
Courageous or Compassionate [BNHA]

Izuku Midoriya have always wanted to be a hero and save many people with a smile on his face, but because his lack of confidence Midoriya has always thought he would live without a romantic partner. That until an unexpected gentleman walked into Midoriya's life and showed him a whole new perspective.

Sora_Gemini · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 8: Snow Fall

Izuku walked up the stairs of his apartment with a deep frown on his expression. He checked his phone for the eighty-eighth time of the day and not a single text from Sora. His brow knit each other as Izuku felt tightness in his chest. He didn't want to accept this was normal. He didn't want to admit that Sora was ignoring him going to be a daily routine. He didn't want to take the possibility that Sora might genuinely hate him.

Maybe he should end it? Maybe Izuku should text Sora; they should break up? It might be better that way. Sora might get endangered if Izuku keeps ties with him. But what would he say to his mum? Should he say that things didn't work out? But what will Izuku do after the breakup? Be lonely and sad for the rest of middle school? But the more important question would be if Izuku Midoriya is even able to go through with it?

Izuku reached his apartment door before he heard a buzz from his pocket. Izuku immediately pulled out his phone and stared at the screen with wide eyes. The text stated, "Are you home?"

Izuku gulped. He let out a shaky breath before texting back with his trembling hands. He texted, "I'm at the front door."

A few long seconds passed by before another text appeared on his phone. The test started, "Look to your right."

Izuku tilted his head with a puzzled expression. He stared beyond the balcony ledge and saw no people, just parked cars. His phone buzzed again before Izuku read the message. The text stated, "Step away from the balcony."

Izuku showed another puzzled expression as he slowly backed away from the balcony before it was against the wall. Izuku heard a slight echo from afar distance. Izuku snapped his head forward as his eyes widened. He rubbed over his tired eyes with a tear soak sleeve before checking what he saw again. Izuku saw a pink faded to blue hair person flying straight towards him.

Izuku froze as he couldn't decide if he should duck his head or run inside the apartment. However, Izuku was too slow, and Sora hit the balcony. Izuku had his eyes clenched shut, but when he opened them, he saw a beautiful bouquet of blue and yellow flowers.

"What... is this?" Izuku muttered.

"For you." Sora groaned as he tried to climb over the balcony.

"OH MY GOD!" Izuku gasped before helping Sora over the balcony onto the floor.

Sora kneed down for a bit while he held onto his stomach. "Should have thought that one through..."

"Are you okay? Do you need an ice pack? Do you want to go inside?" Izuku mumbled as he waved his hands around.

Izuku was then silenced when Sora pinched his nose. "Ow!"

After Sora let go, Izuku gazed upward and saw Sora's tear-stained face and messy snow-covered hair. He wore a long woolly scarf around his neck, a white shirt with a black leather jacket over it, a pair of black cargo pants with a long white skirt, and a pair of All Might shoes. Sora held a yellow and blue bouquet in his right hand while he held a plastic bag with something inside in his left hand.

"I'm sorry..." Sora sobbed.

Izuku's eyes widen, and a gaping mouth. "What?"

Why was Sora crying? Did Izuku made Sora cried? Did Izuku hurt Sora so much he cried? No. He didn't want to make Sora sad. He was the worst. But that shouldn't be surprising. Izuku was already used to being treated as an outcast. Why did he think he deserved love? He couldn't get himself a girlfriend, no less keep a boyfriend. Izuku was indeed pathetic.

Izuku was then yanked out of his inner thoughts as he heard Sora crying.

"I'm sorry for being such a jerk to you. I'm sorry for ignoring your texts and calls. I'm sorry for being overly dramatic and not hearing you out. Please, don't hate me." Sora cried.

Izuku was at a loss for words. Sora was apologizing when it should've been him. His eyes were watery while his throat felt dry. Before Izuku knew it, his body moved on its own. His hands clung to Sora's woolly scarf as he pulled Sora down to his face.

What am I doing? He asked himself before pressing his thin lips against Sora's plumped lips.

A couple of minutes passed before Izuku pushed away with the battered breath while leaving Sora dumbfounded.

