any other, part of the Taihe Mountain Range. It extended farther from the Yangcheng City area, with over half its area already outside the sand table.

He extended his right hand, concentrating his thoughts, and a reduced version of "Lin Tuo" materialized in his palm.


Yes, after careful consideration, Lin Tuo decided to experiment with the clone.

From yesterday's observation, he discovered the clone was almost identical to the body in various senses.

To be precise, it was originally the self in the sandbox space.

By switching his feelings, he confirmed that through digesting the ether, the power of ascension also existed in the body simultaneously.

Both bodies possessed identical strength, sharing dozens of Ether points, the only difference being their size.

Moreover, eating and drinking seemed to be a shared experience. If Lin Tuo's body ate, the clone wouldn't feel hungry, and vice versa. This created a peculiar lack of conservation of energy.

However, given the sandbox's unique nature, whether conservation of energy was applied or not didn't seem to be the focus.

Lin Tuo's concern lay in whether he could use the clone to "refine the body" and achieve the purpose of digesting the ether.

With this thought in mind, Lin Tuo was about to toss his clone into the sand table, placing it at the foot of the steep and peculiar peak in the Taihe Mountain Range. However, he withdrew his hand, opting instead to switch his consciousness.

A flower appeared in front of him.

Under the barren hills, Lin Tuo, once a puppet, now revealed a bright gleam in his eyes.

He moved his body, surveyed the surroundings, and spotted a lush green area on the deserted mountain not far away.

In the east, the sun had just risen, and the air was still cool. From a distance, a vast mist blanketed the endless Taihe Mountains.

"That's it." Lin Tuo recognized the direction, took a deep breath, and broke into an extremely fast run, resembling a phantom, heading toward a specific destination.

Not long after, a mountain path paved with bluestones appeared before his eyes.

It was said to be a "road," but it was more of a trail, or step by step, with a steep incline, extending straight towards the mountain's summit like a ladder.

Lin Tuo couldn't trace its origins. He only remembered his grandfather bringing him here as a child. According to his grandfather, this "ladder" had a history of hundreds of years, originally connecting to a temple that had collapsed long ago.

Due to its steep terrain, no one was willing to climb it.

Later, it fell into complete desolation.

And this was the place Lin Tuo chose for physical training.

After a moment of contemplation, he removed his shirt, and draped it around his neck, covering his head and face. Even though meeting people here was nearly impossible, it was better to be cautious.

Following that, he took a few steps forward, reaching out to prop up a stone tablet that had long since decayed, its text blurred.

"Rise!" Lin Tuo inhaled gently, shaking the ether within his body.

Typically inconspicuous, the transformed body now displayed bulging streamlined muscle lines, easily lifting the stone monument onto his back.

Lin Tuo squatted slightly and, just like that, leaped up the mountain at a constant speed along the ladder-like steps.

At the same time,

What Lin Tuo failed to notice was a car parked by a highway in the distance.

Two girls in their twenties alighted from the car.

The leader, wearing a sun hat, gazed wide-eyed at Taihe Mountain, as if searching for something.

"I told you we shouldn't have... You must be mistaken. How could someone fall from the sky?"

The other girl leaned against the car door, holding her shoulders in exasperation and observing her companion.

The leader spoke with unwavering seriousness, "I'm not mistaken! Just now, when I glanced out of the car, I saw a figure falling from the sky... Oh, just trust me anyway."

Observing the skepticism in her companion's eyes, the girl refrained from explaining. Instead, she pulled out her phone, activated the camera, and zoomed in, focusing intently.

"Yes, I believe you... Anyway, I can't comprehend this world. Yesterday, the entire desert in the country was held up. Today you're talking about a superhero... I don't know how..."

"Ah! I found it! Look!" The first girl exclaimed while scrutinizing the screen, excitedly holding her mobile phone.

Her companion, curious, leaned forward.

In the frame, a figure carrying a huge stone monument appeared, quickly ascending a ladder-like stone path.

"I can't believe it! Is there a superhero?!"

Although the distance was considerable, and the image somewhat blurry, they could still make out a general idea.