"You... kissed me. You kissed me?" Sora straightened himself while he covered his mouth.

A wild blush invaded Sora's face and neck as if a virus had spread. Izuku held a similar colour while his eyes were half-lidded. Izuku felt his head becoming light-headed before staring up at Sora and focusing on his vision. He could see Sora redder as a tomato before his eyes went down to Sora's chest. Without thinking, Izuku slammed his face into Sora's chest.

"What the hell?!" Sora gasped.

"What are you doing? Are you okay?" Sora said, but his words did not reach Izuku's clouded mind.

"You should go inside." Sora sighed as he attempted to separate himself from Izuku.

Izuku groaned as he wrapped his short arms around Sora's waist. He rubbed his face against Sora's chest, gesturing his disagreement.

"Izuku," Sora spoke in a severe tone.

Izuku shook his head again before he turned his face towards Sora. "I don't want to let go yet. You're so warm~," Izuku whined as he showed a pouted face.

Sora quickly dropped the flowers before covering his nose and turned his head away. Blood crimped down on the floor through his fingers. This wasn't good; Sora couldn't afford to lose blood during winter. Sora glanced down at Izuku while he watched him nuzzle Sora's chest. Sora pinched his nose to prevent any more blood from spilling out. Sora then quickly pulled out some tissues before stuffing them into his nose.

"Hey, Izzy~ Let's cuddle inside. It's cold out here. Is that okay?" Sora said with a gentle voice.

Izuku stared at Sora with a dark gaze before smiling. "Okay..."

Sora held his best smile while his head screamed at him. HIS CUTENESS SHOULD BE ILLEGAL! IF I DIE TODAY, I'LL DIE AS A HAPPY MAN!

After Sora took Izuku inside, Inko panicked for a bit as she saw Sora walk in with Izuku in his arms. But before she could say anything, Sora placed a finger over his lips and hushed Inko. Inko covered her mouth as she kept herself silent.

"May I lie on your couch?" Sora whispered.

Inko nodded her head. Sora lay his entire body on the living room couch with Izuku snuggled up against Sora's chest.

"Do you need some tissues? I've just noticed you have a bloody nose." Inko whispered as she placed a box of tissues on the coffee table.

"Thank you, much appreciated. Do you mind if I ask to stay for the night?" Sora whispered before replacing the tissues in his nose.

"Not all. I'll get a pillow and blanket." Inko stuttered before she left the room.

Sora pulled out his phone and put it on call, and the phone buzzed before the sound of a voice was heard.

["Hello?"] spoke a voice.

"Hi, pops. I need to tell you something, two things." Sora replied.

["Did you kill someone?"] Sora's dad said calmly.

Sora chuckled. "Nope. Try again."

["You stole something?"]

Sora muffles his laughter. "I didn't do anything bad."

["Oh... then are you staying at a friend's house tonight?"] Sora's dad said hesitatingly.

"Very close, I am staying over at somebody's house, but he's not necessarily my friend." Sora cooed.

["Do I know this person?"] he asked as his voice turned cold.

"Nope. Well, not yet, at least..." Sora said as he watched Izuku fast asleep in his arms.

["How old?"]

"His birthday is on the fifteenth of July, so he's around forty-five days younger than me," Sora said casually.

["Is he a delinquent?"] he said with his slightly aggressive tone of voice.

"Delinquent? Who even uses that word these days?" Sora chuckled.

["Is he?!"] Sora's dad spoke in a panicky voice.

"No, he's a nerd. He doesn't have any friends because others have constantly bullied him for his quirkless." Sora explained.

["A nerd? And he's quirkless?"] he gasped in shock.

"Yes, and if you dare mistreat him for it. I'll knock at that "woman" door and say hi." Sora said with a threatening voice.

["Are you serious?"]

"Depends. Am I your son?"

The phone went silent for a few minutes before Sora heard a sigh.

["Fine~ BUT NO FUNNY BUSINESS! YOU HEAR ME, YOUNG MAN?!"] Sora's dad yelled.

"Thanks, pops. Talk to you later." Sora said before hanging up the phone and cuddling with Izuku before drifting off to slumber.