In the footage, Lin T

uo was seen carrying a stone tablet to temper his body.

It appeared that each step he took coincided with a certain rhythm, exuding a unique kind of grace and showing no sign of fatigue. Even if it didn't confirm "falling from the sky," this scene was undoubtedly superhuman.

In their eyes, only superhumans could achieve such feats.

"Video! Record it! Quickly!"

Following the urgency, the first girl snapped out of her reverie, promptly enabling the recording function.

The two fell silent, captivated by the sight.

"Such a massive stone monument... On such a steep mountain path, he should stop soon..."


"How high do you think he can go?"

On the side of the highway, the two girls conversed while recording, speculating about how long Lin Tuo could endure.


Five minutes passed...

Ten minutes passed...

Twenty minutes...

Forty minutes...

The numbers on the recording interface steadily increased, forcing the girls to switch from handheld shooting to the car's roof, supported by a bracket.

Their facial expressions shifted from initial curiosity and surprise to awe and then... dullness.

It wasn't until Lin Tuo disappeared at the mountain's peak that they finally snapped out of their stupor and ended the recording.

"58 minutes and 21 seconds!"

Observing the video's total length, the two girls exchanged glances, struggling to believe their eyes.

Jumping at a constant speed for an hour in such terrain, even without a heavy load, was more than incredible.

"...I'm starting to believe what you said now," the second girl mumbled, wearing a wry smile. "This person... no, I suspect he's not human at all!"

"It seems the world is really about to change." The girl who had been recording stowed her phone away, sporting a complex expression.

Yesterday was a mysterious black box that garnered worldwide attention, and today there was this "non-human" phenomenon... All signs seemed to point towards something.

"Hey, what are you going to do?"

"I'm posting the video online," the girl in the sun hat replied earnestly while operating her phone, her eyes gleaming. "I think we may have witnessed history!"

"Huh, finally climbed up." Tossing the stone tablet aside, Lin Tuo held his knees and gasped for breath. His body was sweaty, and his hair was damp.

"How much ether is in my body?"

[The host currently has Ether value: 93 points]

In his mind, the Derivative Sand Table immediately responded.

"The last time it was 98 points, meaning I just digested 5 points," Lin Tuo calculated silently. "It seems I have more strength. This body-tempering plan appears effective; as long as I stick to it, I can gradually digest these ethers and elevate my life level."

But he wasn't blindly optimistic.

"The efficiency of the initial absorption is undoubtedly higher. The more you improve, the more difficult it inevitably becomes. It seems like a good thing that I can become stronger without lying down."

Shaking his head and smiling, Lin Tuo tore off his shirt and wiped his sweat.

Then he glanced at the rising sun and tried to switch his consciousness. Simultaneously, a strange spiritual sense led him to subconsciously glance toward the distant mountain road, muttering:

"Why do I feel like I'm being watched..."

Chapter 09 Dahe, new device, tribe, law:

Certainly! Here is the corrected version of the provided text:

That feeling was rather vague, more like an illusion. Lin Tuo would not have thought that someone so far away had filmed the entire process of his training.


Switch consciousness back to reality.

The old martial arts house, next to the sand table.

Lin Tuo felt the sweat and soreness in his body, carefully observed the lower sand table, and confirmed that there were no signs of human activity around the clone.

Only then quickly stretched out his hand, touched the avatar, hesitated, did not choose to hold it up with the palm of his hand but directly moved his mind to let the avatar blend into the palm.

"Well, this method is still relatively low-key. Otherwise, every time you grab it from the sky, you will be discovered sooner or later."

Although Lin Tuo is confident that he can hide his identity, it is better to avoid the troubles that can be avoided.

As for the results of this experiment, it is also clear that the refining results of the clone can indeed be simultaneously reflected on the body.

"Perhaps, you can try to put the clone in the sand table in creative mode for exercise in the future."

Of course, this is just a vague idea, and it is not necessary for the time being.



During the following day, Lin Tuo was busy continuing to repair and clean the martial arts hall. Some of the broken doors and windows were also repaired by someone.

As for the derivative sand table, after this trial, he has confirmed that only he can see the scene in the sand table.

Even if you use your mobile phone to record and shoot, you can't capture the light and shadow at all.

This relaxes him a lot, after all, he can't always guard.

As for the hustle and bustle of the outside world, it continues and gets worse.

On the Internet, the topic of "Tuck Black Box" is more enthusiastic than yesterday, especially after the expert group rushed over, the barren land immediately attracted the attention of the whole country and even the whole world.

"The latest news! Early this morning, the research team caught an abnormal vibration! Someone analyzed that it may contain some important information and is trying to decipher it!"

"More than ten academicians have arrived in the northwest. I heard that other countries are also trying to communicate and want to send teams over."

"I heard that the magnificent wall is very mysterious, completely undetectable, and extremely hard. If this continues, I am afraid that in the end, I will use a thermal weapon to try to violently break it..."

On the Internet, countless news surges, and Lin Tuo chose to browse these relatively normal. More of them are rumors, of which the mainstream is the speculation of extraterrestrial civilization.

There are so many different things, some of which make Lin Tuo, the "culprit," amazed.

"It looks like it won't be calm for a long time." Lin Tuo put down the phone and sighed. He didn't think that researchers around the world would find anything.

Not to worry about revealing his identity.

After all, these two things have no cause and effect.

In contrast, Lin Tuo cares more about the evolution of the sandbox world.


In the evening, when Lin Tuo returned to Lishan Wuguan after dinner, he was surprised to find that there was an extra line of eye-catching text in the operation log:

[The world evolved 70,341 years ago, the first true primitive humans were born]

Humans have appeared!

Lin Tuo shook slightly in his heart, pushed the door quickly, came to the sand table, leaned over, and saw that after 700 million years of evolution, the entire "mainland" had stabilized, and there was no major change.

And in the middle of that transcontinental river, gradually, more and more "primitive humans" began to appear.

With the acceleration of time, Lin Tuo can't see the specific process, but from a "macro" perspective, he can see that a human population the size of an ant is rapidly forming and expanding.

"The hallmark of human beings is knowing how to use tools." Lin Tuo suddenly appeared in his heart, and immediately blew away the clouds, leaned over and looked hard, and finally saw some "caverns" gathered on the riverside.

Yes, these primitive humans who have just learned to use tools still live in caves and are in a very primitive stage of civilization.

However, Lin Tuo was quite pleased:

"Refer to the history of human development on the earth, the seeds of civilization are planted, and the next evolutionary speed will be amazing."

While he was thinking about this, outside the window, the last afterglow of the evening fell, and the second night came.

A cloud and thunder and lightning appeared above the sand table, and a flash of fire rose in the forest.

[Thunder set off a flame, and then ignited the forest. Countless creatures died, but only humans tried to contact and master the flame]


To the northwest, the original Tuck Desert is covered by the "Magnificent Wall," which is now above the original continent.

The day was overcast, and the sky was dark, and only electric snakes danced in the sky.


The terrifying thunder ripped apart this wild world. On the earth, countless animals ran and hid in terror.

In a virgin forest.

A group of primitive people holding heavy stone tools, carrying their prey, screamed and rushed towards the cave. However, at this time, several waves of thunder accompanied by heavy raindrops fell into the dense forest and caused a raging fire.

Taking advantage of the wind, the fire spread quickly, even if it was rain, it could not be extinguished.

"Wow, wow!" In the thick smoke and flames, countless animals ran in terror. Several primitive people were involved and gradually submerged.

Some were trampled or hit to death, and some went missing.

The wildfire swept through the entire forest. I don't know how long it took before the terrifying fire gradually ceased, the wind weakened, and the rain clouds gradually dispersed.

Somewhere in this ruin.

A primitive man who somehow survived got up in horror and looked at the dead world.

Stayed for a while, then staggered up and swayed.

Trying to drag a wild deer that was burned to death not far away, but ghostly stretched out his hand, pinched a branch that was still burning with flames, and shouted with fear and excitement.


"If you master the flames, you will have weapons for heating and defending against beasts. The cooked food will gradually improve their physique..."

Above the sand table, Lin Tuo quietly stared at the changes on the mainland and whispered.

Then, with the help of Flame, the small tribe that was originally very weak gradually prospered.

And a similar scene still appeared in countless tribes on both sides of the entire river.

[Humans have mastered the tools and flames, and the tribes have gradually taken root and prospered. They are distributed on both sides of the big river basin for the big river civilization]

The text is clicked on the running log.

Lin Tuo was a little speechless, and Xin said that the name of the sand table was really simple and rude.


"It seems that they might be able to evolve into a feudal country tonight." Lin Tuo thought about it silently. To witness this scene, he decided not to sleep at all tonight.

"I resigned anyway, and I

 don't have to go to work." Thinking about this, Lin Tuo pulled up the chair fetched some snacks, and simply sat down by the sand table, playing with his mobile phone and staring at the sand table process.

Sure enough, as humans began to step on the "stage," the rhythm of the words appearing on the log accelerated significantly.

[In the next 20,000 years, the entire human civilization is slowly evolving, and the cold and changeable environment still severely hinders the reproduction of ethnic groups.

The lack of food, the torture of illness, the threat of beasts, etc. can destroy a tribe at any time]

[This situation lasted until the 700th and 21st millennium, and the influence of the last ice age finally disappeared, the whole continent was extremely warm, and climate changes catalyzed the evolution of human tribes]

[...Humans have entered the New Age...They walked out of caves, established dwellings, and converted from wandering to settlement, hunting with bows and arrows, fishing for fish, planting rice, grinding stone tools, and bones, and making pottery...the population began to grow rapidly, and the social model and division of labor gradually become clear...]

[About eight thousand years later, the New Age is over and the Tribal Age begins]

[In the Great River Basin, many large tribes appeared, people mastered metal smelting technology, primitive stone tools were abandoned, bronze and primitive iron tools appeared... the social division of labor was formed]


The twilight is fused, and the night is getting darker.

The whole Lishan was in a very quiet atmosphere, however, Lin Tuo only felt that it was very lively.

The phone was already set aside, he was sitting on a chair with his arms folded on the edge of the sand table, and then he watched the flashing picture seriously.

As time speeds up, in his eyes, the entire sand table continent is like a fast-switching slideshow or a fast-turning album. Every few minutes, new changes occur on the land.

Generations of primitive people died.

Born from generation to generation.

Wars are frequent between the tribes, and some are small in scale, confined to a valley or a lake.

Some are bigger, mighty, and easily attract his attention.

Lin Tuo had the illusion of returning to his childhood in a daze, watching the battle of the ant country in the world, but his reason always reminded him that this "ant country" is real.

And it was not too far away from him; it was in the same country, in the Tuck Desert that was completely sealed off.

These small humans in his eyes are only slightly shorter than him in the real situation. They are living people. Therefore, this observation is a little more inexplicable and unclear.

Because of this, he never intervened during the battle between the tribes, just watching.

And just after he witnessed the decisive battle between the two largest tribes in the Dahe Basin, and not long after the victory was determined, the operation log knocked out a new record:

[In the 733,216 years of the evolution of the world, the two most powerful tribes of Dahe civilization battled, and merged, and their leader was named King, the tribal era ended, and the law era opened]

After this line of text appeared, Lin Tuo discovered that the passage of time had further slowed down, but the early human society in the sand table had become more prosperous.

"Is this the so-called increase in complexity..." Lin Tuo understood clearly in his heart.

From his point of view, the Lüling Era had something of the meaning of the Yin-Shang period. Although the concept of "state" has not yet appeared, a society in the form of a clan has been formed.

More details are needed to accelerate the evolution of the sand table.

He even saw some magnificent altars built by sand table humans and was pleased to find that the "ether concentration" in the upper left corner of the virtual panel had changed from blank to "low".

A rising arrow also appeared behind.

This shows that the ether has finally appeared in the No. 1 sandbox world.